EMBRYO Full Exclusive Sci-Fi Horror Movie English HD 2024

  • 3 months ago
#sciencefictionmovies #englishmovies #mysterymovies
Summary: A scientist (Rock Hudson) doing experiments on a human fetus discovers a method to accelerate the fetus into a mature adult in just a few days. All is not well though as the child begins to exhibit some horrific tendencies. #horror #horrormovies #englishmovies #movies #horrorstories #horrorstory #thriller #thrillermovies #mystery #mysterymovies #sci-fi #sciencefiction #scifi #scifimovies #sciencefictionmovies #fantasy

YOP: 1976
Cast: Rock Hudson, Barbara Carrera, Diane Ladd
Director: Ralph Nelson
Writer: Anita Doohan, Jack W. Thomas
00:00:30Well, little lady, let's get you taken care of.
00:00:59Oh, what happened here?
00:01:26Use this for a minute.
00:01:28Did you find it hurt or did you hit it?
00:01:29Oh, Martha, she ran out in front of the car.
00:01:31I couldn't stop in time.
00:01:32All right.
00:01:33Were you asleep at the wheel?
00:01:35Turn on those lights.
00:01:37All right.
00:01:38Just a minute, Paul.
00:01:40All right.
00:01:58Watch your neck.
00:02:03Watch your neck.
00:02:07Give me some alcohol for you, my dear.
00:02:35Looks like we're going to have to operate.
00:02:42Get me some canine plasma out of the refrigerator, and an IV tube.
00:03:04Oh, you're going to have to connect it. Hang the tube up there.
00:03:21Now insert the needle right in the tube here.
00:03:28Insert it?
00:03:41Uh, is there anything else?
00:03:45No, that's fine. Thank you.
00:03:49I, uh, I've got some coffee that I have made. I'll get it for you.
00:04:11You've got more than a ruptured spleen, little mother.
00:04:14I don't think you're going to make it. Maybe your pups will have a chance.
00:04:24Paul? Is there anything else I can do?
00:04:28Get Gordon on the phone.
00:04:38Is the dog going to make it?
00:04:40I don't know. Put it on the speaker.
00:04:55No, no, no. Answer it in the morning.
00:04:58It could mean Gordon.
00:05:01Thank you.
00:05:02I'll check back with you.
00:05:08Oh, hello.
00:05:09Gordon, Dad. I want you to go to the research hospital and get...
00:05:13What is it? You're not sick, are you?
00:05:14No, no, no. I'm fine.
00:05:16Get 20 micrograms of thyroxine, 30 million...
00:05:19Hold it a minute. Now, tell me again.
00:05:2220 micrograms of thyroxine, 30 million units of penicillin, and 10 units of canine blood.
00:05:29And hurry up!
00:05:30Be there as quick as I can, Dad.
00:05:34So what's happening?
00:05:35I don't know, but he called. First time since the accident.
00:05:38Really excited about something.
00:05:40Yeah, so was I.
00:05:41What are you doing?
00:05:43It's called getting dressed.
00:05:45Get back to bed before you both catch cold.
00:05:48Oh, no. Nothing doing. We have unfinished business.
00:05:51You know, on the way home, that lookout point on Mulholland Drive would be the perfect place.
00:05:56Well, I'm very adaptable, as well as being very sexy.
00:05:59Being pregnant does that, you know. It makes you sexier.
00:06:02God gives me strength.
00:06:04Don't give it a second thought, darling. It is all taken care of.
00:06:07You see, God is a liberated female, and she is on my side.
00:06:34It's open.
00:07:02What's going on, Dad? I'll tell you in a minute.
00:07:09Paul, what happened to her?
00:07:13She ran out in front of the car. I couldn't stop her. I'm trying to save the pups.
00:07:18You mean these things are alive?
00:07:21Two of them are, now.
00:07:24They don't resemble their mother very much.
00:07:27Well, you didn't exactly look like Robert Redford at that stage, either.
00:07:32They're alive.
00:07:35And that makes them beautiful.
00:07:39She's going to live, isn't she?
00:07:42I don't know. She's holding her own.
00:07:46You are a mess.
00:07:48Why don't you go get cleaned up?
00:07:52Yeah, I'll be back in a minute. Thanks.
00:07:57Is my future protege behaving himself?
00:07:59Oh, hardly. He's ornery as hell, starting to kick. You want to see him?
00:08:05Hey, what does Dr. Canlan say?
00:08:08He says you're going to be a perfectly healthy grandfather.
00:08:13I'll be back in a minute.
00:08:18It's good to see him working again.
00:08:21You know, he hasn't been in the lab since Mother died.
00:08:23This is the first time that I have ever been in the lab.
00:08:26It is unreal.
00:08:29It is.
00:08:39Oh, Nicole, we're in all this for you.
00:08:42My sister's still here, Paul. With us.
00:08:51No, she isn't.
00:08:55And I'm still guilty. To make it easier for you.
00:09:01You still resent the fact that I walked away without a scratch.
00:09:03Nicole's gone, and I'm still here.
00:09:06You can't accept that, Martha.
00:09:09And neither can I.
00:09:11So you see, we agree. It's as simple as that.
00:09:23It looks like you lost another one.
00:09:26Oh, no.
00:09:30You two, go on home. It's going to be a long day.
00:09:33I'm sure you've got better things to do.
00:09:36How about some golf next week?
00:09:38Good idea. I'll call.
00:09:40And if you don't, I will.
00:09:55Only one Peter's house.
00:09:58Only one fetus left.
00:10:00Five weeks or so developed.
00:10:02The mother is providing life support,
00:10:05but she can't live over 12 hours,
00:10:07and the fetus has no chance of survival on its own.
00:10:10So in an attempt to speed its development,
00:10:13at 3.05 a.m., I commenced intravenous injection of placental lactogen.
00:10:18Placental lactogen is a growth hormone
00:10:21that Dr. Nicole Holliston and I were experimenting with
00:10:25at the time of her death.
00:10:27It may cause rapid development of the fetus
00:10:30due to accelerated growth of molecular cell structures,
00:10:35or the patient will die within hours.
00:10:39Placental lactogen consists of polypeptide fragments
00:10:44with a C-less C marker,
00:10:47and has two decilfibridges.
00:10:57I don't know what's going on.
00:11:27Christ, not yet.
00:11:57You're alive.
00:12:28Like it or not, you're getting one hell of a chance at life.
00:12:32I hope you like it.
00:12:35Number one.
00:12:38Because of prematurity,
00:12:41and to alleviate possible shock,
00:12:44I placed number one in an isolette at 10.40 a.m.
00:12:48The growth hormone is discontinued,
00:12:51but nourishment is being fed intravenously.
00:12:53A sample specimen of cells seems to be without defect,
00:12:57and the growth pattern normal.
00:13:01I've decided to recommence intravenous feeding
00:13:04of placental lactogen, the growth hormone,
00:13:07to study further how the rapid growth progresses.
00:13:11At 1.40 a.m. the 24th,
00:13:14the puppy is now six weeks or so developed,
00:13:18and the growth pattern is normal.
00:13:20The puppy is now six weeks or so developed,
00:13:24but is only two days and 15 hours old.
00:13:39When the growth hormone is administered,
00:13:42the accelerated growth is constant.
00:13:45When it's withdrawn, the growth pattern immediately returns to normal,
00:13:47with no apparent harm to the cells.
00:13:50However, I've decided not to release the results of this experiment
00:13:55until I'm sure placental lactogen, the growth hormone,
00:13:59has no side effects.
00:14:04Placental lactogen discontinued,
00:14:07cell activity dropped again to normal.
00:14:10Number one has attained growth comparable to one year.
00:14:14It's still in light, tranquilized state.
00:14:17We'll attempt to stimulate the consciousness
00:14:20by injection of nailing.
00:15:02I didn't think that dog stood a chance.
00:15:05Are you going to keep her?
00:15:09It's a shame you weren't able to save any of the puppies.
00:15:12Yes, I'm sorry too.
00:15:14But failure is what keeps us geniuses from becoming too vain.
00:15:29Somebody forgot to tell her that dogs and children always like me.
00:15:33She's obviously been well trained.
00:15:35You don't need me.
00:15:36Thanks for your help.
00:15:45Oh, I'm sorry.
00:15:47Number one, I forgot the time.
00:15:49Go get your dinner.
00:16:15I'll put the dish away and go to bed.
00:16:35Number one's ability to learn is extraordinary.
00:16:39It may be an accidental...
00:16:40side effect of the drug.
00:17:04I have decided to attempt...
00:17:06under controlled conditions...
00:17:10a similar experiment...
00:17:13for the human embryo.
00:17:31Stay. I won't be long.
00:17:33Stay. I won't be long.
00:17:34Stay. I won't be long.
00:18:45But not impossible.
00:18:47You'd be jeopardizing your career, your whole life.
00:18:50The results could be worth it.
00:18:52Nothing is worth going to jail for.
00:18:54That's debatable.
00:18:56Nicole had three miscarriages before we had Gordon.
00:18:59They were all genetically perfect.
00:19:01But they died because they came into the world too soon.
00:19:03Paul, I understand believing. I do.
00:19:06And I know your dedication.
00:19:08But it is morally...
00:19:10questionable to experiment with a living being.
00:19:13A six-month fetus is a living being...
00:19:15with a chance of survival outside of the womb...
00:19:17but 12 to 14 weeks has no hope whatsoever.
00:19:20I'm not asking for anything that has a chance for life on its own.
00:19:23An accident where the mother is dying is what I need.
00:19:25An abortion, even. Listen to me.
00:19:2720 years' work is beginning to take shape.
00:19:30The children that Nicole and I didn't have will in their own way live.
00:19:33Now help me, Jim, please.
00:19:40And only if it does not put me or the hospital...
00:19:44in a vulnerable position.
00:19:48Blood type A.
00:19:50Well, that may take a little while.
00:19:52I'll let you know.
00:19:54I have a temporary life support container in the car. I'll get it.
00:19:56Betrays a certain quiet self-confidence on your part?
00:19:59I knew you as a fervent doctor...
00:20:01before you became a fervent administrator.
00:20:22Jim Whiston.
00:20:23Yeah, Paul.
00:20:24I've got an attempted suicide down here that's not gonna make it.
00:20:27She's, uh, 14, 15 weeks pregnant...
00:20:30and the right blood type.
00:20:58What's with the ambulance?
00:20:59Are you doing an experiment?
00:21:01Paul, may I help you, please?
00:21:04I'd like to.
00:21:09Give this to her.
00:21:10Give her something to eat.
00:21:12Her own sandwich.
00:21:14The difference between the canine and human circulatory tract and cell structure...
00:21:19makes it difficult to say...
00:21:21what effect the growth hormone will have on the human fetus.
00:21:25Chances for the experiment to succeed...
00:21:27are minimal because of the immature development of the fetus.
00:21:32It's my estimate...
00:21:33that the fetus has a chance of reaching the five-month development stage...
00:21:38before termination of life.
00:21:40If enough is learned from this and other experiments...
00:21:43it's possible that within a few years...
00:21:46placental lactogen can be used to save miscarried infants...
00:21:51and allow them to live.
00:21:542.15 p.m., February 7th.
00:21:56Growth pattern approximately 30 to 1.
00:22:00Each 24-hour span...
00:22:02appears to equal one month's growth...
00:22:05in the mother's womb.
00:22:07I'm amazed.
00:22:08I'm amazed.
00:22:09I'm amazed.
00:22:10I'm amazed.
00:22:11I'm amazed.
00:22:12I'm amazed.
00:22:13I'm amazed.
00:22:14I'm amazed.
00:22:15I'm amazed.
00:22:16I'm amazed.
00:22:17I'm amazed.
00:22:18I'm amazed.
00:22:19I'm amazed.
00:22:20I'm amazed.
00:22:22I'm amazed.
00:22:24February 8th, 6.45 p.m.
00:22:27Fetus size is now equivalent to an eight-month.
00:22:44This is the most advanced in fetal research in the last ten years.
00:22:50After running tests tomorrow, I...
00:22:53I must decide the best way of breaking the news to the medical association...
00:22:58and transferring the subject to the clinic...
00:23:01without implicating Dr. Whiston or his hospital.
00:23:05I have no delusions about the legal problems I will have to face.
00:23:20Baby crying.
00:23:23Baby crying.
00:23:47A terrifying thing is taking place.
00:23:50Despite the discontinuance of the growth hormone,
00:23:53the infant is still developing at an accelerated rate.
00:24:01February 13th, 1 p.m.
00:24:04I'm still unable to arrest the child's rapid growth.
00:24:08The development rate is now approximately one year to each 24-hour period...
00:24:14and seems to be accelerating with each hour.
00:24:18February 16th, 2 p.m.
00:24:21Rapid growth still uncontrolled.
00:24:24Rate now about two years for every 24-hour period.
00:24:30I've worked for 25 years to save life...
00:24:34and now if the girl lives, I've robbed her of a part of her life.
00:24:38I can't even justify bringing others in for consultation.
00:24:42It's my responsibility alone.
00:24:46February 21st, 3.40 a.m.
00:24:49There has been a marked change in the cell activity over the past three hours.
00:24:54The rapid cell growth is easing off, but the existing cells...
00:24:58are now aging and dying at a terrifying rate.
00:25:02My God, will it ever end?
00:25:05The cell action changeover from growth to aging is significant.
00:25:10Preliminary tests indicate the rapid aging may be receptive...
00:25:14to certain combinations of DNA blocking agents.
00:25:1830 cc of antimetabolite solution retarded aging for three hours...
00:25:23and then became ineffective.
00:25:26February 23rd, 1 a.m.
00:25:29I administered 50 cc of 5-hydroxydopamine...
00:25:33which would be effective if given in a massive dose.
00:25:36However, such a massive dose would cause heart arrests and death within 24 hours.
00:25:42February 24th, 7 a.m.
00:25:45Administering 50 cc of methotrexate...
00:25:48a risk because it's a very strong drug and highly addictive.
00:25:53If methotrexate doesn't arrest the rapid aging...
00:25:57I have no choice but to transfer the girl to the research clinic.
00:26:01I can't cope with it any longer.
00:26:04It's been 19 hours since I administered methotrexate.
00:26:08I think I found the antidote.
00:26:11Accelerated aging has ceased with no withdrawal symptoms.
00:26:15I am, for the first time, optimistic.
00:26:19Why should number one and the girl react differently to placental laxatives?
00:26:23I've run tests on both.
00:26:25The main difference seems to be that...
00:26:27puppy feed is dependent on its mother.
00:26:31It existed on an artificial system.
00:26:37It's now been 36 hours since the methotrexate injection.
00:26:42Aging is still slow to...
00:26:51Aging is still slow to a normal level.
00:26:54If it's permanently stabilized and she's normal in all respects...
00:26:57I shall keep her with me...
00:26:59and prepare her as much as possible for the outside world.
00:27:02That'll be quite a task.
00:27:05The tranquilizers have discontinued.
00:27:07I will raise her to consciousness with a series of maline injections.
00:27:12I have no idea as to the outcome, but I've...
00:27:16I've done all I can.
00:27:18Also, I'll begin subconscious teaching at this time.
00:27:2416 and 16...
00:27:27are 32.
00:27:3032 and 32...
00:27:33are 64.
00:27:35Let us repeat.
00:27:381 and 1...
00:27:40are 2.
00:27:422 and 2...
00:27:44are 4.
00:27:464 and 4...
00:27:48are 8.
00:27:508 and 8...
00:27:52are 16.
00:27:5416 and 16...
00:27:57are 32.
00:28:082 and 2...
00:28:10are 4.
00:28:124 and 4...
00:28:14are 8.
00:28:168 and 8...
00:28:18are 16.
00:28:2016 and 16...
00:28:22are 32.
00:28:2432 and 32...
00:28:27are 64.
00:28:30Let us repeat.
00:28:331 and 1...
00:28:35are 2.
00:28:521 and 1...
00:28:54are 2.
00:28:562 and 2...
00:28:58are 4.
00:29:004 and 4...
00:29:02are 6.
00:29:046 and 6...
00:29:06are 3.
00:29:083 and 3...
00:29:10are 4.
00:29:124 and 4...
00:29:14are 3.
00:29:164 and 4...
00:29:18are 3.
00:29:41You won't understand what I'm about to say, but...
00:29:44through my own inadequacy...
00:29:47inadequacy you have missed the most wondrous part of your life and that's
00:29:55called growing up I shall do my best to make up to you what's been lost
00:30:04Victoria yes Victoria do you remember any of the lessons one and one are two
00:30:20two and two are four four and four are eight eight and eight
00:30:34the patient Victoria awakened approximately 1130 she seems alert and
00:30:59upon preliminary examination functioning at a normal level heartbeat is normal
00:31:05lungs clear noticeable laxity of muscles from immobility
00:31:43no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
00:32:0116 16 and 16 are 32 16 and 16 are 32 32 and 32 are 64 let us repeat
00:32:30one and one are two two and two are four four and four are eight eight and eight
00:32:39are 16 16 and 16 are 32 32 and 32 are 64
00:33:30Martha you may as well stay with Helen till I get back oh and be sure to call us from
00:33:50Denver oh yes I will I'll call you when I'm coming back you're gonna be so busy
00:33:57from my grandson you won't even miss me oh I just remembered the cutest little frog
00:34:04lamp in the head it would be perfect for a little boys room wait till I get home
00:34:56oh yeah Victoria
00:35:27they've gone now we start learning to communicate
00:35:32with the house to ourselves I'm trying to expensive life it's easy to forget that the
00:35:42most simple things things we take for granted are totally unknown to her she is incredibly
00:35:49perceptive her mind like a sponge open and ready to absorb everything yet there's a plus
00:35:56factor in all of this what most of us are capable of using a fraction of our brain capacity she is
00:36:01able to utilize hers 100% or damn close to it there are no barriers no unconscious blockages
00:36:08perhaps because she missed the social environmental restrictions we had imposed on us when we grew
00:36:14up it's not an unpleasant task to teach such a willing pupil continued tests indicate the aging
00:36:21is progressing at a normal level and there are no signs of addiction or withdrawal from methotrexate
00:36:26I'm terribly relieved this is a microscope her intelligence and comprehension are overwhelming a
00:36:33combination of total recall and the ability to utilize the information logically she is not
00:36:38developing emotionally as rapidly as mentally but I assume this will come with time there are
00:36:44yourselves and they're all normal hello well Paul where are you are you being properly devilish no
00:37:00I'm still in Denver tell Martha to enjoy herself take a rest from the house till I get back I may
00:37:08stop off in Salt Lake City for a little while yes I'll let you know what oh no no I'm fine
00:37:16love to Gordon goodbye what did you think of it an interesting story but not biological this
00:37:30Bible is much more than just a story it's an account of the way the world actually began
00:37:34from what I've learned that's impossible you're not alone in thinking that way but too many of
00:37:40the moral values are what's important more values yes the in time Victoria I like my name why am I
00:37:59called that because you were a victory for both of us come outside there's a whole world for you
00:38:05to see were there times when you were afraid I wouldn't be a victory from the beginning you see
00:38:21I never really expected you to be born and then your life took hold it wouldn't let go it moved
00:38:26at such speed I didn't think I could stop it you know there was a chance there where you could have
00:38:31been born lived and died of old age without ever knowing you'd exist couldn't you have gone for
00:38:36help if the methotrexate hadn't worked I would have but thank God it did why thank God what
00:38:42would have been so bad about going for help I'd have put you into a clinic there you'd have been
00:38:48a strange happening an exhibit something under glass to be looked at examine experimented with
00:38:56a freak a freak I would have hated that I know can it happen now no oh one chance in a million
00:39:11but that's as good as saying no your cells are normal you're not supposed to eat that a flower
00:39:20is supposed to be looked at and admired like this
00:39:31yeah still we're gonna have to tell people about you can't keep your secret much longer
00:39:37that's gonna be a problem for you Victoria I'm sorry for that you see
00:39:43you're unique you may never happen again and from what you tell me I may not have happened at all
00:40:00live and died without ever being yes perhaps if you've been taken from the womb when you were
00:40:06more developed say six or seven months the growth hormone wouldn't have reacted as it did but that's
00:40:12something we'll never know six months fetus has a chance for life on its own to experiment and
00:40:17fail at that stage would be murder and that I will not do but still you ought to tell others
00:40:25about me still I am to be a beginner pig no I won't allow it to go that far
00:40:43who am I Paul who are my parents your mother gave her name as Ann Smith she died shortly after you
00:40:55were taken from her and her real name I don't know they were never able to trace her my father
00:41:06your mother never would say who knows about your experience about me no one I really don't exist do
00:41:16I February 23rd 1 a.m. I administered 50 cc of 5 hydroxy dopamine which would be effective if
00:41:44given in a massive dose however such a massive dose would cause heart arrest and death within
00:41:5024 hours February 24 7 a.m. administering 50 cc of methotrexate a risk because it's a very strong
00:42:01drug and highly addictive if methotrexate doesn't arrest the rapid aging I have no choice but to
00:42:09transfer the girl to the research clinic
00:42:20it's been 19 hours since I administered methotrexate
00:42:29accelerated aging has ceased with no withdrawal symptoms I am for the first time optimistic
00:43:29what are you doing here
00:46:13no she called out her name I hid in the lab but she didn't come in I should like to see some of the
00:46:32things you've told me about before before what you know when you have to tell us about me
00:46:37Alright. We'll go this afternoon. It's time you experienced being around other people.
00:46:49Thank you. I'll try not to embarrass you. Thank you.
00:47:07Do you think we'll ever go back? I don't know. Wasn't two weeks enough?
00:47:16It was wonderful, but too short. I loved every minute of it, anyhow.
00:47:20The plaza, the shops, the people, the marvellous little mission.
00:47:24It was all exciting and beautiful.
00:47:27But sometimes I felt I said the wrong things, or asked the wrong question.
00:47:31Once or twice people stared at me, and I... Did I make a mistake, Paul?
00:47:35No. No, you didn't make any mistakes. It's just that people don't see the beauty around them sometimes.
00:47:42They take it all for granted. Your enthusiasm made them aware of what they were missing.
00:47:47Is that good? Very good.
00:47:50We'll pick up Martha on the way home, and you can meet Gordon and Helen.
00:47:54We're almost there. Let's hear it.
00:47:57Victoria Spencer, from Denver, Colorado. Parents deceased, age 25, unmarried.
00:48:02Studied where?
00:48:03At the University of Colorado, the College of Applied Science in the School of Medicine.
00:48:08It was established by territorial legislature in 1861, but the first cornerstone was not laid until...
00:48:13Hold it, hold it. Just say where you went to school. Don't give a dissertation.
00:48:17Remember, never volunteer.
00:48:19Okay. Now, how did we meet?
00:48:22You were in need of a research assistant, and I was recommended by a professor of chemistry.
00:48:27His name? Dr. William Bickman.
00:48:44Uh-oh, a party. Now is not the time.
00:48:51Paul, this is what is called making one's debut, isn't it?
00:49:01This is true.
00:49:13What a surprise! Welcome!
00:49:16I know you're home, right? I've asked you to come over.
00:49:18We just arrived, Victoria. I'd like you to meet my daughter-in-law and my son.
00:49:21Gordon, Helen, this is Victoria Spencer, my new research assistant.
00:49:25Delighted to meet you, Victoria.
00:49:26Oh, well, let me take your hat. Gordon, get them some drinks.
00:49:30Uh, I think you've met Mike Seaman?
00:49:32Yes, of course. Mike Parker, Victoria Spencer, Mike Seaman.
00:49:35Victoria Blythe.
00:49:38Paul has stopped off on his way home, and he has a lady with him.
00:49:42A what? A lady?
00:49:43A new assistant.
00:49:46I think you're going to find working with Dr. Holliston very exciting.
00:49:50I'm sure.
00:49:54And we went to this fantastic dinner. Was I all right?
00:49:58Sure, just fine.
00:50:02I'm surprised.
00:50:04You didn't call me.
00:50:06I didn't call you.
00:50:08I didn't call you.
00:50:10I didn't call you.
00:50:12I didn't call you.
00:50:14You didn't call me when you got home.
00:50:16What are you talking about?
00:50:17I was at the house two weeks ago, and that dog of yours was there.
00:50:20Oh, yes. I, uh, I was in and out in the one day.
00:50:24I didn't find it necessary to tell anyone.
00:50:27Uh, Martha, meet Victoria Spencer. She'll be working with me.
00:50:31Victoria, this is my sister-in-law, Martha Douglas.
00:50:35Paul has spoken of you so many times.
00:50:40Well, I'm afraid he hasn't mentioned you.
00:50:43Where are you staying, Miss Spencer?
00:50:45She'll be staying at the house.
00:50:47Of course.
00:50:49I'll come home with you today. Tell me when you're ready. I'll get my things.
00:50:52Oh, no, you don't.
00:50:54Now, you help me plan this collection, and I'm not going to let you desert me in the middle of it.
00:50:57I'll take you home tomorrow.
00:50:59Oh, by the way, George just came in, and he's looking for you.
00:51:04Excuse me.
00:51:09Where'd you study, Miss Spencer?
00:51:11At the University of Colorado.
00:51:13Colorado. That's my old alma mater.
00:51:15Tell me, is Dr. Hadley still head of chemical medicine there?
00:51:18I heard he was retiring.
00:51:20He was a cantankerous old bastard, you know, but a damn fine teacher.
00:51:24I look forward even more to working with Dr. Holliston.
00:51:28I still have much to learn.
00:51:33Less and less.
00:51:36Excuse me. Excuse me.
00:51:39I, uh...
00:51:41I've been in a holding pattern over you all day.
00:51:43What shall I do about it?
00:51:45Look, while we're mulling over all options, have some wine.
00:51:49It's an Italian vintage,
00:51:51probably made in Algeria out of bull's blood and rubbing alcohol.
00:51:56If a man with your taste and intelligence enjoys it,
00:52:00who am I to refuse?
00:52:02The sun shines on these dreary people
00:52:04as if they were worth a floodlight inspection.
00:52:07But for me, as Oscar Wilde once said,
00:52:11give me deeper darkness.
00:52:13Money is not made in the light.
00:52:15Excuse me.
00:52:17I believe it was Mr. George Bernard Shaw,
00:52:20first accountant of Heartbreak House.
00:52:24Of course.
00:52:26I was just testing you on your past.
00:52:28Beauty plus intelligence.
00:52:30Beauty plus intelligence.
00:52:33Very sensuous.
00:52:35Well, we're going to enjoy a rousingly good help.
00:52:42You refer to a favorite slang word
00:52:45that the Elizabethans used for fornication.
00:52:48I've read much on the subject.
00:52:52Of course.
00:53:00You can talk to your computers like that,
00:53:02but not my guests, huh?
00:53:04You make computers?
00:53:06No, no, I make them work.
00:53:08I manage teletexts, international systems,
00:53:11in my spare time,
00:53:13when I'm not confusing Shaw with Wilde.
00:53:16Or Raveleijn humor with bad taste?
00:53:18I'm surrounded,
00:53:20therefore I surrender to all women.
00:53:24Thank you.
00:53:27One of these days I'm going to remember
00:53:29what a presumptuous son of a bitch he is
00:53:31and not invite him around.
00:53:33He's only obsessed with a perfectly normal urge.
00:53:36Oh, so I've read.
00:53:38Victoria, you are unique.
00:53:41And totally charming.
00:53:43Come on, let me introduce you to some nice people.
00:53:47Well, let's say nicer people.
00:54:01Good games.
00:54:03No, not really.
00:54:05Why could he give you my queen and both rooks
00:54:07instead of whipped you?
00:54:09You may be right.
00:54:11No, that's not correct.
00:54:13It is feasible you could have given the queen and one rook,
00:54:16but not the queen and both rooks.
00:54:20Chess is one of the most
00:54:23Chess is one of the last bastions of male chauvinism.
00:54:28Would you like to challenge the champion?
00:54:31I've never played.
00:54:33She has never played,
00:54:35and yet she tells me I am wrong.
00:54:38I've read the rules in a book on chess,
00:54:41and a very interesting book by Alekhine.
00:54:46You know, I had a friend once,
00:54:48never skied, he read every book there was.
00:54:51First day out on the slopes, broke both his ankles.
00:54:54This is much safer.
00:54:55You just sit down, sweetheart,
00:54:56and I'll show you the rules of the game.
00:54:58Thank you.
00:55:00See this little doodad?
00:55:02That is a pawn.
00:55:04Now, he can only move one space at a time,
00:55:06except on his first move.
00:55:07I know.
00:55:08Shall we play it?
00:55:13Well, they use the pacifier,
00:55:14but they refuse to be humiliated by discussing it.
00:55:17They wouldn't go that far, not even for science.
00:55:20Your Victoria is something extraordinary.
00:55:23You should see what she's doing to Frank Reilly.
00:55:26I love it.
00:55:27I hope he doesn't beat her too badly.
00:55:29Dr. Brothers, I read your column every day.
00:55:31It's wonderful.
00:55:32Thank you.
00:55:33That's very nice.
00:55:35Excuse me.
00:55:46Pardon me.
00:55:50Excuse me.
00:56:00Excuse me.
00:56:02Pardon me.
00:56:09If you don't keep quiet,
00:56:10this game is over.
00:56:12It's over.
00:56:13It's over.
00:56:14It's over.
00:56:15It's over.
00:56:16It's over.
00:56:17It's over.
00:56:18If you don't keep quiet,
00:56:19this game is off.
00:57:24She's got to look stupid.
00:57:28She's beautiful.
00:57:30Thank you.
00:57:44She's amazing.
00:58:26It's San Amman versus Staunton.
00:58:30I don't understand.
00:58:32I don't understand.
00:58:33Oh, yes, you do.
00:58:35Oh, yes, you do.
00:58:36You understand damn well
00:58:37that it's San Amman versus Staunton.
00:58:39I knew it 15 months ago
00:58:41and I couldn't focus on it.
00:58:43The match was played in Paris
00:58:45on December 6, 1843.
00:58:47It's a classic game.
00:58:48You led me into it.
00:58:50You played before.
00:58:51You know every game.
00:58:53Not every game.
00:58:54Well, you certainly know
00:58:55this game well enough.
00:58:57You let me win.
00:58:59You should have played bishop takes rooks.
00:59:01Poor knight have had to resign.
00:59:03Where have you played before?
00:59:05I've never played.
00:59:07I've only read books.
00:59:10I've never played.
00:59:11I've only read books.
00:59:12You let me win.
00:59:14She let me win.
00:59:15Nobody lets me win.
00:59:17Let me out of here.
00:59:26He had him beaten.
00:59:27You are a married man.
00:59:34I believe that...
00:59:39I believe that
00:59:40even if I had taken his rooks pawn,
00:59:42he could have replied with a move
00:59:44that would have been a draw.
00:59:45Enough, Victoria.
00:59:48Why did you wish me to lose?
00:59:50Because you should have lost.
00:59:52But chess is only a game.
00:59:54Once one knows the alternate possibilities of play,
00:59:57there's a logical progression to the conclusion.
01:00:00There are some things
01:00:01you can't get out of books.
01:00:03To understand them,
01:00:06you have to be experienced.
01:00:09Be patient.
01:00:14What a wonderful thing to see.
01:00:15His ego will never recover.
01:00:17Oh, welcome to our little group.
01:00:19We're original but very loving.
01:00:21You'll like us.
01:00:23Oh, I will.
01:00:54I want to learn.
01:00:57To experience.
01:01:01Will you teach me?
01:01:53I will.
01:02:09February 24, 7 a.m.
01:02:12Administering 50 cc of methotrexate.
01:02:15A risk because it's a very strong drug
01:02:18and highly addictive.
01:02:20If methotrexate doesn't arrest the rapid aging,
01:02:24I have no choice but to transfer the girl
01:02:27to the research clinic.
01:02:50February 24, 7 a.m.
01:02:53Administering 50 cc of methotrexate.
01:02:56A risk because it's a very strong drug
01:02:59and highly addictive.
01:03:01If methotrexate doesn't arrest the rapid aging,
01:03:04I have no choice but to transfer the girl
01:03:07to the research clinic.
01:03:09If methotrexate doesn't arrest the rapid aging,
01:03:12I have no choice but to transfer the girl
01:03:15to the research clinic.
01:03:17February 24, 7 a.m.
01:03:20Administering 50 cc of methotrexate.
01:03:23A risk because it's a very strong drug
01:03:26and highly addictive.
01:03:28If methotrexate doesn't arrest the rapid aging,
01:03:31I have no choice but to transfer the girl
01:03:34to the research clinic.
01:03:36February 24, 7 a.m.
01:03:39Administering 50 cc of methotrexate.
01:03:42A risk because it's a very strong drug
01:03:45and highly addictive.
01:03:47If methotrexate doesn't arrest the rapid aging,
01:03:50I have no choice but to transfer the girl
01:03:53to the research clinic.
01:03:55February 24, 7 a.m.
01:03:57Administering 50 cc of methotrexate.
01:04:00A risk because it's a very strong drug
01:04:03and highly addictive.
01:04:05If methotrexate doesn't arrest the rapid aging,
01:04:08I have no choice but to transfer the girl
01:04:11to the research clinic.
01:04:13You become a part of it.
01:04:44The greatest revelation is stillness.
01:04:47Lao Tse. 12th century?
01:04:52I don't know one person in a thousand
01:04:54who would know the author of that.
01:04:56And I don't know anyone who's ever quoted it.
01:04:59Well, it could be perfectly matched.
01:05:14Do you mean to say you control this entire operation?
01:05:17Yes, I do.
01:05:19My computer's a better company than most people I know.
01:05:22They're impersonal, but intellectually stimulating.
01:05:25This is it. Best in the States.
01:05:28Maybe the world.
01:05:30And here's the medical unit you asked about.
01:05:33May I ask you two questions?
01:05:35Do you know how to operate a computer?
01:05:39Yes, of course. You read a book about it, like chess.
01:05:42Yes, I did.
01:05:45All right.
01:05:50Now, type out the pertinent background data here
01:05:53and then the question.
01:06:39Thank you.
01:07:0570 milliliters pituitary gland extract
01:07:08from unborn fetus.
01:07:10Five to six months development.
01:07:15Was the question as enigmatic as the answer?
01:07:30Thank you very much, Mr. Corleo.
01:07:39A six-month fetus has a chance for life on its own,
01:07:42to experiment.
01:07:44Fail, at that stage, would be murder.
01:07:47Are you seeing me?
01:07:51Are you seeing me?
01:08:08I can do better than you can.
01:09:43Your bouillabaisse is the best, Martha.
01:09:45Couldn't top it in one of the finest restaurants in Marseille.
01:09:48Thank you.
01:09:49Nice to be appreciated.
01:09:51In the cookbook, La Russe Gastronomique
01:09:53recommends a touch more tarragon.
01:09:57I'll get the coffee.
01:10:08When is your baby due?
01:10:10According to my calculations,
01:10:12I am five months, 25 days,
01:10:16and about two hours pregnant.
01:10:19That would make it due August 7th.
01:10:21August 5th.
01:10:22Paul mentioned that you and Gordon
01:10:24are going out of town next week?
01:10:26To Seattle.
01:10:27Gordon is beating the bushes again for university money.
01:10:30I'm going to tag along with him.
01:10:32If Dr. Camlin will let me.
01:10:34He's a terrific gynecologist,
01:10:35but he has zero sense of adventure.
01:10:37He thinks that planes and pregnant ladies don't mix.
01:10:44Dr. Camlin.
01:10:48I understand he's very good.
01:10:56No, it's not my imagination.
01:10:58Then you took it the wrong way, Martha.
01:10:59What's the matter with you?
01:11:00I don't know what's the matter with me.
01:11:01I didn't take anything the wrong way.
01:11:03I can't stand to be in the same room with that woman.
01:11:06She frightens me, Paul.
01:11:08It's not...
01:11:09I don't see why, for heaven's sake.
01:11:10She's been nothing but nice to you.
01:11:11You've chosen not to be nice to her.
01:11:13I have checked, Paul.
01:11:14Your precious Victoria isn't any research assistant.
01:11:17She never went to the University of Colorado.
01:11:19Just who is she?
01:11:20I'd like to know where she came from.
01:11:22She's as qualified as I am.
01:11:23This has been my home for 15 years, but that's it.
01:11:26I'm not going to stay in this house with her any longer.
01:11:28You've got to choose, Paul, between your assistant and me.
01:11:31And at 8 o'clock in the morning,
01:11:32I am leaving for Minneapolis.
01:13:31Paul, what is it?
01:13:33It's Martha.
01:13:36She's dead.
01:13:47Oh, I'm so sorry.
01:13:49Heart attack.
01:13:51You must go, of course.
01:13:56But I don't want to leave you alone.
01:13:58Maybe Helen can come over.
01:14:00They left today for Seattle.
01:14:02Um, I hope you're all right.
01:14:04I've got number one.
01:14:06All right.
01:14:09I'll take the first flight out.
01:14:11Take care of the burial arrangements.
01:14:15I'll try to be back by Sunday.
01:14:18I'll call you from Minneapolis.
01:17:01Good evening.
01:17:03I understand I can rent you.
01:17:06Sorry, honey, I'm not into dice.
01:17:08Um, I'll pay you $200
01:17:10if you accompany me to my home for the evening.
01:17:13For $200?
01:17:15I could learn to like it.
01:17:17Um, come on in while I change.
01:17:19Thank you.
01:17:20But no rough stuff, huh?
01:17:22I understand your condition.
01:17:23I doubt it.
01:17:29What do you mean it wasn't natural causes?
01:17:31Dr. Holliston, was your sister-in-law subject to extreme hypertension?
01:17:35Well, she was tense, yes.
01:17:37But nothing medically serious.
01:17:39She took sleeping pills from time to time.
01:17:41No reason for her to self-administer any other drug?
01:17:44In God's name, get to the point.
01:17:45What killed her?
01:17:46We found a massive dose of what we think is
01:17:485-hydroxydopamine in her heart muscle.
01:17:51Now, it's experimental.
01:17:52We don't know too much about it.
01:17:53But the drug seems to have a cumulative effect.
01:17:55It doesn't dissipate, causing cardiac arrest.
01:17:58Dr. Holliston, just a minute.
01:18:00There are forms to be filled out.
01:18:01This may be a homicide.
01:18:02Anybody home?
01:18:18Anybody home?
01:18:23I thought you were in Seattle.
01:18:24What happened?
01:18:25Well, between Gordon and Dr. Campbell,
01:18:26I got out and voted for Gordon well and alone.
01:18:28He made me promise that I wouldn't stay by myself.
01:18:30So here I am.
01:18:31Please go, Helen.
01:18:34What's the matter?
01:18:35Are you all right, Victoria?
01:18:38I'll call you later.
01:18:40Where's Paul?
01:18:42In San Francisco.
01:18:44At a medical conference.
01:18:47I'll call you, okay?
01:18:48Now, please go!
01:18:52You look so tired.
01:18:56Well, now, he is working you too hard.
01:18:59I'm going to make us both a cup of coffee.
01:19:10I'll do it.
01:19:13I'm sorry about earlier.
01:19:16Actually, I'm glad you're here.
01:19:35Hello, operator.
01:20:05I want you to get me to University Club in Seattle, please.
01:20:22I, uh, I want you and Helen to sit down.
01:20:27You're Aunt Martha...
01:20:29Well, what do you mean?
01:20:32Where is she?
01:20:33Oh, my God.
01:20:37Don't ask any questions.
01:20:38Just catch the first plane home.
01:21:03Why did you do it?
01:21:22To give life.
01:21:23Thank God.
01:21:54Operator, this is Dr. Paul Holliston.
01:22:12Would you send an emergency ambulance and an attending doctor to 48 Claremont Road immediately,
01:22:18Yes, please, immediately.
01:22:1948 Claremont Road.
01:22:50It would be worse for you to leave.
01:23:03I don't want to kill her, but I will if it's necessary.
01:23:11Tell me why, Victoria.
01:23:12I want to live.
01:23:13I must.
01:23:14Why Helen?
01:23:15Why the baby?
01:23:16They want to live, too.
01:23:17Helen can have more babies.
01:23:18I must have this one.
01:23:20I'm dying, Paul.
01:23:21See for yourself.
01:23:22Why didn't you tell me?
01:23:23What could you do about it?
01:23:24Look at me, Paul.
01:23:25Look at me.
01:23:26Look closely.
01:23:27Look at me.
01:23:28Look at me, Paul.
01:23:29Look at me.
01:23:46Look closely. I'm dying.
01:23:50There was a flaw in your creation.
01:23:54And you thought you had corrected it.
01:23:58But I'm immune to infection.
01:24:02And I'm also what I believe is called a junkie.
01:24:10This is the only antidote.
01:24:16A pituitary gland extra.
01:24:20From Helen's baby?
01:24:28What are you doing?
01:24:32I'm fixing you a larger dose of methotrexate.
01:24:36You're in pain. I'm here to help you, Victoria.
01:24:40No, no, no.
01:24:44Trust me.
01:24:46No. What I need, you can't get me.
01:24:48By your own words, you called it murder.
01:24:50Get out. Please.
01:24:52Get out. Please.
01:24:56Get out. I don't want to kill.
01:24:58I don't want to kill.
01:25:00I just want to live.
01:25:04Gordon, the oxygen.
01:25:14Get out.
01:25:44Get out.
01:26:00Back there. Get her to a hospital immediately.
01:26:14Help me.
01:26:44Help me.
01:27:14Help me.
01:27:44Help me.
01:28:14Sir, there's a fire over there.
01:28:18The car's on fire.
01:28:22Help that lady. Help that lady.
01:28:26Die, damn it. Die.
01:28:30Get away from her.
01:28:34Let me go.
01:28:38Echo Park, Windmill Boulevard side.
01:28:44There's a big fire over here.
01:28:46She's got to die.
01:28:48No. No, let me go.
01:28:52You don't understand.
01:29:04Get her over to the dry ground.
01:29:08Right there.
01:29:14Stay back.
01:29:18Stay back.
01:29:22Stay back.
01:29:26Stay back.
01:29:30Stay back.
01:29:38Stay back.
01:29:42She's having convulsions.
01:29:46She's having a baby.
01:29:50No, it can't be. It can't.
01:29:54It can't happen. Die.
01:29:58It's your baby.
01:30:02It's your baby.
01:30:06It's your baby.
