Handy Manny S01E19 Felipe Strikes Out Pats Big Idea

  • 3 months ago
00:00Better get going. We're supposed to be at Mr. Ayala's new bowling alley for the grand opening.
00:06That's right.
00:07Yay! Bowling!
00:09Si! Boliche!
00:12I'm gonna get a cereal bowl.
00:15Or a soup bowl.
00:17No, Pat. Bowling is where they take a big ball and roll it along the floor and knock over a bunch of bowling pins.
00:25I can knock over pins. I'm a hammer.
00:29And if all of the pins fall over with the first ball, it's called a chusa, a strike.
00:35A strike, huh? Oh, so it's just like baseball.
00:39Except for the bases, bats, gloves, and pitchers, yeah, they're pretty much the same.
00:46Come on, tuos. Let's go.
00:48Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
00:56Hop, hop, jump, in.
00:58Come on, let's go.
01:00Hop, hop, jump, in.
01:02Si, vamonos.
01:04Hop, hop, jump, in.
01:06Don't move too slow.
01:07Keep up.
01:08Frames get to work.
01:10We wrap it up.
01:17Hi, Mr. Lowport.
01:18Oh, hello, Manny. Hi, tuos.
01:21What's in the bag?
01:23It's my bowling ball. I'm going to the new bowling alley.
01:27So are we.
01:29I didn't know you were a bowler, Mr. Lowport.
01:31Absolutely. And not just any bowler.
01:34I've got so many strikes, they call me Lightning Lowport.
01:38Let's see. The old wind-up and release.
01:45Oh, no.
01:54Can we help you fix that, Mr. Lowport?
01:57No, no, I'll be fine, Manny.
02:00See you at the bowling alley.
02:02Okay, Mr. Lowport. Adios.
02:13Look, it's Duane Buffon, the guy from TV.
02:17Welcome to Sheetrock Hills today.
02:20I'm your host, Duane Buffon,
02:22and I'm here for the grand opening of Sheetrock Lanes,
02:26the new bowling alley in town.
02:28With me is the owner, Mr. Ayala.
02:31Congratulations, sir.
02:33And I understand Mayor Rosa is going to throw the very first ball
02:37to celebrate the grand opening.
02:39Yes, she has been so kind to help us with that.
02:42This is truly the most exciting day in my life.
02:46Well, maybe right after the day we move from Argentina.
02:49Oh, and the day Marcelo was born.
02:52That was way up there.
02:54That's wonderful, Mr. Ayala,
02:56but it looks like Mayor Rosa is ready to throw the first ball.
03:01Mayor Rosa, whenever you are ready,
03:03just press the button,
03:05and the ball return will automatically deliver a ball to you.
03:09Thank you, Mr. Ayala.
03:11It's a great honor to officially open Sheetrock Lanes.
03:15Here we go.
03:20Ha, ha, ha.
03:22Try it again. It must be sticking.
03:28Oh, no. This is not good.
03:31What could be wrong?
03:33This is Duane Bufant reporting live from Sheetrock Lanes,
03:36where we've just had a major setback.
03:39A broken ball return has brought the grand opening to a halt.
03:44We can take a look at it, Mr. Ayala.
03:47Oh, would you, Manny? That would be wonderful.
03:50No problem. Come on, tools.
03:53But wait.
03:54Handy Manny and his tools have just offered to take a look at the problem.
03:59Will Manny be able to make the repair and save the day?
04:03What do you think, Mayor Rosa?
04:06Well, if anyone can fix it, Manny can.
04:10Everything looks okay.
04:12Oh, wait. Look at that.
04:14Loose screw.
04:16Maybe that's causing all the trouble.
04:19I'm on it.
04:27Good work, Turner.
04:29There you have it, folks.
04:31Just when all looked hopeless, Manny came through again.
04:35Let's see if I can get a word with him.
04:39Way to go, Manny. You really pulled it off.
04:42Well, thanks, but it wasn't really me.
04:45I had a great screwdriver helping me out.
04:50I'll bet you did.
04:53Could I see you for a minute?
04:55Me? Sure.
05:02I'm Duane Buffant, and I'm standing here with...
05:08Felipe the Screwdriver, who has just saved the day at Sheetrock Lanes.
05:15What? No way. That wasn't me.
05:17So tell us, Felipe.
05:19Turn to the camera and tell the hundreds of people out there watching,
05:23how did you ever become such a great screwdriver?
05:29Well, I don't know if it's anything I did, really.
05:33I think I was probably just born that way.
05:39Yes, because even as a tiny little tool,
05:43I still knew I had greatness in me.
05:51That was fun.
05:54Hey, the grand opening of the bowling alley should be on TV by now.
05:59Turn it on! Turn it on!
06:04This is Duane Buffant reporting live from Sheetrock Lanes...
06:05Look, it's Duane!
06:07Only smaller.
06:09It was a very exciting day at Sheetrock Lanes.
06:13The new bowling alley in town was all set to open
06:17when something went terribly wrong.
06:20But that's when an extraordinary screwdriver stepped in to save the day.
06:25My hero, Turner!
06:28I don't know about extraordinary.
06:31Very, very special, maybe.
06:34Yes, Sheetrock Hills' newest hero is...
06:38Felipe the Screwdriver.
06:42Even as a tiny little tool, I still knew I had greatness in me.
06:54Well, I... I... I...
06:57I'm sure it was just an honest mistake.
07:00And I know Felipe will straighten it out as soon as he can.
07:03Right, Felipe?
07:06I will tell Duane the very next time we see him.
07:10Whatever that might be.
07:15How about now?
07:20Hello, Manny.
07:21Hi, Duane.
07:22I just came over to talk to Felipe.
07:25Oh, well, he wants to talk to you, too.
07:28I'll bet he does.
07:31Great story, wasn't it?
07:33Well, yes, but...
07:36And you looked great, don't you think?
07:39Actually, yes, I did.
07:43You got my good side.
07:47Oh, well, thank you.
07:49But there's something I have to tell you.
07:52It wasn't really me...
07:54And there's something I have to tell you.
07:58I think you belong on TV.
08:04In fact, I think you should have your own TV show.
08:09My TV own show?
08:13The Felipe Fix-It Hour.
08:16With your host, Duane Buffant.
08:19Catchy, huh?
08:21Whoa, whoa, whoa. Time out.
08:23What Felipe is trying to tell you is he didn't do the big repair.
08:27I did.
08:28That's great, Turner. Love your energy.
08:30And I was thinking we could recreate your famous repair
08:34so we can show our viewers exactly what you did to save the bowling alley.
08:39Um, Felipe?
08:41Uh, Duane, you really should listen to Turner.
08:47How about lunch next Tuesday?
08:49Now, let's get all of you back to the bowling alley to recreate Felipe's repair.
08:54It'll be the first show of his new series.
08:57And we're going to be in it?
08:59On TV?
09:00Each and every one of you.
09:02Now, come on, let's go.
09:04Oh, boy. Come on, Manny.
09:07I tried to tell him, Manny.
09:09Yeah. Nice effort.
09:13Don't worry. I'll try again. I promise.
09:20Okay, now, everyone stand back so we can get a clear shot of Felipe.
09:25Now, just do exactly what you did for the big repair.
09:29Yeah, Felipe. Show him exactly what you did.
09:34But I really didn't do...
09:36Just reach right in there and turn that screw.
09:42But it's not even my kind of screw.
09:46Come on, Felipe. Don't be shy. Give it a big old turn.
09:56I'm trying.
09:57Camera's rolling, Felipe.
10:02I think I...
10:11Felipe, what happened?
10:13I tried to tell you, Dwayne. Really.
10:16Tell me what?
10:17That Turner was right. I didn't do the repair. He did.
10:23Turner saved the day. Not me.
10:26If anyone should have his own TV show, it's him.
10:30I know I should have told you sooner, but I just got carried away.
10:36Turner, great idea.
10:39It's called Turner's Tool Tales with your host, Dwayne Buffon.
10:45What do you think?
10:46Thanks, but I kind of like the job I have right now.
10:51Hi, how's everything go...
10:53Oh, no! What happened?
10:56Nothing a little teamwork can't fix. Right, tools?
10:59Right, Daddy!
11:01Come on. Let's get to work.
11:06Let's get rolling and fix it right
11:08Twist and turn
11:09Make it tight
11:11Trabajamos juntos
11:13We work together now
11:16Cut it, measure, and tap it flat
11:18Bend and twist
11:20Just like that
11:21Each of us has a special job
11:23We work together
11:25Todos juntos
11:26We can fix it right
11:31Hey, look! It's Mr. Lopart!
11:35That's lightning, Lopart, to you.
11:38And I am finally ready to bowl.
11:41I've been looking forward to this all day.
11:43Theo, wind up.
11:45And release!
11:53My job, Lopart!
12:06That's a big idea.
12:09Let's get to work.
12:12Let's get to work.
12:15That's big idea.
12:21Do you think it'll fly?
12:23Oh, I don't know.
12:26I still think it's a little too long in the back.
12:29Let's check.
12:31Stretch. It's perfecto.
12:33Felipe's right. It's perfect.
12:36Okay, everybody. Let's see if it flies.
12:50Now what do we do?
12:57Oh, wait.
12:59Manny said he had to deliver that lamp we fixed for Mrs. Portillo.
13:03That's okay. We can get it down ourselves.
13:06Vámonos. Let's go.
13:12Okay, squeeze.
13:18That's it, squeezy. You're doing great.
13:27No, no, no, no, Pat. You'd better not sneeze.
13:35Great. Now look what you guys did.
13:39No problem. I can clean this up in five seconds.
13:42Oh, yeah? I bet it's more like five hours.
13:46It won't take any time at all. Just watch.
14:05What are you doing, Pat?
14:08Cleaning up.
14:11Watch where you point that magnet.
14:14Oops. Sorry, Felipe.
14:25What are you doing, guys?
14:29Wow, Pat. Did you use that magnet to clean up those screws?
14:33That's a great idea.
14:35It was? I mean, well, thank you, Manny.
14:39Good morning. Handyman's Repair Shop.
14:42You break it, we fix it. This is Manny.
14:45Mr. Kumar? It's me, Manny.
14:47I mean, hi, Manny. It's me, Mr. Kumar.
14:50Hi, Mr. Kumar. How can I help you?
14:53Oh, boy. Am I in trouble?
14:55It's my forklift. The door is stuck.
14:58I meant a forklift is stuck in my door.
15:01Can you please come and fix it?
15:03Oh, sure thing, Mr. Kumar. We'll be right over.
15:06Oh, thank you. Thank you, Manny.
15:08Wow, Mr. Kumar was really upset. We better get right over there.
15:12We're on it. Let's go.
15:15Come on, tools. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
15:24Hop, hop, jump, yin. Come on, let's go.
15:28Hop, hop, jump, yin. Sí, vámonos.
15:32Hop, hop, jump, yin. Don't go too slow. Keep up.
15:36Let's get to work. Muy rápido.
15:47Hola, Mr. Lopora. Beautiful morning.
15:49Good morning, Manny.
15:51How do you like this new cat door I just installed for Fluffy?
15:56Oh, it's really nice, Mr. Lopora.
15:58But don't you think it's a little too small for Fluffy to fit through?
16:03Oh, don't be silly, Manny. I measured this door three times.
16:08Why, I could even fit my whole arm in there if I wanted to. Look.
16:13Mr. Lopora, I don't think you should do that.
16:22That's funny. I seem to be stuck a little bit.
16:26When you have large, powerful arms like mine, that happens.
16:30Oh, do you need some help?
16:31No, no. I'm just fine, just fine. Just resting.
16:36Nothing wrong with a man resting with his arm in his own cat door, is there?
16:40Oh, no. Okay, then. See you later, Mr. Lopora.
16:57Hello, Mr. Kumar?
17:01Hello, Mr. Kumar?
17:07Oh, there's a problem.
17:10I didn't know Mr. Kumar sold forklifts.
17:14Mr. Kumar, it's me, Manny. Are you back there?
17:18Oh, thank goodness. Manny!
17:21Hey, what up, dudes? Hi, Elliot.
17:24Hi, Mr. Kumar.
17:27You're going to have to come around the back of the store. There's no way through.
17:31No problema. No problem.
17:36There they are.
17:39Elliot, were you the one driving?
17:42Yeah. I was helping Mr. Kumar with his deliveries.
17:50So, what happened?
17:52Well, Mr. Kumar and I were unloading some china from the truck.
17:56We were going to load it into the store, but...
17:59I accidentally said forwards when I meant backwards.
18:03I mean, backwards when I meant forwards.
18:06Next thing I knew, the forklift went crunch.
18:10And I was totally wedged in the door.
18:13And now it's stuck.
18:15Okay, well, let me take a look.
18:21How come they call it a forklift, Manny?
18:24Well, you see this big fork down here?
18:26You can use that fork to lift things that are really big and heavy.
18:30Wow. You're right, guys. It's really wedged in there.
18:34Have you tried driving it back out?
18:36That was the first thing I tried, but it just won't budge.
18:40Okay, we can get this thing out if we all just pull on it together.
18:45Alita is right. Come on, guys. Grab hold.
18:49Um, I don't know if that's such a good idea, guys.
18:59Everyone holding on?
19:06Then on the count of three. Uno, dos, tres.
19:25That didn't work.
19:27No kidding.
19:29Now what?
19:31Do you think pushing this button will do anything?
19:35Please don't push anything.
19:38Oh, no.
19:44Manny, do you think there's anything you can do?
19:49I think if we pry that door frame back, we can free it enough so Alita can drive it out.
19:56Pry the door frame back? That sounds very bad.
19:59Don't worry, Mr. Kumar. I'll be extra careful.
20:03Just wait here. We'll be right back. Kelly will have what we need.
20:13Buenos dias, Kelly.
20:14Oh, good morning, Manny. Hi, Tools. What's the big job today?
20:18It's Mr. Kumar.
20:20Elliot accidentally wedged a forklift into his back door, and it's stuck tight.
20:25Wow, that sounds like a real problem.
20:28Yeah, it's going to be kind of tough, because we don't want to break the door frame.
20:33But if I'm really careful, I figure all we're going to need is a...
20:36One of these?
20:38A crowbar!
20:40Of course.
20:41Wow, Kelly. You always have just what we need.
20:48So what are you going to do with that crowbar, Manny?
20:50I'm going to use it to pry out the top of the door frame.
20:53Hopefully that will release the forklift.
20:56Hey, Mr. Kumar. We're back.
20:58Thank goodness. But what's that?
21:01You're not going to use that, are you? My door frame will be ruined.
21:05I'll be extra careful, Mr. Kumar.
21:07And if I damage anything, you can be sure that the Tools and I will repair it as good as new.
21:12Well, okay, I guess.
21:15Okay, Stretch. How much room do you think we need to free the top of the forklift?
21:21If you could pry the door frame one inch higher, I think Elliot could drive the forklift out.
21:27Okay, one inch higher. Here he goes.
21:33Don't worry, Mr. Kumar.
21:35I'm fine, Manny.
21:37I trust you.
21:45Hey, Manny.
21:48Hey, Manny.
21:50Yes, Pat?
21:52I just had an idea.
21:54What if, instead of trying to raise the door frame, we just lower the forklift?
22:02Well, Pat, now I've really got to hand it to you.
22:06Of all the wacky ideas you have ever come up with, that has got to be the absolute goofiest.
22:14Now, wait a minute, Turner. Let's hear what he has to say.
22:17I don't understand, Pat.
22:19Instead of trying to raise the door frame, we should lower the forklift?
22:23How can we do that?
22:25Well, the forklift has four tires, right?
22:30And it looks like they're the kind that are filled with air, like balloons.
22:34Pat, you're a genius.
22:37He is.
22:39I am?
22:40I still don't get it.
22:43If we lower the forklift one inch, we'll be able to drive the forklift right out.
22:48But, Pat, how can anyone lower the forklift?
22:51Do you think we can push it into the ground?
22:55Do you think we should dig a big hole and maybe it will fall in?
22:59All you have to do is take some air out of the tires.
23:05I hear that.
23:07Is it just me or is someone speaking some kind of secret hammer language?
23:13I still don't get what he's saying.
23:15Turner, we're going to lower the forklift by flattening the tires a little bit.
23:20You see?
23:22Come on, everybody. Let's get to work.
23:27Let's get going and fix it right.
23:29Twist and turn.
23:30Make it tight.
23:32Trabajamos juntos.
23:34We work together now.
23:37Cut it, measure it.
23:38Tap it flat.
23:39Bend and twist.
23:41Just like that.
23:42Each of us has a special job.
23:44We work together.
23:46Todos juntos.
23:47We can fix it right.
23:51Okay, Elliot, try driving it out slowly now.
24:01You did it.
24:02Oh, thank you, Benny.
24:04Thanks to Pat.
24:05It was his big idea to save the day.
24:07That was amazing the way you figured that out.
24:11I guess maybe that whole wacky way you have of thinking isn't so wacky after all.
24:19So you mean that maybe I'm kind of smart?
24:23Yeah, yeah, yeah.
24:26I'm a hammer.
24:52Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
