Pilipinas, nagiging praktikal lang sa pagpapaigting ng alyansa sa ibang mga bansa ayon sa isang eksperto

  • 2 months ago
Pilipinas, nagiging praktikal lang sa pagpapaigting ng alyansa sa ibang mga bansa ayon sa isang eksperto
00:00The current administration is only becoming practical.
00:04This is what the political analyst, Professor Antonio Contreras, thinks
00:08about the maximization of the Philippines in the U.S.
00:12where the country has a mutual defense treaty,
00:15even the expansion of alliances with other countries
00:19like Japan, Australia, and the European Union.
00:22Is this an effective way to bully or to be aggressive with China?
00:28Meanwhile, the next time the Philippines talked to China
00:32to ease tensions, according to Contreras,
00:35the Philippines will continue to undermine its rights
00:38in the territory of China.
00:41Contreras also defended diplomacy again
00:45because the country showed resistance against China.
00:50What we are saying to China is that we are a small country
00:55but we will not give up easily.
00:59We will be serious.
01:01We will be brave.
01:03It's just like bullying.
01:05If you show to the bully that even though you are small,
01:09you know how to assert your rights
01:13and you have stronger allies than him
01:16that he can face,
01:18you will be brave.
