Matin infos - 30/06/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Matin infos - 30/06/2024


00:00The information is continued on Mediantv Afrique, thank you for finding us for this
00:16tour of the news, here are the titles.
00:19It is with sadness that the spokesperson of the Royal Palace announced the death of
00:23His Royal Highness Prince Lala Latifah, wife of His Majesty Lord Hassan II and mother
00:29of His Majesty Lord Mohammed VI, you will have a reading of what is communicated in this
00:35Presidential in Mauritania, nearly 2 million people voted yesterday to elect their new
00:45This candidate, whose president comes out as Mohammed Gouldsher and Gaswani, is in
00:49the list.
00:50The results are expected today or Monday.
00:55Historic days in France, voters are going to the polls today for a first round of
01:00legislative elections in great suspense.
01:02The far-right party of the National Assembly is favored by the polls.
01:07See you right away for the news.
01:11Welcome ladies and gentlemen, before developing these titles, it is with immense sadness
01:18and a deep affliction that the spokesperson of the Royal Palace announced yesterday the
01:23death of His Royal Highness Princess Lala Latifah, may God bless her in His holy mercy,
01:30wife of His Majesty Lord Hassan II, may God be her soul and mother of His Majesty Lord
01:37Mohammed VI, may God assist her and preserve her and their Royal Highness and Prince and
01:42also Princess.
01:44Let's listen to this speech read by the spokesperson of the Royal Palace.
01:59The spokesperson of the Royal Palace announces with immense sadness and a deep affliction
02:05the death of His Royal Highness Princess Lala Latifah, may God bless her in His holy mercy,
02:12on Saturday, June 22, 1445 Hijri, corresponding to June 29, 2024.
02:20The spokesperson of the Royal Palace announces with immense sadness and a deep affliction
02:27the death of His Royal Highness Princess Lala Latifah, may God bless her in His holy mercy,
02:32on Saturday, June 22, 1445 Hijri, corresponding to June 29, 2024.
02:37The spokesperson of the Royal Palace announces with immense sadness and a deep affliction
02:42the death of His Royal Highness Princess Lala Latifah, may God bless her and preserve her
02:48and also the Royal Highness Princess Lala Latifah, may God bless her and preserve her.
02:54We are in need of this great calamity.
02:59We ask God for the great and powerful.
03:02By announcing this painful loss, we pray to the Almighty to surround the regretful
03:06deceased with His infinite mercy, divine mercy and to welcome her in His vast paradise,
03:12to grant her long life to His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, may God preserve her and
03:17perpetuate her glory.
03:28We are a God and to Him we return.
03:36Let's go to politics. This Saturday was the day of the vote in Mauritania.
03:40Nearly 2 million voters had to choose between the rupture and the continuity
03:44embodied by the outgoing president, Mohamed Oublechère el-Ghazouani,
03:48facing him six other candidates, including the human rights activist
03:52Biram Dar Abed, who came second in the 2019 presidential election.
03:58The participation was announced to be weak, around 40% before the end of the voting operations.
04:03The results should be announced officially on the day of today or Monday.
04:09And to find out more about the issues of this Mauritanian presidential election,
04:15Henri N'Douzi, political analyst, gives us the outline.
04:20The first issue, of course, will be the credibility of this scrutiny,
04:24since voices have risen to denounce, let's say, the ambiguity of the electoral commission.
04:30But beyond that, of course, it will be about being able, on the one hand, to guarantee
04:37a future for a youth, which is the majority today in this country.
04:41It will also be necessary, to a certain extent, even if this fight is carried out by quite a few people in Mauritania,
04:48to try to abolish slavery in a definitive way.
04:52You obviously have the fight against financial fraud, corruption,
04:57and above all, of course, the security problem, even if it has been true since 2011,
05:04Mauritania has never had an attack on its soil.
05:08You will understand, it is a scrutiny that will put the outgoing president in the presence,
05:13especially in the face of two of its main challengers,
05:17who each, of course, will have in mind to promote this will to break up,
05:22while the outgoing president, El Mokhtar, will rely on a balance,
05:27which is mainly based on security stability,
05:31which remains an exception today in the Sahel.
05:34Now, let's move on to our special file on legislative elections in France.
05:50It is a historical scrutiny in France.
05:52The voters will be today at the polls for a first round of legislative elections
05:58which could open the way to the accession of the far-right to power in a week.
06:04Embodied by the smooth face of its president, Jordan Bardella, 28 years old,
06:10the far-right party National Assembly is credited in the polls
06:15with 34% to 37% of the votes,
06:19with the inevitable prospect of obtaining a relative or absolute majority
06:25on July 7th, the evening of which is likely to be the second round.
06:28The RN will face the left-wing alliance of the New Popular Front,
06:32with 27.5% to 29% of the votes,
06:36followed by the presidential camp, with 20% to 21%.
06:43The first round of French legislative elections began yesterday.
06:47The polling stations in some overseas territories
06:50have opened their doors to voters.
06:54The voting rate is expected this Sunday.
06:57Mariam Lardir is back on the first day of this scrutiny.
07:03In France, three blocs stand out, namely the far-right, the left and the Macronist party.
07:08Of course, everything will depend on the results of the first two rounds,
07:11but all the polls in one go are very comfortable National Assembly.
07:15However, Le Pen and Bardella's party is not sure to have an absolute majority
07:20at the end of the second round, which will take place on July 7th.
07:23In response to a question about the accusations of the RN party of racism
07:26and of the anti-Semitism insoumise France,
07:29Marine Le Pen described her words as insults.
07:31I think that the way he tries to insult those who do not vote for him
07:37does not correspond to the idea I have of the position
07:44that should be that of a president of the Republic.
07:47During an interview on Thursday, Marine Le Pen said that Macron
07:51should have appointed the leader of his party, Jordan Bardella,
07:53to the post of Prime Minister after the vote.
07:55These are words qualified by Macron as arrogance.
07:57What arrogance?
07:59The whole debate today is as if they were already in place.
08:02In fact, we should not go and vote.
08:04After reproaching me for 15 days for asking the French to go and vote,
08:07now we should not go and vote.
08:09The party has also proposed to forbid the French,
08:11having a double nationality, to access certain strategic posts.
08:15What is at stake in the words of the inhibited people we have had in recent days,
08:20the racism or the anti-Semitism of the inhibited people,
08:23says something of a profound betrayal of what is France,
08:27its values, what is our Republic and its values.
08:30The final result of the elections will be known after the second round of July 7.
08:35Opinion polls predict the advance of the National Assembly,
08:38but it is difficult to predict due to the two-round voting system.
08:43A two-round structure that could permanently shake the political horizon of France,
08:50the three blocks in Lille have each unveiled their programs during the campaign.
08:54The issue of immigration occupies a prominent place in Paris.
08:58Our special envoy Bassam Nejaar gives us the point.
09:02Yes, the subject of immigration, which was at the heart of the debates during this legislative campaign,
09:06which lasted almost two weeks,
09:08and of course the programs of the different parties were completely and diagonally opposed,
09:16starting with the National Assembly and the far right,
09:20who placed the subject of immigration at the heart of their electoral program.
09:26They proposed several measures in case they came to power.
09:30Among these measures, the abolition of land rights,
09:33also the return of the crime of irregular stay,
09:36the replacement of state medical aid with a vital emergency aid.
09:40All these measures and other measures will be regrouped in a bill
09:46that should be proposed this summer in case the National Assembly comes to power.
09:50In relation to the position of the former governmental majority,
09:56the party of Emmanuel Macron and his allies,
10:00they propose to continue to strengthen the measures already taken on immigration
10:05and to continue to expel foreign delinquents or radicalize them.
10:13In relation to the position of the left-wing bloc,
10:19the new Popular Front simply proposes to abrogate the law on immigration
10:25that was established after Emmanuel Macron came to power in 2017,
10:29but also to facilitate access to visas,
10:31and also to facilitate the request for regularization
10:34and also the request for asylum here in France.
10:43The second round of the presidential election in Iran
10:48And then let's talk about the presidential election in Iran.
10:51This second round will be divided between Massoud Pezeskian and Saeed Jalili,
10:59who will win this second round of this scrutiny.
11:03According to the 5th of July,
11:05none of the candidates were able to obtain the absolute majority of votes in the first round,
11:11which took place yesterday.
11:12Some 61 million voters were called to vote urgently
11:17to elect their president after the tragic death of Ebrahim Raisi
11:21in a helicopter crash on May 19.
11:28During the conflict in the Middle East,
11:29the Gaza Strip is still piloted by the Israeli army.
11:33Yesterday, there were still violent Israeli bombings.
11:36At least 69 people were killed in the north of the Palestinian enclave
11:41during the last 48 hours,
11:44which brings the number of Palestinians killed since the beginning of the war to more than 37,800.
11:54Meanwhile, Hamas officials said on Saturday in Beirut
11:59that the negotiations had come to an agreement with Israel
12:03and that no progress had been made.
12:04A plan presented at the end of May by US President Joe Biden
12:09planned a six-week ceasefire
12:11accompanied by an Israeli withdrawal from the densely populated areas of Gaza
12:16in addition to the liberation of some Palestinian hostages detained by Israel.
12:21According to the American website Axios,
12:23the US administration has presented a new version of a project of agreement
12:28between Israel and Hamas
12:31bringing amendments to certain clauses
12:33in order to fill the gap that separates them
12:37and to reach an agreement.
12:43Direction of Tunisia,
12:44where the controversy intensifies
12:46in the approach of the presidential elections
12:48expected next fall.
12:50A controversy concerning the decline of the role of political parties
12:55under the regime of President Reza Sayed of Tunisia.
12:59Najwa Bechat for the explanations.
13:03In Tunisia, there is a huge gap
13:05in the relations between the Tunisian political class and those in power.
13:09Today, and a few months before the presidential elections,
13:12specialized organizations in electoral affairs
13:16claim that political parties,
13:18which are in principle the guarantors of diversity and political alternation,
13:22shine in Tunisia through their absence.
13:26The absence of political parties
13:28will certainly have a significant impact
13:31on the participation rates in the next elections.
13:34All the more so because it is the parties that mobilize,
13:38that push the citizens to the polls
13:40and realize the siege.
13:42This is why the absence of parties today
13:45has created a great void,
13:47whether in terms of presidential elections
13:51or in terms of the discussion of decrees and laws.
13:56On the other hand, political analysts say
13:59that the problem of the political class
14:02is the black decade that has made it lose its credibility.
14:10The absurdity of the parties over the last decade
14:13is the reason that led them to this stage and to this situation.
14:18No party has proceeded to a process of self-criticism or revision.
14:23No law prevents the people from supporting the parties.
14:27But there is now a gap between the Tunisian people
14:31and the parties in historical break with them.
14:35There are more than 220 political parties in Tunisia,
14:39but it would be difficult for anyone
14:42to name more than a dozen parties,
14:45most of which were created by adventurers after the revolution,
14:51taking advantage of the climate, freedom and revolutionary credulity.
14:55But the vast majority of the parties that exist today
14:59are the parties that already existed before the revolution
15:03or that emerged after the takeover of power by Press Assaid
15:07on July 25, 2021.
15:09They owe their notoriety to their media presence.
15:14On the ground, they are non-existent.
15:18At least 8 people have been killed and 19 injured
15:22in suicide attacks perpetrated yesterday in the city of Gouvosa,
15:27in the state of Borno, northeast of Nigeria,
15:31according to local emergency services.
15:34So far, 8 people, including children, men and women,
15:38have been killed in the attacks.
15:41To be more precise, these attacks have not yet been claimed.
15:48And in the tensions in Sudan, Sudanese paramilitary forces
15:51have announced that they have taken control of a base
15:54in the capital of the state of Senar, in the south-east of the country.
15:58This takeover has caused the flight of thousands of inhabitants.
16:03With this new breakthrough, the paramilitaries are closing the gates
16:06around the city of Port Soudan in the state of the Red Sea.
16:10The rapid support forces control most of the capital Khartoum,
16:15part of the state of Al-Jazeera and the vast region of Darfur,
16:19as well as large areas of the state of Kordofan in the south.
16:28Diplomacy. The Angolan president, Joao Lourenço,
16:31has gone to Ivory Coast.
16:33There is a visit marked by the signing of several agreements,
16:36especially in the field of energy.
16:39The two countries want to make their cooperation more dynamic.
16:42Our correspondents Max Souhobi and Ange-Wilfried Mérignat
16:45tell us more.
16:47It is a common desire to further consolidate
16:50the exceptional relations of friendship and cooperation.
16:53For more than three decades, an Angolan president
16:56had not set foot on the Ivorian soil.
16:59The ceiling of the glass is broken.
17:02President Joao Lourenço is in Abidjan to meet his Ivorian counterpart,
17:05Alassane Ouattara.
17:07The visit turned out to be fruitful for the two men of state.
17:11Cooperation agreements in several areas of activity
17:14have just been signed.
17:17Of the 14 agreements signed today,
17:20one of them is related to the field of digital resources,
17:23such as oil and gas,
17:26and therefore the exploitation of oil and gas
17:29will be a sharing that will be made with the Ivory Coast
17:32so that it can benefit from the cooperation
17:35of the two countries.
17:39I would like to reaffirm
17:42the will of the Ivorian government
17:45to strengthen and diversify
17:48bilateral relations
17:51through the agreements
17:54that we have just signed.
17:57As part of this visit,
18:00an economic forum of businessmen,
18:07will be held.
18:10The objective here is that the two countries
18:13operate an experience sharing in the field of mines,
18:16hydrocarbons and agriculture.
18:19You have been able to note
18:22the possibilities of complementarity
18:25and synergy to develop
18:28between the Angolan businessmen
18:31and the Ivorian businessmen.
18:34It is very important for the Ivory Coast
18:37to have Angolan investments,
18:40especially in the field of mining resources.
18:44There are synergies and complementarities,
18:47as the Minister said,
18:50that will play in our favor.
18:53So it is time now to embrace this potential
18:56and its potentialities
18:59and to try to take advantage of it
19:03This visit is held on June 19, 1985
19:06in Côte d'Ivoire,
19:09to coordinate the signing
19:12of the General Agreement
19:15for Economic, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation
19:18between the Presidents of the two countries.
19:22The winters' weather is getting
19:25to the Senegal.
19:28This year, heavy rains are forecast
19:31to deal with it, the government has activated for two months its plan of repost and prevention
19:37against floods.
19:38The details with Marie-Madiope and Sannousi Salim.
19:42Tiamegen, a district of the Dakar suburb, in this area, as in others, the red alert
19:49has been launched.
19:50Here, it is an area at high risk of flooding.
19:55SAMAT has been fighting for 18 years against the phenomenon.
19:59He welcomes us in one of the reservoirs of rainwater in the neighborhood.
20:05We are currently at SAMSAM 3 level in the SAMSAM basin, because there are projects
20:11that are currently under way, but which are not yet finished.
20:15At the level of Tiamegen-Sekambaw, at the level of Talimam-Diara, they have started
20:20the reprofiling.
20:21At our level, we have also started almost two months ago, the curing and drainage
20:28of certain areas.
20:30This year, an innovation has been brought by the new government in the policy of management
20:36of floods.
20:37This is the community approach.
20:40The technical services, the ONANS, the DPGI, have associated the actors.
20:45Because we cannot fight this phenomenon, because it is a recurring phenomenon that
20:50has been hurting the population for so many years.
20:52To deal with this phenomenon, there must be a unitary dynamic.
20:56On the ground, works are also underway for the drainage of the canoes and the storage
21:02of the basins, as part of the prevention for a reduction in the risk of flooding.
21:08Here at the Ministry of Direction, we are developing a large project called the Integrated
21:15Management Project for Floods in Senegal, with four components, one of which is the
21:23implementation of a geographical information system applied to the mapping of flooding
21:28risks and flooded areas, based on a mass communication and an institutional communication.
21:38The Director of Prevention and Management of Floods, Decompleté.
21:43We will make available to the territorial authorities, the administrative authorities,
21:49all these maps that we are producing, and especially the digital terrain model that
21:54allows us to see the dormant hydrographic networks, i.e. the streams, the lakes, which
22:00do not exist today, but which can reappear on the occasion of an exceptional flood.
22:05The head of the Senegalese state has also launched the CETAL Souniou Réou program,
22:11a national clean-up initiative to facilitate the evacuation of rainwater everywhere in Senegal.
22:17The next day is scheduled for July 6, 2024.