All Out For Gaza - Toronto - Sankofa (formally yonge-dundas) Square to Nathan Phillips

  • 2 months ago
Music composed is electro-acoustic (modified vocals) and my own.
00:00It's not just for Muslims, it's not just for Arabs, you don't have to be Muslim, you don't have to be.
00:05You don't have to be a politician to support a free power structure.
00:08We are here united as people across the globe.
00:11Give it up for yourselves!
00:17Every time we speak, we've got to break the politics we need to consider.
00:21Every time we speak, we need to consider the politics that are on our topic.
00:24To break that statistic because it gives us hope.
00:26And I will tell you, maybe it might not hear you, but it gives the Palestinians hope.
00:30It gives the Palestinians in Gaza, in the West Bank, in occupied Palestine hope.
00:34It gives them a sense of belonging to their own land.
00:38They shouldn't need that!
00:42They should know that it's their land and they should know that they don't belong there.
00:46They shouldn't need other people's land and they belong in their own land.
00:51It's important for us to realize that we are on stolen land.
00:56We are on stolen land.
00:58Canadian land is on stolen land.
01:02It's important for us to stand with our citizens.
01:04It's important for us to stand with any other person still across the world.
01:07In Iraq, in Sudan, in Congo, in Canada.
01:11Anywhere in the world we stand against injustice.
01:13So give it up for yourselves again.
01:15Thank you.
01:23You guys did so well last time.
01:25Please put your hands in the air.
01:29On my mark, get ready.
01:31I don't know about you, I am sick and tired of seeing women take their dead child out
01:55of the brothel.
01:57I am sick and tired of seeing the Israel he showed me gather up Palestinians, blindfold
02:08them, throw them into my bed and shoot them in the face.
02:13This is Jericho!
02:20This is Jericho!
02:22Stand on the right side of the street!
02:29We are not an informatic!
02:32We are not an informatic!
02:35Do you have a cage open?
02:43We are from YouTube.
02:45YouTube, okay.
02:46What's it called?
02:47We use Dailymotion and Rumble.
02:49And what's your name?
02:51I am Intergenerational T-R-O-T-E-N-E-R-O-T-E-N.
02:55Is it a word or a name?
02:59Just one word.
03:03We are the first self-proclaimed Israelis in the world.
03:09And we are here today as we mark Indigenous people.
03:15We are here today as we mark Indigenous people.
03:19We are here today as we mark Indigenous people.
03:22We are here today as we mark Indigenous people.
03:25We are here today as we mark Indigenous people.
03:29I am the 7th and the furthest from darkness.
03:37Darkness is Indigenous people's fate.
03:39And my mother and my sister's fate.
03:41In the cold winter years of genocide and violence.
03:45Unleashed shake-dances of violence.
03:48In the name of colonialism.
03:51Land theft and resource extraction.
03:55My mother's family had to survive dehumanization
04:00and devaluation of separate colonialism and genocide
04:03in order for me to be here today.
04:08My mother's family had to survive dehumanization and devaluation
04:09in order for me to be here today.
04:12The blueprint for racial oppression within a democracy
04:15in order for me to be here today.
04:19On my father's side, my uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, and nephews
04:27are now fighting for their lives.
04:29Fighting for their lives.
04:30Fighting for their lives.
04:31Taking place in Sudan right now.
04:40Watching Sudan implode so calmly and so rapidly.
04:44Watching Sudan implode so calmly and so rapidly.
04:45It is a total agony.
04:47There is nothing about this war that is forgotten.
04:50There are more than 10 million people displaced.
04:55There are more than 25 million facing immediate starvation.
05:01Including 2.5 million children expected to die by starvation by September.
05:10Meanwhile, there are more than 200,000 children fighting.
05:15This is not a civil war.
05:17This is a war against revolution and a war against humanity.
05:23We will never forget Sudan because we have too much to lose if we do.
05:35From Sudan you learn how to reclaim and redistribute power.
05:39From the Sudanese people you learn from resistance committees,
05:43community kitchens, medical crisis centers,
05:46and grassroots efforts to educate our children.
05:49Sudan shows us that self-determination exists
05:54and that we will reach it through radical mutual aid.
06:02In March, I traveled to Egypt with one of my closest revolutionary friends
06:07to bear witness and cry in a small way to stem the tsunami of death
06:14that is overtaking both Gaza and Sudan.
06:18These are stories from my family, my friends, my relatives, and more.
06:24And yet, that's shame.
06:31What is more haunting is the sense of total helplessness.
06:36And so, we gather critical medical supplies,
06:39amassing hundreds of kilograms of antibiotics, insulin, surgical supplies,
06:44human experimentation units, diagnosis equipment, medical supplies,
06:48rice, beans, flours, and a list goes on.
06:51These are basic medical needs that should be allowed into Gaza.
06:55The illegal blockade of Gaza is causing these critical shortages.
06:59This is an unacceptable blockade that our own government is complicit in.
07:05We are providing military aid, arms transfers, and diplomatic cover
07:09even if Israel is before two international courts
07:13on charges of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
07:17I am all too familiar with providing care in communities that face dire shortages.
07:22I have more than 10 years of experience providing medical, emergency, and trauma care
07:29in communities with no hospitals, no clean water, no ambulances,
07:35inadequate basic medical supplies, inadequate food and shelter,
07:40and no access to medical care.
07:43Inadequate basic medical supplies, inadequate food and shelter,
07:47and totally substandard basic care.
07:49And I am not talking about Palestine.
07:51I am talking about indigenous communities here on Turtle Island.
07:57This is all connected.
07:59We have a voice in the movement for collective liberation.
08:03We can and we will make a difference.
08:06But we are up against the relentless inertia of white supremacy.
08:12And none of this oppression would be possible without the police.
08:20Police budgets remain black holes,
08:23siphoning much-needed services from communities,
08:27driving poverty and a trenching racial hierarchy
08:32that make liberation struggles so difficult to fight.
08:36And so I speak in here with three critical pillars that my mother made me to respect.
08:42Stand back.
08:47Abolish the police.
08:51Create free Palestine.
08:55And I remind you, if your liberation movement does not include black and indigenous people,
09:00you will not succeed.
09:02And I echo the call of the UNYF today.
09:05Demand Canada impose an immediate two-way arms embargo against Israel.
09:12Demand the legal blockade on Gaza be lifted immediately.
09:17Demand an end to the occupation of Palestinian lands
09:21and the right of return of all Palestinian refugees
09:24in camps and in the diaspora to their homeland.
09:28Free the people, free the land.
09:32Free Gaza and Sudan.
09:48Recently, an investigation has shown that in the last entire
09:53Recently, an investigation has shown that in the last entire
09:58was hit with 355 bullets from the occupation.
10:06A six-year-old child who was surrounded with her dead family members
10:11was shot at 355 times by the occupation.
10:16They continue to kill our people.
10:22They continue to kill our children.
10:25And then they lie to our faces.
10:27They try to pass by us.
10:29They try to make sure we stay silent.
10:32But are we going to stay silent?
10:36Are we going to stay silent?
10:40Because the more they try to silence us,
10:43the more they try to silence us.
10:47Zionism is an acceptable belief to have.
10:50Is it acceptable to believe in genocide?
10:56Is it acceptable to support the occupation?
11:00That is why we are in these streets.
11:02That is why we will continue to be in these streets.
11:04Every damn week, every damn day.
11:07Through rain, through shine, through snow.
11:10No matter what, the people united will never give up.
11:45I beg Israel, either be from the weapon manufacturing,
11:49or the occupation itself, or the future of Gaza.
11:53If you are against, shut down.
11:59The occupation.
12:01Shut it down!
12:03The occupation.
12:05Shut it down!
12:08We will continue to fight every single piece of the occupation.
12:12And Canada will lie to you,
12:14and tell you that Zionism is an acceptable thing to believe in.
12:18Shut it down!
12:21The people here are united so we can show the government,
12:25so we can show everybody that Zionism will not be accepted.
12:29Zionism will not be accepted to any degree.
12:33Whether it be in the streets,
12:35whether it be in the universities,
12:37in our faith, no matter where it is,
12:39we will not let Zionism continue on.
12:47No one else can!
12:49No one else can!
12:53Whether it's exports, whether it's imports,
12:55we are from Gaza.
12:57We will not play a role.
13:00We will not be complicit in the genocide.
13:06We will not play a role.
13:13Each morning, for the past eight months,
13:16I've been waking up with dread.
13:18What fresh news is well up, I wonder, here today.
13:21In October, entire generations of families
13:25were wiped out from the civil registry,
13:28which the Zionist state continues to carry out to this day.
13:32In January, a school massacre was announced
13:36when all universities in Gaza were demolished.
13:39In May,
13:42in May,
13:44mass graves were discovered at the Gaza Medical Complex
13:47and at the Al Shaba Hospital,
13:49where citizens were unearthed plastic medical bracelets
13:54that were so small they could only have fit
13:57four children.
14:00Reports have emerged
14:03exposing the treatment of imprisoned innocent civilians,
14:06including journalists, doctors, and troopers.
14:10They can come in blindfolded all day,
14:13prohibited from standing up or laying down,
14:16even while sleeping.
14:20Just yesterday,
14:23occupation forces killed 25 civilians in tent camps
14:27set up for displaced Palestinians
14:30in the al-Masawiyah area
14:33designated as a humanitarian safe zone.
14:40This morning, UN agencies are warning
14:43that over one million Palestinians in Gaza
14:46could face severe starvation by mid-July.
14:53The hunger crisis is intensifying
14:56as Israel continues to block humanitarian aid
14:59from entering the region
15:01and water is no longer safe to consume.
15:07How many more statistics, stories,
15:11and buzzwords must I say
15:14to get those with any ounce of morality to take action?
15:21Do I need to tell a personal story
15:24like how my father and his family
15:27were forced out of their own home in Iqsim Haifa
15:30when he was only five years old in 1948
15:33and never allowed to return to their land?
15:38How I am barred from returning to a land
15:41where my ancestors have harvested olive groves
15:44and herded sheep for centuries?
15:49It is my dream to return to the home
15:52where my father once ran around as a child
15:55and see the stairs from the memories he shared with me
15:58where he once played on,
16:01a home that is now occupied and stolen by settlers.
16:07We are here today and will continue to take these streets
16:11as long as so-called Canada
16:14and its citizens remain complicit.
16:20The way in which Canadian media outlets
16:23conveniently leave out the context of the Nakba,
16:26the Zionist state building hundreds of illegal settlements
16:30on Palestinian land,
16:33and how the Israeli army protects settlers
16:36to raise Palestinian villages and olive groves
16:39and even protects settlers to pour cement into water springs
16:44used to provide drinking water for Palestinian villagers.
16:50How the Canadian media and politicians
16:53conveniently leave out that for 16 years
16:56the Zionist state of Israel has implemented
16:59a brutal blockade on Gaza by air, sea and land.
17:05A blockade that resulted in civilians
17:08living through extreme poverty and food shortages
17:11where four in five Gazans
17:14have been dependent on humanitarian aid.
17:20This suffocating blockade constitutes as a war crime
17:23as it is a form of collective punishment
17:26on over 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza
17:29of which nearly half are children.
17:35What if I told you that even between
17:392018 and 2022 alone
17:42over 1.2 billion tax-free dollars
17:45were raised through Canadian charities
17:48for the genocidal state of Israel?
17:57Will you care then?
18:00The government declaring to pause approvals
18:03of future arms export purposes
18:06is a formative act.
18:12Imposing a two-way arms embargo
18:15on the genocidal state of Israel
18:18is the bare minimum.
18:21This includes all previous permits
18:24that have been approved.
18:27While regional war looms
18:30our political leaders pretend to regret
18:33while they continue to shake hands
18:36with war criminals and participate
18:39in the weapons sales and manufacturing
18:42that are responsible for what this world
18:45clearly sees as a genocide.
18:51Arms embargo right now!
18:54Arms embargo right now!
18:57The same oppressors over there
19:00are the very same oppressors over here.
19:06The very same people that will fire you
19:09over speaking out for human rights in Palestine
19:12are the same people that have thrived
19:15off genocide, ethnic cleansing
19:18and colonialism here in Turtle Island
19:21without accountability.
19:27The same individuals who are homophobic
19:30racist, fascist, capitalistic
19:33and money hungry when certain rules
19:36apply to others but not them.
19:42It has been over eight months
19:45since we've been bearing witness to humanity's
19:48worst atrocities inflicted on thousands of people.
19:51We are beyond the moment of urgency
19:54to shift our strategies and tactics.
19:57There are companies, institutions
20:00and individuals making decisions
20:03that directly allow these horrors to continue.
20:09We must impose
20:12a greater cost on the institutions
20:15that dare to re-profit
20:18other than massacring our people.
20:22We must cut the flow of weapons killing our people.
20:25We must cut ties with Israel
20:28through every avenue possible.
20:36A few weeks ago, the Palestinian youth movement
20:39has launched a campaign called
20:42Fast Off Mersk, calling on all
20:45supporters of Palestine and human rights
20:48to mobilize against Mersk,
20:51the largest logistics and shipping company in the world.
20:54Complicit in profiting from transporting
20:57weapons used to inflict
21:00unimaginable suffering.
21:03Mersk is integral to the global flow
21:06of arms that sustains the Israeli
21:09occupation forces.
21:15We will continue to mobilize around Mersk
21:18to end the transportation of weapons
21:21and weapons components.
21:24We will continue to cut all contracts
21:27that fuel the genocide of the Palestinian people.
21:30And we will continue to mobilize
21:33to implement an arms embargo to end the genocide.
21:37And I'll end off by saying
21:40we call on all of you here today
21:43to join us in this struggle.
21:46For the struggle of the Palestinian national liberation.
21:49It's not just a struggle for Palestinians alone.
21:52It is a struggle for every oppressed person.
22:00For every person who refuses
22:03to stand for justice
22:06and every person who dreams of freedom.
22:09Today, Gaza is at the center of the world.
22:12A small strip of land
22:15that belongs to a small but brave nation
22:18which over a hundred years has fought
22:21against the most sophisticated military advanced empires
22:24refusing to surrender.
22:27The Palestinian nation will accomplish victory
22:30within our lifetime.
22:37And each and every one of you here
22:40has a role to play
22:43whether it is to continue to educate
22:46your friends and family about Palestine
22:49emailing your MPs or organizing within your workplaces.
22:52We refuse to sit idly
22:55while our governments sit back
22:58and while they fax genocide and wage war.
23:06I'll end off with a quote
23:09as Desmond Tutu, a South African Anglican bishop
23:12known for his work as an anti-apartheid
23:15human rights activist once said
23:18if you are neutral in situations of injustice
23:21you have chosen the side of the oppressor.
23:29Free, free Palestine!
23:32Free, free Palestine!
23:35Free, free Palestine!
23:50The teachers have been challenging
23:53this board to divest
23:56and they have not been responsive so far.
23:59For that we have a teacher
24:02that has over 20 years experience
24:05as a military teacher.
24:08Her name is Amna.
24:11Hold on, hold on, hold on.
24:17We won't divest.
24:20We won't divest.
24:23Along with many other dedicated, active
24:26and retired Ontario teachers of conscience
24:29that have worked through the world field of war
24:32to pressure the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
24:35to divest from weapons manufacturing
24:39profiting from Palestinian death.
24:45Second, companies such as Lockheed Martin
24:48Northrop Grumman
24:51from RTX, formerly known as Raytheon
24:54Textron, Palantir, Theta and Honeywell.
25:01As my brother said, we stand
25:04before this shiny, classy building
25:07which houses the new offices
25:10of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
25:13and we are here to hold the voting
25:16speed to account.
25:23Our message is simple.
25:26Ontario teachers must divest
25:29from Palestinian death.
25:33It's true, divest.
25:36We won't divest.
25:39This is why.
25:42Saying that these companies risk being
25:45complicit in serious violations of international
25:48human rights and international humanitarian laws.
25:51That this risk is heightened
25:54by the recent decisions from the ICJ
25:57ordering Israel to immediately halt
26:00its military offensive in Raqqa.
26:03Having recognized genocide as a plausible risk
26:06and the request filed by the prosecutor
26:09of the ICJ court
26:12seeking arrest warrants for Israeli leaders
26:15on allegations of war crimes
26:18and crimes against humanity
26:21that could stimulate arms transfers
26:24to Israel may be seen as
26:27a motive in providing assistance
26:30for such violations.
26:33This June 20th
26:36UN press release
26:39goes on to clarify
26:42that financial institutions
26:45such as the one that we are standing
26:48in front of today, the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
26:51that these financial institutions
26:54invested in these arms companies
26:57are also called to account.
27:00Failure to prevent or mitigate
27:03their business relationships
27:06with these arms manufacturers
27:09transferring arms to Israel
27:12could move from being direct links
27:15to human rights abuses to contributing to them.
27:18Let me break that down for you.
27:21The Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
27:24as a financial institution
27:27investing in these weapons companies
27:30being used by Israel to commit crimes
27:33against humanity may be criminally liable.
27:40It is outrageous
27:43that it's Ontario teachers
27:46who devote our professional lives
27:49to care and well-being of Ontario's children
27:52should in any way be complicit in
27:55let alone profits
27:58from such heinous crimes
28:01such as the systemic obliteration
28:04of Gaza's education system
28:10without being destroyed.
28:13How can I stand
28:16in front of my class
28:19with any moral or ethical legitimacy
28:22evoking the social legacy
28:25of historical figures such as Martin Luther King Jr.
28:28when my pension thus
28:31embalms the little
28:3418-month-old Palestinian child
28:37on an elephant job?
28:41How can I stand
28:44in front of my class
28:47with any moral or ethical legitimacy
28:50evoking the social legacy
28:53of historical figures
28:56such as Martin Luther King Jr.
28:59when my pension thus
29:02embalms the little
29:0518-month-old Palestinian child
29:08on an elephant job?
29:11How can I stand
29:14in front of my class
29:17with any moral or ethical legitimacy
29:20evoking the social legacy
29:23of historical figures
29:26such as Martin Luther King Jr.
29:29when my pension thus
29:32embalms the little
29:3518-month-old Palestinian child
29:38on an elephant job?
30:05There is no moderate
30:08or neutral stance
30:11in the face
30:14of over 15,000
30:17Palestinian children killed.
30:20In the face
30:23of an unjust order
30:26in which military might
30:29is right,
30:32a.k.a. profitable,
30:35we must absolutely speak up.
30:38Today I stand as an Ontario teacher
30:41to say, not in my name.
30:45This is why we are watching
30:48genocide, Ontario teachers
30:51genocide, Ontario teachers
30:54All women's companies
30:57profiting from Israel's
31:00genocidal attack on Gaza
31:03and ensure no future
31:06investments in companies
31:09who profit from a war
31:12or armed conflict anywhere
31:15and that includes the Sudan
31:18and the Congo.
31:21From the principled
31:24and brave students
31:27of the U of T encampment
31:30to OSSTF districts
31:33and these are our education unions
31:36who are passing motions
31:39our numbers are growing exponentially.
31:42We know we can win
31:45in this state by divestment rights.
31:48If the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board
31:51divests it from their unethical investment
31:54in one of the largest private prison companies
31:57GEO Group Incorporated
32:00that run immigration detention centres in California
32:03then the OTPP can certainly
32:06divest from these war profiteering ones.
32:13My friends
32:16we know
32:19pensions care about their reputations.
32:22I'm going to repeat that one more time
32:25pensions care about their reputations
32:28and this is where
32:31all of you can play a vital role
32:34in this divestment campaign.
32:37As an Ontario resident
32:40you by law are co-sponsored
32:43to this teachers pension plan
32:46because the government contributes your tax dollars
32:49so we are asking you
32:52to join us in this campaign today
32:55and to send a letter to the OTPP right now
32:58so my colleagues have been
33:01circling around the flyer
33:04and someone hold up the teacher's flyer
33:07there's a small teacher's flyer with a crayon box
33:10that includes missiles in the crayon box
33:13and on the back of that flyer
33:16is a QR code
33:25I want you all to take out your cell phones
33:28right now
33:31take out your cell phones
33:34scan the QR code
33:37and that will take you to the World Beyond War website
33:40if you are a teacher and educator in Ontario
33:43and if you are a teacher in this crowd
33:46let me hear you make some noise
33:49so teachers
33:52you can go to the toggle
33:56for everybody else who is an Ontario resident
33:59you can click on the general public letter
34:02and send that letter
34:05to the Ontario Teachers Pension Board
34:08saying that we do not want to
34:11we don't want to profit off of Palestinians
34:14we want the OTPP to divest
34:17from all these weapons companies
34:20and they can do it
34:24Ontario teachers
34:27you can't hide
34:30you are fighting genocide
34:33Ontario teachers
34:36you can't hide
34:39you are fighting genocide
34:42for all teachers
34:45that are dual students
34:48we want you to send a letter
34:51to let them know they may not know that their pension plan is invested in weapons companies.
35:00Please help spread the word. Please help pressure the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board right now.
35:09Thank you very much.
35:12Thank you so much, Dr. Amita.
35:16This is a reminder that we will not stop and we will not rest until every single Canadian institution
35:24divests from investing in Israeli companies.
35:28Whether it's schools, whether it's events, whether it's pension plans, it does not matter.
35:33We will continue to protest.
35:36We will continue to march campaign after campaign until every single institution in the Canadian state
35:43stops arming and funding this immortal Israeli army and to stop funding the flow of money
35:52to this genocidal entity, the Zionist extremist entity of Israel.
35:56Next, we have one more speaker, Dr. Amita Khan, who is a doctor and specializes in bone diseases
36:08and is a humanitarian who has been at work in the last bank in the last year.
36:13Please welcome her, please.
36:15Thank you, everybody.
36:20I just want to say a few words.
36:22I want to remind everyone that we have seen 15,000, more than 15,000 Palestinian children killed
36:29in the past seven months.
36:31That is actually more than how many children have died in the past four years,
36:36most recently in all parliament.
36:40All these in the past four years, 12,000 children have been killed.
36:45And in Palestine, just over the past several months, more than 15,000 children have been killed.
36:53Because their moms have lost their lives, they've lost their sight, and now they've been starved to death.
37:00This is inhumane, this is barbaric, and this is not acceptable.
37:09This goes against international humanitarian law, which is there to protect children,
37:16is there to protect civilians, and is there to protect doctors.
37:21Doctors are being killed.
37:23Doctors are being tortured to death in Gaza.
37:30All the hospitals in Gaza have been bombed.
37:33There is no healthcare system now in Gaza.
37:39The Raqqa crossing was the last entry point for food and water and humanitarian aid into Gaza,
37:48and now that has also been mocked.
37:51And bombs are happening on the tents where the people were sheltering.
37:58Children are coming with horrific wound injuries.
38:02They are being burned to death.
38:04We must stop this.
38:06It is our moral obligation to stand up and speak out against this genocide.
38:15I want to thank you all for being here today. Thank you.
38:20Thank you so much. Give her a big round of applause.
38:26Free, free, free Palestine!
38:30Free, free, free Gaza!
38:35Which is the resistance.
38:38The only path for liberation is to resist by any means necessary.
38:48Our front, which is the front that's in the valley of the beast,
38:53has to continue working relentlessly to stop the fall of one day.
38:58So, we have to raise our voice and make sure that the resistance knows that we are supporting.
39:05And for that, we will do four claps and then resist it.
39:09I want to hear everybody, loud and proud, and show them that we support the armed resistance of the Palestinian people.
39:34I want to do a quick speech about the region of development in Palestine, in the Middle
40:00Since the beginning of this genocide, the Zionist regime has been trying to expand this
40:05genocide to other areas in the region.
40:08They have targeted Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Palestine and others.
40:15This morning, the US and the UK targeted Yemen with more air strikes.
40:24The people of Yemen have proved that they will not be silent.
40:33So let's let them hear us.
40:38Yemen, Yemen, make us proud.
40:43Turn another ship around.
40:48And they've been trying to push for a regional war.
40:51As we watch Israel beat the drum of war against Lebanon, we need to be more united.
40:58We need to be more organized.
41:01And our voices need to be louder.
41:05Hands off Lebanon now.
41:08Hands off Lebanon now.
41:10Hands off Lebanon now.
41:13Hands off Lebanon now.
41:16Because they're scared.
41:17Because they know they can't win.
41:20And they will not win.
41:26The Zionist regime and its allies have only one answer to everything.
41:31Which is more violence.
41:33More killings of our people.
41:35And more massacres.
41:39But they're only doing this because they're weak.
41:43This enemy was defeated before.
41:45It was defeated in Cuba.
41:47It was defeated in South Lebanon.
41:49And it will be defeated again in South Lebanon.
41:52It will be defeated in Palestine.
41:57And it will be defeated with the will of the people.
42:00With the will of the masses.
42:02With us all united.
42:05With us all resisting.
42:08The people united will never be defeated.
42:13The people united will never be defeated.
42:15...fronted on all fronts and will be defeated.
42:18From Tehran to Haiti, to Cuba, to Congo, to Sudan, to Kashmir, Lebanon, Yemen, and Palestine.
42:29The people united will never be defeated.
42:40These students, they understand the power that they have.
42:46Like how we understand the power we have.
42:48By taking over the streets.
42:50They are taking over their university.
42:52So we ask you, we ask every single one of you if possible.
42:56To please go to the encampment after this rally.
42:59Please go to the encampment as much as possible.
43:02The students need our support.
43:04The students are the future.
43:06This is the future.
43:13This is the revolution.
43:15We are the revolution.
43:18These are things that are very, very, very easily achievable.
43:22No matter what they try to tell us.
43:24No matter what they try to tell the students, to tell the public.
43:28It is something very easily.
43:30The president of the university, we'll talk about U of T.
43:33President Merrick Gervin.
43:35With a snap of his fingers can divest, can disclose, and can terminate.
43:39He has our ultimate veto power.
43:41Nobody can stop him but he'll continue to lie to us.
43:44That's why we're not accepting anything less than disclosure, divestment, and termination.
43:51And to continue.
43:54We have disclosed and divested and terminated before.
43:59From South Africa, from Vietnam, from the Vietnam invasion.
44:03And as well as from fossil fuels.
44:06Just before this we had a speaker who was discussing Ontario pension plans.
44:11The University of Toronto divested, divested from fossil fuels.
44:17And then they tried to delay it as long as possible.
44:20The university's pension plans, they continue to extend.
44:23They continue to keep their pension plans within fossil fuels.
44:27Fossil fuels are so easy.
44:29Everyone knows that they're meant for the environment.
44:32They ruin everything.
44:33But the university doesn't care.
44:35They care about their profits.
44:36They don't care about human lives.
44:37They don't care about the world.
44:39It's that simple.
44:40That is why we are here.
44:41That is why we will stay here.
44:43That is why we will be here.
44:44We will be here every damn week.
44:50We will be here.
44:53We will be here until the University of Toronto and every university in Canada
44:58and every university in the world discloses, divests, and terminates from Islam.
45:03We will be here until Palestine is free.
45:08From the river to the sea.
45:12From the river to the sea.
45:14From the river to the sea.
45:16Today, either in hearts or in spirits,
45:18and we will physically be here every week,
45:20no matter how many times Nasser calls for us, we will answer.
45:26With that being said, I want to thank everybody for coming out to this,
45:30I want to thank everybody for coming out to this action.
45:32And I hope we continue to see you at every action.
45:35Follow PYM Toronto.
45:37Follow Toronto for Palestine.
45:39Follow these groups to see where our next actions are.
45:42And please, I'm going to reiterate this,
45:45the University of Toronto in Kent Mid needs your support.
45:48It needs your bodies.
45:49It needs everybody to go there as soon as possible.
45:54With that, I'd like to thank everybody for coming.
45:57Please make sure that you are leaving with somebody.
45:59If you came alone, please come up to us.
46:01We have marshals, we have people that may be able to help you get home
46:04without by yourself.
46:06So thank you all so much for coming.
46:08And please have a good day.
