Created by 24-year-old Conor McDermott, The Walled City Social is a new initiative that has been introduced for men aged between 20 and 30.
00:00Can you just introduce yourself please?
00:02My name is Conor McDermott and I'm 24 from Derry.
00:05Class. And tell me about this wee project you have going. You're making a new social group in Derry.
00:11So the idea behind it is the World Study Social.
00:13So it's a group bringing young people together from age 20 to 30,
00:18getting them into activities and outdoors and getting them away from alcohol-based kind of activities.
00:24Derry seems to have too much focus on alcohol-based activities rather than non-alcohol-based activities
00:31and it's wanting to bring healthier activities out and making a hub for people who don't really drink
00:38because there's not that opportunity here at the moment.
00:40So I'm just looking to see if there's any interest in that and taking it from there.
00:45What inspired your idea? Was it maybe from your own youth?
00:50I mean we can't group in the same year so a lot of activities that we were on were centered around alcohol.
00:55Well it seems to still be that kind of way here and because Derry is such a small place
00:59and there's not a lot going on so it means that the only thing they really do is go to a bar
01:06and it can be kind of isolating for people who don't drink because they're there and they're kind of the only ones there that are sober.
01:12So I kind of put this idea out of why can't we push something different and bring something new.
01:19You have your first event on Saturday. Could you tell me a bit about that?
01:23So I've put it up on socials. It's just a first meet-up so whoever wants to join is more than welcome.
01:28Just to kind of test the water, see who's interested, get feedback from whoever's wanting to come and join us
01:34and see what they would like to do, get to know new faces.
01:38It's just meeting up in Java tomorrow from half twelve to half one and just seeing what people would like to do.
01:45Is it important to you personally to create this kind of social club? Have you battled with this in the past yourself?
01:52Yeah, well it's important to me because I'm not a big drinker myself and it's kind of something I found
01:57and I just thought well maybe there's other people out there that maybe don't want to drink as much
02:02but they feel like they can't because there's always this kind of questioning of why you're not drinking,
02:09for how come you're not drinking. It's like an investigation.
02:13And I'm wanting to kind of take away from that and just respect people's decisions and give that opportunity to people
02:18that maybe they can feel more comfortable if they're going out.
02:21The kind of activities I'm wanting to do is maybe do a walk or climb a regal or do a pool competition
02:28or do things that people can do and it doesn't involve that kind of drinking atmosphere.
02:34I know for myself that if you're not drinking, people always say you're kind of crap crack.
02:40Ah, you're like a square.
02:42You feel like you're bringing the atmosphere down for everybody else.
02:45Exactly, and that's not the case at all. It's just because that's the only real thing to be doing, you know what I mean.
02:51And not even that as well, getting the taxi back after a night out is a nightmare too.
02:56So I'd always roller drive for that reason too because you always find then when you're going home
03:01the amount of people that are filming at the side of the road looking for a lift.
03:05It's just not practical whereas if you do something like that, that's a bit more community focused
03:10and it may create that safe space.
03:13It could be something that could be interesting to people that would want to take it on.
03:18Walking in their room full of people you've never met before can be nerve wracking.
03:23What would you have to say to people who are interested in joining them but are a bit nervous because you're walking in their room?
03:30It can be daunting, especially if you don't know them.
03:34The nice thing about there is because it's so small, people have a mutual friend there.
03:41What's nice is that people can maybe know someone and they can go together to break that ice that they're not going on their own.
03:48But it's an open atmosphere, everybody's welcome, there's no judgement.
03:53It's just cutting the stigma of that awkwardness and that tension and feeling like you need a drink to talk to people.
04:01Where it's just like right, this is a public space but we have our own group and our own community here.
04:07We can just focus on them and as I say, there's no judgement there.
04:12Do you know where everybody's going so far?
04:15A few of my friends have messaged to say they're going, which is great.
04:18I'm just trying to build up that social platform.
04:21I'm trying to share the word so people know what's actually happening.
04:25It will take a while and I'm going to keep trying to build up a meetup every so often just to build it up a bit.
04:31Sharing the word on socials is the big thing at the minute.
04:35Just to let people know what's happening.
04:37There's definitely a lot of women's groups out there that have been successful.
04:40Are you hoping to emulate that kind of success?
04:43This is it. There is women's ones that have taken off and that's one of the reasons why I wanted to do it for men.
04:48Because there wasn't really that thing and I wanted to make it different and appealing to them as well.
04:55The women's ones have done really well so I'm hoping that the men's ones could do just the same.
05:02When was it you posted it? On Monday?
05:04I made the group on Monday.
05:06From what I've seen you've had pretty big support already.
05:10What's it been like seeing a lot of people rally behind you and share?
05:13It's lovely to see people interested in it and share it and support people that are local as well.
05:21It would be great to see people wanting to take an interest and come under them as well.
05:27Depending on how successful this is over time then you could nearly increase the age from 40+.
05:34But I just wanted to keep it at that age range for now.
05:37Because in that age bracket and from what I find there's not a wide lot for people in that age bracket.
05:43But as I say going forward if it's successful enough then maybe we could open it to older age groups as well.
05:51What can people expect?
05:53I mean it's just starting now but maybe in 2-3 weeks what can people expect from the group?
05:59Well just that they're getting better now coming into spring as well.
06:04There'll be more opportunity to get outdoors and getting a bit of exercise.
06:08It's a meet up and it's a chat and they can open up and share a bit about themselves.
06:14It could be a support group as well and they benefit people's mental health too.
06:20Because there's always that stigma of men don't open up and men don't chat and I'm trying to bring that in too.
06:25It's not just for people that don't want to drink alcohol as well.
06:28It's just in general it's just for men to get out and meet like minded people.
06:32And want to have a bit of crack as well as sharing their stories.
06:36And making people feel a bit better if they're struggling or going through a hard time.
06:41So you like the amazon plus for people just to make new friends really?
06:47I will say that it's a social hub because at this kind of age as well.
06:51I don't know about you but some of my friends have gone off to England and stuff.
06:55Not a lot of them are here and it can be kind of isolating and a bit lonely as well.
07:00So it's just trying to find who is here and trying to let people know there is a group here.
07:05If you're finding it a bit lonely or whatever and you want to meet new friends then come to this.
07:09It's not basically all about alcohol but it's a part of it yes.
07:12But in general it's just about a socialising hub for people between 20 and 30.
07:17That want to get out and meet people and improve their wellbeing you know.
07:21I've covered all the questions. Is there anything you'd like to bring up maybe that I haven't really?
07:28No just that it's great to see that there's an interest in it on the socials for now.
07:34But it would be just great to see if people could show their support by coming.
07:38Because I know it's daunting but that first time that you join it you're only a stranger once.
07:43So once you come once you're known then.
07:46So the harder part is coming through the door.
07:48After that then it's the easy part.
07:51It's just getting yourself in and saying hello and then after that it's easier then.