• last year
Hua Bu Qi (Ariel Lin), es una vagabunda con inteligencia empresarial que es acechada por asesinos cuando un apuesto héroe enmascarado, Chen Yu (Zhang Bin Bin), aparece y la salva.
Cautivada por sus encantos, ella se enamora y espera encontrarlo de nuevo. Cuando el destino finalmente los reúne, empiezan un hermoso y duradero romance.
Pero cuando su verdadera identidad sea revelada, ¿podrá sobrevivir a ser perseguida por sus poderes?


00:00With you until the end.
00:04Episode 24
00:23Go ahead.
00:24Sushi Tai is the best sushi restaurant.
00:27This is delicious.
00:29I ate it a few days ago and I was looking forward to eating it again.
00:32What a good taste.
00:33The fish is his specialty.
00:35But I prefer the rice with loto.
00:38It's delicious.
00:39It's sweet and crunchy.
00:41Also aromatic.
00:42There is no other dish in the north that compares to it.
00:45The master Don Fang knows how to appreciate good food.
00:48I'm going to eat.
00:50The master Don Fang knows how to appreciate good food.
00:53But you are not from the north.
00:55Did you come to this prefecture just to practice medicine?
00:58That's right.
00:59My father ordered me to travel the world.
01:02And when I arrived at his show, I received my first patients.
01:05Then I was kidnapped by Miss Xiao Xia here.
01:09She was very bold.
01:11I'll say it again.
01:12I'm really sorry.
01:14Don't apologize again.
01:15That will make me look bad.
01:21I promise you something.
01:22I won't mention it again.
01:25Miss Xu, try this boiled chicken.
01:28It's not as good as the one I cook.
01:30But it tastes good.
01:35Can you cook?
01:36Of course.
01:37When I bother my father, I just go to hunt my food.
01:41Then I cook it.
01:44If you want, we can go together.
01:45Of course.
01:47But your chicken won't be as good as the one I make.
01:50Do you know how to cook too?
01:52I don't cook many things.
01:53But I know how to cook chicken.
01:55I've done it hundreds of times.
01:57Rumor has it that you are the only granddaughter of the Xu mansion.
02:01Why did Master Xu force you to learn how to cook?
02:04That's interesting.
02:07It wasn't like that.
02:08I was the one who wanted to learn.
02:11I'm very naughty.
02:12And sometimes he locks me in my room without eating.
02:16Then I go.
02:17I go to the forest and hunt my own food.
02:22I think you and I have a lot in common.
02:24A culinary competition would be exciting to know who cooks the best chicken.
02:30Count on me.
02:31I will.
02:40Come on, try this.
02:41Young master.
02:42Young master.
02:45Lady Xu.
02:46Excuse me.
02:54Young master.
02:55The news that Lady Xu is here has spread.
02:58Aunt Xu's henchmen already found out.
03:00And they will be here soon.
03:02Stop them.
03:04No one should bother us while we are eating.
03:07Young master, but you said that...
03:08It turns out that I have already changed my mind.
03:10Adam is exactly my type.
03:14If someone comes to this place and bothers Lady Xu, it will be your fault.
03:19Young master Dong Fang insists on taking me to eat.
03:23Why does he do it?
03:25He talks about normal things.
03:27I don't think he's trying to get information from me.
03:31He said he liked how he looked.
03:33You probably like him.
03:36Do you think he likes the way I look?
03:39I'm the only granddaughter in the Shu mansion.
03:41Lady, you should ask him.
03:45I wish Chen Yu had told me that.
03:47That he liked me.
03:50Royal mansion.
03:57I brought the wise doctor Ji.
03:58He is an eminence and can help you.
04:00I want you to see him.
04:02Thank you, Chen Yu.
04:04Your highness.
04:05Let me check your pulse first.
04:17Raise your arm, please.
04:40Your highness.
04:41Your pulse is very strange.
04:44It's like there's an energy inside that powerfully accelerates your blood.
04:50But at the same time, it wears out all your vital channels.
04:54It looks like the method of prolonging life with golden needles.
04:59I've read it in books.
05:01Please raise your hand.
05:03Golden needles.
05:05So it was Liu Mingjue.
05:12Is there anything I can do?
05:23The golden needle method has worn out your vital channels.
05:27If you wish to save him.
05:31You must cut the skin of the seventh prince.
05:34Remove those needles and then suture it.
05:36Then use ginseng and snow lotus to revive him.
05:41However, it is a very painful method.
05:45His life could be in danger.
05:47Maybe he can't stand the agony.
05:51But it's the only way.
05:54Also, if we succeed, we can only save his life.
05:58However, I can't think of any way to get him back to normal.
06:06It's not a permanent solution.
06:08My father wouldn't be able to get out of bed.
06:12That's right.
06:14The prince's heart is very weak.
06:16If we are lucky, he could feed himself.
06:20If we don't have it, he'll have to stay in bed for the rest of his days.
06:25If we remove those needles, how long will my father live?
06:29Maybe he'll have two more years.
06:47Remove those needles.
06:49Zhen Yu.
06:52Father, I'm here.
06:54Everyone else, leave.
06:59Father, what's wrong?
07:02Zhen Yu, please.
07:04Don't remove the needles.
07:07First, because it will be very painful.
07:13Also, because I want to live with dignity for as long as I live.
07:21Remember that you must accept your father's will.
07:28Do you understand?
07:30Zhen Yu, Abu hasn't come back yet.
07:34I'm not sure if I'll be able to see him again.
07:39So I need to tell you something.
07:43I didn't make arrangements for your marriage because I feared that...
07:50...would make you live here.
07:52Father, is there anyone I'm in love with?
07:58It's Buqi, right?
08:05She's not your daughter.
08:08She was born in the fourth month.
08:12Father, I've hidden a secret that you must know.
08:19Hua Buqi is alive.
08:22What are you saying?
08:24I went to see her grave and there was no body there.
08:29Maybe she already knew she wasn't your daughter.
08:33She was afraid of your anger and pretended to die to escape.
08:43So do you know where she is now?
08:46I've been looking for her, but I still can't find her.
08:51Great, she's not dead.
08:53Father, listen. I know what you're going to tell me, but please rest.
08:58You must recover.
08:59I'll go to the doctor and ask him if I can do anything else.
09:02Yue'er! Yue'er!
09:05You don't know what I'm going to tell you.
09:07You only know that I've been looking for Biluotian.
09:11But you don't know that I already have the sacred object that will take us to him.
09:16Besides, I already knew that Hua Buqi wasn't my daughter.
09:22Do you want to know why I wanted her so close?
09:24It was because...
09:27...she is the deity of Biluotian.
09:32What deity are you talking about?
09:34I don't understand anything.
09:36Zhen Yu, do you know the rumors of Biluotian's millenary prophecy?
09:45Whoever possesses Biluotian will dominate the whole world.
09:50The complete prophecy says that this dynasty will end with the fifth emperor.
09:58And whoever possesses Biluotian's treasure will dominate the world.
10:02It is necessary to activate the sacred object and sacrifice the deity.
10:07Otherwise, the treasure will disappear.
10:11With it, peace will return.
10:14What does Hua Buqi have to do with this?
10:22...the first deity of Biluotian heard about this, she panicked.
10:28And she decided to escape from there.
10:32...Biluotian's entrance was sealed by a spell.
10:37It was impossible to break it.
10:39Even the inhabitants of Biluotian needed a map...
10:43...to find that entrance, break the spell and enter the city.
10:49So, a man from Biluotian found a map and looked for the deity.
10:57...another mysterious man killed him.
11:01And he stole the map.
11:03And he broke Biluotian.
11:05And he wanted to kill all its inhabitants.
12:21I knew that Master Hua Buqi came from Biluotian.
12:25Did the master tell you all this?
12:29Afu grew up and lived a long time in Biluotian.
12:34He used his knowledge of the topography of the place to escape from there.
12:41He left with his sister.
12:43And he never knew who that mysterious man was.
12:46How did the master meet you?
12:49Why did I never find out that he had a sister?
12:52Afu and his sister...
12:54...kept the secret.
12:56One day...
12:58...his sister revealed who he was.
13:01And that...
13:03...he came from Biluotian.
13:05By then...
13:07...everyone already knew the legend and prophecy of Biluotian's treasure.
13:14...people started to chase them.
13:18...his sister was captured by the emperor.
13:22And Afu...
13:24...was wounded.
13:26And I rescued him.
13:28That's why...
13:31...the emperor forced you to stay here.
13:34Because he was afraid.
13:38...the emperor doesn't know who Afu is.
13:41The reason he's afraid...
13:44...is because he knows that since he was young...
13:47...I always...
13:49...had intentions to overthrow him.
13:52So the emperor knows that you plan to rebel.
13:56And if he gives us a fief...
13:58...he knows that we will fight against him.
14:01The most capable...
14:02...deserves the throne.
14:05The empire under his rule...
14:07...is more chaotic...
14:09...than when my father ruled the region.
14:12He knows that I want to replace him.
14:19...has half of Biluotian's map.
14:24...we must find the other half...
14:27...to get there.
14:30To get this legendary treasure...
14:32...the deity must hold the sacred object...
14:35...and so the path to the treasure will open.
14:38That's why...
14:40...Afu and I...
14:42...have looked for that deity.
14:46...the other half of that map.
14:49Father, you said...
14:50...that Huabuchi is the deity.
14:53So Xuefei was too?
14:55The real bloodline is continuous.
14:59Xuefei was the deity...
15:01...so Huabuchi...
15:03...must be too.
15:05Are you saying that...
15:08...he was never in love with Xuefei?
15:11He only used her?
15:14My mother...
15:16...died of sadness because of that.
15:20Xuefei and I...
15:22...were in love.
15:25But that love...
15:27...couldn't be compared...
15:29...with my ambition...
15:30...to become the emperor.
15:33It was Xuefei's destiny...
15:36...to be my tool...
15:38...to conquer the world.
15:42When I knew...
15:43...that Xuefei was pregnant...
15:46...I immediately wanted to marry her.
15:50I didn't know...
15:52...that she had heard my conversation with Afu...
15:54...and decided to escape.
15:58When Afu and I found her...
16:01...she had given birth to Huabuchi.
16:06...she was seriously ill...
16:10...and died shortly after.
16:13Did she let Huabuchi's mother die?
16:19I've already told you...
16:22...that was her destiny.
16:25Even if she hadn't died...
16:28...to be the emperor, I...
16:31...I would have sacrificed her.
16:38...is the throne really that important?
16:48...enjoying everyone's admiration...
16:51...and having one of the greatest powers...
16:54...but having to fear...
16:56...that someone tries to kill me...
16:58...isn't that important?
17:05...I know you're in love with Huabuchi...
17:08...just like I was in love with Xuefei...
17:11...but think about it...
17:14...you're like me...
17:17...you shouldn't die without achieving victory...
17:19...or is that what you want?
17:31It makes me happy...
17:33...that Huabuchi isn't dead...
17:35...what a joy...
17:37...I already have the sacred object...
17:39...and half of the map...
17:43...the map is in the hidden room next to mine...
17:46...you can open it with the lever...
17:48...near my desk...
17:50...you have to go for it...
17:52...Afuya found where the other half is...
17:54...once you join the two parts...
17:56...look for Huabuchi...
17:58...with the deity...
18:00...the object...
18:02...and the complete map...
18:05...the treasure of Biloutian will be ours!
18:09The world will be yours, do you understand Zhenyu?
18:11All yours!
18:17I won't use Huabuchi to conquer the world...
18:19...she was a beggar all her life...
18:22...because of you...
18:24...and I won't hurt her anymore...
18:28To be emperor...
18:30...you must make that sacrifice!
18:32You want that...
18:37...want to live a peaceful life...
18:49...do what you want...
18:51...I will do the same...
18:58Take care of my father...
19:00Yes, your highness...
19:08Gather everyone looking for Huabuchi...
19:10...except Hanye...
19:11What's going on?
19:12Tell Muto that if my father asks...
19:14...don't tell him anything, understood?
19:44The dynasty will end with the fifth emperor...
19:47...who possesses the treasure will rule the world...
19:51Use the sacred object and sacrifice the deity...
19:54...or the treasure will disappear forever...
19:57...then the world will reach peace...
20:00...the bloodline is continuous...
20:03...as long as she is the daughter of the deity...
20:06...she will be a deity too...
20:08...Xuefei was...
20:10...so Huabuchi is too...
20:13I won't let others use you as an object...
20:17...I will protect you...
20:37If I can't destroy you...
20:40...I will throw you into the sea...
20:42...so no one can find you...
20:50It's been 30 years...
20:53...and I still remember that day...
20:55...even now, so many years later...
20:57...I remember all our encounters...
20:59...as if it were yesterday...
21:01...I remember the shine of her eyes...
21:03...the smell of her hair...
21:04...and her words...
21:05I have nothing in the world except you...
21:07...remember that...
21:37Master Liu...
21:38...it's not this way...
21:39Of course it is...
21:40...I could never lie to the seventh prince...
21:44...my life...
21:45...belongs to his highness...
21:48...according to our map...
21:51...the way is that way...
21:52The way to Biloutian...
21:54...I know it perfectly...
21:56...you've never been there, have you?
21:58My route...
22:01...is the right one...
22:03Master Liu...
22:04...we have orders...
22:06...that if you are not loyal to the seventh prince...
22:09...we can execute her!
22:17Then I'll tell you the truth...
22:19...I must go to Lingqiu for business...
22:22...I only need three days...
22:24...then I'll take you all to Biloutian...
22:27...his highness...
22:28...said we must go straight...
22:30...every day we must send a report...
22:32...three days...
22:33...that's a lot of time...
22:35One day...
22:36...just give me one day...
22:37...not even half a day...
22:38...Master Liu...
22:39...it's getting late...
22:40...let's not waste any more time...
22:42...the truth I appreciate a lot my life...
22:45...in that case I'll take you to Biloutian...
23:04Over there!
23:19...did something happen to Master Liu?
23:21...she should be here by now...
23:26...you two...
23:27...go to Biloutian...
23:29...I'll go to Lingqiu...
23:32...you two...
23:33...go with me to investigate...
23:35...the rest...
23:36...stay here...
23:39...if Liu Min arrives...
23:41...do what we planned...
23:57Follow them...
24:01Follow them...
24:44Follow them...
24:45Liu Min knows me...
24:47...he must not know that I follow that man...
24:50...I'll hide in the forest...
24:52...if he tries something...
24:53...stop him...
25:12It's very interesting...
25:14...this path is unknown...
25:16...almost nobody passes through here...
25:18...it's rare to see strangers around here...
25:20...would you mind telling me who you are...
25:22...and what are you doing?
25:23You don't care...
25:25...are you a civil servant?
25:27Master Liu...
25:28...we must continue...
25:29...why do you stop to talk...
25:32...you know this man...
25:35Don't worry...
25:38...why do you doubt me so much...
25:40...I'm just a merchant...
25:42...that's why I know this place...
25:44...I make friends on the way...
25:46...it's my habit...
25:47...that's why I stopped...
25:49We are three brothers...
25:50...we go to Lingqiu to sell tea...
25:52...that's all...
25:57The old Li sells tea...
25:59...I haven't seen him for a long time...
26:01...do you know how he is...
26:02...do you still think he's alive?
26:04You must be mistaken...
26:06...in Lingqiu...
26:07...I've never heard of that man...
26:11Master Liu...
26:13I must remember wrong...
26:15Forget it...
26:16...we must continue...
26:18See you soon...
26:19See you soon...
26:27Let's go!
26:35Let's go!
26:38Let's go!
26:39Let's go!
26:48Hurry up!
26:58...what do you want?
27:01...I want food and wine!
27:09...we investigated that man...
27:11...one worked for Major Tomoshu...
27:13...we were ordered...
27:16...to be careful...
27:17...it could be a trap...
27:27Let's go!
27:50Why didn't you change the plan?
27:52I tried...
27:53...but the Royal Guards knew I was going the wrong way...
27:55...it was useless...
27:56...I couldn't take them down that route...
27:58...they are too cautious...
28:00...they only eat the food they brought...
28:02...and drank water from a river...
28:05...I couldn't give them anything to poison them...
28:08...I also discovered something else...
28:10...after we met on that road...
28:14...some tea merchants appeared...
28:17Why does that matter?
28:18I put them to the test...
28:20...I used a fake name of a tea seller...
28:23...but the answer they gave me was correct...
28:26...that's suspicious...
28:28...on that road...
28:29...it's strange to find someone...
28:32...the Seventh Prince knows...
28:35...and ordered us to follow him?
28:40Who's coming?
28:52...I understand...
28:53...first take care of the Royal Guard...
28:57You can go...
29:09We've been following them for a long time...
29:11...when will we do something?
29:15You're in a hurry...
29:16...they are more than us...
29:18...if we attack them now we are dead...
29:22...I paid them a lot of money...
29:24...if I asked them to follow us for a month...
29:26...they would have to do it...
29:30...your money, your orders...
29:33...we will kill them anyway...
29:36...they are savages...
29:38...if I didn't have to go unnoticed...
29:40...I would use my own people...
29:41...what a nuisance...
29:44...I could kill everyone master...
29:46...I would only leave two guards alive...
29:49...that I can control...
29:50...with a potion...
29:53...they are good warriors...
29:55...it's not such a good idea...
29:56...we are not sure we can kill everyone...
29:59...if one of them escapes and alerts the prince...
30:02...all our plan will be destroyed...
30:04...and they will kill us...
30:06...for our own good...
30:08...we have to kill everyone without exception...
30:10...but they are very careful...
30:11...I don't know if I can poison them...
30:14...on the way...
30:16...for three days they will not be able to find water to drink...
30:18...I will build a place...
30:21...for the guards to drink...
30:23...if those merchants are spies sent by the prince...
30:27...when we kill the guards...
30:29...they will be close watching them...
30:32...I understand master...
32:48What's going on?
32:51Lady Liu, order more at that table. We will eat what I leave here.
32:57Didn't you say you would only eat your food? Now you have interest in mine. Why?
33:04Silence! Now!
33:08Very well, since you ask me, I will obey you.
33:14Serve them food.
33:15With pleasure.
33:23Come on, everyone.
33:27Thank you.
33:28Thank you.
33:37Hey, this is mine.
33:56How did he do it?
33:59For each bite, I drank some wine.
34:02They were two different types of poison.
34:05If they are ingested together, it will not harm you.
34:15This is an antidote that will save you. That poison is one of the most painful that has ever been done. Agony is endless.
34:36Lady, we will not betray the prince. We will not. If in three days the prince does not receive our news, he will order to destroy Villa Michoé.
34:46The abilities of the royal guards are mediocre. If they were my guards, I would have trained them like ferocious beasts. So they would be invincible.
34:57But you two have families. And those families are now in my mansion. I do not know if you would like to see them again.
35:08I beg you, I beg you not to hurt them.
35:11Do whatever you want, ma'am, whatever it is.
35:14I do not need much. I just want you to help me tell a lie to the seventh prince. When you have done it, I will release your families immediately.
35:26Maestro, the men who saw me on the way did not arrive. Maybe I thought badly.
35:38Return to the capital and inform the seventh prince to finish this. And remember, do not make any mistakes.
35:50Go tell the prince. I'll watch them. Hurry!
35:57Let's go.
35:58Let's go.
36:25Let's go.
36:29Let's go.
36:41There it is. It's the entrance to Biloutian.
36:48I escaped from here a long time ago. I remember.
36:54Maestro Fu, what do we do? Do we follow him?
37:49Before the map and the sacred object were united, but now they have separated. And I do not know where any of them are.
38:04Yufu Mansion
38:09Yufu Mansion
38:20It is our opportunity. The royal guards were murdered by Liu Mingyue. The room is only guarded by Hei Yan. We will do it tonight.
38:32Okay, that's it. This time we will not fail.
38:35Yufu Mansion
39:00Hei Yan!
39:01Maestro! Maestro! What happened?
39:31Search over there.
40:01Yufu Mansion
40:31Yufu Mansion
41:02Yufu Mansion
41:05Search over there.
41:27Yufu Mansion
41:32Maestro Fu, go. I'll stay.
41:42Use my sword.
41:45Run. I'll stop him.
42:01Yufu Mansion
42:31Yufu Mansion
43:01Yufu Mansion
43:02Yufu Mansion
43:03Yufu Mansion
43:04Yufu Mansion
43:05Yufu Mansion
43:06Yufu Mansion
43:07Yufu Mansion
43:08Yufu Mansion
43:09Yufu Mansion
43:10Yufu Mansion
43:11Yufu Mansion
43:12Yufu Mansion
43:13Yufu Mansion
43:14Yufu Mansion
43:15Yufu Mansion
43:16Yufu Mansion
43:17Yufu Mansion
43:18Yufu Mansion
43:19Yufu Mansion
43:20Yufu Mansion
43:21Yufu Mansion
43:22Yufu Mansion
43:23Yufu Mansion
43:24Yufu Mansion
43:25Yufu Mansion
43:26Yufu Mansion
43:27Yufu Mansion
43:28Yufu Mansion
43:29Yufu Mansion
