Hollyoaks 2nd July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Hollyoaks 2nd July 2024
00:00Is this what you do? You just get with guys so that they'll fix issues with your dad?
00:04Have you ruined Freddy's life as well as mine?
00:06I can't sleep. I can't eat.
00:08Declan's body's gonna haunt me for the rest of my life and I have to deal with that.
00:11You're about to give up your life, your job, your friends, your home.
00:16For what?
00:17The tiniest chance that you might feel something for Zayn again.
00:21Stop it.
00:21Tell me I'm wrong.
00:22Do you love Zayn enough to move to Scotland with him?
00:26No, I don't.
00:28What are we going to do?
00:30Are you blackmailing Hannah?
00:31Well, she's a prostitute and you're her pimp.
00:34I don't know what you got yourself involved with, little brother,
00:37but it's time to start talking.
01:20right, get yourself something healthier.
01:22Something green.
01:23And I mean proper green, not gummy green.
01:25It's all right, Rob.
01:29You won't have to worry about keeping her fed after today.
01:35Hey, have you spoken to Zayn yet?
01:37You need to be honest with him and put an end to all this, for both your sakes.
01:56You know, I can't sit and watch him rot in this flat for one more day.
01:59I'm going to sort out my boy.
02:05Rob told me to keep Lexie safe.
02:08You really think that I'm going to hand her over to the maniac
02:10that put the gun in my face last night?
02:12The same gun you tried to get her to smuggle into your prison wedding with your gangster bride.
02:16This has got nothing to do with Grace.
02:18That gun's for protection after everything that happened with Warren.
02:21And you're telling me you had nothing to do with that?
02:23That's exactly what I'm telling you.
02:24Yeah, well, I don't believe you. I've not for a second.
02:26This is what it boils down to, Rob.
02:28I'm not leaving my daughter with someone who's involved in a prostitution racket.
02:31She's not safe with you.
02:32So I'm taking my little girl back.
02:34Hi, Dad.
02:35Hello, sweetheart.
02:36Right, come on, Lex. Let's get you off to school.
02:40See you soon, Lexie.
02:42Enjoy your last school run, mate.
02:45Because when I get my little girl back, and I will, you'll never see her again.
02:55He's upstairs right now, thinking that by tonight you'll both be in Scotland,
02:59starting your new life.
03:01You need to talk to him.
03:03I'm not sure I can find the words, Dylan.
03:05Misbah, you're the strongest woman I've ever met.
03:10You took me in, dusted me off, put me back on my feet, gave me a fresh start.
03:15You've been my hero.
03:17And I know how badly this is going to hurt.
03:20But I know you can do it.
03:22And we both know how much you need to.
03:28Speak from the heart.
03:31Like you always tell me to do.
03:37I'm so excited.
03:38Today is the start of the rest of our lives.
03:42Essentials are packed, taxi's booked.
03:44All that's left is to say a few goodbyes.
03:46Zane, listen...
03:48You better start packing.
03:49You left it a bit last minute.
03:51Still, what a change of habit of a lifetime, eh?
03:53Zane, listen to me, please.
03:55What's wrong?
03:58I don't want to leave here.
04:01I'm not coming to Scotland with you.
04:12Well, well, well.
04:14If it isn't the godmother herself.
04:16You heard me.
04:17Who stubbed me up?
04:18Not as hurt as you would have been had Warren found you.
04:21I didn't shoot Warren, Mama.
04:24Oh, I'm not suggesting you planned it.
04:26I mean, you're an oppressive pair of biceps,
04:28but, uh, you're hardly a mastermind.
04:30Is that so?
04:31However, here you have a new bride who might well be up to it.
04:35You know, I had a level of respect for Fraser Black.
04:38We managed to coexist, uh, peacefully.
04:41Because he was clever enough to know
04:42that if he ever crossed a line with me,
04:44that would have been the end of him.
04:45But Grace is different to her dad.
04:48And I don't know if she's crazy enough
04:50to try and take out my son.
04:51Neither me or Grace had anything to do
04:54with what happened to Warren.
04:57Well, as far as last night goes,
04:58I just needed you out of the way
04:59so I could get Warren away from you.
05:02Well, that's all well and good,
05:03but you little scheme caused hell for me and my brother,
05:05and more importantly, my daughter.
05:08Not my problem.
05:11I'm not going to let you get away with this.
05:15So Warren is gone for now,
05:18but he will be back,
05:19and he will find out who tried to kill him.
05:22So if it had anything to do with you and your bride,
05:25you better start running now.
05:27For the last time,
05:29it wasn't me,
05:31and I ain't going nowhere.
05:35It's your funeral.
05:44I thought a little fishing trip might be just the thing.
05:48I can't. I just want to stay here.
05:50Come on, it'll do you good.
05:52Get yourself over a few hours and get some fresh air.
05:55Or maybe we could...
05:56we could visit Hannah at the graveyard.
05:59I mean, I spent a bit of time at Luke's grave after he died.
06:02Sometimes it was helpful just to talk to him.
06:04You don't understand.
06:06Will you just leave it?
06:09I'm not going to leave it.
06:10I'm not going to leave it.
06:12Come on.
06:14This can't all be about Hunter, can it?
06:18I mean, there's got to be more to it than that.
06:20Well, I know things haven't been great between him and Kirsty,
06:23but maybe she can get to the bottom of what's really going on with them.
06:30So staying here is out of the question for you?
06:35I need to take this job.
06:37I need a fresh start away from here
06:39and away from everything that's happened.
06:42I understand.
06:43The only hope we have of saving this marriage
06:46is if we do it outside of the village.
06:49But that decision can only come from you.
06:51So if you want to fix this,
06:54then you'll come with me.
06:57But either way,
06:59I'm leaving today.
07:01I'll tell you what, it's quiet here today, isn't it, lad?
07:03Shooting in the village is hardly throwing business my way.
07:06It shouldn't do me any harm.
07:09Is she all right?
07:11Hungover and suffering.
07:13Well, the apple never falls far from the tree.
07:17Later, lad.
07:18Bye, love.
07:22I'm going to get a drink.
07:23You'll be all right.
07:24I'm going to get a drink.
07:25I'm going to get a drink.
07:26I'll be all right.
07:27I'll be all right.
07:27I'll be all right.
07:28I'll be all right.
07:29I'll be all right.
07:30I'll be all right.
07:35Oh, I take it you're in trouble then?
07:38Only up to my neck.
07:40Oh, I vommed all over the couch last night.
07:41It was so bad.
07:42It was literally disgusting.
07:44Anyway, what about you?
07:46And this perfuming?
07:47She's got enough on her plate without worrying about punishing me.
07:50Just popped out to give her some space.
07:52Anyway, I've got to break the good news to Lucas.
07:56I'm staying put.
07:57What, on your own?
07:59I'm pretty sure Miss is going to stick around too.
08:02What about Zane?
08:06It's complicated right now.
08:09See you later, Vic.
08:17Don't start.
08:19Say the word.
08:20Seriously, Dad.
08:21Come on, just stay clear, yeah?
08:28You know, I just thought if anyone could help out, it'd be you.
08:31He's in real estate, is he?
08:33I know things are a bit difficult between you both, but-
08:36I guess he's just processing everything.
08:38You know, all the grief, all the emotions.
08:40So it's not anything that's happened between you two?
08:42I tried to get him to go fishing and he bit my head off.
08:45And then when I suggested that we visit Hunter's Grey, well-
08:48Him and Hunter were organising this
08:50end of year match for the school football team.
08:53He'd hate to let them down.
08:54Maybe if he could focus on that for a bit.
08:56Hey, you all set for your appointment?
08:59I can't believe it's finally happening.
09:00Oh, I've got a bit of bad news.
09:03Kate and the GP reception's rang earlier
09:04and they've had to cancel all the afternoon appointments.
09:06I'm sorry, love.
09:13I thought I'd finally get some answers.
09:18Forget it, I'm just going to go back to school.
09:20No, wait.
09:27Hey, did they ever say anything about rescheduling the appointment?
09:30Just said to ring back at a convenient time.
09:34I don't know why you look at me like that.
09:35It doesn't suit me.
09:37Like I am behind him all the way.
09:45I think you and I need to have a little conversation, don't we?
09:47That depends.
09:49You charged for that too?
09:51I'll tell you like I told Robin, yeah?
09:53I'm taking my little girl back.
09:54I don't want her around your business.
09:56I get it.
09:57My life's a mess.
09:59I am in way over my head.
10:02And without Robbie supporting me, I don't know where I'd be.
10:05But that's all he's done, support me.
10:07He's not involved in any of this.
10:08Kid's always been dodgy.
10:10Always involved in something.
10:12You're some sort of saint, are you?
10:15And you seem to be forgetting he's not a kid.
10:19Robbie loves Lexi with all his heart.
10:22That little girl is wanted for nothing.
10:24And you might be her dad,
10:25but he's been the next best thing this entire time.
10:27That's what well and good.
10:29The Robbie I know.
10:31The Robbie you know has grown up.
10:35Are you not changed?
10:37I agree, you should be able to see Lexi.
10:39But ripping her from Robbie is only gonna hurt her.
10:42And destroy him.
10:45Surely, there must be another way.
10:53Heard about that shooting in the village.
10:56Terrible business, that.
11:01Tell you what, between that and the roadworks at Vickers Cross,
11:06I'm thinking of swerving this place altogether.
11:08You ready for the off?
11:11I'm ready.
11:22You're not coming with me, are you?
11:37I couldn't let you leave without a proper goodbye.
11:41You mean too much to me.
11:45But it's time we both admitted it.
11:48Our marriage.
11:52It's over.
12:08Right you, do you want an ice cream?
12:11You know that'll cost you, don't you?
12:14Right, got it.
12:15Guess Anna was right.
12:17Looks like my troublemaking, little rat-faced brother's grown up
12:21into a respectful, responsible, rat-faced man.
12:26Thank you, Freddy.
12:28Lexi looks happy and safe, which is what matters most.
12:32I think you've been doing a good job.
12:34That means a lot.
12:35I don't want to take her away, but I do want to be more involved.
12:38I'm not going to let you down, Freddy.
12:40I'm not going to let you down, Freddy.
12:42I'm not going to let you down, Freddy.
12:44I do want to be more involved.
12:46She's grown up so fast.
12:47I've already missed so much.
12:48I know what mum's going to say.
12:50Let's just leave mum to me.
12:52I think it's only right that she gets to know her dad.
12:55Even if he is an inked-up, gun-slinging idiot.
12:58Just for the rat-faced.
13:02I see you two boys sorted things.
13:04I think we've come to an agreement.
13:06Is that right, bruv?
13:08Lex, how do you feel about seeing your dad a little bit more?
13:15See you soon, princess.
13:21Thank you.
13:23Both of you.
13:32You all right, mate?
13:34Take that as a no.
13:36It was supposed to be a really important date and then...
13:39Well, it wasn't.
13:41I'm sorry to hear that.
13:43I'm going to the dog anyway.
13:45You want me to walk you home?
13:47Come on, then.
13:53I'm not going to lose her, Ann.
13:54And that's all thanks to you.
13:56I don't know how I ever repay you.
13:57But tonight, dinner's on me.
13:59And then after that, I'm going to find out who's been messing with you.
14:02And I promise, I'll sort them out.
14:12I wasn't trying to accuse you or nothing before, you know.
14:16Yeah, well, you would've been right if you were.
14:19I didn't even make that doctor's appointment.
14:24Come on, you know that I am fine.
14:29Call on her, him, whatever he wants to be.
14:34You know, she, he can be whatever he wants.
14:40But I'm not going to let her be, Sage.
14:43And the forums, and I...
14:45Hey, it's completely understandable that you're scared about the big things
14:49that are happening in your baby's life.
14:52I just don't want my child pumped full of drugs.
14:56And hormones and puberty blockers.
14:59He's 12.
15:00It's not right.
15:01No one is trying to pump a load of medication into Ro, I promise you.
15:06I mean, I don't even know if that's what's in his head,
15:08but I certainly don't want a GP putting it there.
15:13I'm so sorry.
15:15You must think I'm being a right closed-minded cow.
15:21No, actually, I get it.
15:24Right, Ro is your baby.
15:26And that motherly instinct to protect him is always going to be there.
15:31And you and I both know that is strongest in Scouse minds.
15:38There are no medical interventions for anyone Ro's age at the moment.
15:42And I don't think that's going to change any time soon.
15:47So just talk to Ro, right?
15:50Find out what he wants, what he needs, and then speak to a professional.
15:56And then I promise you, after you've done all that,
16:00none of this will feel so scary.
16:03Yeah, thank you.
16:21Yeah, I'd like to make an appointment.
16:24For me son.
16:29I thought the more I pretended,
16:33the more I convinced myself everything was okay.
16:36We can't pretend forever, Zane.
16:39Can't keep ignoring the writing on the wall.
16:45You're a good man, Zane.
16:47A brilliant man.
16:50You're so kind, and loyal, and wonderful.
17:00I'm not in love with you anymore.
17:06I never wanted to hurt you, Zane.
17:09I know, sweetheart.
17:11I know.
17:12I'm so sorry.
17:13We can't keep pretending.
17:18But just know,
17:21I always tried my best for you.
17:24Don't cry.
17:28I need to go.
17:41Be happy, mister.
17:46You ready, mate?
17:48I am now.
18:05He's coming.
18:06What's so important?
18:10What do you mean what's so important, sir?
18:11It's the big game.
18:12The Hunter McQueen memorial match.
18:14And if you've got nobody to run it,
18:15then all our training will be for nothing.
18:17We need you, Mr Ramsey.
18:21I don't know what to say.
18:22Say you'll do it.
18:23All right, because we're all proper devastated
18:25about what's happened to Mr McQueen.
18:27You've both given us 100%.
18:29Never let us down.
18:30We need to play this game.
18:32For you and Mr McQueen.
18:36All right.
18:38I'll do it.
18:40All right.
18:43Right, you lot, job done.
18:45Let's clear the room of sweaty teenage boys, shall we?
18:47Before the smell of testosterone and cheap body spray
18:50brings me out in halves.
18:51See you tomorrow, sir.
18:52Don't be late, yeah?
18:54You know, I was happy to let them FaceTime.
18:56It was this one's idea to pack out the flat.
19:03everything's going to be all right.
19:05everything that's happened to us,
19:06we just need to put it behind us.
19:09It's over.
19:11We'll get through this.
19:14Promise you.
19:19Well, you said you wanted to see me.
19:22I do.
19:23The Declan Hawthorne case.
19:26We've had an interesting development.
20:02Still here?
20:08I just thought, um,
20:11Dylan said things were a bit up in the air and, um,
20:16thought we could watch a movie or something.
20:19Take your mind off things.
20:21Got some goodies.
20:22So what?
20:23We sit around like a family,
20:26sharing popcorn.
20:29Help me forget about my broken marriage.
20:32Yeah, maybe it was a stupid idea.
20:35I just wanted you to know that whenever you need me,
20:37I'll never need you, Donnie.
20:41What I needed
20:42was for you to stay out of my marriage.
20:46And now Zane's been gone, what?
20:49Five minutes.
20:50And you think-
20:51You didn't think.
20:53I just wanted to help.
20:54You know how you can help me, Donnie?
20:56You can get out of my house.
20:58Miss Burr?
20:59Get out of my house!
21:02Get out!
21:02Get out!
21:18Hannah, I'm back.
21:20Listen, I've been wracking my brains.
21:22I don't know what to do.
21:23There's no geotags, no number information, nothing.
21:28Listen, come get your food.
21:29It's going to get cold.
22:31You think maybe we should wake him up?
22:34Get him into bed?
22:35It's the first time he's slept in days.
22:38I wouldn't wake him up for the world.
22:52I'm sorry.
22:53I'm sorry.
22:54I'm sorry.
22:55I'm sorry.
22:55I'm sorry.
22:56I'm sorry.
22:57I'm sorry.
22:58I'm sorry.
22:59I'm sorry.
22:59I'm sorry.
23:00I'm sorry.