فيديو24: حكايات من سواحل أبوظبي يرويها جناح التراث البحري الإماراتي المشارك في موسم طانطان 2024

  • 2 months ago
#فيديو24 | حكايات من سواحل #أبوظبي يرويها جناح #التراث_البحري_الإماراتي المشارك في موسم #طانطان 2024
00:00The Gulf of Arabia has several names, one of the names is the model of ship-building,
00:12which was used for diving and traveling and transporting goods, from the Gulf states
00:19in general to India, Pakistan, to Africa, Dar es Salaam, Mombasa, Djibouti.
00:26The second part is about diving, and what is needed for diving?
00:30For diving, you need a rod, which is this basket, in which you put the anchor,
00:35and the dive net, which goes down to the bottom, and the fishing line, which is tightened by the fishing line.
00:40The second part is about traditional fishing, and modern fishing.
00:47Traditional fishing is made up of fishing lines, nets, and hooks,
00:52while modern fishing is made up of rods and hooks.
