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MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse maghreb - 01/07/2024


00:00Hello everyone, welcome to Mediaintv, here is your Maghreb press review.
00:10We start with the 360, which opens the ball this turn of the Maghreb newspapers,
00:14with the reasons of a growing attractiveness of the label Halal Maroc.
00:18With formal recognition of importance, this certification gains visibility on international radars.
00:24Indeed, the information portal states that 200 companies currently benefit
00:28from the label, with about 1,000 references of labelled products,
00:32mostly of Moroccan origin, in the sectors of food, cosmetics,
00:37food supplements, packaging and restoration services.
00:41The director of the Moroccan Institute of Normalization, Abdelrahim Taibi,
00:44explains the efforts of the Institute to facilitate access to companies to this label
00:49by installing a protocol of recognition of foreign Halal certifiers,
00:53allowing, in particular, to issue certified, adapted and accepted certificates
00:57for foreign agents to the products presented on the Halal Maroc label.
01:02In this sense, he insisted on the need to draw inspiration from successful experiences
01:06of certain countries to organize the Halal reference in Morocco,
01:09through, in particular, the implementation of a legal framework concluded on 360 this morning.
01:15After Italy and Germany, the Director General of the Moroccan National Security
01:20was sent to France for the rest of his European tour.
01:23Media24 therefore returns on the visit of Abdel Latif Hammouchi in the Hexagone
01:27in order to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the various areas of security of common interest.
01:33During this few-day trip, the DGSN boss, accompanied by an important delegation
01:38representing the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance,
01:41took the opportunity to meet various leaders of French security,
01:45invoking the fight against terrorism, organized crime, irregular migration networks
01:49and human and drug trafficking.
01:51He was then decorated with the gold medal of the French National Police
01:56in recognition of his efforts in favor of the consolidation
02:00and development of common security cooperation,
02:03which was realized, in particular, during their joint action
02:06to secure the 2024 Summer Olympics, scheduled for Paris this summer.
02:12A little less than six years after the 2030 World Cup,
02:16today Morocco is focusing on the Joint Candidacy Committee of Morocco, Spain and Portugal,
02:21which met at the end of last week.
02:24During this tripartite meeting that took place in Agadir,
02:27several topics were discussed to agree on the outcome of the 24th edition of the World Cup,
02:33but despite the sessions of work within the committee to review the various aspects
02:37and finalize the adjustments to the candidacy file,
02:40which will have to be submitted at the end of July,
02:43no final decision has yet been made on the number of stadiums,
02:47their geographical distribution or the allocation of matches by country,
02:51indicated by the Moroccan Royal Football Federation,
02:54which specified that all official information on this subject will be communicated via official channels.
02:59As a reminder, the biggest question rests on the stadium,
03:02which will be able to host the World Cup final,
03:05with a kind of battle between the big Casablanca stadium, planned for Benzlimen,
03:09and the Santiago Bernabeu de Madrid,
03:11not enough to shake up the cooperation between the three countries and FIFA
03:15to present a solid candidacy for the international competition.
03:21In Mauritania, the African observers for the presidential election are satisfied
03:25with the outcome of the scrutiny, title Sahara Media.
03:28The first round ended the day before yesterday at the Mauritanian neighbor,
03:31with the outgoing president, Mohamed Ould Cheikh Rezouani,
03:34at the head of the election, after the withdrawal of 72% of the ballots,
03:38with a possible absolute majority,
03:40according to the latest data from the National Independent Electoral Commission.
03:44The latter also held a press conference
03:46of a team of African and international observers
03:49who praised the conditions of the outcome of the scrutiny,
03:52underlining that the Mauritanian people are an example to follow
03:55in the practice and application of electoral democracy.
03:59The Mauritanian media added that Dr. Rabi Trezor,
04:02spokesperson of this team and president of the international network
04:05of ambassadors and artisans of peace,
04:07also highlighted the level of treatment of the CENI,
04:11which he described as transparent and fair,
04:13despite some observations related to the organizational procedures.
04:20And finally, to finish this Maghreb press conference,
04:23we go to Algeria, where two journalists were placed
04:26under deposition in Wahran.
04:28The decision was made at the end of last week
04:31for the director of the Algeria Scoop site, Omar Farhat,
04:34and his chief editor, Sofiane Rirus,
04:36to inform us of the Algerian matin via the National Committee
04:39for the Liberation of Opinion Detainees.
04:41The journalist Abdelaziz Lejel was placed under judicial control.
04:46This nth case of violation of fundamental freedoms
04:49would be linked to the broadcast by the site of Reaction des Femmes,
04:52from the south of the country,
04:54carrying out projects of emerging small businesses,
04:56protesting against the marginalization
04:59of which they would have been victims,
05:01according to their statement to the organization,
05:03on the occasion of the organization in Algiers,
05:05by the Ministry of Professional Training
05:07of the Salon Dediqué à la Création.
05:09What to push? The Algerian media hit the nail on the head.
05:12No more criticism or investigation is tolerated.
05:15All the media have become simple transmitters
05:18of the official vulgate,
05:20the silence of the cemeteries and of rigor.
05:22End of quote.
05:24This is how this Maghreb Press Review ends.
05:27Thank you all for following it.
05:29The news continues on Mediain TV.