Top 20 Smartest Decisions in Horror Movies.!

  • 13 days ago
Here are some of the smartest decisions made by characters in horror movies that helped them survive:

1. **Picking Cotton Out of the Chair (“Get Out,” 2017)** - Chris Washington's quick thinking to plug his ears with cotton to avoid being hypnotized again was a brilliant move that allowed him to fight back and ultimately escape the horrific situation.

2. **Setting Fireworks (“A Quiet Place,” 2018)** - The Abbott family's use of fireworks to distract the monsters was a clever way to create noise away from their location, giving them a crucial opportunity to move and communicate.

3. **Using a Hanger as a Weapon (“Halloween,” 1978)** - Laurie Strode's resourcefulness in using a hanger to defend herself against Michael Myers in a dire situation was a testament to her quick thinking under pressure.

4. **Shooting the Bad Guy in the Head (“Zombieland,” 2009)** - Columbus's adherence to the rule of double-tapping to ensure zombies were truly dead saved his life multiple times throughout the movie.

5. **Barricading the House (“Night of the Living Dead,” 1968)** - Ben's decision to barricade the farmhouse to protect against the attacking zombies was a smart survival tactic, even though it ultimately had mixed results.

6. **Using Technology to Their Advantage (“Paranormal Activity,” 2007)** - Katie and Micah's decision to set up cameras to capture the paranormal activity in their home helped them gather crucial evidence and understand what they were dealing with, even though it didn't save them in the end.

7. **Luring the Creature into the Pool (“It Follows,” 2014)** - Jay and her friends' plan to electrocute the entity by luring it into a pool with electrical devices was a creative attempt to destroy the seemingly unstoppable force.

8. **Leaving a Trail of Breadcrumbs (“The Witch,” 2015)** - Thomasin's decision to leave a trail while venturing into the woods ensured she could find her way back, a rare moment of foresight in a horror setting.

9. **Setting Traps (“Home Alone,” 1990)** - Kevin McCallister's ingenious traps to defend his home against burglars were not only effective but showcased his creativity and resourcefulness.

10. **Researching the Threat (“The Ring,” 2002)** - Rachel's investigation into the cursed videotape's origins and her subsequent actions to understand and break the curse was a smart approach to dealing with a supernatural threat.

What do YOU think is the best decision made by a horror movie character? Let us know in the comments!
