On My Way to Grandpa's

  • 2 months ago
by Ann Schweninger
00:00On my way to grandpa's.
00:07By Anshweninja.
00:09To Mary.
00:11Emily said mother, take your umbrella when you go to grandpa's.
00:16There's going to be a storm.
00:18I sat on the porch and pulled on my boots.
00:22The steps were still warm from the sun.
00:25But now the sky was full of clouds.
00:28As I shut the front gate I felt the first drop of rain.
00:32I looked down.
00:34As aunt was hurrying up the side of his hill.
00:38Aunt I said, inside your sand house you'll be warm and dry.
00:43I'll be cozy too at grandpa's, he'll build a fire.
00:47I reached out to touch the rain.
00:50But the leaves about me caught the drops.
00:53High in a tree a skirrel peered from his doorway.
00:57He held a nut between his paws.
01:00Skirrel I said, that looks good.
01:03The breeze shook a branch and rain streamed in little rivers down my umbrella.
01:09A mother bird sat on her nest.
01:12Baby birds peaked out from beneath her wings.
01:15The father bird chirped a song.
01:18Birds I said, are you telling stories?
01:22Grandpa tells me stories too.
01:25Close by, a rabbit hid beneath a leaf.
01:28He flattened his long ears to keep them dry and nibbled clover blossoms.
01:34Don't he worry rabbit I said.
01:36Soon the sun will shine again.
01:39Rain makes your clover grow.
01:42Thunder rolled across the sky.
01:44But I wasn't frightened.
01:47I saw grandpa's house at the bottom of the hill.
01:51Outside his gate my boots squished in puddle mud.
01:54I opened the gate and ran up the walk.
01:59Emily he said, come in and get dry.
02:03But before we go in, look.
02:05A rainbow.
02:07I said.
02:24I'm so happy.
02:27I'm so happy.
02:30I'm so happy.
02:32I'm so happy.
02:35The end.