The Bill S25E56 Long Gone

  • 3 months ago
The Bill S25E56 Long Gone
00:30Asked if it's air Oscar to one father reported assault one Drake up street now saved
00:42Mr. Nassim, yeah, he won't talk to me
00:49Hi, I'm Mel nice and nasty. I think we're gonna need to get you checked out
01:01Think we need to get him locked up
01:06Wait, wait a minute. We're not gonna hurt you. We're just trying to help
01:26Yeah, I think this might be him
01:35Racing since 2004. Yeah, where's he been till now?
02:02So you think this is him I think it could be him blonde hair blue eyes same build
02:08Yeah for me. He's on his way
02:10All right. Okay, see if I can get to talk
02:15Hello, I'm detective sergeant moth Stevie. Can you tell me what your name is?
02:26You're not in any trouble just want to find out what's happened to you that's all
02:34Would I be right in thinking your name is David
02:42What about this this here are you David Jarvis?
03:17Remember the case
03:18Yeah, didn't have much in the way of leads the family realized he was missing called the police after about half an hour
03:23But nothing came up from the TV appeals
03:26No useful witnesses and no physical evidence and he's definitely identified himself as David Jarvis. That's about all he could say
03:33That and the fact that someone called Garris wouldn't let him go
03:35We still need to confirm that he is David DNA is gonna take a while
03:39Anything in the file that we can use marks or scars
03:43Well, the only distinguishing mark listed is a scar on the left arm, all right, well, we'll need to check that what about this
03:49It's not NPS. Yeah, it looks like something the family would have produced according to the file
03:55David's mother died in
03:572006 and his father is listed as living aboard Bahrain. So his only other relative is his sister Michelle
04:05If this is David Jarvis, we've got a serious investigation on hands press are gonna be all over it
04:11I'll get some uniform down to Dreycott Street. Look for any witnesses check any CCTV find out where he came from
04:17Meanwhile, see what else he can give you
04:28Would you open your mouth for me please a little wider
04:44Can you come with me David
04:52David I know how hard this must be for you, but we need to find out more details about where you've been and
05:00How you got those cuts and bruises?
05:03Now earlier on you mentioned someone called Gareth
05:08See the person who hit you
05:14Where did that happen in the house Gareth's house
05:24Where is that David I
05:28Don't know, okay
05:31That's okay, don't worry
05:36Do you think you could show me your arm just for a minute
05:42Why just need to check something
05:47No, I don't want to please David it's important
05:52Just for a moment
06:03How did you get all of those don't want to talk about it, okay
06:09After you
06:12Why you can't sit down don't leave me alone
06:27Some of you may remember this case back in
06:302004 David Jarvis aged 12 years and 10 months went missing
06:34It was reported by his mom and dad Patrick and Linda where he didn't come home from school
06:38Did they investigate the possibility of kidnap at the time?
06:41Well, there were multiple sightings, but they came to nothing
06:44One anonymous callers crime stoppers said she saw a boy matching Davis description getting into a red car on camford Road
06:51Car was then traced to a Terence Scanlon who became the prime suspect in the case 55
06:56Previous for sexual assault on a 13 year old boy, but friends
06:59It's came back negative and there was no way of linking him to David died eight months ago
07:03What about contacting the family for an ID until we know from DNA that it is David. We're gonna hold off on that
07:08Okay, and what about this Gareth character? What do we know about him? Nothing? No one of that name in the original investigation
07:14David said anything else. No. Well grace. This is your territory. How do you feel about taking the lead in interview?
07:20Oh, I can try though, but if he really has been missing since 2004, he might need more professional help
07:25Well, just try to establish what we're looking at judging by the scars on his arm
07:29Yes suffered abuse, but what kind and in what circumstances I'll give it a go. Okay, Stevie and Max
07:34I want you to run this together. Give me posted if anything significant comes up
07:38Thank you
07:50My name's grace
07:52Steve please ask me to come in and talk to you for a bit. See if I can help you. Tell us what happened
07:59Is that okay?
08:02Well, why don't we start with last night and work backwards
08:07So do you remember where you were say half an hour before the police found you in the street I
08:15Was in the house good and whose house was that
08:24Can you give me an idea of what he looks like?
08:29Let's suppose well, why don't we start with how old he is
08:34So, what do you think was he young ish 20s 30s
08:42Maybe 40s
08:44And was he white black?
08:47Asian no way. He's got gray hair
08:50Short very short. No, just them normal
08:57You're in the house with Gareth last night, then you're in the street. How did that happen? I
09:06Don't know I'm sorry did something happen David. Is that how you got those bruises?
09:20But you told me that Garris hit you
09:39I told him I wouldn't do it
09:43He got angry and he tried he tried to make
09:50You push the door closed and
09:56He shouted and bang the door hit
10:01So I
10:06Just hit him and
10:15Just went
10:42See the TV of David on Shipwright Street from last night 15 minutes boys found wrong something else
10:49Did a cremant check on known sex offenders called Gareth?
10:52There's only one in the immediate area a gout James Hart Hill 43
10:56He was arrested and cautioned for soliciting a 17 year old boy in June 2003 this way is on the list
11:02nothing before or since
11:05David's just described him as white about 40 was short gray hair
11:09Parties last known address is 25 Carlisle Road
11:12Which is less than half a mile from where David was found and if he was coming from there it would fit the CCTV
11:16Okay, let grace know and let's set up wards for David to have a look at see if he can pick him out
11:25David I know you spoke earlier about
11:28Leaving Garrison getting out of the house, but could you try and remember something that would let us identify? I
11:38Don't know
11:41It was always dark and
11:44He kept the curtains closed
11:47If there was just one thing in the house
11:49The thing you saw the most what would it be?
12:03Across okay kind of cross
12:09Jesus a crucifix
12:13Yes, and where was that
12:19With a bed on the wall
12:21It was him
12:23That was what?
12:25Where he always did it
12:28an old bed
12:31And the cross on the water I
12:35Used to see it and I thought
12:39I thought if I prayed he might not do it
12:47Can we stop I don't want to think about I know David and it will be over very soon I promise
12:54There's just one other thing. I need your help with
12:58Can you look at this computer and tell me if you see anyone that you recognize can you do that
13:30Was watching his face, and I think he recognized Hart Hill, but he didn't want to say so why wouldn't he?
13:36He may have many conflicting emotions
13:38He's just escaped from a situation that he didn't like he knew was wrong
13:42But he's also lost structure in his life that has to be frightening and unsettling
13:46Are we sure that he's been abused now?
13:49That's a yes gov what he described to the way holds back from physical contact
13:53These are classic symptoms of abuse, so what about Gareth Hart Hill do we pull him in yeah?
13:58Let's do it Stevie
13:59I think it's time to bring the sister and see if she can give us a positive idea of David if Hart Hill is our
14:04Man we need to be on firm ground
14:23Okay, let's see if he's home
14:27Mr.. Hart. Oh
14:29Yes, di Manson. We're from Sunhill. I'm arresting you in suspicion of kidnapping false imprisonment
14:34You don't have to say anything
14:35But it may harm your defense if you do not mention one question something which you later rely on in court anything you do
14:40Say maybe given an evidence
14:54Check the bedrooms
15:11That's just an office man
15:14I'm crucifix could have changed things over the years
15:32Looks like we know where to put that under hobbies and interests then
15:36Right let's get the CSEs down here. Yeah
15:44Looks like that
15:46Well, that's David's that would tell me with what he was saying about straw. Yeah, look down here. No look
15:51If David wasn't here, how did hard to keep him locked in?
16:18Seen that
16:22After five years
16:25Hello Michelle Jarvis yeah, I'm DS more Sunhill station. This is DC banks
16:31David isn't it yes, have you found something we think we may have some news for you. Can we come inside and talk?
16:38Yeah, I mean coming
16:44Look please if there's any news you can tell me
16:48I've never stopped looking for David never since the first day. I know he's out there somewhere
16:52Okay, well there might be a development
16:55Early this morning two of our officers have found a young man aged about 17 years old
17:00He was shaken, but when we talked to him he identified himself as your brother David
17:06Thing is and I have to be really clear about this we can't be certain until we get an identification
17:12Well, I don't know anywhere
17:22You're okay
17:24Yeah, I just want to see him
17:27Can I do that?
17:28Well, if you're sure you're okay, you can come with us to the station now
17:31Although at this point, you'll only be able to see more video monitor
17:35I'll get my coat
17:56Said your last lesson was English it confirmed you with her
18:03Try to think back
18:07Being in that classroom
18:12I remember we were reading a book
18:16Good, what was it?
18:19Catching the right did you like it?
18:24Yeah a lot
18:26Do you remember where you went to that lesson at home time?
18:30He's like him
18:31Should be him, but I can't
18:34We know that you used to walk home from school. So I should know
18:38Is there anywhere that you like to go I don't know sometimes the shops
18:50It's okay
18:55Mr. Hartsfield you live on your own
18:58Yes a moment. I do and you work from home some of the time. Yes, so you're in the house pretty much older. I
19:04Suppose so what's this got to do with anything? I don't know why you're asking all this
19:08Well, I'm asking you all this because I want to know how easy is for you to keep a young boy
19:13Confined in a room in your house. I keep telling you I haven't
19:19Where would I do that?
19:21How could I do that?
19:24Listen, look, I'm not there all the time. I work away sometimes on projects. So
19:31How could I hold anyone if I'm not there you tell me
19:37You tell me maybe you had help maybe you're not the only one involved I don't know. No, you're mad. This whole thing is mad
19:46How did you get that black eye I told you I had an accident
19:50Walk into a door. No, I slipped in the shower a couple of days ago. It looks more recent than that
19:55You sure you didn't get it in a fight. Oh, of course not
20:09Can see you're not stupid. Mr. Hartle, so
20:13You know what we do
20:15the police
20:16Into your house DNA forensics fingerprints all that
20:21Stop pretending
20:23This isn't gonna go away until you start telling us the truth. I am
20:43Just wanted some company I
20:46Was going to pay him. Okay, he knew that
20:50But as soon as we got back to my place he he just went berserk
20:56Tried to calm him down
20:59He was shouting and screaming said I wanted to lock him in but I didn't why would I?
21:06There was a
21:09He pushed me back. I
21:12Tripped on something and I must have fallen hit my head because I've still got the bump here
21:18All I remember next is waking up and he'd gone
21:22Who's he you talking about?
21:26David he said his name was David. That's what I know. So his name was David
21:31Was it this boy exhibit and m3 was it this boy
21:38The tape please
21:40Yes, so where did you meet him?
21:42on Draycott Street
21:45He was with the others the other boys
21:48You can ask them they'll tell you
21:51It was just for sex. That's all
21:53I'd never even seen him until last night. I swear
22:04What do you think this isn't that enough you believe him
22:10We'll get someone to talk to the rent boys on Draycott Street like he said and we'll check his passport
22:14It's okay with you if I don't talk with David see if I can find out my heart your story so different news
22:17Yeah, okay. Just tread carefully
22:24Can you tell me about the first time you met Gareth I
22:30Don't remember. Well, how old were you?
22:38It was a long time ago, can I throw up for a minute?
22:42David this Carter need to ask you a couple of questions
22:46Is that okay David?
22:52We arrested Gareth about an hour ago
22:54He's at a station now
22:56Need to ask you a few more questions. It'll help us when we talk to him. Is that okay?
23:05Can you tell me what color the carpet and the walls are I haven't been there you see so just be useful to know
23:14Was green and the carpet
23:18The walls orange
23:21What about the door
23:24What about it well didn't you say that Gareth kept you locked in
23:27Only someone said there was no lock on the back bedroom door. So I wondered if there's no lock
23:35He used to
23:37He used to lock it at first and then
23:41After he didn't
23:43he took the lock off because he said that if anyone saw it that
23:46they think it was strange, but
23:49didn't really matter cuz I
23:57He said if I did anything stupid I knew what would happen what does he mean by that
24:05Do you mean it hurt you
24:08He always said
24:13He always said if I didn't do as I was told
24:16He'd hurt the meat
24:19He said it would be easy
24:21He knew where they live
24:28My mom and dad
24:45Think it might be better if David could rest for a bit. Yeah, good idea
24:51Okay, David, I'm sorry it means I'm sorry
25:05Think it's hard enough him talking about what he's been to without you coming on like you don't believe it
25:09I'm just trying to get the detail straight things aren't adding up at one
25:12Not what?
25:14Gareth Hartal claims he met David for the first time last night. So he picked him up on Draco Street, Tom
25:19Well, it would say that wouldn't possibly but as well as that David's description of where he was held captive
25:23Doesn't match Hartal's place. So what you think he's lying. I
25:27Don't think he's giving us the whole truth max. Are you ever been in the room with that boy?
25:30He has been abused believe me quite possibly, but I don't think it was by Hartal
25:34And if that's the case, then maybe he's also lying about being held captive the last five years
25:39Stevie I know you wanted to be here, but if the evidence isn't stacking up, yes
25:44Yes, maybe Michelle Jarvis is asking for you, thanks Roger where
25:50Okay, give me ten minutes
25:52Looks like we might have someone who can give us a bit more about our mystery boy
26:14It's him sorry, it's him. It's David. I know it
26:20Are you sure the book I didn't even think about it at first book he was talking about it has to be
26:28The book capturing the right it's David's favorite. He was obsessed by it must have read it. God knows how many times
26:37It has to be him David's how else could he know about that?
27:05I know hey, I've spoken to a few of the guys David's been seen with a guy called Georgie the Queen B
27:10All right, which one say the one in the yellow?
27:13Okay, this is his regular style and so probably around last night says he didn't see anything right never give a copper and even break
27:20Let's go talk to him
27:27Who's your friend Mel? Yes Carter. Oh, he's after that or something, right? Don't tell me what you know about this boy
27:35Is he right in some ways and others no
27:39You've seen him around here before then or what?
27:41Maybe maybe about yes or no
27:45Georgie we need to know we think something serious might have happened to him. So if you know who he is, I
27:52Knew something wasn't right. I mean, it's not hard to tell but people need that privacy, too
27:59Can you confirm his name for us?
28:16Wasn't every teenager red catcher in the rye doesn't mean anything
28:20Go for DNA results for David Jarvis
28:24page two
28:32Profile doesn't match at least not to David Jarvis. They belong to a misfit called Simon Eastfield age 17
28:40He's been in care home since he was 14. The last one in Stratford reported him as a misfit six months ago. Can I see?
28:50Well, no, hang on a minute he hasn't necessarily lied about everything enough and enough to get Michelle Jarvis his hopes up
28:59She's in the canteen now thinking along those brothers return. Yes, I know but his accounts of the abuse. I think that really happened
29:07So, who is he?
29:09Why on earth would he pretend to be David Jarvis?
29:26Can I see him now
29:35We've had the DNA results back and
29:39I'm afraid that they've confirmed that it's not
29:45I'm sorry
29:50But it is now it has to be it's David
30:07Don't understand
30:10Cuz he said he was David
30:15I don't know why anyone would make up something like that
31:07Just like you were right then
31:10Hmm Stevie's pretty invested in this one
31:14Go easy on it. Yeah
31:17Then I'll tread carefully go because I seem to be getting a few of those recently
31:22As someone made a complaint against me if I upset one of the team, you know
31:27I'm just saying she doesn't need to be reminded that she got it wrong
31:31Stevie and I on this case together. I respect her opinion and their professionalism
31:52So no, we need to talk you Simon
31:57Why are you calling me that I think we need to start telling each other the truth and I don't want to talk any much
32:04Just let me sleep
33:10Does again
33:12He's hurt himself
33:14Quite badly gouged himself with a pencil if he's self-harm before it would account for the other scars on his own. Yeah
33:20I'm gonna slap him the next one to give him a hug. Yeah
33:26What are you doing
33:34Simon David look alike. We knew that same uniform
33:41Yeah, Simon was abused yeah, whatever else happened we believe that right? Yeah, okay
33:46Who's the prime suspect in the real David's disappearance?
33:49Terence cannon
33:51He was on the sex offenders register and a witness saw him with a boy matching David's description on the afternoon David went missing
33:58Yeah, but there was no forensics linking to David nothing
34:02Not today that now
34:30Look upstairs
35:25Jesus on the cross
36:01Used to take me on Wednesday's it was always Wednesday's I
36:09Used to go to football practice until
36:14How did it stop
36:17He was watching the game
36:21Afterwards he said he had some new football boots I could have so he sat in his car and he showed me
36:30And then
36:33Then he was touching me I
36:40Wanted to go but he said I couldn't until I promised I wouldn't tell anyone
36:47You were afraid
36:52Next week we went to his house
36:57After that he said not to bother with football anymore I had to meet him at his car after school
37:06He said if I didn't come he
37:10He knew where I lived
37:14When was the last time you saw him
37:20That day which day
37:26When David went
37:29You were friends with David no not really
37:34But you remember the day he disappeared
37:37The police came into school to talk to us about him running away
37:41Why did you say you were David when the officers found you last night
37:45When I saw the fly
37:49David's photo
37:53It just brought stuff back
38:04I'm sorry
38:16What now
38:19Well Simon's care order expired when he was 17, so he's out of the system we can
38:25Notify his parents that he's been found and that he's okay, but if he doesn't want them to know where he is
38:32We do more for drunks on a Saturday night
38:50Okay don't know
38:55Simon said that David ran away
38:57Not that he was abducted or murdered. Yeah, but I was just an assumption
39:01There's all sorts of speculation at the time. It was like he knew and the book
39:06Michelle said it was David's favorite book. How would Simon know about that I?
39:10Think that Simon knows more about David's disappearance
39:16Would you want to do about it
39:20Talk to someone who knows him
39:22How long have he and Geordie been mates? I know just a couple of weeks
39:27You're staying at a hostel and bought a motor fuller
39:32Humor me
39:39Here you go just go through there and say stay and I'll bring you stuff. Oh, yeah, right. Thanks. All right. Thank you
39:46So as you said you didn't really know him. He left some stuff here, so he's going to get it for us
39:51Least we know it's definitely Simon's copy of his passport. How long was he here for two weeks?
39:57So didn't make friends with anyone good charity nothing like that. He gave me the number for his key worker, so
40:05That's the stuff all right, thank you
40:33Think out of this
40:42Like you to tell me about this
40:54Don't you think David's family have been thrown off
41:10Recognized him from school
41:13When was this
41:16Couple of weeks ago
41:19Did you talk to him I tried to
41:23Showed him the flyer
41:27Told him his family was still looking for him
41:30Do you know where he is now? I?
41:33Think he's still in London though. He'd been in Glasgow for a couple of years
41:39He came back a few months ago, you know why he didn't say I
41:46Think he wanted to go home, so he did run away said he was like the boy in the book
41:53Never felt like he really fitted in
42:00Haven't ready
42:07He said I should
42:12He's still alive according to Simon yeah max has gone to the hostel to get the CCTV
42:20It's him
42:22He signed in under a different name, but I've had a look at the footage, and it's him
42:27Does the sister know yeah
45:19Wouldn't really aged a we're missing from outside the school gates about 45 minutes ago
45:24It's about your son you think I've got it
45:26Do you know what it's like to watch some man come in and replace you as a husband as a father?
45:32Phil Rini was believed to be a danger to his son's health would never do anything to hurt my son
45:37Guy said he saw a boy matching his description around the corner of this lane. It's not a bedroom adult male