Home and Away 8291 1st July 2024

  • 3 months ago
00:08Welcomed you into my home. I let you and your brother's day all along. You knew what danger were putting us in sorry
00:15Campbell stabbed Mackenzie's boyfriend and barely blinked. What do you think he's gonna do to our Luca?
00:20I am in a hospital right now because of what you did to my brother. We need to settle this. They're out of control
00:25What about now she used to be the voice of reason she's changed the order you need to stay as far away from that family as
00:33Make yourself some friends. Did you they're not here to fight you to make sure you don't pull any more dog acts
00:38So, how do you want to do this just a clean one-on-one?
00:55What are you doing arrest me what were you thinking I can't lose my little brother
01:01Clearly you two are on the wrong path, and I don't trust what you're gonna do next
01:18How are you feeling?
01:19Same as last time it was oh
01:23It's okay. I know that you hate being stuck here
01:28Hello, just thought I'd check in before I head off
01:31So it says here. I'm doing great and hopefully we can send you home soon depending on your next set of results like tomorrow
01:41And then what I'll Luca as Molly found him actually he was brought in this afternoon
01:46Really? Yeah, is he okay?
01:49Yeah, it's gonna be fine
01:51Have you had visitors oh has eaten been in
01:55I think she knows I'm here. That's okay cuz we are just gonna focus on getting you home. I'm the one who brought the flowers
02:02Tell you what if you discharge me
02:07Nice try I'll see you tomorrow
02:14I think it's probably best if we don't mention Eden. I let her know she didn't show all she did was just text and check
02:20It was okay family's complicated. Yeah
02:23some more than others
02:25Have a good night
02:30You need to go home before mom realizes something tough you reckon I'd leave either of you alone
02:34I told you I can look after a Luca right because you've done such a great job so far
02:39I'm worried about the choices. You're both making. Uh-huh you're not hearing me
02:44Everyone else can
02:45How about you go down there and tell him all of our business, eh?
02:50Don't hear that right
02:52You wouldn't face the islands boy yourself
02:54For Gordy one-on-one. Oh, did you look better or worse than you rock? I'd encourage it
02:59You need to go to bed and have a rest. Let's talk about you
03:03There's when does anybody in his family ever call the cops hmm Matt and the brothers are locked up
03:07I did the right thing and you know what I'd do it again
03:14Well, I'm not finished with you are
03:18I just wanted you to know they won't be causing any more trouble
03:25Yeah, not a problem back
03:28Okay, all right speak soon
03:30Hey, hey
03:34Hey, you don't look so good. It's been a tough day
03:40Can I guess tonight is involved we arrested the Allen's today the people who stabbed Levi
03:47That's a relief
03:49We charged them with attempted murder and false imprisonment
03:56Have you heard about Molly's brother
03:58Now that we took a serious beating courtesy of the Ellen's all of that's true. He's not admitting it
04:03Neither of the Allen's but I got it on good authority from Molly's sister
04:08We caught
04:11Marley brawling with one of the brothers. Is he okay? Yeah, but I
04:16Was scared about what would have happened if we hadn't turned up
04:20He was out of control really I wouldn't have believed it either. I don't even know who that person is
04:32Hey, man, you're only 30 bucks for the cab fare I
04:37Lucas resting good. Hey
04:43Do you think it was easy for me to call Rose
04:46You drilled it into us when we were kids
04:49Never get the cops involved. I know so why because there was only one thing I could think of that was worse
04:57Now you were dead Marley
04:59How could I tell mom that and he froze to the recipe? What would you have told mom then?
05:03It's nothing I can tell you is there
05:12It's too late for you to leave tonight
05:15You can take Tanya's room. I'll make the bed
05:19Thanks, but you're leaving in the morning
05:33Right, yeah, I
05:35Won't be offended if you want to go home and sleep in a real bed. Hey when I walk out of here
05:40I'll be taking you with me and not a moment before
05:45You know, I'm just so
05:47Relieved that the people that did this to you, right?
05:50I'm finally behind bars. I'm glad for a Lucas second
05:54Maybe you should go talk to Molly. See what the story is. Why would I do that?
05:59Well, whatever happened with the islands, it can't be good. I was I look it wouldn't be in here
06:05Look, if you expect me to feel bad about giving Rose their names. I didn't have a choice. That's right
06:10I just hope we didn't make things worse for her
06:14You have to face me eventually
06:18Okay, what do you feel like doing if you're not tired we could watch a movie
06:29There we go
06:38Once you know, he's okay and you've given him he's close and you need to get straight on the road
06:42Stop thinking you can tell me what to do
06:48Hi, I was just about to call have they taken a look at for tests no
06:53Then where is he? I don't know. He left in the middle of the night
06:58Are you sure I didn't just go for a walk or down at the cafe? No, we've checked
07:04You just let him walk out
07:06I've only just found out myself. The nurses were doing their normal odds at 10 p.m
07:10Then again at 2 a.m. When they went back to do this morning's odds. He disappeared
07:15Yeah, but he could barely walk yesterday
07:18Hopefully that means he hasn't gotten far
07:20You go wait at my place in case he comes home and I'll go look around the beach
07:24and Molly
07:26He needs care if you can persuade him to come back in I'm gonna find him first
07:37What happened to you?
07:41How's your brother doing?
07:43No idea. He's at the hospital, but you know, it's decided to do a runner. What? Oh, we need a hand looking for him
07:49You're on your way to work. I got it. We'll have a look. Anyway, let's just hope that Luke is in better shape
07:54Than he was yesterday. Mm-hmm. What's going on? Call you if I see him. I
08:00Thought I Luka was still in hospital, it's not your problem. What are you talking about? I want to help
08:07Sounds like Theo's a lot more in the loop than I am Molly I can help you find him
08:11You don't have to I want to and afterwards we can talk about what happened yesterday
08:16Come on, you know, I have questions Rose. Stop. Just help me understand why you did what I can't do this
08:22Not now
08:45I'll Luka
08:53Oh, hey, come on
09:00It's okay, it's just me
09:04You're right
09:08What's going on the lander with you hey, it's at my place in case you rock up here we'd hit
09:18We're asleep on the beach
09:22Why'd you leave the hospital I screwed up Marley you and Alandra fighting the cops are involved
09:28Take your pick. I'm idiot. You said so yourself. So you decide to do a runner
09:34How is that gonna help anything?
09:36We're not kids anymore. I Luka
09:38If I knew how to change don't you think I'd do it
09:47Great great
09:50Have those results come back in yet. I told you you'll be the first to find out why is this taking so long?
09:54It's not it just feels that way
09:57Hey, how's that look at this morning? Ah, good question. He took off last night. We don't know where he is. What?
10:04That's not good
10:06Any idea where he went?
10:08Molly's trying to track him down. Look I've got to go but I'll let you know when I get those results
10:16Molly must be worried
10:19Well, if you are gonna get out of here soon you are gonna need some clothes so I
10:24Want to go home and get you some power positive thinking. I like that. Mm-hmm. You're good. Yeah, of course
10:47Think you sit down I'll get a suntan and then we'll talk about what we're gonna do
11:05Luca hey
11:08How you doing fine
11:11So you're okay to come to the station to give you a statement for you were beaten and kidnapped by Luca
11:16That's good stuff. Molly have to give a statement
11:19No, not yet
11:21Neither do I
11:22This isn't about him. Really you caught him brawling and you didn't arrest him, right?
11:29There was a lot going on. Hmm
11:32You made a choice
11:34You let him walk and here are all my case
11:39Nice double standard you have there
11:48Don't let I Luca out of your sight I mean it Molly
11:51All right. I'll see you soon. Bye Alandra. Hi
11:55I'm sorry to land on you like this Molly obviously has found your brother
11:59So, where are they because I've got a thing or do I really need to say to a Luca? Hang on
12:02I know you're angry, but I have no idea
12:10Sorry, you and your partner got caught in the middle of this. Is he okay? He's doing better. No, thanks. Why Luca?
12:19He's stuffed up not gonna argue they stuffed up
12:22You do realize that Levi could have been killed, right? It's not right what you both have been through
12:27But it was our neighbors the neighbors. No, no, no, the neighbors only showed up here because of a Luca
12:33Like I said, he did the wrong thing then stop making excuses for them
12:38Both he and Molly really need to grow up
12:41Look, I'm not saying that mistakes haven't been made but he never stuffed up before he moved in here Wow, okay
12:47Sorry, so what's that supposed to mean?
12:51I'm sorry. I really crossed the line there. Yeah, you did
12:55Anyone know the truth?
12:57Molly changed when a Luca got here. It's like he became someone else. He really looks up to his big brother
13:05But I'll sort it out
13:08You have my word Mackenzie
13:15This dodgy stuff you've been doing
13:18It's time to stop
13:20Yeah, I know just keep getting caught up every time
13:25Maybe I can help out
13:27I'm work for me
13:29Don't you have Kirby helping you out?
13:31It's only temporary
13:33And it should go back to her music stuff at some point
13:37Live in here
13:39They don't pay to go surfing. It's
13:41It's not a tough gig
13:43So what are we talking here like a partnership or still my business? Yeah, but you can't cut me in
13:50As about you do your first year before I go signing over half the profit
13:56So yes
14:00Put it there
14:03I thought you would have given up me by now. No never gonna happen
14:14You got some good news I got myself a job. What are we talking about?
14:20Stay here work with me at the board shop over my dead body he will
14:41Still no results. No, and I won't discharge him until I get them
14:47You know how this works, I'm just so bored
14:51It's meant to be opening the unit. Well, you won't be doing anything for a while just yet mister other than resting
14:58Doctors or what is okay? Okay, I get it
15:02I'll keep moving
15:05Hey listen
15:08This will all be over and we'll be back to living our lives
15:13That's all I want. I got your clothes. So now all we need are those results
15:21Technology again, okay, they love you
15:26It's gonna have a proper job on a straight and narrow like you keep telling me I don't see how that's a bad thing
15:31It's not on you to give him a job and get his act together for him
15:37They don't give me that look
15:39There's a man in hospital right now with a stab wound because of your bad decisions
15:44Good. All right
15:47But this is a fresh start I don't see the problem no you never do
15:52Marley I know you look up to him like he's your hero. You always have he's my brother
15:57Yeah, and he's my brother too, but you'll always do whatever he wants. He'll twist your arm
16:02He always does got a mind of my own now the decisions made. Mm-hmm
16:07You're coming home and you're gonna face mom and you're gonna tell her everything and
16:13Then we'll make a decision on where you go next now. You don't have to do what she says
16:17You need to be quiet Marley. Can you stop it?
16:22Amanda's got a point. Thank you. Now. Come on. Can we go home?
16:25But that doesn't mean I'm going home with you. It does mean that I need to start taking responsibility for my actions
16:40Rose what can I get you? Hey, I'm not gonna get you anything
16:44Rose what can I get you? Hey, hey, just the usual. Thanks quit
16:50Yeah, can I have a word what's up
16:55How did you know I look it was injured
16:58What did Marley say? Well, I'm asking you and I'm kind of worried about both of them
17:02Look, I was the one that found the liquor. He was on the side of the road and he'd been beaten up
17:06Why didn't you tell the police? He's pretty messed up. All I wanted to do was get him home
17:10Okay. Okay. And let me guess Molly told you not to say I got a lot of work to do
17:16How is dr. Lee's I going Oh things are definitely looking up that's good to hear. Yeah, I can I just get my usual
17:22Thanks. Yes, of course. Thank you
17:25Hey, hey
17:27What was that with Theo just me hitting brick walls again?
17:31Also, I Luca just accused me of having double standards with my job
17:37To be honest is right
17:39Caught Molly in the middle of a brawl and I let him walk away. Have you spoken to him about this?
17:44What you mean some actual communication? Yeah
17:48He's going out of his way to avoid me
17:52But that stops now
17:56Hey back in bed you Oh breeze giving me the old clear so
18:01So I'm just waiting on my discharge paperwork and then you are getting me out of here. Yeah, there's an order no more hospitals
18:08You do know I work here, yeah, well in that class it's fine, but just not as a patient that's fine by me. Yeah
18:18Very told us what happened. Are you okay? Yeah, I'm good. Why are you here to apologize?
18:26I'm really sorry for what happened. I know that probably doesn't count for much. Yeah, you're right. It definitely doesn't okay
18:33Let's just hear him out. No, that's fair
18:37There's completely my fault to leave us here if there's anything I can do to make that up to you, please just let me know
18:46Look we both survived what happened. So let's just be grateful for that
19:06Levi's way more forgiving than me. I really am save it
19:10He is lucky to be alive and there's no apology that will make up for that
19:14I don't care pack your things and get out of my house. You better not be there when I get home
19:34So I'm waiting for a coffee we need to talk about a Luka
19:41Is there anything else you've remembered about why the Allen's kidnapped and assaulted him
19:49Marie told you everything I know
19:53And the money
19:56What money
19:58Molly stop it. I
20:00Know that's why they were there money was handed over. So where did it come from? Yeah, it's a sea islands
20:05Yeah, they're refusing to talk
20:07To me or anyone else. I'm sure that's no surprise to you
20:13I've got a theory. I look I took some money that wasn't his that's how this whole thing started
20:20So, am I right
20:27Okay, yeah, I'm gonna talk I will I
20:34Won't be in a relationship with someone who treats me like the enemy and I've been showing you what does that does that make
20:38It better or worse, but you know exactly
20:44Stuff with my brother's been intense, but we can work this out. We've been here before
20:49That is the problem. I won't compromise myself anymore
20:54We're done
21:09Got talking to a Luka
21:11Seriously Mac. Whoa, you should have come to me first. I've made my decision you don't kick family
21:17Yeah, he's not my family. My brother can't stay here. Neither. Can I?
21:22What if he doesn't come back Molly's like family so you need to decide what that means to you?
21:29You're traveling just fine until your brother walked up his girlfriend left them it feels like trash
21:34How much more is your brother gonna have to give up before you wake up to yourself?