Matin infos - 29/06/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Matin infos - 29/06/2024


00:30by referring to the precepts of Islam, details to be followed in this newspaper.
00:37Germany considers the Moroccan plan of autonomy as a good basis and a very good foundation
00:43for the definitive settlement of the conflict around the Moroccan Sahara,
00:47a position reaffirmed in Berlin by the German Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs, Annalena Barroque.
00:55Finally, we will take you to Essaouira, where you will also hear the rhythms,
01:01as well as the sounds of the Nawa Festival and Music of the World.
01:05We meet again right now for the development.
01:12Welcome ladies and gentlemen, before developing these titles,
01:15know that His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, Samir al-Mu'minin,
01:18President of the Supreme Council of the Ulema,
01:21wanted to give these high directives to the 10 councils to examine certain questions
01:27contained in the proposals of the institution in charge of the revision of the family code,
01:32referring to the principles and also to the precepts of the holy religion of Islam
01:38and its tolerant drawings, and to submit a fatwa to their subject,
01:42to the high appreciation of the sovereign,
01:44while taking into account the 20-fold standard set by His Majesty the King,
01:49according to which one cannot authorize what is forbidden or forbid what is authorized.
01:58And in relation to this rather royal session,
02:01what are the subjects that would possibly require an opinion from the Council of the Ulema?
02:05Noza Chekrouini, a member of the Moroccan network of women mediators for peace and security,
02:11gives us some elements of the answers.
02:13To answer your question, we all remember the debate that was animated around these questions,
02:20and I think that the question that animated a debate,
02:24and that has gone far from the unanimity of the Moroccans,
02:30is the question of oral succession parity,
02:32whether in its dimension, heritage or tacit.
02:37This is a question that has divided the actors of civil society,
02:42and will certainly be one of the fundamental and main questions
02:47that will be addressed by the Council of the Ulema following the seizure of His Majesty the King.
02:53I think there is also the question of the marriage of Muslims with non-Muslims.
03:00This is also a second question that has aroused a debate
03:05and that is also far from being unanimous among the different actors
03:09that arouse an interest and bring an interest to this reform
03:15so much awaited by all Moroccans.
03:19I think there is also the question of guardianship,
03:22or the predominance of male guardianship of the father over that of the mother.
03:28This question could possibly be submitted and discussed.
03:33And finally, it seems to me, in my humble opinion,
03:36that the question of the establishment of affiliation through genetic expertise
03:41is another question that could, it seems to me,
03:45be discussed during this Council,
03:49in particular to develop and propose frameworks.
03:56Germany considers the Moroccan plan of autonomy
03:59a good basis and a very good foundation for the definitive settlement
04:03of the conflict surrounding the Moroccan Sahara,
04:05as affirmed yesterday in Berlin.
04:07The German Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs, Annalena Barbock,
04:11has a position affirmed at the end of the first session
04:14of the bilateral strategic dialogue between Morocco and Germany,
04:17co-chaired with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the African Cooperation
04:21and the Moroccans living abroad, Nasser Bourita.
04:24The German Minister also reiterated her support for the UN efforts
04:28aimed at achieving a political solution to the conflict in the Sahara.
04:36And in the dynamic of bilateral relations between Morocco and Germany,
04:39the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the African Cooperation
04:42and the Moroccans living abroad, Nasser Bourita,
04:45had an interview with Sven-Sulze Plutow,
04:49the German Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development,
04:53to conclude the signing of a cooperation agreement
04:56in economic and social areas,
04:58an agreement that aims to develop trade and investment,
05:02to also cooperate in matters of climate policy and biodiversity,
05:07as well as green energy solutions.
05:09Let's listen together to the German Federal Minister
05:12of Economic Cooperation and Development.
05:18We are delighted with the partnership between Morocco and Germany
05:21in the field of energy.
05:22Our goal is to promote the production of hydrogen in Morocco
05:26and its transition to Europe through Germany.
05:31We wish that this collaboration takes place in a fair way
05:34in order to create jobs and income for Morocco,
05:38while meeting the needs of hydrogen in Germany.
05:44The Moroccan news is also marked by the end of the visit to France
05:48of the Director General of National Security and Territorial Surveillance
05:51Abdelhatif Ramouchi,
05:53a two-day visit on the invitation of the French security services' managers.
05:58Abdelhatif Ramouchi and his counterpart from the Police of Interior and Exterior Security
06:04of the Hexagone,
06:05met on the examination of the mechanisms of strengthening bilateral cooperation
06:10in the various areas of common interest.
06:15It is really unsustainable to declare the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees
06:23on the situation in Gaza,
06:25which Louise Waterbridge described as disastrous,
06:29the conditions of the life of the Gazan population,
06:32before underlining the difficulties to transport fuel to Gaza
06:38and to distribute it in safe conditions in the Palestinian territory
06:43which had an impact on the capacities to deliver humanitarian aid
06:47while Israel continues to activate its war machine
06:51which has already put the lives of more than 37,700 Gazanis at risk.
06:58Yesterday was a day of voting in Iran,
07:00a presidential election organized the day after the tragic death of President Ebrahim Raisi.
07:05Voting operations were extended until midnight.
07:09More than 61 million voters were called to the polls
07:12to choose between four candidates, three conservatives and a reformer
07:16who hopes to shake off the divided conservative candidates.
07:20The official results will be known by Sunday.
07:26Here is another special issue on legislative elections in France.
07:39The campaign of the first round of the French legislative elections
07:44ended yesterday,
07:46although all the polls give a very comfortable lead to the National Assembly.
07:50We can expect a surprise in this scrutiny.
07:53Mariam Lardire tells us more.
07:57In France, the campaign ends on Friday at midnight
08:00for the first round of legislative elections.
08:03Three blocs stand out, namely the far right, the left and the Macronist party.
08:08Of course, everything will depend on the results of the first two rounds,
08:11but all the polls give a very comfortable lead to the National Assembly.
08:15However, Le Pen and Bardella's party is not sure to have an absolute majority
08:20at the end of the second round, which will take place on July 7.
08:23In response to a question about the accusations of the Iranian party of racism
08:27and the insubordinate France of anti-Semitism,
08:29Marine Le Pen described her words as insults.
08:32I think the way they try to insult, in a way,
08:36those who do not vote for him,
08:40does not correspond to the idea that I have of the posture
08:44that must be that of a president of the Republic.
08:47During an interview on Thursday, Marine Le Pen said
08:50that Macron should appoint the head of his party, Jordan Bardella,
08:53as prime minister after the vote.
08:55Words qualified by Macron as arrogance.
08:58But what arrogance?
08:59That is, the whole debate today is as if they were already in the place.
09:03In fact, we should not go vote.
09:04After reproaching me for 15 days,
09:06for asking the French sovereignly to go vote,
09:08now we should not go vote.
09:09The party has also proposed to forbid the French,
09:12having a double nationality, to access certain strategic post-administrative.
09:16What is at stake in the words of the inhibited that we have in recent days,
09:20the racism or anti-Semitism of the inhibited,
09:23says something about a deep betrayal of what is France,
09:27its values, of what is our Republic and its values.
09:31The final result of the elections will be known after the second round of July 7.
09:35Opinion polls predict the advance of the National Assembly,
09:38but it is difficult to predict it due to the two-round voting system.
09:44And to find out more about the different formations
09:46that are disputing the first place in these elections at great risk,
09:50let's listen to our special envoy in Paris, Bassam Deja.
09:54The political landscape in France, which is completely messed up
09:57following the decision of President Emmanuel Macron,
10:00on June 9, to dissolve the National Assembly.
10:03A decision that comes after the victory of the National Assembly
10:07during the European elections,
10:09by bringing back nearly 32% of the seats in France.
10:15It is therefore a decision that has surprised all observers here in the country,
10:20which has redistributed all the cards of the coalitions between parties,
10:24and the country that ends up with three coalitions
10:27that are disputing the first place in these legislations.
10:30In first place, of course, the far-right,
10:33headed by the National Assembly,
10:35which won the last European elections
10:38and was able to win several scrutinizes in recent years,
10:42and which also made a good score during the presidential elections,
10:47the two previous ones, in 2022 and 2017,
10:51where each time the president of the party, Marine Le Pen,
10:55found herself in the second round.
10:57The party of the National Assembly,
10:59which is also looking to find certain voices of other parties,
11:03and especially the traditional right-wing supporters,
11:07with in its head the Republican Party,
11:10which finds itself a little torn,
11:12or with the quarrels between certain members of the party
11:16and President Eric Ciotti,
11:18who called for coalitions with the far-right,
11:24something that some supporters don't want to do,
11:28and want to blockade the far-right.
11:31So that, on the one hand, is for the right-wing bloc.
11:36There is also the left-wing bloc,
11:39under the banner of the new Popular Front,
11:43in reference to the Popular Front,
11:45which ruled France in 1936,
11:48with the rise of fascist parties everywhere in Europe
11:54during the 1930s.
11:57So there is also this reference
11:59with the rise of far-right parties everywhere in Europe at the moment.
12:04So the coalition of the new Popular Front,
12:07under the banner of Jean-Luc Mélenchon,
12:10who is the president of the Insoumise party,
12:13which has been a bit controversial in recent days.
12:17So that's as far as this second political bloc is concerned.
12:21And of course there is the third political bloc,
12:24the old governmental coalition,
12:27close to President Emmanuel Macron,
12:29which is starting to distance itself from the president.
12:33After some statements,
12:35there is also the current Prime Minister,
12:39Gabriel Attal,
12:41where there are some reports saying
12:43that Attal tried to dissuade Macron,
12:46to dissuade the National Assembly,
12:49something that could harm Attal's political career.
12:54There are also the statements of the first Prime Minister,
12:58Emmanuel Macron.
13:00It is, of course, Edouard Philippe,
13:02who clearly said that it was Macron
13:04who killed the governmental coalition.
13:08And of course there is also the current Minister of the Interior,
13:13Gérard Darmanin,
13:15who clearly said that he is starting to think
13:18about the next presidential elections.
13:21So a bit like Emmanuel Macron's relatives,
13:24who are starting to think about the period after Macron.
13:28So all the cards are redistributed here in France,
13:31while waiting for the results of the scrutiny
13:34of this Sunday, June 30.
13:38Russia should start producing short and medium-range missiles.
13:52The announcement was made yesterday
13:54by President Vladimir Putin.
13:56Moscow also puts Washington on guard
13:59over the risk of direct confrontation
14:01related to the missions of American drones in the Black Sea.
14:05The head of the Kremlin expressed himself
14:07during a meeting broadcast on television
14:09with high-ranking Russian officials.
14:15The Mali government aims to bring help
14:17to vulnerable populations everywhere
14:19where the need is felt.
14:21Catholic Relief Service and USAID
14:23have just launched the phase 6 of their project,
14:26called Kizili,
14:28with an envelope of 17 million dollars.
14:30This project will be implemented in two years.
14:33After five phases,
14:35Catholic Relief Service has just launched
14:37the Kizili 6 project,
14:39financed by USAID.
14:41This new phase is part of the same dynamic
14:43as the previous five,
14:45which has led to 269 quick responses
14:47in favor of 96,323 households,
14:49or 604,948 individuals
14:51affected by the security crisis in Mali.
14:54This is an emergency response project,
14:56mainly in support of internally displaced people.
14:58We provide them with shelters,
15:00food security assistance,
15:02hygiene kits,
15:04water and sanitation.
15:06So it's really an emergency response project.
15:08We also provide them with food,
15:10hygiene kits,
15:12water and sanitation.
15:14So it's really an emergency response project.
15:16We also provide them with food,
15:18hygiene kits,
15:20water and sanitation.
15:23This is an emergency response project
15:25that will last for two years
15:27in favor of internally displaced people
15:29because of the security situation.
15:31It is financed by the US government
15:33through USAID
15:35worth 17 million dollars,
15:37or more than 10 billion francs CFA.
15:41For USAID,
15:43one of the elements
15:45that must be used
15:47and taken into account
15:49in a very,
15:51very strong
15:53and very structured
15:55and very organized
15:57is how we can
15:59not reinforce
16:01but use the capacities
16:03that already exist
16:05in the country.
16:07In addition to representatives,
16:11the Malian government
16:13through the Ministry of Health
16:15and Social Development
16:17has saluted the remarkable work
16:19done in Mali since 1999.
16:21CRS Mali has been
16:23and will remain
16:25a determining factor
16:27in the assistance,
16:31and support of the communities
16:33most affected by the humanitarian crisis
16:35in our country.
16:37Started in 2016,
16:39to date,
16:41nearly 20 billion francs CFA
16:43have been mobilized
16:45and have saved millions of lives in Mali.
16:47Back in the kingdom
16:49for a colorful trip to Essaouira.
16:51Since Thursday, this beautiful locality
16:53vibrates with the rhythm of the Gnawa Festival
16:55and Music of the World.
16:57In the sounds to make you sketch
16:59the steps of dance,
17:01Issam El Amari tells us
17:03about this event rich in culture.
17:09Flamenco, blues, jazz,
17:11oriental music, rumba, gypsy,
17:13shabby, the city of Essaouira
17:15is full of color with its annual festival.
17:17The vibrant character of this music festival
17:19attracts thousands of festivalgoers
17:21from all over the world.
17:31Like every year,
17:33we met groups from Brazil,
17:35Spain and Ivory Coast.
17:37Together we attended an artistic residence
17:39that lasted four days.
17:41We hope that the result of this residence
17:43is up to the expectations of the public.
17:53The Gnawa Festival of Essaouira,
17:55an artistic event that never ceases
17:57to gain notoriety,
17:59thus transforming the high city
18:01from a tourist city
18:03to a cultural city par excellence
18:05that promotes diversity and intercultural dialogue.
18:13We have to make music for war.
18:15That's what we have to do.
18:17It brings together different people,
18:19different cultures
18:21to make one.
18:23That's what the world needs,
18:25to make music for war.
18:27The mask of Essaouira
18:29encompasses everything.
18:31First of all,
18:33it's a sculpture,
18:35but behind it,
18:37it's a whole vision.
18:39It's the protection of women.
18:41It's all the sweetness of women,
18:43all the vision of women
18:45to be able to take peace.
18:47And for us, this peace,
18:49we really found it here,
18:51and we really felt it.
18:53This inevitable rendezvous
18:55brings together international artists,
18:57young public, family,
18:59music lovers and foreign visitors.
19:01Together they share a musical
19:03and unique sensorial experience
19:05thanks to the 400 artists
19:07present at the occasion of 53 concerts
19:09of this 25th edition.
19:13This is a cultural note
19:15that this newspaper takes.
19:17Thank you for following it.
19:19The news is back on Mediantv Africa.