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Sudha Murthy, renowned philanthropist and author, delivered her maiden speech in the Rajya Sabha today. She was sworn in as a Member of Parliament on March 14, with her husband Narayan Murthy present. Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar administered the oath. Her appointment on International Women's Day highlights the significance of her new role.

#SudhaMurthy #RajyaSabha #PMModi #NarendraModi #JagdeepDhankar #Murthy #NarayanMurthy #Worldnews #Politics #Oneindia #Oneindianews
00:00Next speaker Mrs. Sudha Murthy
00:03This is your maiden speech madam
00:07Madam this is your maiden speech
00:14Okay, it's not made in so you speak
00:30When I have to start I don't know
00:35Respected respected vice-chairman, this is my first speech it may not be maiden
00:44How much time do I have sir?
00:47Five minutes
00:51I'm not a politician
00:53And I do not know how to talk
00:56English for against none thing there of them. I have been chosen by the
01:00nominated by
01:02President of India, I am really grateful to her and of course our Prime Minister who announced my name on
01:108th of March which is a woman's day as a Nari Shakti
01:14I always work for poor and I'm always on the field so my experience is entirely different than
01:22both sides of the house I
01:24Have given only five minutes and being a teacher for me five minutes the extremely small slot
01:30However, I'll try to do only two things
01:34I'm also an author so I always like to give analogy
01:37Sounds to the shloka and describe it may not be possible
01:41Maybe sometime later if you give me a maiden speech of 15 minutes at least I'll be able to do sir my expertise in my field
01:48Yatra Narya Raman Teja Tatra Deva Taha
01:53That's what our ancestors say where women are respected
01:56That is a place where gods reside and I want to tell you the most important thing for woman
02:04women in general is her health because she always neglects her health and takes care of the family and
02:10Because of that many women suffer in real life
02:14With cervical cancers and they will come to the hospital only in the fourth stage or third stage
02:21I'm being a daughter and a sister of a doctor
02:24I'm aware of this and I have worked in my last 30 years with Infosys foundation on this particular
02:30Area and that I want to give a suggestion
02:34There is a vaccination which is given to women girls between the age of 9 to 14 known as a cervical
02:43Vaccination which can if the girls have take if the girls take that it can be avoided
02:49May I request that to the house that we should incorporate that vaccination
02:58Because prevention is better than cure
03:02My father being a doctor always used to tell me when a woman dies when a mother dies
03:08In the hospital, it's a count plus one but for the family a
03:13Mother is lost forever
03:15Maybe a man can get another wife
03:17But children will never get another mother mother plays an important role and cervical cancers are more in the later part
03:25of life
03:26so I request that our government should look into this matter and
03:32They have handled a very big vaccination drive during kovat
03:37So this may not be very difficult if you can vaccinate our girls in the teenage 9 to 14
03:45This is my first point who has developed the vaccine
03:49This vaccination is developed in the West for a long time, sir
03:52It is already given for the last 20 years
03:54I tried one batch in my time 10 years back with government of Tamil Nadu with K Shanta the director of the
04:03Mud Adiyar Cancer Institute it worked very well
04:06So it is not expensive. I'm sure
04:10you know today's thousand four hundred rupees for person like us who are in the field, but if the government intervenes and
04:17Negotiates it can be and it's any business is a win-win situation
04:21He also should make certain money, but you can bring it to seven eight hundred rupees and we have such a law large population
04:28Sir, it will be benefiting for our girls in future
04:31I really do please convey it to the health minister. Yes, sir
04:36The second point which is very dear to my heart is I'm going to talk I may exceed one or two minutes
04:43Please please. Yeah, that is regarding
04:45tourism in India
04:47Sir, we always think
04:52Ajanta Ellora
04:54Bradeshwara and Taj Mahal are few things which everybody should see that is really not true, sir
05:00our country is vast and
05:02There is a very famous saying in the you know in in subhashita that said Bahurat Nani was Sundara
05:09Mother earth has many many diamonds and we always neglect and care only for one
05:15Similarly in India, we have 42 world heritage sites, but we have 57 pending and
05:24People and we should bother about those 57 and some of them I want to tell because there is no time
05:31These are the very important sites. I have gone personally and visited
05:35Being a daughter a granddaughter of a school teacher and the history teacher for the last 60 years
05:41Sir, I've done a lot of research in our own culture our own temples monuments in India and whatever I have done in
05:49Nutshell, I want to give there's a marvelous statue of
05:56Tirthankara not written a Bahubali at Shravanabalagola, which is a gem it is in Karnataka
06:02There are a group of monuments in Mandu in Madhya Pradesh who are very very beautiful
06:09There are caves or the prototyping of any temple you take in India
06:14It's prototyping is done in Badami
06:17I would a putters Kalu in Karnataka northern part of Karnataka where I belong
06:22I'm very proud about it. See Linga Raja temple see any temple in India
06:27Konark temple everything prototyping is done in
06:31575 AD in Karnataka these three places which are not in World Heritage Center
06:37You have if you go to East you have Tripura state and there are fantastic sculptures known as Unakoti
06:45Nobody knows who has done there thousand five hundred years old
06:49Then you have natural roots bridge in Mizoram and the eastern part of India
06:54Which is God's gift to us
06:56We go to other countries and we see but we never value because we have diamond in the hand
07:02We search for the broken glass pieces
07:05There is a complex of the temples in Srirangam and
07:09People must have some of them must have seen from South India
07:12I'm sure northern and eastern part of India people might not have seen they are marvelous. They are as good as
07:21Bradeshwara temple of Tanjore which is a World Heritage site
07:25There are beautiful Mughal gardens in Kashmir
07:28We always go and see the film shooting but we'll never realize they are not in the World Heritage sites
07:34So the advantage is of putting them on the World Heritage site number one
07:39The package should be done very well so that people can come and see them
07:43The package should be conveniently should be done so that you should have good toilets and good roads
07:49So that the tourists can come it will increase our revenue in our own country
07:54There are so many advantages are there that I will do in my maiden speech
07:59We have
08:00Beautiful desert garden run of Kutch and
08:04People only will see can see only in a certain months of the year and we should take advantage of that
08:10We have Buddha was a great person and we are very proud when whichever country I go
08:16They asked me are you from the land of Buddha? I always say yes
08:20He preached his first sermon in Sarnath
08:23We're very near to Varanasi the group of old monuments at Sarnath which are
08:292,500 years old it is not in the World Heritage site
08:35the Lothal of
08:37Gujarat is equivalent to Mohenjo-daro Harap of Pakistan
08:41We can't go there, but we have Lothal and Dholavira
08:45Dholavira is the World Heritage site
08:47But not Lothal, Lothal was a big port and how the ship used to come
08:52You should go and see it should come in a World Heritage site
08:56We have forts of Maharashtra where Veer Shivaji
09:01Baccha Baccha Bola tha that he said Jai Mahadev in every fight and they are the Jaladurga
09:08Vanadurga normal Durga the whole series where
09:12The forts face sea and also gave a great history to India and particular to Maharashtra
09:19Great Shivaji's place should come under World Heritage site
09:23There are beautiful there's a beautiful island on the river Brahmaputra in Assam
09:30Majol they call maybe my spelling may be wrong. It is Majoli Majoli
09:34Sir, it is if you would have seen in some other country
09:38They would have made it's a number one destination for wedding or even for entertainment or you to go and enjoy
09:45But 90% of the people are not even aware of this
09:50There is a we and you see the old Parliament to say all these people Westerners have come and they have built this one people from
09:57Architects from India in UK they came and built it sir
10:01It is nothing but if you see the prototyping of that thousand years back built in Nemadev Pradesh
10:08From Gwalior 30 kilometer. It is called Mithavalli. It's a Chausarshtra Yogini temple
10:14It is exactly the replica of that but in a prototyping sir
10:18There's a Padavalli and Mithavalli
10:20there's one more set of temples which were saved because of on the Chambal River because of the
10:28Dacoits, but they are world-class temples. The list is unending, but I want to conclude with a famous
10:37Gumbaz of Karnataka that is Gol Gumbaz. It was ruled by the Adil Shahid in in
10:441400 to
10:461685 and it's one of the marvelous thing in India has produced where you can have the echo of seven times
10:53My list is 57, but my time is limited
10:57so sir, I
10:59This is an opportunity other like any girl. I used to look at Rashtrapati Bhavan. I used to look at
11:06Rajapathabha, I used to always feel lucky are those people who stay there who go there who can talk who can express
11:14I never knew one day will come to me in my life. I can stand and talk about what I believe in
11:20I want to conclude with a shloka which our ancestors have taught us or my grandfather has taught when I was young
11:27Whatever work you do better do it with your mind with buddhi and with hundred percent concentration
11:34We are in a country where there is so much diverse culture
11:38But still we are all one like five fingers make a mushti
11:42We all have that that character which is very much Indian character that we may differ in dress food
11:50language and
11:51But we are all one. I want to serve in my tenure Rajasabha with one single motto
11:58Kaya na vacha, manasa indriya arva, buddhyaat bhajava, prakratis sabhavat, karo miyadhyat, sakalam namasri
12:07Narayana eti samarpayami
12:09It is not my husband Narayana Murthy
12:11It is Narayana the God or the God whom you believe it need not be Narayana
12:17It could be anybody so with a single-minded with my mind with my buddhimatta with my concentration
12:24With my whatever is the age I have I am 74 going to be 74
12:28But God willing I will put my hundred percent in Rajasabha and work. Jai Hind. Jai Bharat Mata
12:35Thank You madam
12:38You made very valuable suggestions both the suggestions were very valuable and it spoke very well
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