The Muff Liquor Company founder and CEO Laura Bonner

  • 2 months ago
The Muff Liquor Company founder and CEO Laura Bonner tells how she hopes people 'come in their droves' to the company's new 'Brand Home' in Muff and speaks of how her granda was her inspiration.
00:00Laura, congratulations. This has been in your plans from the very start. How do you feel today to have achieved it?
00:06A little bit overwhelmed, a little bit unbelievably grateful and I'm extremely, extremely proud of what we've achieved today.
00:13It's fantastic too for a moth and a Seán Donegal and a North West to have this facility. I'm sure that makes you very proud.
00:19Absolutely. I think any Seán himself kind of gets forgotten about, especially when you come to Mallhead and then people actually leave and go to the West of Donegal.
00:27So we're hoping that when people actually come here, they'll stay around and stay maybe the night and see other parts of the area.
00:34So, yeah, we hope people come and their bus loads, to be honest.
00:38Laura, I know you said that the Moth Liquor Company was inspired by your granddad and I saw that his tractor and all is on there now.
00:44How do you think he would feel about this today? What would he think?
00:46Oh, he'd love it. My mama probably wouldn't have approved, but he definitely would have been as proud as punch.
00:54So, yeah, he inspired me nearly 20 years ago, so a long way at last. So, yeah, it's really, really good.
