Matin infos - 01/07/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Matin infos - 01/07/2024


00:00Welcome to the morning of Média TV at the beginning of this edition.
00:19In France, the National Assembly arrived largely in charge of the first round of legislation,
00:27back on the issues of these elections in this newspaper.
00:35And then in Mauritania, after the deposition of more than 90% of the votes,
00:39the outgoing president is in charge with more than 55% of the suffrages.
00:49In this newspaper also Tunisia, the decline of the political parties under Kayseri
00:55worries the approach of the presidency, how to explain it?
01:03Answer in a moment.
01:05We start this newspaper with the communiqué of the Ministry of the Royal House of Protocol and the Chancellery.
01:19Following the announcement of the death of His Royal Highness Princess Lalla Lattefa,
01:26that God has mercy on her, it has been found a malicious use on social networks of non-authentic and false photographs
01:38attributed to fire His Royal Highness Princess Lalla Lattefa.
01:43The Ministry of the Royal House of Protocol and the Chancellery calls on all citizens
01:48to respect the law and the mourning of the illustrious royal family.
01:59We now move on to our special file on the legislative elections in France.
02:17The National Assembly has arrived largely in the lead.
02:21Sunday, the first round of legislative elections, a historical scrutiny
02:27that could open the doors of power to the far right.
02:31The National Assembly wins with 34% of the votes,
02:35followed by the new People's Front with 28.5%
02:40and finally the presidential majority, which has gained 20.5%.
02:44We noticed a strong influx in the polling stations on Sunday,
02:50with the parades of political personalities.
02:53The prosecutor's offices also saw a record number, more than 2 million people voted.
02:59The participation rate exceeded 59% against 39.42% in 2022.
03:11The National Assembly has recorded outstanding performance since the 2014 European elections.
03:19Since then, the far-right party has never fallen below 20%,
03:25culminating in 28% in the last regional election.
03:36A rise in the far right is gradually settling in the hexagon,
03:40scoring between 10 and 15% at the beginning of the 2000s.
03:43The far-right parties now total around 30% of the votes.
03:47Moreover, in the first round of the presidential elections in 2022,
03:51the far-right parties have obtained a total of more than 33% of the votes,
03:56a percentage that has allowed them to record a record.
03:59The rise in votes for this political family would be due to several factors,
04:04but it would above all be the result of the various crises that the country has experienced for many years.
04:09The 2008 economic crisis, the rise in real estate prices in the following years,
04:13the Covid pandemic, the war in Ukraine which then caused an energy crisis and strong inflation.
04:20Reinforcement of inequalities and a decrease in purchasing power.
04:23All these problems have not only impacted the French, but also alarmed them.
04:28Some have therefore found refusals in the ideas of the far right, according to French political analysts.
04:33All these topics are very much taken up by the National Assembly.
04:38Nearly 40% of French people consider the National Assembly as a party close to their concerns.
04:43Others seem to sometimes choose to vote for the far right,
04:47rather by contestation than by agreement with the political ideas carried out by these parties.
04:53In January 2024, only 9% of French people considered themselves as far right,
04:58a percentage showing a total contradiction with the high scores of the parties belonging to this political family.
05:05The rise in votes for the National Assembly is also the result of the popularity of its leader.
05:10With nearly 40% of favorable opinions,
05:12Jordan Bardella is the head of the most appreciated list.
05:15As an example, far behind him is the current Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stéphane Séjourné,
05:21whom nearly 80% of French people say they do not even know.
05:27Last night, several assemblies took place in Paris, Lyon, Nantes or Lille.
05:32While the National Assembly achieved a historic score in the first round of legislative elections,
05:39the demonstrators built barricades and launched projectiles, creating significant disturbances in the city center.
05:47Confrontations between the demonstrators and the police quickly degenerated.
05:52The police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse the demonstrators and dismantle the barricades.
05:59Several people were injured. Arrests also took place.
06:03The tense political climate in the country, in particular,
06:07concerning the controversial positions of the National Assembly on immigration, Islam, is at the center of tensions.
06:19And this concludes this special report on legislative elections in France.
06:34To date, the US military has also raised the alert level on several of its bases in Europe.
06:40On Sunday, several American media reported.
06:44This is the Charlie level, the second highest, according to ABC News and CNN,
06:51citing anonymous open-source managers.
06:56This level applies in the event of an incident or intelligence,
07:01indicating the probability of a terrorist action targeting personnel or specific facilities.
07:08The Pentagon, on the other hand,
07:12stated that due to a combination of factors likely to have an impact on the safety of American soldiers
07:21and their families stationed on the European theater,
07:27the US command in Europe is doubling efforts to focus on surveillance during the summer months.
07:40In the Russian-Ukrainian conflict,
07:42Russia claimed to have destroyed 36 Ukrainian drones during the night
07:48in the western regions of Ukraine.
07:52The air defense systems in service were destroyed and eliminated.
07:5618 drones above the region of Bryansk,
08:009 drones were destroyed in the region of Kursk,
08:03and 9 drones above the region of Belgorod.
08:06This is what the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on Telegram,
08:10without stating any possible damage or injuries.
08:18In Mauritania, the time is still at hand for the presidential scrutiny.
08:25So far, nearly 90% of the results have been compiled
08:30on the website of the President's Electoral Commission,
08:33which is still in the lead.
08:35With 55% of the votes,
08:40and nearly 23% of the final results,
08:45the militant and human rights activist Biram Dahabed is in the lead.
08:59And then in the Middle East,
09:00the Israeli army concentrated its operations against the Palestinian Hamas movement
09:04in the cities of Gaza and Arafat on Sunday.
09:08Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke of a difficult fight.
09:13Nearly nine months after the start of the war,
09:16Benjamin Netanyahu claimed that he wanted to pursue it
09:19until the elimination of the Palestinian movement in Gaza
09:22and the liberation of all hostages.
09:25These last 24 hours, 43 Palestinians have been killed
09:29in the Israeli offensive against the Gaza Strip,
09:32indicated yesterday by the Ministry of Health.
09:36According to witnesses of many Israeli air strikes,
09:39they targeted the city of Gaza in the north,
09:41as well as Arafat and Khan Younes in the south.
09:44This war, which has caused a humanitarian catastrophe
09:47in the Palestinian territory,
09:49has also caused fear of a conflict between Israel and the Lebanese Hezbollah
09:54after a multiplication of attacks from both sides of the Lebanese-Israeli border.
10:02And during this time, negotiations to reach a ceasefire
10:06are on the heels of a Hamas official.
10:11They are at a deadweight, as is the American proposal.
10:15A plan presented at the end of May by the American President Joe Biden
10:19planned a six-week ceasefire,
10:22accompanied by an Israeli withdrawal from the densely populated areas of Gaza,
10:28as well as the liberation of certain Palestinian hostages held by Israel.
10:40The Tunisian side, or the role of political parties,
10:45has been in decline since the takeover of power by Al-Qaeda.
10:50How do you explain this trend?
10:53Here are some answers with Najwa Bechar.
10:57In Tunisia, there is a huge gap in relations between the Tunisian political class and those in power.
11:04Today, and a few months before the presidential elections,
11:07special organizations in electoral affairs claim that political parties,
11:12which are in principle the guarantors of diversity and political alternation,
11:17shine in Tunisia through their absence.
11:21The absence of political parties will certainly have a significant impact
11:26on the participation rates in the next elections.
11:29All the more so since it is the parties that mobilize,
11:33that push the citizens towards the ballot box and carry out the candidacy.
11:37This is why the absence of parties today has created a great void,
11:42whether in terms of presidential elections
11:46or in terms of the discussion of decrees and laws.
11:50On the other hand, political analysts say
11:54that the problem of the political class is the black decade
11:58that has made it lose its credibility.
12:04The absurdity of the parties over the last decade
12:08is the reason that led them to this stage and to this situation.
12:13No party has proceeded to a process of self-criticism or revision.
12:18No law prevents the people from supporting the parties.
12:23But there is today a gap between the Tunisian people
12:27and the parties, in historical rupture with them.
12:31There are more than 220 political parties in Tunisia,
12:35but it would be difficult for anyone to name more than a dozen parties,
12:40most of which were created by adventurers after the revolution,
12:45taking advantage of the climate, freedom and revolutionary credulity.
12:50But the vast majority of the parties that exist today
12:54are the parties that already existed before the revolution
12:58or that emerged after the takeover of power by Kayser Said on July 25, 2021.
13:04These parties owe their notoriety to their media presence.
13:09On the ground, they are non-existent.
13:14In Burkina Faso, more than 150 terrorists have been killed recently
13:19in an operation led by the Burkinabe army in the eastern region of the country.
13:23This is what a military source said on Sunday.
13:27The Burkinabe army, cited by the information agency,
13:31said that on Tuesday, hundreds of terrorists attempted
13:36at the Yomba locality to prevent soldiers from resupplying in the eastern region.
13:42The immediate response allowed more than 150 terrorists to be killed on the field.
13:47And later the next day, since 2015,
13:50the insecurity in this West African country cost the lives of many people
13:54and caused thousands to move.
13:57This is the Burkinabe army and its suppliers.
14:00Volunteers for the defense of the homeland
14:03multiply their operations against terrorist groups in the country.
14:11In Senegal, the rainy season is approaching.
14:15Heavy rainfall creates floods and deadly floods every year.
14:21To deal with this, the government has launched its response plan
14:24to prevent flooding in the Madiop and Sannousi areas.
14:32Tiamegen, a district of the Dakar suburb.
14:35In this area, as in others, the red alert has been launched.
14:40Here is an area at high risk of flooding.
14:44SAMAT has been fighting the phenomenon for 18 years.
14:48It welcomes us in one of the rainwater reservoirs of the district.
14:54We are currently at the level of SAMSAM 3 in the SAMSAM reservoir.
14:58Because there are projects that are currently under way,
15:01but which are not yet finished.
15:03At the level of Tiamegen-Sekambaw,
15:05as you have seen, at the level of Talimam-Diara,
15:07they have started the reprofiling.
15:10At our level too, we started almost two months ago,
15:14the curing and drainage of certain areas.
15:18This year, an innovation has been brought by the new government
15:23in the flood management policy.
15:26This is a community approach.
15:29The technical services, the DGPI, have associated the actors.
15:34Because if we cannot fight this phenomenon,
15:37because it is a recurring phenomenon that has been hurting the population for so many years,
15:41to face this phenomenon, there must be a monetary dynamic.
15:44On the ground, works are also underway
15:47for the drainage of the canals and the storage of the basins.
15:51As part of the prevention for a reduction of flood risks.
15:57Here at the DGPI, we are developing a large project
16:01called the Integrated Flood Management Project in Senegal,
16:06with four components,
16:08one of which is the implementation of a geographical information system
16:17applied to the mapping of flood risks and areas,
16:21based on a mass communication and an institutional communication.
16:32We will make available to the territorial authorities,
16:36the administrative authorities,
16:38all these maps that we are producing,
16:40and especially the digital terrain model
16:43that allows us to see the dormant hydrographic networks,
16:46i.e. the waterways, the lakes,
16:48which do not exist today, but which can wake up
16:51on the occasion of an exceptional flood.
16:53The head of the Senegalese state has also launched the CETAL Sounoureou program,
16:59a national clean-up initiative
17:01to facilitate the evacuation of floods everywhere in Senegal.
17:06The next day is scheduled for July 6, 2024.
17:12This is the end of this edition.
17:14Thank you for following it.
17:16Enjoy the rest of the program on Mediatheque.