Top 10 Smartest Decisions in Zombie Movies

  • 13 days ago
Here are some of the most creative and effective solutions characters came up with in zombie films to outsmart the undead:

1. **Using the Pub as a Fortress (“Shaun of the Dead,” 2004)** - Shaun and his friends decide to hole up in their local pub, The Winchester, which they believe to be safe and fortified. While not perfect, the pub serves as a temporary stronghold against the zombies.

2. **Following the Rules (“Zombieland,” 2009)** - Columbus's adherence to his set of survival rules, such as “Cardio” and “Double Tap,” provides him with the necessary strategies to stay alive in a zombie-infested world.

3. **Isolation in an Apartment (“#Alive,” 2020)** - In this South Korean film, a young man barricades himself in his apartment, rationing supplies and using technology to call for help. His decision to stay put and avoid the infected proves to be a smart survival tactic.

4. **Creating a Community (“The Walking Dead,” TV series)** - While not a movie, the survivors in "The Walking Dead" series often find strength in numbers by forming communities, sharing resources, and fortifying their settlements to protect against the undead.

5. **Using Disguises (“Warm Bodies,” 2013)** - R, a zombie who begins to regain his humanity, uses makeup and clothing to disguise himself as a human, which allows him to move freely among the living and undead.

6. **Clearing a Safe Zone (“28 Days Later,” 2002)** - The survivors' plan to clear and secure a section of London, creating a safe zone where they can live and rebuild, demonstrates strategic thinking in the face of a widespread infection.

7. **Using the Environment to Their Advantage (“Train to Busan,” 2016)** - Characters in this film use the train's compartments and knowledge of the zombies' behaviors (such as their sensitivity to light and sound) to maneuver and protect themselves.

8. **Constructing Traps and Barricades (“Resident Evil,” 2002)** - Alice and her team use their environment to set traps and create barricades against the zombies and other creatures they encounter.

9. **Seeking High Ground (“World War Z,” 2013)** - In the face of a fast-moving zombie horde, characters seek high ground or isolated locations (like a walled city) to stay out of reach and limit their exposure to the infected.

10. **Coordinated Offense (“Dawn of the Dead,” 2004)** - Survivors in the mall coordinate a plan to equip buses with makeshift armor and weapons to escape the building and fight their way through the zombies to a safer location.

Which one of these solutions would you use in a zombie apocalypse? Let us know in the comments below!
