Handy Manny S01E08 Pat The Screwdriver Big Sister

  • 2 months ago
00:00Ooh! Careful, Manny! That looks heavy!
00:05Thanks, Dusty, but I think I got it.
00:10Ooh, it looks like a little merry-go-round. Can I take a ride, Manny?
00:15No, Squeeze. This is Mrs. Portillo's mixer. I promised her we'd fix it today.
00:20Ooh, what's wrong with it, Manny?
00:22I'm not sure. Mrs. Portillo said it just stopped spinning right in the middle of mixing a cake.
00:28Want me to bang on it, Manny?
00:30Bang is probably not the best way to fix this one, Pat.
00:36No fix it. I don't think barking's going to do it either. But let's take a look.
00:46Con permiso.
00:50Show off.
01:00Con permiso.
01:06Boy, those guys are lucky. They get to do everything. I sure wish I was a screwdriver.
01:14It's true. A screwdriver can do lots of things, but each of you is just as important.
01:20Even if I don't need you all the time, there's always a time when I need you.
01:28Hola, herramientas. Hola, Manny.
01:31What brings you by, Abuelito?
01:33Oh, you are muy ocupado.
01:36Yeah, we're always busy, Abuelito. There always seems to be something that needs fixing in Sheetrock Hills.
01:42Ay, si, si.
01:44Is something broken?
01:46Oh, it's fine. I will just come back when you're all not so busy.
01:53We're never too busy for you.
01:56Well, if you must know, it's the front steps of my house. One of the wood boards is badly broken and I can't get inside.
02:04Oh, that doesn't sound very safe.
02:07Yeah, Dusty's right. We should fix that right away.
02:11Oh, no, no, no. I will sleep in the yard until you have time. I have a nice big hammock and a warm blanket.
02:19No, no, no, Abuelito. We can help you now. Mrs. Portillo's mixer can wait.
02:24Oh, gracias, Manny.
02:26Well then, what are we waiting for?
02:29Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
02:37Hop, hop, jump in.
02:39Come on, let's go.
02:41Hop, hop, jump in.
02:43Si, vámonos.
02:45Hop, hop, jump in.
02:47Don't go too slow.
02:49Let's get to work.
02:51We wrap it up.
03:03Hi, Mr. Lopar.
03:05Oh, Manny.
03:06Oh, are you having some trouble with your car?
03:08Yeah, it won't start. It's probably this little thingy over here. Or maybe that hose over there.
03:16Hmm, well, maybe I can take a look.
03:18Oh, Manny, Manny, Manny. These car engines are a little tricky, but certainly nothing I can't fix all by myself. Thanks anyway.
03:28Okay, Mr. Lopar. Good luck. Let us know if you need anything.
03:51You're right, Abuelito. We'll have to replace a whole piece of wood. It's a good thing we came right away.
03:57You could have gotten hurt, Abuelito.
04:00Yeah, a broken step is very dangerous.
04:04You're right.
04:06We can fix it.
04:07Well then, I will let you get to work.
04:11This looks like a job for a hammer, right, Manny?
04:14That's right, Pat. We'll need you to remove the old board and then hammer the new one in.
04:27Are you okay?
04:28Um, I'm not sure. Where am I?
04:33You're at Abuelito's house, remember?
04:36I'm Abuelito.
04:39And I am Felipe. Remember me? Felipe. Felipe.
04:47And that's Manny. You remember Manny, right?
04:50Oh, Manny. Right.
04:53There you go, Pat.
04:55Yes, I remember now. You're Turner. You're Manny. You're Felipe.
05:01And I'm Pat. I'm a screwdriver.
05:07No, you're not, Pat. You're a hammer.
05:12Oh, yeah. What's a hammer?
05:16You know, bang-bang, knock-knock.
05:19Who's there?
05:22Pat who?
05:23Pat the Hammer.
05:25That is not so funny.
05:29Pat, you really don't know who you are.
05:31Sure I do, Manny. I'm Pat the Screwdriver.
05:35Oh, boy. That bump on the head must have made you a little loco.
05:39You really do think you're a screwdriver.
05:42Great. Just what we need around here. Another screwdriver.
05:47Any chance Felipe can think he's a butter knife?
05:51Turner, this is serious. We have to help Pat.
05:54Besides, we can't do this repair without a hammer.
05:57Then what are we going to do, Manny?
06:00Come on, Pat. Remember these steps? And this broken board?
06:05You're the only one who can pull out these old nails.
06:08I don't think so, Manny. I'm a screwdriver.
06:12Oh, is there a problem with the repair, Manny?
06:16No, Abuelito. We just need to get a few things from Kelly's hardware store before we can start.
06:25Right, Tools?
06:26Yeah, yeah, that's right. Sure. You're not lying.
06:30Are you sure you're going to be able to fix it?
06:33No problem, Abuelito. No problem at all.
06:39Hola, Manny. Hi, Tools.
06:41Hi, Kelly.
06:43Wow, you don't sound so good.
06:45We have to fix the steps at Abuelito's house.
06:48And Pat here thinks he's a screwdriver.
06:51A screwdriver?
06:53Yeah, Turner's right. Pat fell on his head, and now he doesn't know he's a hammer.
06:58Ooh, I'm sorry. That must've hurt.
07:01Hmm. Well, how are you going to fix those steps without a hammer?
07:05We were hoping you would have an idea, Kelly.
07:08Hmm. Well, the wood's probably too thick to get screws through, and glue just won't be strong enough.
07:15And believe it or not, I'm all out of hammers.
07:19Oh, well. Can't have everything.
07:21But you always have everything.
07:23That's okay, Kelly. We'll figure something out.
07:26I'll just grab a piece of wood from the back.
07:35Squeeze, do you think you can pull all these nails?
07:39I can try, Manny.
07:46Good job, Squeeze.
07:48Okay, now just a few more.
08:00Thanks, Squeeze.
08:02Sure, Manny. Anytime.
08:05But there's just no way to nail this new board in without a hammer.
08:10Oh, boy. Too bad we don't have a hammer.
08:14You sure you don't want me to screw them in, Manny?
08:17No. Screws won't work this time, Pat.
08:21How about me, Manny? You could use the back of my head to pound them in.
08:25Ow! It hurts just saying that.
08:28That's very brave of you, Rusty. That's not what a monkey wrench would be used for.
08:33Maybe a couple of very carefully placed hits from a big rock will do it, Manny.
08:39Hmm. Maybe, Stretch.
08:42Careful, Manny.
08:44Just a little to the left.
08:49No. I think only a hammer can do this job.
08:53I'll just have to tell Abuelito we can't do it.
08:57Can do what?
08:59We can't fix the steps, Abuelito.
09:01¿Qué? Pat bumped his head and doesn't know he's a hammer anymore.
09:06Ah, sí.
09:08He bumped his cabeza.
09:10I once had a friend in the army. Same thing happened to him.
09:14¿He forgot he was a hammer?
09:16No. He forgot he was a soldier.
09:19So what'd you do, Abuelito?
09:21We needed him to be a soldier, so we told him to pretend.
09:27That's right, Rusty. We told him to pretend to be a soldier.
09:31So maybe Pat could pretend to be a hammer.
09:35So maybe Pat could pretend to be a hammer.
09:38Oh, I don't think so, Manny. A hammer is a pretty special tool.
09:42You are so right, Pat.
09:44But you are very smart, and I am sure you are a good pretender.
09:49Oh, I don't think so, really, Abuelito.
09:52Sure you are. You even look like a hammer.
09:56¿Right, herramientas?
09:58Oh, yeah. You've got a big, strong handle, Pat. Just like a hammer.
10:04And your head looks just like a hammer I once knew.
10:10And you're even brave like a hammer.
10:13Oh, you really think so?
10:15Well, maybe I could pretend, Manny.
10:17That would be great, Pat.
10:19But only if you're sure.
10:21Let's give it a try.
10:23Okay. Ready, Pat?
10:25Ready, Manny.
10:29You did it, Pat!
10:31You know, I could get to like this hammering thing.
10:35Well, we're not done yet.
10:39Let's get going and fix it right.
10:42Twist and turn.
10:43Make it tight.
10:44Trabajamos juntos.
10:47We work together now.
10:49Let's get going and fix it right.
10:52Twist and turn.
10:53Make it tight.
10:54Trabajamos juntos.
10:58Let it measure up.
10:59Pop and slap.
11:00Bend and twist.
11:02Just like that.
11:03Each of us has a special job.
11:05We work together.
11:07Todos juntos.
11:08We can fix it right.
11:15We did it.
11:22Not again.
11:24Are you okay?
11:27Of course I'm okay.
11:30I'm a hammer.
11:32He doesn't think he's a screwdriver anymore.
11:35Is that right, Pat?
11:37A screwdriver?
11:38Why would I think I was a screwdriver?
11:41Never mind, Pat.
11:43Yeah, we're just glad to have you back the way you were.
11:47You are lucky to have such good herramientas, Manny.
11:51Especially such a good hammer.
11:55So, do you think you could do one last job?
12:00Sure, Abuelito.
12:01For you, anything.
12:03Oh, gracias, Manny.
12:05There's a few other things I need your help with.
12:08You see in the kitchen...
12:17Big sister.
12:20Can we put the new CD in now, Manny?
12:22Can we, huh? Can we, huh?
12:24Not yet, Squeeze.
12:26The speaker is broken.
12:27If we don't fix it, we won't be able to hear the music.
12:30It's probably just a loose screw.
12:32Squeeze and Turner should be able to handle this.
12:34Coming through.
12:37Hang on there, Turner.
12:39I need Squeeze's help first.
12:43Okay, let's replace this old wire.
12:46Hey, Turner, can you help me tighten up this screw?
12:48I thought you'd never ask.
12:55All fixed.
13:04Hola, Handymanny's Repair Shop.
13:05You break it, we fix it.
13:07This is Manny.
13:08Hola, Manny.
13:09This is Mr. Alvarez.
13:11Hola, Sr. Alvarez.
13:12What can we do for you?
13:14My wife is going to have a baby, and I need your help.
13:17Ah, lo siento, but I don't know how to deliver a baby.
13:21I'm a repairman.
13:22Maybe you should call a doctor.
13:24Oye, please, let me explain.
13:26My wife is about to have a hospital,
13:28and we have to get her to the baby.
13:30I mean, my wife is about to have a baby,
13:32and we have to get her to the hospital.
13:34Manny, I need you to fix our broken crib.
13:36If it's not fixed right away, the baby won't have a place to sleep.
13:39Oh, don't worry, Mr. Alvarez.
13:41Oh, don't worry, Mr. Alvarez.
13:43We'll be right over.
13:47And what's the problem, Manny?
13:49That was Mr. Alvarez.
13:50His wife is going to have a baby very soon,
13:53and he needs us to repair a crib before the baby's born.
13:59Ready, tools?
14:02Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
14:07Hop, hop, jump in.
14:09Come on, let's go.
14:11Hop, hop, jump in.
14:13Sí, vámonos.
14:15Hop, hop, jump in.
14:17Don't move too slow.
14:18Keep up.
14:19Let's get to work.
14:21We got the O.
14:31Hi, Mr. Lopar.
14:32Oh, hi, Manny.
14:34Oh, hi, Manny.
14:35Just trying to keep things clean and tidy around here.
14:38Oh, thanks for sweeping up out here.
14:41It looks great.
14:42Can I give you a hand with that trash can?
14:44Thanks, Manny, but I've got it under control.
14:46I can do many things at once, you know.
14:49We Loparts are known for our balance.
14:53Well, be careful, and have a good day.
14:56Yes, indeedy.
14:58Very steady.
14:59I bet I could be a tightrope walker.
15:01Why, I could...
15:17Hola, Manny.
15:18Thanks for coming so quickly.
15:20No problem, Señor Alvarez.
15:22I have to take my wife to the hospital.
15:24The baby's almost ready to be born.
15:26You see, the crib broke when I was moving it out of the garage,
15:28and I need you to fix it so I can sleep.
15:31I mean, so he can sleep.
15:32No, or that she can sleep.
15:34The baby, not my wife.
15:35Although my wife is very tired,
15:37and who knows when we'll get to sleep again.
15:41Felicitaciones, Señor Alvarez.
15:43You must be so happy.
15:44You're going to be a new father.
15:46Actually, I'm already a father.
15:50This is my daughter, Susana.
15:53Hola, Susana.
15:55Are you excited about the new baby?
15:57I guess.
15:59Susana's a little worried about having a new baby in the house,
16:02but I know she's going to be a great big sister.
16:10This crib was Susana's when she was a baby.
16:13Do you think you can fix it?
16:18No problema, Señor Alvarez.
16:20Oh, one more thing.
16:22Can you attach this mobile to the crib after it's all fixed?
16:26Of course.
16:27Thank you, Manny.
16:28I'll be in the other room helping my wife pack her bag for the hospital.
16:32Call me if you need me.
16:34Okay, let's see.
16:37First we got to replace that broken slab.
16:40Then we'll need to put the drop slide back on its track.
16:43Ready to go, Manny.
16:45I'll just loosen all the screws and then...
16:47Hold on there, Felipe.
16:49Before we do anything, we need to get some supplies.
16:55Hi, Kelly.
16:56Hola, Manny.
16:57Hi, Tools.
16:58Wow, you look like you're in a hurry.
17:00We're fixing the crib.
17:02The Alvarez familia is having a new baby.
17:06Well, congratulations to the Alvarez family.
17:09When's the baby due?
17:10Really soon.
17:12It could even be today.
17:14That's why we're in a bit of a rush.
17:16Gotcha, Manny.
17:17I'll have you out of here in a jiffy.
17:18Just tell me what you need.
17:20Okay, let's see.
17:21We need a wooden board, some wood glue,
17:24a few extra screws,
17:26and a can of silicone spray.
17:28Oh, and sandpaper.
17:30Oh, that's a lot of stuff.
17:32Oh, no.
17:33She doesn't have what we need.
17:35Well, it is a lot of stuff.
17:38Oh, well, what do you know?
17:40Here's a wooden board, wood glue, screws,
17:44a can of silicone spray, and some sandpaper.
17:48Thank goodness for Kelly.
17:51Yay, that's everything!
17:53Wait, almost everything.
17:55And here's a gift for the new baby.
17:57Tell the Alvarez's it's from Kelly.
18:01Hey, it's a teeny tiny hammer.
18:04It's not a teeny tiny hammer.
18:07It's a baby rattle.
18:09That's awfully nice of you, Kelly.
18:11Not many hardware stores sell baby toys.
18:14Well, a lot of customers come in with their babies,
18:17so I keep a few rattles in stock.
18:20You really do have everything, Kelly.
18:26So first we got to replace that old wood slat, and then...
18:30Hey, where did the mobile go?
18:32It was right there when we left.
18:34Uh-oh, what if it's lost?
18:37Maybe it fell.
18:39Let me check under the bed.
18:44Maybe it rolled under the crib.
18:49Not under here either.
18:51What about the closet?
18:58Not in here.
19:01Oh, I know!
19:02Maybe Mr. Alvarez has a dog.
19:05The dog could have jumped up on the dresser,
19:08taken the mobile, and put it in his doghouse.
19:11No, the Alvarez's don't have a dog.
19:14Uh-huh. How about a cat?
19:16No, no got to either.
19:18Maybe Mr. Alvarez changed his mind,
19:21and he doesn't want us to put the mobile on the crib anymore.
19:24Hmm, I better check with Mr. Alvarez.
19:29Oh, Susana, I didn't see you there.
19:31Oye, have you seen the mobile?
19:33We can't find it anywhere.
19:37Susana, qué pasa? What's wrong?
19:40I don't want the new baby in mi casa.
19:44You don't want the new baby in your house?
19:47Do you want to talk about it, Susana?
19:52I have an idea. Why don't you come help us?
19:58This drop slide popped right off his track.
20:03A new ball and nut should fix the problem.
20:06Susana, would you mind holding this for me?
20:12See, this old ball is no good because...
20:16Si, Susana?
20:18Would Mommy and Papi like the baby better than me?
20:22Oh, is that what's bothering you?
20:25And if they like the baby better than me,
20:28they probably won't want me anymore.
20:31Of course they'll want you.
20:34Yeah, you're the big sister.
20:37But I won't be special anymore.
20:40Sure you will, Susana.
20:42Susana, everyone's special.
20:45Oh, yeah. Even Pat.
20:48Yeah, even me.
20:53You know, I was really scared when Manny brought Squeeze home for the first time.
20:58You were?
20:59I was, too.
21:01I was afraid Manny would like her more than he liked me.
21:05Did he?
21:07I care about all my tools.
21:09Just like moms and dads love each of their children.
21:12And the baby will need you to teach it things.
21:15Like what?
21:17Like how to hammer in nails.
21:19See? And how to twist in Phillips head screws.
21:25I don't think Susana's baby brother or sister is going to do any hammering or twisting screws for a long time.
21:32But the tools are right.
21:34There are a lot of things you will need to teach the baby.
21:37Your parents are going to need your help, Susana.
21:39They are? Really?
21:42Sure. They might need you to give the baby a bottle.
21:45Or maybe they'll ask you to get a clean diaper or look for a missing toy.
21:57Like this one?
22:01I hid it from you so that you couldn't finish fixing the crib.
22:06I'm sorry, Manny.
22:09It's okay, Susana. I'm just glad you're feeling better.
22:12Now, we have to fix the crib so your brother or sister will have a safe place to sleep.
22:17And I'm going to need you for a very special part of the job.
22:21Ready to help?
22:23Okay, tools. We can't keep that baby waiting.
22:29Let's get going and fix it right.
22:31Twist and turn.
22:33Make it tight.
22:34Trabajamos juntos.
22:36We work together now.
22:39Cut it larger and tap it flat.
22:41Bend and twist.
22:43Just like that.
22:44Each of us has a special job.
22:46We work together.
22:48Todos juntos.
22:49We can fix it right.
22:55We did it!
22:57Now the new baby will have a place to sleep.
23:00It's not quite finished yet, squeeze.
23:03Susana, I need you to do the most important part of the job.
23:07Would you like to attach the mobile to the crib?
23:14What a good helper you are, Susana.
23:18That baby's going to be very lucky to have you as a sister.
23:24Hola, señora. You must be Mrs. Alvarez.
23:26And you must be Manny. Pleased to meet you.
23:30Manny, you fixed the crib!
23:32Yeah, we fixed it.
23:33I put the mobile on, papi.
23:37Muy bien. I'm so proud of you, princesa.
23:41Gracias, Manny. Gracias, herramientas.
23:44You really saved the day.
23:46You're very welcome.
23:51What is it, Manny?
23:53We got a letter thanking us for fixing Mr. Alvarez's crib.
23:57Dear Manny and Tools, thank you so much for fixing our crib so quickly.
24:01Our new baby girl is sleeping in it right now.
24:04Her name is Isabella.
24:06Come visit us soon.
24:08Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. Alvarez.
24:10And Susana.
24:12The baby's name is Isabella!
24:14What a pretty name.
24:16I wonder what the baby looks like.
24:19Well, you don't have to wonder, Rusty.
24:22Oh, she's so cute.
24:25Look how little she is.
24:27And look how big Susana is.
24:30They look great together.
