ROAD OF NO RETURN - ACTION Movie HD Michael Madsen, David Carradine

  • 2 months ago


00:02:15Sometimes when I think about her I wish we'd never met them
00:02:22Other than that, I'm very happy they came into my life
00:02:27It really changed my life
00:02:31You don't run into people like that every day
00:02:34They were hitmen all four of them. What's a hitman?
00:02:40There are these grown-ups that these really bad people hire to go around and shoot these other bad people and nobody must know their real names
00:02:51Gonna be working with three other men. You're all gonna get the same kind of information about the same thing
00:02:58And it would be very wise for you not to share your identities with anyone
00:03:04In this envelope
00:03:06There's a list of names photos
00:03:10the individuals
00:03:12They're in the drug trafficking business, they're drug traffickers and they need to be eradicated
00:03:17After they're dead. I want you to take photos some proof
00:03:24Show them to me along with
00:03:26Anything else you discover their associates their contacts things of that nature and you'll be further compensated
00:03:31May I ask why these you want them dead?
00:03:34Is it the competition or you just don't approve their line of work?
00:03:39You can call it anything you want but
00:03:42Actually, it's um
00:03:44the quickest
00:03:46Easiest most efficient way of getting rid of them. Why don't you just take them to small claims court? Oh
00:03:53They probably can afford the best of lawyers
00:03:56Got a sense of humor. I like that. Listen, here's your money
00:04:04If you tell anybody who hired you you ain't gonna get a chance to spend a single penny of that you understand
00:04:13The bad people that they were supposed to shoot lived in LA so they all came to LA
00:04:18They stayed in this place
00:04:20There was not much furniture
00:04:22No pictures on the walls and no curtains. It was worse than the last foster house. We stayed in and
00:04:30That's where they all met
00:04:32the very first time
00:04:42Oh-ho-ho-ho, this is gonna be fun. Nice to meet you, too
00:04:47What's wrong with the featherhead there?
00:04:50Praying for rain. No
00:04:52He's just desperately concentrating to make your ass disappear. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, didn't we make them disappear, huh?
00:05:01nicely placing them on a list of
00:05:03endangered species
00:05:08Already proceed
00:05:10Since we need to remain anonymous. I
00:05:13Propose that we name each other. Oh
00:05:15That's clever
00:05:17Why don't you start for man?
00:05:19That's it
00:05:21You may call me for honor
00:05:24Sounds good. You can call me Indian
00:05:31What about me
00:05:34I thought that was obvious
00:05:40Fuck with me punk
00:05:44How about blackie whatever
00:05:52Then you you are definitely whitey I don't give a fuck
00:06:09Right, let's get down to business
00:06:16And that's pretty much how it all began at least that's what I was told and it lasted for nine days
00:06:26Hey blackie how much you know about this job not much
00:06:36What about you I don't know much either it's what bothers me
00:06:41How did they recruit you through the Internet
00:06:46The Internet
00:06:49They have a home page
00:06:54Just the old-fashioned way
00:06:56They called me up
00:06:58Should they seem to know everything about me? Then again, I am notorious for some of the shit. I'll be doing
00:07:04I just want to make sure I get all the money. I was promised see I crossed my mind, too
00:07:09But the prepayment was so good. I had to accept their terms
00:07:12Yeah, but that wasn't good enough for me
00:07:15So I took down their license plate number the day they hired me
00:07:18Got a friend in New York who can trace anything
00:07:21Just as insurance
00:07:24This is not good. No, it ain't
00:07:27Those goons particularly that one fell are not your
00:07:31Everyday average goon. They're smarter. Oh, we did try to pick the best and the brightest a bright goon
00:07:38It's not exactly what I consider ideal quite well taken, but we ought to be safe
00:07:44The license plate they took down should be fake
00:07:47Let me tell you something
00:07:50Back in my army days. I was once part of a special op
00:07:54Very dangerous mission quite a lot of training days
00:07:59Now initially the sergeant for our training was using blanks and
00:08:06We ought to have been safe
00:08:09The bullets should have been blanks
00:08:12But guess what?
00:08:14One time they weren't and my buddy got shot
00:08:18But guess what?
00:08:19One time they weren't and my buddy got shot to hell by real live bullets
00:08:27blood gushing out
00:08:29It was ugly
00:08:32So you see when I hear the words should and ought and safe and
00:08:39Fake all in one sentence
00:08:43It makes me a little uneasy. I hear you
00:08:47Must be tough to see your buddy expire like that right in front of your very eyes. I
00:08:54Want to know everything that transpires in that place if a fly farts I want it on tape and you shall have it
00:09:37Am in LA
00:09:41How's the Big Apple, yeah
00:09:44Just trying to take my bite out of it
00:09:47Listen, I need you to do me a favor. Sure. Whatever you need you track a license plate. No problem, West Virginia plates
00:09:55number six RZT
00:10:00Find out whatever you can ASAP and I'll get back to you. No problem and the con
00:10:27Good morning, not if you're in it, you're most kind
00:10:36Who you on the phone with for man checking my stocks
00:10:40You know that I'll be a log into damn foreigner buying up America we didn't build up this country put up for sale
00:10:46I mean, he's that bitch up in Ellis Island. Hold up a big for sale sign. I didn't know about huh?
00:10:55Wonder who that could be maybe it's the INS
00:11:13Morning you must be my son's roommate. Wow
00:11:20Hi Georgie
00:11:26What the hell are you doing here? I haven't seen your mother for over two years and that's how you're welcoming me
00:11:31Don't you even want to kiss your own mother?
00:11:36Would you treat your mother like that if she came for a visit? No, ma'am. Never. Oh
00:11:42Will you look at this place and you've been eating all these unhealthy fast foods. I
00:11:49Think I'll stay for a couple of days and make you some hot meal. What the hell are you doing here?
00:11:54How did you find this place?
00:11:58It's not definitely not
00:12:05Hmm aren't you happy to see me sweetheart?
00:12:12Would you look at this mess
00:12:15How did you find this place? Oh, I was on my way to see Anthony's up in San Francisco
00:12:22Like I told you on the phone yesterday
00:12:24So I thought I'd stop off in Los Angeles and spend some time with my son
00:12:29But if I thought I wasn't welcome in my own son's mom from Bakersfield, San Francisco was north, okay
00:12:42Well, you always call me but you never tell me where you are or where you're calling from
00:12:48So I got this little gadget that displays the phone number of whoever is calling and you know
00:12:56Dolores she works for the telephone company. I forget which one but anyway
00:13:02She traced your number to that payphone
00:13:06That's all right. Okay. I think I got it. Okay. Oh
00:13:12I'm Georgie's mother. It's very nice to meet you all
00:13:20She's got to go ASAP, come on, but she's such a sweet old lady
00:13:26It was right. Well, you do get a test
00:13:30Don't you punks go hold me on my mother. You hear me?
00:13:33Listen, she can't stay here. Well, you think I don't know that well
00:13:37She ain't gonna leave this place until she cleans the whole goddamn place out vacuums does cook scrubs does the dishes cleans out the toilet bowl?
00:13:45Now I know my mother
00:13:47Is she going to change our diapers, too?
00:14:17Foreigner how's it feel to be from a third world country?
00:14:21Hey, why do?
00:14:23How does it feel to be from New Jersey?
00:14:26Do amuse me YD
00:14:29You're so cerebrally constrained. It simply amuses me
00:14:33You dare to call me stupid
00:14:35And you listen to me you foreign man. I'm an American and America is numero uno
00:14:41It's number one in case you dumb foreign ass don't understand
00:14:45You know the stinky ass nation achieved what we have
00:14:51Tell me
00:14:53Did you discover America help draft the Constitution build the first railroad?
00:14:58Introduce this land to litigation help build the Empire State Building create the glamour of Hollywood make space travel possible. What?
00:15:07Didn't think so
00:15:08Not the only thing that you have done
00:15:10Quite poorly I might add is that you were born
00:15:29Good to see you amigo
00:15:32That's some really good stuff for you I
00:15:34Have some good stuff for you to my friend, but first let's see what you got for me
00:15:50There you go
00:15:54Shit I see the fucking dope where the hell's goddamn fucking money
00:16:09It's good I
00:16:11Told you it was good stuff
00:16:14The rest is in the truck ten boxes
00:16:18Now, let's see what you have for me
00:16:39Five male
00:16:42That's good
00:16:45But what about the risk, you know
00:16:48What about what we talked about on three one, right
00:16:59I'm here
00:17:03To wait wait wait wait hold your horses for a man. I think I bring him more shit to the table
00:17:13The hell is this
00:17:18Mm-hmm fresh spring flowers, huh?
00:17:24Sweet as honey I can personally vouch for that the Japanese friends are gonna love them
00:17:34Fucking foreign pedophile bastards soon as the girls are clear take them take them all
00:17:41Hi, how are you?
00:17:43Come on, sir
00:17:45Come on, say able. Huh?
00:17:47Muy Benita. I'll take care of you. I promise
00:17:52They are both
00:17:56Very pretty. Yeah, you're pretty you're pretty but this one here
00:18:03She is too young
00:18:06She'll grow up
00:18:08They all do
00:18:10I guarantee you that did you hear that? I guarantee you that
00:19:07This is a cheap joint, hey don't let their lifestyle fool you my brother
00:19:13Oh, this is it
00:19:20How do we go in just knock just knock just knock
00:19:27It's ah, oh that's very original ain't no food, you know, they didn't order no pizza
00:19:43Piece of garbage see what you've done to me
00:19:47Stupid idiot. Did anybody in this room order pizza? I'm sorry boss. I forgot. You know, I was hungry. You did he hungry you can
00:20:00Got a couple of names here what customers I
00:20:07Believe I asked you a question
00:20:10We know nothing and we say nothing
00:20:14It's ain't a police station. We just ain't gonna beat you up to get no answers. We'll shoot your ass. No, no, no first off
00:20:23We shoot the man who's to blame me. Yeah, no, no, no, please don't shoot me. Don't shoot me. I'll tell you everything
00:20:33Okay, they are main distributors Jose Garcia in Panama Ricardo Sanchez in Colombia Antonio
00:20:41Richard's and Tony in Peru. My grandmother was for a part-time in Miami
00:20:45You already put me in my grade 10 feet under please. Don't shoot me
00:20:55You answer that
00:20:58Don't do anything stupid
00:21:06Hello, good evening, how are you?
00:21:09Hello. Hello. How are you? Oh
00:21:14So, sorry bad time
00:21:17Yeah. Yes a bad time right now, but never bad time for Lord Savior
00:21:24Jesus Christ if you want to go heaven, you must let Lord Savior Jesus Christ
00:21:30Into your heart. Listen, I ain't got time for this shit right now. So why don't you take your little Chinese gang and leave?
00:21:38No, no stay
00:21:40Tell us all you can about the Lord take no too long. I like introduce you to New Testament
00:21:57Please don't be my thing. Yes. Okay. We want to see the Lord. Don't worry about them
00:22:03Now they're gonna see the Lord soon enough
00:22:05But why don't you take your little Messiah groupies and get the hell out of here right now?
00:22:10Stay we need your Savior
00:22:14You Korean people listen up and listen good
00:22:17Now my Indian friend here his people were forcefully converted by thousands
00:22:23And when they refused they were murdered by thousands and for blacks
00:22:29Shit, don't ever let me get started
00:22:32So between the Indians and the blacks we've had enough for the white man's dominance be it through religion politics or whatever
00:22:39but our religion good for Indians and
00:22:43the black people to
00:22:46Your religion good for Indians and black people to are you somebody's fool?
00:22:51Jesus Christ was no Chinese, man. He was no blonde and blue white white boy either. He was a black man
00:22:59Why don't you look that up?
00:23:01Well, actually, you know Christ was from the Middle East and you know, I read somewhere that he was really a Latino
00:23:09It no matter he is Lord
00:23:13But he no black. Oh, no
00:23:17Fuck that does it I can't take it
00:23:20Black okay, he black
00:23:41Well, you gonna finish him off or what no, I don't shoot a man when he's down
00:23:49Heads you shoot him in the head and tails I shoot him in the ass
00:24:45Man what a lovely picture
00:24:48Mm-hmm fucking son of a bitch fucking get out of here. You take the dope with you
00:24:53You take the money and what you leave us with, huh?
00:24:56Two useless fucking little girls. I know what they've gone through. They're sedated scared
00:25:03How the fuck would you know, huh? Were you somebody's bitch when you were a little kid? I had the baby sister
00:25:09She was kidnapped save it. Okay, I interest in your baby sister
00:25:14We'll take them home with us tonight. We are your fucking foreign mind, huh?
00:25:18What do you think? We're running goddamn foster home here. We're gonna take them to the city and we gonna let them loose
00:25:25That's all your mother can watch them for one night
00:25:32You see that's what sniffing too much of that cocaine does to your brain you think your motherfucking Teresa
00:25:48Sweethearts just take one little sip. It'll make you feel better
00:25:56They look awful just take one sip tell us your names and how we can get in touch with your parents
00:26:07Poor girls I
00:26:09Feel terrible
00:26:11It was good of you to bring him here I
00:26:14Could take care of him for a few days until they feel better. How are you talking about ma?
00:26:20Kids talk to us
00:26:49All right, you got the pen handy sure go ahead West Virginia plate number six RZT
00:26:56258 find out whatever you can ASAP and I'll get back to you. No problem and the con be careful. Yeah
00:27:05Sounds like the foreign guys trying to scoop up some information on us. I know what it sounds like
00:27:12Now, how do we get into this mess?
00:27:14Anyhow, didn't I make it perfectly clear that everyone was to use a fake license plate at all times if this thing blows?
00:27:23We're all fucked
00:27:25Who is this guy?
00:27:28His name is Colin Zelinsky. He lives in New York City and apparently he's friends with the foreign guy
00:27:33And what about the the woman with the kids?
00:27:36They could jeopardize this whole operation we're trying to put the pieces together now, sir, I think we can rectify the situation
00:27:43Rectify the situation. How do you propose to do that?
00:27:47Washington gave us the green light to take extreme measures against the drug problem in this nation
00:27:53God knows we've been taking those measures, but maybe we can take him a bit farther
00:28:01Like how we clean the cleaners
00:28:07They kill the drug traffickers and then we kill them
00:28:13Simple really
00:28:16None of this leaves this room
00:28:24They haven't said a word and they haven't eaten anything come on sweethearts, we're just trying to help you
00:28:41Well, hello Becky
00:28:43And what is your name?
00:28:47Her name is Katie
00:28:50She's my sister. I knew they were sisters. They look so much alike
00:28:54We're going to help you get back to your parents. All right, no
00:28:59We can't go home
00:29:02Did you run away from one
00:29:06Did your mom and dad hurt you
00:29:10We just can't go home. Of course you get what the fuck's going on here now, huh?
00:29:14What the hell kind of soap opera is this? Anyway, huh? Oh my fucking children
00:29:18Oh, sorry, Georgie. You should be ashamed of yourself talking like that in front of the children. I
00:29:25Ain't talked to you
00:29:35Listen you fucking moron
00:29:37You'll ruin this whole fucking operation. Keep your voice down
00:29:41Last thing we need is your mother in on this
00:29:43Listen, they're gonna be out of here today, right?
00:29:46Right, they better be
00:29:56Can't believe you brought those two kids here. They have no place to go. You know what that old man was right. This is crazy
00:30:05And I need to take a shower
00:30:18You two quit it back there daddy took my tuna salad Jonathan give the sandwich back to your sister
00:30:27Something's going down
00:30:29Maybe I'll just blow him up now. No wait till we're in the canyon. That's too much attention here
00:30:33I can't wait to blow his white ass up
00:30:36But based on my observations of you I would claim that by now it's safe to say you may be a bit racist
00:30:45Listen foreigner what definitely isn't safe is for you to observe me like I'm some sort of fucking lab rat and to label me like
00:30:51that too
00:30:53I'm no racist. I'm a historian. I know history
00:31:04Kids settle down stay in the car be right back kids in there
00:31:32Gentlemen no, he's rolling. Let's go
00:31:46Guys have heard of the three musketeers, right all for one and one for all
00:31:53Well, you see that is exactly how the universe is
00:31:58this whole universe
00:32:01is one and
00:32:05It's the whole universe
00:32:08You just have to reach out
00:32:11and grab
00:32:14If we're all one then how come we can't see or hear or feel our mom and dad your mom and dad
00:32:23They haven't gone far
00:32:25You see loved ones
00:32:27Never go far
00:32:30They're always around
00:32:34With you
00:32:36They're inside of you
00:32:39Especially here and especially here
00:32:47Hey pull over right here. Yeah, this is the perfect place to blow him up. Here we go
00:33:09Oh my god, what have we done I didn't see the kids
00:33:19There's a car coming we better take off
00:33:21Come on. Come on. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Maybe we should help them
00:33:24How well collect their body parts and put them back together again. Let's get the fuck out of here
00:33:30Come on, let's go
00:33:41You dashed out so fast I thought you went to work
00:33:45No, we just
00:33:47Had some errands to run. Oh
00:33:49I hope you boys like the new China and coffee maker. I bought
00:33:53If Georgie lets me stay up while I could really make this place look like home
00:34:00So where are the happy faces?
00:34:02You know Georgie didn't tell me that you work with troubled and runaway kids that's the way my Georgie was when he was a kid
00:34:11Are you a social worker too?
00:34:15No, ma'am only he is so what do you do?
00:34:20Well, I'm not I'm in between jobs. Oh, that's terrible. So is my Georgie, you know
00:34:27Understand why the government can't do something about the unemployment when I was growing up everybody had a job
00:34:34especially someone with your qualifications
00:34:38Maybe my Georgie should have become a social worker too. It's such a noble job caring for people in need
00:35:06Didn't bring you up to be racist. It's all your dad's doing
00:35:11God bless his soul
00:35:14And that awful picture of that evil man, what are you doing mom? I am tearing this thing down
00:35:20You ought to be ashamed of yourself having this picture on your wall. You're not tearing it down. All right
00:35:28You what I think you are I
00:35:33Should never have let you go down south to live with your dad
00:35:36This is all his doing and I kept you and juicy with me. This would never happen
00:35:42He is responsible. He taught me to see things, right?
00:35:47He blinded you just the way he was
00:35:51But he wasn't always like that
00:35:53Not till he went to prison
00:35:56He was such a good-looking man in his younger years
00:36:01And he was so popular in prison
00:36:04Dad he was only 27 28 years old
00:36:09And when he got out
00:36:11He was a changed man. He hated blacks
00:36:17Mexicans homosexuals Jews
00:36:23You name it
00:36:25Of course his lawyer was Jewish your poor dad
00:36:30For months after we got out
00:36:35My very own day getting fucking ass
00:36:42Sorry son, I didn't mean to hurt you
00:36:46And when he got out, he pretended he was your wife and he joined the complex. What do you mean? He pretended, huh?
00:36:53I'm sorry Georgie, but but your dad was one a black and one a you know
00:37:04It's not true
00:37:06Sorry, Georgie, but it is true and there's more no
00:37:11I never told you before but but my grandfather and grandmother your great-grandparents
00:37:18May they rest in peace. They were Jews back in Austria before they were forced to convert
00:37:33Don't want to go back to the foster home we won't we're not little girls anymore we can live on our own
00:37:48If you ladies want to talk I'm here to listen
00:37:53We all want to help you get back to your parents they must be worried sick, don't you think
00:37:58Know they're not
00:38:01You don't have a mom and dad
00:38:05I'm sorry
00:38:08Who's taking care of you then beast live in a foster home, but we ran away
00:38:17How did you end up with those men I don't want to talk about it did they kidnap you I don't want to talk about them
00:38:26You don't want to talk about them
00:38:30Sure, I'm sorry, I understand
00:38:40Does this help
00:38:42It's just a path on an inward journey
00:38:45But you must be prepared to face many demons along the way
00:38:50Wonder if there's any path to salvation
00:38:53For someone who's murdered two kids
00:39:02There is take in our two little orphaned ones raise them as your own
00:39:14We've got the place under watch
00:39:16We'll make our move after midnight
00:39:18Make sure nobody walks out
00:39:22No problem. I understand
00:39:32Send a couple of guys to New York to meet up with that Colin Zolinski guy I
00:39:38Understand by the way
00:39:40You guys see to it that you don't fuck up
00:39:43I'm gonna have your nuts in a jar
00:39:45Right next to my mother-in-law's ashes, which I keep in an urn on the mantle. Yes, sir
00:39:55Really have your mother-in-law's ashes on your fireplace. Yep
00:40:00It's much better than having her there in my living room live and in person. I guess
00:40:09Makes me feel good every time I look over and see it there. I should suggest that to my wife
00:40:18Yeah, you should make some points with her too
00:40:22You are a sly dog
00:40:25You have no idea
00:41:09Make sure whatever information is buried in here won't get out burn the place down
00:41:26Better hurry up gonna miss the ship and drop
00:41:30Well, excuse me. I
00:41:32Had to take a nap after all that running around we did all day today
00:41:37And speaking of the day man, what you're gonna do with mom and the girls they're supposed to be out of here today
00:41:41Yeah, but they're not in the way
00:41:43That's not the point. This is not a place for women and children. I totally agree
00:41:49But they do make the place kind of homey. Don't you think look we just can't throw the girls out into the streets
00:41:56We're probably abused in that foster home
00:42:00They'll be out of here before you know it definitely by tomorrow. That's what you said yesterday
00:42:48Well, we'd better go yeah
00:43:12There's shipment leads from this side of the building
00:43:15Here they are
00:43:17That's the gate
00:43:19When they come out we'll be waiting for
00:43:33Never thought that end up blowing up children for a living. It just comes with the job
00:43:41You sink lower and and lower into your own little hell
00:43:48God have mercy on our souls
00:43:59Did you know my father was a Catholic priest
00:44:02the priest
00:44:05Swear I didn't think Catholic priests could get married
00:44:11He wasn't married to my mother
00:44:14He was a customer
00:44:16My mother was a whore
00:44:19Yeah, yeah, that's right foreigner a whore
00:44:26I still remember her taking me along on her tricks. I
00:44:33Used to wait in the bathroom until she was done
00:44:37Yeah, that's right for her. He was just another regular customer
00:44:46Very sorry to hear that
00:44:51My poor naive mother
00:44:55She wanted a child so bad she planned it all
00:45:01And who better than a priest I
00:45:07Guess you thought that if the father was a was a religious man, how bad could the child be?
00:45:17I guess she was wrong
00:45:27It's amazing
00:45:30Who would have thought you had a link to the Pope
00:45:34Sorry, sorry
00:45:37It's four o'clock these guys aren't gonna show let's get out of here. Yeah, let's go
00:48:20They're not here not here either god damn it. Come on. We can't stay here
00:48:26Fucking dead, let's go. Come on
00:49:05Just did found a key in this guy's pocket
00:49:16I can't feel the other side
00:49:57Come on let's get the fuck out of here man, this place is gonna be crawling with cops any second
00:50:04Come on let's get your back. Let's get the hell out of here. Let's go
00:50:10Okay, Katie Katie in there no, she's not Katie
00:50:16Katie come on. Let's get the fuck out of here. Hey
00:50:19Katie Katie
00:50:24Katie hey, it's okay
00:50:41It's okay
00:50:57Sons of bitches
00:51:08Yeah, sir, we have good news and bad news
00:51:12Well, why don't you give me the good news first so I can stomach the bad news
00:51:16Well, the New York subject is fully taken care of
00:51:20All right, then what's the bad news?
00:51:22Two of the subjects in LA are still in the loose
00:51:27You guys ain't going home and you're not gonna bat an eye until you locate them and finish this you understand me
00:51:34Yes, sir
00:51:37I'm gonna tell my wife to start shopping for a jar first thing in the morning. Okay. Yes, sir
00:51:58Has it been disconnected no
00:52:07All right, thank you ma'am
00:52:11What's up, that's strange
00:52:18What we're gonna do with the kid we'll drop her off at the nearest police station
00:52:32Katie Katie where we're going. We can't take you. You're better off with the cops
00:52:40Sweetheart, I'm sorry. It's the only way
00:52:47Listen kid. No, we got enough problems as it is. We can't babysit you too. I can take care of myself
00:52:58Hey, no way no way I'm not gonna be responsible for another child's life
00:53:24This is so much fun. Do you have this much fun when you shave your face yourself?
00:53:28Not really
00:53:30That's like a daily chore to me I
00:53:33Like it, but since you don't know on I'll shave your face for you every morning. Oh
00:53:46Where do people go when they die
00:53:49Well, the good ones they go to heaven
00:53:51Specky in heaven. Yeah, she is
00:53:56with my mom and dad
00:54:01Yeah with them
00:54:03What kind of a place is heaven? Oh
00:54:06It's the best place in the world like Disneyland
00:54:10even better
00:54:13What do people do there?
00:54:15They sing they dance they play
00:54:19Sometimes they have to pray
00:54:21Becky and I used to pray all the time
00:54:23Hmm. Well, it's all done
00:54:28Very smooth
00:54:30Great job. Thanks. No, thank you. You're welcome
00:54:36I'm out the shower
00:54:38Okay your turn
00:54:44Do you want me to shave your face too? No child, I'm cool. Okay
00:54:50Listen I don't like this shit, you know, her place is not with two fucked-up people like us
00:54:59You know and stop filling that kids head with all that bullshit about heaven
00:55:04You just like my mother. All she did was preach that gospel to me every damn day
00:55:14Should did was preach that gospel to me every damn day
00:55:21Who you call
00:55:23Friends of mine in New York newspaper man. They might have some news
00:55:29Hey, how are you? I'm fine. Thank you. How about yourself?
00:55:33I've been up all night working on my novel
00:55:37You're still sharp listen, I need you to do me a favor
00:55:40Can you check and see if there's any news on the friends of mine?
00:55:48No, nothing's coming up nothing
00:55:54Arcadia Avenue in Manhattan
00:56:07Looks like the place burned down a couple of nights ago. Oh
00:56:10It was awesome, oh get this
00:56:13He found the body of a guy with a couple of bullet holes to the head
00:56:18later identified as
00:56:20Colin Solinsky
00:56:23Thank You Jonathan, so what's up?
00:56:27Whoever ambushed Indian and whitey got to Colin too. They blew his brains out and burnt the place to the ground
00:56:41Well, sir
00:56:42We have teams out covering the entire area surrounding where they were staying every hotel every motel
00:56:48Every place and I've got two agents sitting on the black guy's place providing surveillance there. What about the other guy?
00:56:55He's always on the move. He moves from place to place. We don't know where he is. You've hidden
00:57:01three days to kill those two
00:57:04Three goddamn days, there's no reason for them to think it was us. They're probably gonna figure it was the mob
00:57:11All we got to do is figure out how to contact them and we don't have a phone number for any of them
00:57:15Well, sir, we do have the black guy's phone number
00:57:18Well, what the hell we're waiting for call him. Yes, sir
00:57:22Donovan's phone
00:57:24He's a secure phone
00:57:27Meanwhile look for them. Listen, you better get that license number erased from the DMV
00:57:33But sir, that could be difficult if not impossible. Let me tell you a little story
00:57:38when we were in Vietnam, I
00:57:41was a platoon leader I
00:57:44Had 25 men under me
00:57:48One day I find my entire platoon
00:57:52Surrounded by hundreds of Viet Cong hundreds of them
00:57:56We were in a Delta and the only way out was this lousy suspension bridge a mile away
00:58:03In the meantime, we're being shelled like we were standing in the rain and these commie bastards are coming at us faster
00:58:09Than you can let a fart out. Well, I got my man out
00:58:13It's just one casualty
00:58:19Guy right there that casualty by no means was the fault of the platoon leader
00:58:25He just couldn't figure out a way to walk out alive. Yeah
00:58:30Yes, sir, I'll make sure the plate gets erased from the DMV record you do that
00:58:35Let me remind you gentlemen of one thing you're treading on thin ice
00:58:41My wife's already got a jar picked out
00:58:46He's dead because of my foolish mistake
00:58:51Not just him mom Becky why the Indians
00:58:57You didn't know them
00:59:00You didn't know those pigs that buck the place I should have known that I had to use the phone in the house
00:59:06Yeah, you're right
00:59:09It's just the fact that they house us together should have rang the bell they were watching us
00:59:20Must really like fried chicken
00:59:25What is that supposed to mean
00:59:28Nothing's just did you like fried chicken? No. No. See I know what you're thinking
00:59:33So you look at the table and you see fried chicken. You look across from the table. You see black man
00:59:39fried chicken
00:59:41black man
00:59:42Fried chicken black man. Now you make the middle association. I'm a black man and I'm eating fried chicken. What do you say?
00:59:50I'm saying if I was white you wouldn't make that comment. Yes, I would know you wouldn't yes, I would know you would
00:59:55Yes, I would you wouldn't yes, I would look I have known you for six days in that time
01:00:01I've seen you eat fried chicken twelve times. I
01:00:04Simply made the deduction that you must like fried chicken. It was a racial deduction
01:00:13You know, and why should you give a shit what I eat anyway
01:00:16Do you hear me comment on your roast beef?
01:00:19And then it looks like some dried up old wrinkled pussy
01:00:24Just look at it
01:00:25It looks like wrinkled old vagina
01:00:29And right there just a click
01:00:33But you want some fried chicken
01:00:46Was thinking what would make that white devil give us all the hug like that
01:00:51Don't let me know
01:00:53Whatever it was it had to do with mom
01:00:57She had so much good in her
01:01:00For business man slash assassin
01:01:03You're sort of sentimental
01:01:07Anyway, you know, you don't look much like hit man you look more like a
01:01:13CEO or lawyer type actually, I went to Harvard Law School. No shit a long time ago
01:01:20What you a lawyer?
01:01:22No, no
01:01:24Flunked out in my second year
01:01:29Huh? Don't feel bad. I mean your present career isn't far from the one you would have had had you finish school
01:01:39Man do you know I've been committing crimes since I was a little rascal
01:01:43Started when I was five picking pockets and just went on from there
01:01:50That's all about to change now
01:01:53Don't you fucking start laughing but I've been thinking about going back to school get my GED
01:02:00Getting your high school diplomas going to make you a better criminal
01:02:06Funny I'm very funny. You wash your hands. All right, everything there. I'm not hungry
01:02:15Then why did you wash your hands then I
01:02:19Always wash my hands
01:02:22Listen child you wanted us to bring you along and we did now you better do what we tell you to do
01:02:27But I don't feel like eating right now. Well, you wanted to tag along
01:02:31Well, you need your strength in
01:02:34Unless you want us to leave you here. No, you heard what he said. Let's take a couple of bucks
01:02:43Thank you Lord for taking care of me especially for giving me for an unblackie
01:02:49But I wish you didn't have to take Becky away from me. I miss her so much
01:02:54mom, too
01:02:56Mom too
01:03:04You know calling the system with all this something big the license plate number he must have found out who hired us
01:03:12They probably at my place right now waiting for my black ass
01:03:17Are those the same bad man who killed Becky and mom
01:03:22Yes, oh
01:03:24We're gonna get him though
01:03:27They're gonna pay
01:03:30Yeah, today's the sixth day those punks would be expecting a call from us hand me your phone let me check my messages
01:03:38Check please
01:03:52Conference of a circle to fire
01:04:00What kind of pie is it
01:04:03The only pies I know are apple pie cherry pie and pumpkin pie
01:04:08It's a mathematical constant, which is three point one four one five nine two six five three five eight nine seven nine
01:04:31Yeah, hey wait, wait a minute oh
01:04:36I'm trying to reach you
01:04:38I'm trying to call you at that place. You were staying. Yeah, we were ambushed in the middle of night by some gunman
01:04:46Really what's your situation now two of us are in hell
01:04:51Dead that's bad news
01:04:54What about the job is it done?
01:05:00All right, I need you and your partner to meet me tomorrow
01:05:04Southeast of Los Angeles in a warehouse both of you tomorrow. No
01:05:10Let's meet outside of LA
01:05:16Go about a mile and pull off the road. Okay, we're gonna go and meet you in the middle of nowhere. All right
01:05:30All right, that's it it's all there
01:05:34Twenty grand in bills covering stacks of cut paper. It's gonna cost a lot more than that if they're not dead by tomorrow
01:05:40Well, no problem. We should be ready to fly out to LA in about an hour. You guys go check on the plane
01:05:46I'll see you in a minute. Yes, sir
01:06:08Sometimes I think it was a
01:06:10Miscalculation on our part how so we should have gone with the pros. We work with all the time. Not some
01:06:17Amateurs that we don't know anything about you know, this whole operation was happening in every major city
01:06:23And almost all at the same time
01:06:26Just don't think we had enough professional assassins to take out every drug trafficker and mobster in the whole nation
01:06:33Yeah, I know
01:06:36But they haven't killed half the people they're supposed to
01:06:40It's so incompetent. Yeah, go figure
01:06:44And we're paying them to I guess that makes them government employees
01:06:52How the hell do we get into this mess anyhow
01:06:56It's those damn liberals if we had tough laws and tough judges with balls enough to put these drug traffickers behind bars
01:07:03and throw the keys away or
01:07:06Put a rope around their necks. Yeah, well, I
01:07:10Couldn't agree with you more
01:07:12But until that day comes, you know, our hands are tied
01:07:16We got to be judge injury I
01:07:19Figured we're doing the whole country a service. Yeah, well
01:07:24Service or not
01:07:26If this goes public, we'll be the ones with ropes around our necks
01:07:31They have to die
01:07:33Or we will burn
01:07:35Well, I'm not gonna burn
01:07:38I'll tell you that I can pretty much personally guarantee that
01:07:42You better oh, I will
01:08:36Come on stand together
01:08:49Now we've got time
01:08:52Now we've got to be at their best. Oh
01:08:54With the shape that you're in. I'll be fine
01:09:00Yeah after you snort some more of that white powder
01:09:11Tell you something I'm glad about is that I've never started doing that you should be he's turned my world upside down
01:09:22It's gone
01:09:32What's the matter
01:09:36What's wrong Katie what you seen a ghost
01:09:41Those men did that
01:09:49Katie we're not like those men
01:09:54We're not going to harm you
01:09:58You promise I promise
01:10:02You're not going to take that stuff anymore
01:10:07No, no more
01:10:20Okay, okay
01:10:36Better not forget the promise you made to that child
01:10:40You know, I don't know who the bigger evil is
01:10:43The white powder or the white man
01:10:49Sometimes you remind me of whitey
01:10:51I've got nothing in common with that racist exactly what you have in common
01:10:56Stop seeing the world and black and white move on. What the hell do you know?
01:11:00Were you a black man growing up in a white man's world
01:11:03Were you the one that was a slave?
01:11:05Were you the one that had to sit on the back of the bus?
01:11:07Were you the one that couldn't vote you weren't either that was your father and your grandfather your great-grandfather
01:11:13move on
01:11:15Who the fuck are you you won't come into my world and tell me how to live my life
01:11:20You're a fucking outside. You're an insider. All right
01:11:23That's why you can't see the forest for the trees
01:11:25Instead take a look at your own situation
01:11:28Fix your own situation before you start giving others advice
01:11:31See because behind that little fancy facade of yours. It's nothing more but a little lonely
01:11:38Hypocritic drug addict that goes around killing the very people that sustains his lifeline
01:11:46See without that white powder
01:11:48It was good as a dead man and even the child can see that
01:12:22Know you wait here for us. All right, stay in the room. Lock the door. Don't let anybody in
01:12:28We'll be back in a couple of hours
01:12:31Hey, what a sad face
01:12:34Are you gonna come back? Of course I will
01:12:39You promise
01:12:42Promise I
01:12:47Don't want to go back to the foster home
01:12:50You don't have to
01:12:54How would you like to live in Seattle? Really?
01:12:58Have you ever been there? No, but I like it good
01:13:03Cuz that's where we're going to go when I get back
01:13:06All right, go back in the room
01:13:12I have the whole universe in my hand and since you're one with the universe we all are
01:13:19I have you in my hand and I'm gonna keep you right next to me until you get back
01:13:33Okay, I'm back in
01:13:37Hey Katie, come here
01:13:41Come on over here
01:13:53Am not good at this sort of thing. I never had no brothers
01:13:58No sisters, no kids. I
01:14:00Never even liked white folks
01:14:03But you're probably too young to understand that
01:14:09What I'm trying to say is is that
01:14:14You're an alright kid I thought you didn't like me
01:14:20No, you're right even though I'm a kid
01:14:26Yeah, even though you're a kid and white
01:14:31Especially because you're white
01:14:34Come on, give me a hug
01:14:38We'll be back for you
01:14:43Go back in the room now
01:15:31There's just the four of them
01:15:44Let's paint this desert red
01:15:49This one's for you little sister and for you Becky
01:16:19If I get down to this alive, I'm going straight taking Katie with me we're moving to Seattle
01:16:25What you gonna raise that little girl? Mm-hmm
01:16:29You are one crazy foreigner and I suppose you want me to be the godfather. Don't you will you I
01:16:37Mean if anything happens to me
01:16:40You are crazy
01:16:45All right, I'll think about it take the two to the right
01:16:55So you decided to come
01:16:57Starting to wonder if you were gonna make it
01:17:00There's all the money and the shares of your dead partners. It's all there
01:17:13The dead men's pictures and the names of their contacts
01:17:18All there
01:17:19No doubt. I guess that concludes our transaction then
01:17:24Not yet
01:17:25It's one more thing
01:17:33The key once again I can see that my men have not done their jobs
01:17:39Yes, I'll be dusting off that place on the mantelpiece after all
01:17:45You guys aren't in a big hurry. Are you to go anywhere? I mean from the looks of you
01:17:50You probably don't know anything about Greek mythology, but I kind of wanted to share a little story with you. We've got time. Do you?
01:17:58Once upon a time there was a little boy his father made him some wings out of feathers and wax
01:18:04he told the young man not to
01:18:07Fly too close to the Sun or else the wax would melt but a young man in his
01:18:13Arrogance ignored the warnings of his father and he flew too close to the Sun the wax melted
01:18:20And he fell to his death
01:18:23So you were the father and we are the son. Yes, but I am also
01:18:28the son
01:18:32How fast do you think you can get your guns out with your coats all buttoned up like that not fast enough
01:18:38No doubt about it then
01:19:43Gonna get you to a hospital for what if I live you only get half the money. Come on get up
01:19:55My ass is uncomfortable man. Wait, hold on just hold on
01:20:06Oh man, my GED exam is in three weeks
01:20:10Shit don't look like I'm gonna make it now to it. It's too bad. I was ready for it, man
01:20:19Did you know the radius of a circle is always particular to the tangent come on get up
01:20:31No, this is it it's the end of the road for me that's better this way for
01:20:37Yeah, what do you think my chances are getting to heaven not very good as a Catholic
01:20:48Got a lot of forgiveness to ask for
01:21:00Just want to make peace with my lord before before it takes me all right
01:21:04Shit get the fuck out of here
01:21:07Get the fuck get the fuck out of here
01:21:19I did you wrong Lord. Yeah, I did myself wrong. I
01:21:28Wish I had a second chance to make it right
01:21:40The boy's name was Icarus
01:21:43Guess your story didn't quite pan out. Yeah, I can see that you're still flying too close to the Sun
01:21:51I'll see you in hell
01:22:00Forgive me Lord I've seen
01:22:07Forgive me
01:22:27Drug Enforcement Administration
01:23:36Attention mr. Hoover
01:23:39You are under investigation with fellow conspirators for numerous murders
01:23:46conspiracy to commit murder and obstruction of justice
01:23:52You are advised to surrender yourself to the bureau and fully cooperate with officials in this matter
01:24:02They just never appreciated a soldier who fought for you miss Liberty
01:24:19Already been POW once and I'm going through that shit again
01:24:52Waited for them all day. I kept looking up the window, but Porter and wacky didn't come back
01:25:02And I waited the next day they never came for me
01:25:09And then they came and took me back to the foster home. I thought I was going to be here forever
01:25:16But three months later he came for me. I
01:25:21Think it was a miracle. How did he find you?
01:25:25He called the cops and asked what happened to the little girl that was left behind in that motel
01:25:30They told him how did you find me here?
01:25:34We looked for you you're the only friend I have I had to find you
01:25:44He's here I have to go now I'll come visit you again soon, okay
01:25:53Is he a good dad he's the best I'm a pretty good daughter too I shave his face every day for him
01:26:30Can we come visit her again soon sure we can
