• 2 months ago
00:07:30I'm sorry.
00:07:33What's going on?
00:07:35Uh, it's nothing.
00:07:37Holly, come on.
00:07:42Um, it's just that my brother hasn't been answering my messages or calls.
00:07:48And yesterday he left me a really strange voice message and I'm just...
00:07:53I'm worried about him, you know?
00:07:57Well, what kind of voice message?
00:08:05Well, it's bipolar.
00:08:09So we have to be very careful with him, you know?
00:08:16He was just going through something.
00:08:19And in the message he said he felt really lonely.
00:08:28I'm sure it's nothing.
00:08:31Just give him time.
00:08:38I'm just worried about his mental state since Dad left and now his girlfriend left him.
00:08:46It's just...
00:08:48I don't want him to think he's alone, you know?
00:08:54Well, I'm sure he'll call you tonight.
00:08:57Stop worrying so much.
00:09:05Yeah, you're right. You're absolutely right.
00:09:09I'm a fool.
00:09:11I'm always right, Missy.
00:09:21Hey, we'll leave that thing in your classroom in case you want to go see it.
00:09:25We'll be out in ten, so if you have a problem, give us a shout.
00:09:28Okay, lovely. Thanks.
00:09:31I just want to tell you, love, that that body has been in a box for years, thousands of years.
00:09:37We don't know what it contains, polluted air, so when you're near, just make sure you wear a mask.
00:09:43Of course, no problem, I understand.
00:09:46Yeah, there was an incident when I found that thing.
00:09:48Someone died.
00:09:50They don't know exactly what happened.
00:09:52Some say it was an allergic reaction to mold.
00:09:56Obviously it was gas.
00:09:58You know, it could burn your eyes, your nose.
00:10:01Basically kill you.
00:10:02Look, we're not trying to scare you or anything.
00:10:04Just make sure that whoever comes near that thing wears a mask.
00:10:07Correct, yes.
00:10:09See you.
00:10:13What was that, Miss Dawson?
00:10:15Do you want to take a look? Come with me.
00:10:29Stay there.
00:10:44Do you like it?
00:10:46We spent most of the university's budget on it.
00:10:51This is fascinating, Miss Dawson.
00:10:53The students will love this.
00:11:13You're welcome.
00:11:31That's enough for today.
00:11:33You can examine it properly tomorrow.
00:11:37I really need someone to talk to.
00:11:44I've never felt so alone in so long.
00:11:50I feel like I'm ruining everything.
00:11:56I try really hard, but everything I do seems to go wrong.
00:12:01Sometimes I just don't know if this is for me, you know?
00:12:06I just don't know.
00:12:08You can't keep listening to him.
00:12:10Bye, Carly.
00:12:11Look, if you want, I don't know, go to his house.
00:12:15I can go with you.
00:12:21I just don't want to suffocate him.
00:12:24He clearly wants his space and my space.
00:12:29He wants his space and I just need to give it to him.
00:12:36Whatever you think is best, I'll be there and support you.
00:12:41You're a great roommate.
00:12:43You know that.
00:14:30No, no, está bien.
00:14:32Está conmigo ahora.
00:14:36No, pero...
00:14:38Sabes, estas cosas toman tiempo, sí.
00:14:44De acuerdo, le diré.
00:14:46Gracias igualmente.
00:14:54Oye, entonces...
00:14:57Tu mamá dijo que no vayas para allá en este momento.
00:15:01Solo porque tu papá está hecho pedazos, no quieren que lo veas así.
00:15:05Dijo que, ya sabes, le des un día o dos y veremos.
00:15:14¿Dijo cómo lo hizo?
00:15:19Holly, creo que tú debes concentrarte en ti ahora.
00:15:24Quiero saber.
00:15:29¿Por qué?
00:15:33Es mi hermano.
00:15:37Quiero saber.
00:15:44Yo solo creo que ahora no es el momento, ¿sabes?
00:15:47Me tengo que ir.
00:15:49¿A dónde?
00:15:51A clase.
00:15:54No, no, no.
00:15:55No puedes ir a ningún lado hoy.
00:15:57Dije que estás enferma, debes quedarte aquí.
00:16:00No puedo sentarme aquí con estos pensamientos.
00:16:03Me conoces, necesito algo en...
00:16:05que concentrarme.
00:16:07Y vienen los finales y no es momento de orgasanear y...
00:16:10realmente tenemos que salir bien.
00:16:12Vale, entiendo que quieras estar ocupada, en serio.
00:16:14Pero no tienes que hacer esto, ¿vale?
00:16:16Puedes quedarte aquí conmigo.
00:16:18¿Lo que necesito?
00:16:20Es que las cosas se sientan normales por el momento.
00:16:38Bueno, clase.
00:16:40Hoy tengo un regalo muy especial para ustedes.
00:16:44En la última lección, repasamos la historia de la mumificación
00:16:49y las momias.
00:16:51Hoy podrán ver y examinar una en la vida real.
00:16:58Sin embargo, deben usar las máscaras que están en su escritorio
00:17:03en todo momento en el que estén cerca de la momia.
00:17:06No puedo enfatizar lo importante que es esto.
00:17:09Es por su salud y seguridad.
00:17:12¿Recuerdan lo que les enseñé de cuando abrieron la tumba del faraón
00:17:17y murió un arqueólogo?
00:17:20Y que esto fue causado por diferentes tipos de molde
00:17:23que pueden causar reacciones alérgicas
00:17:25o por una mezcla de diferentes sustancias que son tóxicas
00:17:29y podrían potencialmente matarlos.
00:17:32Así que, por favor, tengan cuidado y sigan mis instrucciones
00:17:35cuando se acercan a la momia y usen sus máscaras.
00:17:39Recuerden, la momia es muy, muy vieja
00:17:44y tenemos que preservarla.
00:17:47Tanto como a ustedes, por supuesto.
00:17:50Ahora, por mi parte, nunca pensé o soñé
00:17:54que podríamos tener experiencia de primera mano para examinar a una momia.
00:17:58Bueno, no dentro de los muros de la universidad,
00:18:02pero se acercan los finales y tienen que escribir sobre
00:18:08las formas de vida egipcias.
00:18:17Ahora, eso incluye el tiempo y el periodo y sus métodos.
00:18:28Y, por supuesto, momificación.
00:18:35Ahora, ¿quién puede decirme qué es una momia?
00:18:46Una momia es alguien cuyo cuerpo se ha conservado después de la muerte.
00:18:52Cuando dije momia, ¿cuántos de ustedes se imaginaron
00:18:56una forma humana envuelta en capas de vendas surgiendo de una tumba
00:19:00como un zombi?
00:19:04Las momias son reales y tienen una historia fascinante.
00:19:08Y contrario a la creencia popular, no se resucitan de entre los muertos.
00:19:14La momificación se ha encontrado en todo el mundo
00:19:18y es utilizada por varias civilizaciones diferentes,
00:19:22como los incas, africanos, africanos,
00:19:26aztecas, aborígenes y europeos antiguos y muchos más.
00:19:31Se ha usado durante miles de años para honrar y preservar a los muertos.
00:19:37Ahora, estos rituales iban de una civilización a otra.
00:19:42Algunas culturas optaron por momificar a todos sus ciudadanos,
00:19:46mientras que otras optaron solo por momificar a los más ricos
00:19:50o a las personas de estatus.
00:19:53La forma más fácil de crear una momia era exponer el cuerpo al sol,
00:19:58o al fuego, o al frío.
00:20:01Y eso se debe a que la mayoría de las bacterias no pueden vivir
00:20:05ni sobrevivir a temperaturas extremas.
00:20:08Ahora, para las momias egipcias.
00:20:12Ahora, la parte más importante de un cuerpo para ser momificado en ese entonces
00:20:18era preservar la mayor cantidad de tejido posible en la piel.
00:20:22Y los expertos en momificación eran los sacerdotes.
00:20:26Como todos saben, Egipto es un país muy caluroso,
00:20:30así que era bastante fácil momificar y secar un cadáver.
00:20:34Sin embargo, había un proceso muy específico que tenía que seguir
00:20:40para asegurarse de que a los muertos se les concediera el paso al mar.
00:20:47¿De qué época era esta momia?
00:20:50Esta es una auténtica momia egipcia,
00:20:54desenterrada de un templo egipcio,
00:20:58de los antiguos reyes egipcios.
00:21:02Se dice que es uno de ellos,
00:21:05y lo que hace esto que sea tan especial
00:21:09es que somos la primera universidad a la que se le concede el acceso a esta momia.
00:21:15¿Dice que tenemos que desenterrar los hallazgos detrás de esta momia?
00:21:21Y si se demuestra que sus hallazgos son sustanciales,
00:21:25se publicarán por escrito.
00:21:28Esta podría ser una oportunidad que cambiará la carrera de todos ustedes.
00:21:34Si podemos discutir más sobre este antiguo rey,
00:21:38bueno, esto podría ponerlos a todos como estudiantes de arqueología
00:21:43yendo directamente a trabajos de investigación.
00:21:47Bien, así que pónganse los barbijos y vengan a echar un vistazo.
00:21:54Bien, así que pónganse los barbijos y vengan a echar un vistazo.
00:22:25¿Le importa si...
00:22:32...le echo un vistazo a esto?
00:22:34Por supuesto.
00:22:51¡Oye, oye, oye!
00:22:54Lo siento, no quise asustarte.
00:22:57Mira esto.
00:22:59Este rey no solo era un antiguo rey egipcio,
00:23:03formó parte de un grupo de reyes que gobernó aproximadamente
00:23:08entre el 450 y 250 a.C.
00:23:11¿No chingas, en serio?
00:23:13Sí, no puedo encontrar nada en línea que sugiera lo contrario.
00:23:18Y estas palabras están como si hubiera algo.
00:23:25No lo sé.
00:23:30Dile a la maestra Dawson.
00:23:41Kira, no me veas así.
00:23:49Mark me dijo...
00:23:56No quiero hablar de eso ahora, ¿vale?
00:23:58No deberías ocultarme cosas como esta.
00:24:01Soy tu mejor amiga.
00:24:06No necesitas ocultarme esto.
00:24:08Necesito, quiero ayudar.
00:24:10Y la manera de ayudar es sabiendo lo que está pasando.
00:24:14Lo siento.
00:24:16Es solo que mi cabeza no ha estado en el lugar correcto y yo solo...
00:24:22No sé cómo lidiar con esto ahora, ¿sabes?
00:24:25Y se me hace más fácil si solo...
00:24:29No cabes un gran hoyo del que no puedas salir, Holly.
00:24:33Lo siento, así soy.
00:24:36No te lamentes.
00:24:41Ahora, ve y dile a la maestra Dawson lo que encontraste.
00:24:50Dios, me pregunto cómo debe haber sido ser momificado cuando aún estás vivo.
00:24:54Sí, pero eso no pasó aquí, ¿verdad?
00:24:56No, ni siquiera hubo tortura.
00:25:01Algunos cuerpos fueron momificados accidentalmente,
00:25:04como las momias de Guanajuato descubiertas en México,
00:25:08donde se encontraron más de 100 momias encriptas sobre el suelo.
00:25:12Parece que debido al calor extremo y la mezcla de azufre y diferentes minerales,
00:25:17provocaron que los cuerpos se momificaran de forma natural,
00:25:21pero accidentalmente.
00:25:24Los monjes budistas practican la automomificación.
00:25:29Para lograr esto, se mataban de hambre
00:25:32y luego solo comían ciertos animales que aceleraban el proceso de descomposición
00:25:37tratando de deshacerse de su grasa corporal.
00:25:40Luego bebían sabia venenosa
00:25:42para que los hiciera vomitar y así deshacerse de los fluidos corporales,
00:25:46y la sabia venenosa hacía que el cuerpo fuera desagradable
00:25:49para los insectos que tenían intención de comerlos.
00:25:52En la etapa final del proceso, eran enterrados vivos
00:25:57y esperaban a morir y ser momificados.
00:26:01Generalmente morían muy rápido,
00:26:03y en ocasiones la automomificación funcionó.
00:26:06Oigan, creo que encontré algo.
00:26:10No terminó de creérmelo.
00:26:14El descubrimiento de los reyes ocultos.
00:26:17Un rey borrado por la historia.
00:26:20¿Entonces no crees que esto sea un descubrimiento como tal?
00:26:23La historia es por qué escondieron a esos reyes.
00:26:26¿Qué estaban haciendo para que la gente los quisiera ocultar en la historia?
00:26:32Absolutamente fascinante.
00:26:36Ah, Tracy.
00:26:40Ten cuidado con eso.
00:26:43Es hermoso, ¿no?
00:26:45Solo no lo dejes caer.
00:26:53Déjame solo checar esto.
00:26:56El reino se levantó.
00:26:58La oscuridad fue elegida.
00:27:03Los hombres que son, los hombres que son.
00:27:16Los hombres que son, los hombres que son.
00:27:20The darkness was chosen.
00:27:23The men who are, the men who see,
00:27:26let them rise.
00:27:29Let the darkness foretell the light.
00:27:32Let him rise.
00:27:37These words don't make sense.
00:27:40The kingdom rose, the darkness was chosen.
00:27:44Master Dawson,
00:27:46I think this could be some kind of...
00:27:49I don't know...
00:27:51A prayer?
00:27:54Let me see.
00:28:04A prayer, no.
00:28:09A summon.
00:28:12A spell.
00:28:16Dark magic.
00:28:19Let me show this to Professor Mathews.
00:28:23Wait here.
00:28:40Hi Martha, how are you?
00:28:42Good, thanks.
00:28:44Um, sorry to interrupt.
00:28:46Look, I think I found something.
00:28:50The students enjoying their mummy?
00:28:54We think we found something.
00:28:59We think the mummy we gave away,
00:29:02we think it was a hidden kingdom.
00:29:06A period of time in ancient history was eliminated.
00:29:10People didn't know what happened.
00:29:12It was like, if a chapter in history
00:29:14of ancient Egypt had been erased.
00:29:17But we think we know who walked in those times.
00:29:21I thought this would be a good opportunity
00:29:24for a photograph.
00:29:26We think the ones who walked in that time
00:29:29were the lost kings.
00:29:31It was said it was a myth, but now,
00:29:34I think what we have here
00:29:37is actually a lost king.
00:29:49Do you see the same thing I do?
00:29:53We shouldn't get too excited.
00:29:56Have your team keep working on this,
00:29:59but keep it a secret.
00:30:01This could be a big step forward.
00:30:09A real discovery.
00:30:11I know, we could be famous.
00:30:14No, but seriously.
00:30:16This is incredible.
00:30:18People spend their whole lives
00:30:20trying to discover history,
00:30:22and here we are.
00:30:24We might have made it.
00:30:26Well, I'm sure we'll be remembered
00:30:29if this is legit.
00:30:31Yeah? Do you want anything?
00:30:33No, I'm good, thanks.
00:30:35I'll be back in a minute.
00:30:37Okay, fine.
00:31:42How is she, really?
00:31:46Well, she doesn't tell us much.
00:31:48I think she takes care of herself.
00:31:50Well, it's not her fault.
00:31:52What happened to her brother.
00:31:54I mean, you can't predict
00:31:56what people are going to think.
00:31:58It's not her fault.
00:32:00I mean, it's not her fault.
00:32:02I mean, you can't predict
00:32:04what people are going to think.
00:32:06I mean, it's not her fault.
00:32:08I mean, it's not her fault.
00:32:09I mean, you can't predict
00:32:11what people are going to think.
00:32:13He called her and asked her to go home.
00:32:15She feels like she failed.
00:32:17Yeah, but she didn't know
00:32:19it was going to be her last call.
00:32:21We just have to be there for her
00:32:23in case she needs us, okay?
00:33:40¿Dónde está?
00:33:42No tengo idea.
00:33:49¿No crees que...?
00:33:53No, alguien la movió.
00:34:00¡Oh, Dios mío!
00:34:02¡Oh, Dios mío!
00:34:11No responde.
00:34:15¡Vamos, tenemos que irnos ahora!
00:34:38¿Hay alguien ahí?
00:34:59¡Si alguien está jugando, salga ahora!
00:35:08¡Oh, Dios mío!
00:35:10¡Oh, Dios mío!
00:35:18¡Oh, Dios mío!
00:35:23¡Bien, quien sea que haya movido esta cosa, salga ahora, por favor!
00:35:37I said, whoever moved this thing, get out now!
00:36:06If you don't tell me, I'll find out myself.
00:36:36Oh my God!
00:37:04What do you mean the mummy is gone?
00:37:27We think someone took it.
00:37:29They stole it or I don't know.
00:37:31We're really scared that Tracy is dead.
00:37:43What's going on?
00:37:45Something happened to Tracy.
00:37:55I don't know, she was right there, I'm confused.
00:38:14They said Tracy was on the floor.
00:38:17Are you sure it wasn't a joke?
00:38:19No, teacher, she was there, she wasn't moving.
00:38:23Yes, we checked her breathing.
00:38:25What exactly happened?
00:38:37Well, if what they say is true, then we must seal this room and call the police.
00:38:48Or maybe it's what you said, teacher.
00:38:50And if the mummy had a chemical release,
00:38:53Was she wearing her mask?
00:38:54She was wearing it.
00:39:00The mummy.
00:39:07I can only think that someone broke in and stole the mummy.
00:39:12And Tracy tried to defend herself and was attacked.
00:39:15And what did the girls see?
00:39:18She wasn't dead, she was knocked out.
00:39:22But if that happened, why hasn't Tracy shown up?
00:39:25Tracy would have called the police or something like that, surely.
00:39:31What do you want to do tonight?
00:39:34I'm not sure what it is.
00:39:37And we have to support Holly.
00:39:39Maybe we can do something for her, something nice.
00:39:42We could go get some food or something.
00:39:46Yes, I think I'll just go see Brian.
00:39:48Oh, please, give up on this guy.
00:39:51He's a complete idiot.
00:39:53Idiot handsome.
00:39:55But he's still an idiot.
00:39:57Why do you need him, Lane?
00:39:59Well, I'm sorry.
00:40:01But you know me, and I have to be honest with you.
00:40:03Go on.
00:40:04Well, if he was interested in you, you would know.
00:40:08What do you mean?
00:40:09Well, he had his chance with you.
00:40:11And he pushed you and pushed you away.
00:40:13He just doesn't see what he has with you.
00:40:16So you think I should just send him flying?
00:40:18I'd say yes.
00:40:38Tracy, I don't think there's soap in that sink.
00:41:10¿Qué te pasó?
00:41:12Tracy, what happened to you?
00:41:14¿Qué te pasó?
00:41:16¿Qué te pasó?
00:41:39Ayúdenme, por favor.
00:41:41Por favor, por favor.
00:41:43Ayúdenme, ayúdenme.
00:41:46Please! Please!
00:41:51Stop it, Tracy! Stop it!
00:41:53Stop it! Stop it!
00:41:56Teacher Matthews!
00:41:59Teacher Matthews, please, what the hell is going on?
00:42:12No! No! No! No!
00:42:18Please! No! No! No! Please! No!
00:42:22Stop it, please!
00:42:24Someone help me, please!
00:43:17Please! No! Please! No!
00:46:57What the hell just happened?
00:47:22Hello? This is an emergency.
00:47:24Can you hear me, staff member?
00:47:31Hello? We need help right now.
00:47:36There's nothing. No signal.
00:47:38Everyone check their phones.
00:47:46No, me neither.
00:47:50It's weird. We always have signal.
00:47:53Good. Who has a car?
00:47:54Mine is in the back.
00:47:56Okay, Mark. Take your car, go to the nearest house and call the police.
00:48:00I'll stay here and look for Tracy.
00:48:02I don't want to stay here.
00:48:03Are you coming with me?
00:48:06Holly, come.
00:48:10I can't leave Tracy. You guys go.
00:48:14We'll be back soon. We'll be back.
00:48:24Oh, what the hell?
00:48:26What? We just...
00:48:28We just went through the main door and...
00:48:31Why are we at the reception again?
00:48:34I have no idea.
00:48:43The phone!
00:48:57Please, don't tell me.
00:49:01How can all the school phones fail?
00:49:03I was answering a call more than an hour ago. They were fine.
00:49:08I just realized.
00:49:11But where are all the others?
00:49:13What do you mean?
00:49:15All the other students.
00:49:18Where are they?
00:49:27Holly, what are you doing?
00:49:29It's not really time to study.
00:49:32No, it's not.
00:49:34It's really not time to study.
00:49:37I don't think anyone has come in and stolen the mummy.
00:49:41What are you saying?
00:49:43This doesn't make sense. Just give me a second.
00:49:50Liv Taylor and Thomas Cook disappeared after they found the bodies of their friends.
00:49:55What the hell?
00:49:56What's going on?
00:49:57These investigation assistants woke up the mummy.
00:50:01Let me see.
00:50:04September 4, 2014.
00:50:06Rhys Warrington, Liv Taylor and Thomas Cook disappeared after four of their friends were found in the forests of eastern England.
00:50:16The family of the suspects said they were excited about their findings.
00:50:21They believed they had found a mummy of a century of history that was lost without records.
00:50:28After 24 hours, the bodies of the four friends were found near a site that seemed to be a... sacrifice ritual.
00:50:37The suspects and the mummy were never found.
00:50:46And what does this have to do with us?
00:50:50I can feel it in my bones. Something's not right here.
00:50:54Are you sure that's it and not what's going on?
00:50:58What do you mean?
00:51:02I mean, things are difficult now. Maybe you should go home and rest a little.
00:51:08Kira, I'm fine.
00:51:17I just push the door and I should go straight to my car, right?
00:51:23Yes, I just push the door and I should go straight to my car.
00:51:27Yes, you should.
00:51:32You should go out the front door and go straight to your car.
00:51:52But what the fuck?
00:51:53But what the fuck?
00:51:54But what the fuck?
00:51:55But what the fuck?
00:51:56But what the fuck?
00:51:57But what the fuck?
00:51:58But what the fuck?
00:51:59But what the fuck?
00:52:02But what the fuck?
00:52:03But what the fuck?
00:52:04But what the fuck?
00:52:16Hi guys! Welcome back to my channel, where you learn something new every Monday.
00:52:22George hunts ghosts. Today we're going to Egypt. I have a feeling you know where I'm going with this. We're going to talk about mummies. So without further ado, let's get started!
00:52:38Where did the girls go?
00:52:40God, it's not time to separate, ladies.
00:53:04Master Matthews! What the hell is going on here?
00:53:22Master Matthews! Master Matthews!
00:53:49Master Matthews!
00:53:52Master Matthews!
00:53:53Master Matthews!
00:54:21Oh my God!
00:56:23Holly, I feel like I'm watching a history lesson.
00:56:34Earth! Look!
00:57:13Thank God it's not just us.
00:57:15We thought we were going crazy.
00:57:18What the hell is going on?
00:57:24I don't know why I'm watching this.
00:57:29The Lost Kings.
00:57:34It is said that the Lost Kings are the most feared.
00:57:38It is said that they were erased from history because they incurs in dark arts, human sacrifices and bad deeds.
00:57:44They were also hidden due to the myth that if you met their bodies, they could come back to life.
00:57:50They practiced black magic.
00:57:53Their goal was to live forever, continue their reign, conquer the world.
00:57:58However, it is said that all the lost kings were defeated and killed in a final battle.
00:58:05They were all wrapped up, put in their graves and let them die.
00:58:09But this is the thing, the tombs have never been found.
00:58:13The tombs of the kings, no one ever found them.
00:58:17This book mentions the lost kings.
00:58:21I think that's what we have.
00:58:24This is a holly myth.
00:58:26A myth because they have never been found.
00:58:29They may be responsible for all the terrible plagues that occurred there.
00:58:34Don't be scared.
00:58:36I'm sure it's nothing, there's no mummy there.
00:58:39I'll go see, okay?
00:58:46Holly, there's nothing here.
01:00:49Let's go.
01:00:53No, we already tried that!
01:00:55It doesn't work!
01:00:57What's going on?
01:01:00I don't know, it's like ...
01:01:02It's like when we go out and come back to the beginning.
01:01:06It's like a circle or something.
01:01:09The text was right.
01:01:14What do you mean?
01:01:16It's an old curse.
01:01:19We are trapped in some alternate universe of the same reality.
01:01:23Unable to escape.
01:01:27It's two in the morning, but outside it's as if time had not moved.
01:01:32Yes, it's like time stopped.
01:01:34Yes, we are trapped.
01:01:37In a period of time unable to escape.
01:01:43We have to find the others.
01:02:34If what the book says is true,
01:02:37we woke up the mummy with that song.
01:02:40What song?
01:02:42I don't remember being part of any song.
01:02:44I think there was someone in the school or in the fields.
01:02:48When it was said.
01:02:51I don't remember this.
01:02:53I said it.
01:02:55The king did not get up, darkness was chosen.
01:02:58The men who see, the men who are, let them get up.
01:03:01Let the darkness prevail and let the light rise.
01:03:08On the top floor.
01:03:11It's over.
01:03:12What happened?
01:03:16I died.
01:03:18We were in the bathrooms.
01:03:21And then Tracy came in.
01:03:24She just attacked her.
01:03:27For no reason, she just went crazy.
01:03:32Then she dragged her.
01:03:35And then...
01:03:37Oh God.
01:03:39What happened?
01:03:40Where is Mora?
01:03:44Tracy and teacher Matthews, they...
01:03:48They held her and then he...
01:03:51The mummy, he...
01:03:54He cut her neck.
01:03:56He drained her blood as if it were a ritual.
01:04:01And Tracy and teacher Matthews...
01:04:04It's like it wasn't them.
01:04:06Something in her eyes like...
01:04:10If there was no life in them.
01:04:12As if they had been dominated by some kind of dark force.
01:04:19A zombie.
01:04:21If that makes any sense.
01:04:23That's the craziest shit I've ever heard.
01:04:27But it's okay.
01:04:29Look, I don't know what the hell is going on here, but...
01:04:32You should have seen their faces.
01:04:35You should have seen Mora's eyes.
01:04:37She didn't have a soul.
01:04:38It wasn't her.
01:04:39It wasn't Mora, you know what I mean?
01:04:41Whatever was inside her, it wasn't her.
01:04:45I don't want that to happen to me.
01:04:48I don't want to be me.
01:04:51It won't be you, okay?
01:04:53We won't allow it.
01:04:55It was so bad, it was so crazy.
01:05:00I'm really scared.
01:05:04I have it.
01:05:08Pick up the souls with the amulet.
01:05:10And replace them with the dark energy of the kings.
01:05:14And why do you want to do this?
01:05:17To fulfill the prophecy.
01:05:19What they started all those years ago.
01:05:22Well, there has to be a way to stop it.
01:05:26According to this...
01:05:28It has 24 hours to collect the souls of all...
01:05:32In the presence of his resurrection.
01:05:34And if he can store the souls inside the amulet...
01:05:37Then he can make the final sacrifice.
01:05:40And that's how he will wander the earth forever.
01:05:44So we wait until dawn?
01:05:47But it's already day.
01:05:51Dawn in an hour.
01:05:53Yes, my phone is fine.
01:05:55We are stuck in time.
01:05:57We are stuck in the moment when the song was said.
01:06:01It's like we woke him up.
01:06:02And a curse has begun and we are trapped in the same period of time as her.
01:06:08So we can't leave.
01:06:11We can't escape.
01:06:13Not until all this is over.
01:06:17We just have to wait.
01:06:21But what happens if you succeed?
01:06:24We can't let him win.
01:06:33Why do you act like that?
01:06:35Why do you have black eyes and act like zombies?
01:06:39It's part of the curse.
01:06:43An infection.
01:06:45I don't know.
01:06:48Could it be what you said?
01:06:49Contamination by mummification?
01:06:54We wear masks.
01:06:56I don't think it's the same.
01:06:58So why do people act like that?
01:07:01You have to find Holly.
01:07:03She had the book.
01:07:05I think the answers are in the book.
01:07:08How to stop this?
01:07:13Do you really think it can be stopped?
01:07:18You have to translate what's in that book.
01:07:25And I think it's possible.
01:07:27There has to be a way.
01:07:32Ancient curses.
01:07:35If this is a curse,
01:07:39there must be a way to stop it.
01:07:58We have to find a way out.
01:08:00What if she killed everyone?
01:08:08No, I won't leave her.
01:08:09Do what I tell you.
01:09:51We have to find the others.
01:09:53If they had common sense, they should be hiding.
01:09:56Like we should.
01:09:58Yes or no, they have become.
01:10:01Do you think they can come back?
01:10:03What do you mean?
01:10:05Once they have become,
01:10:07do you think they can be like before?
01:10:10Well, once they have their souls,
01:10:12the book says it's as if they had left.
01:10:14But, once they have returned,
01:10:17their souls will be released to the beyond.
01:10:27Wait, what's the plan?
01:10:29I need to know if what the book says is true.
01:10:32If I leave this building and come back in,
01:10:35then we know we can trust what it says.
01:10:38Well, if that's the case, then I won't go in.
01:10:41I'll go.
01:10:43I'll go.
01:10:45I'll go.
01:10:47I'll go.
01:10:49I'll go.
01:10:51I'll go.
01:10:53I'll go.
01:10:54I'll go.
01:10:56I'll go.
01:11:01Girls, wait a minute.
01:12:13What the hell was that?
01:12:15I don't know.
01:12:17What happened to Jesse?
01:12:19I don't know.
01:12:21Oh my God.
01:12:23Holly, can't we just leave her there?
01:12:25No, it's too dangerous.
01:12:27Look, stay here.
01:12:29She'll be fine.
01:12:30She'll be fine.
01:13:00Oh my God.
01:13:30I am the power of the dark.
01:14:43Damn it!
01:15:13Are you hereby arrested?
01:16:55Holly, wake up!
01:17:01Holly, come on!
01:17:10That's all. Come on, Holly!
01:17:20Holly, your strings are loose.
01:17:22We have to go.
01:17:30They're not, they're not.
01:17:32I can't, I can't.
01:17:35What the hell are you doing?
01:17:45It's the final sacrifice.
01:17:47For the mummy to rise completely, it has to collect the souls of all those present at its resurrection.
01:17:53Then it can make the final sacrifice, and then it can be reborn.
01:17:58What is the final sacrifice?
01:18:02Consuming a human heart.
01:18:05And being reborn in human flesh.
01:18:08Oh God.
01:18:10They're going to use us, aren't they?
01:18:13To be reborn.
01:18:26I can't do it.
01:18:30There are two minutes left until dawn.
01:18:33We're trapped in the time the resurrection took place.
01:18:37So, if it can't make the final sacrifice...
01:18:44Then it can't be reborn.
01:18:45Either we get out of these strings in the next two minutes, or...
01:18:49Or it will be reborn.
01:19:04Oh my God.
01:19:09Hey, get away from her.
01:19:16No, no.
01:19:17I don't know.
01:19:22We have a little over a minute.
01:19:24Hey, hey.
01:19:26Hey, look at me.
01:19:28Look at me.
01:19:39Oh, Jesus.
01:19:43Oh, no.
01:20:01Hey, over here.
01:20:02You're a bastard, son of a bitch.
01:20:06Hey, friend.
01:20:26Hey, look at me, friend.
01:20:28Hey, I think you need more tape.
01:20:30You look very dry.
01:20:38Look over here.
01:21:16It's just a disease, girls, but it looks very good.
01:21:19Oh, my God.
01:21:3920 seconds, Collie.
01:21:4220 seconds.
01:21:4320 seconds, Collie.
01:21:545, 4, 3, 2, 1.
01:22:47Oh God!
01:22:51Take these things away from me.
01:22:53Thank you.
01:22:56Thank you.
01:23:08Oh, we beat them, didn't we?
01:23:15We should...
01:23:16Let's get out of here.
01:23:30Nobody's ever going to believe us.
01:23:42I'm on my way home. We'll be right there.
01:23:55A month later.
01:23:58So, what did they say?
01:23:59Oh, I don't know. Apparently someone said they thought they saw a mummy or something.
01:24:05But they found a group of kids brutally murdered, right?
01:24:08Yeah, and some friends apparently got some guns.
01:24:12And they started killing each other and all that. Some kind of battle or something.
01:24:18Don't you think that...
01:24:20What? That a mummy did it?
01:24:23Come on.
01:24:25Wait. We'll go into the room in a moment and pick up that thing. Concentrate, friend.
01:24:31I mean, I do believe in those things.
01:24:34Mummies, living dead that get up, zombies and all that.
01:24:38No, I don't believe it.
01:24:40But they found inconsistencies in the victim's body.
01:24:43What do you mean?
01:24:45Well, they think someone involved escaped. Someone who had something to do with it.
01:24:49I'm telling you, friend. It's that girl.
01:24:52Okay? And her friend. Okay?
01:24:55She's the one who's doing all this crazy shit.
01:24:57I mean, seriously, they said she was part of a cult of worship to the devil or something.
01:25:01But she looks so normal.
01:25:03Just like my last bird.
01:25:05Yeah, but seriously.
01:25:07They were just students.
01:25:09They couldn't have done this to each other.
01:25:12Just like no one called the police, no one tried to escape.
01:25:15And the police just said the doors were open.
01:25:18Are you listening to me?
01:25:20The guys are involved, okay?
01:25:23No, I don't think it was them.
01:25:25Then who?
01:25:27Come on. The mummy.
01:25:30Seriously, I'm telling you. I've heard stories like this.
01:25:33Where? About what?
01:25:35The most haunted shit stories in England?
01:25:38No, but seriously.
01:25:40If that thing did it.
01:25:42We're about to touch it.
01:25:44Then we better wake him up.
01:25:47Come on.
01:26:00Look at that.
01:26:09Take a picture of me with this.
01:26:13Come on, man.
01:26:14How often do you get so close to a mummy?
01:26:18Come on.
01:26:30No, man. It's too blurry.
01:26:35No, look. Come on. Let's finish this.
01:26:37Let's get the mummy out of here. Let's go.
01:26:39Come on. One more, please.
01:26:41No. I just want to go home.
01:26:44You know what?
01:26:45Come on, man.
01:26:46You can do this.
01:26:47I'll see you in the truck.
01:26:48Don't be a coward.
01:27:00I loved it.
01:27:07Well, this is where my rent deposit comes from.
01:27:13Or a back magnet.
01:27:24You don't smell that bad.
01:27:59Let's go.
01:28:15Stop playing, okay?
01:28:17It's not funny.
01:28:25You know we're going to get into trouble with this, right?
01:28:55No, no. Please, no.
01:28:58Please, no.
01:29:00No. Please, no.
