• 4 months ago


00:04:40Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. How did it happen?
00:04:43He was shot in the back.
00:04:45Try gulched, huh? Where was it?
00:04:48In Sentinel.
00:04:49Sentinel? I know a lot of people in Sentinel.
00:04:51I hope you've been getting lettuce from them regularly.
00:04:56Last time I took a census,
00:04:58I thought, hell, I'd fight a population.
00:05:01Sounds rough.
00:05:02Three men in a week is rough, mister.
00:05:05Martin Anderson Friday, Shorty Grannis Saturday,
00:05:08Billy Sands Sunday.
00:05:11You said Billy Sands?
00:05:15He used to run the town's newspaper.
00:05:18He was a flier.
00:05:22This town is just full of gentlemen.
00:05:42Going someplace, John?
00:05:44Yeah, Doc.
00:05:48With those?
00:05:54You going, uh, killing, John?
00:05:59Killing's what brought you here.
00:06:01What made a newspaper man out of Billy.
00:06:04Until he put a stop to it.
00:06:07Killing's what made you both hang up your guns.
00:06:12There's a good reason then.
00:06:14There's a better one now.
00:06:16Billy's been murdered.
00:06:20And you think getting the man that did it
00:06:22will make up for what your brother believed in
00:06:24and worked for all these years?
00:06:26All that work isn't much good now.
00:06:36Killing's what made you not long.
00:06:39It started off all right.
00:06:42You wore a marshal's badge, you did a job,
00:06:44you got paid for it.
00:06:46But that gun grew on you.
00:06:48And you used it once too often.
00:06:52Now that same gun's gonna start you all over again.
00:06:57In the end, that gun will kill you.
00:07:05Not once.
00:07:07This time I'll use Billy's.
00:07:12There's some things men ain't got no right button in to.
00:07:16I guess this is one of them.
00:07:19I'll take care of the store.
00:07:21Anything else?
00:07:22No, guess that's it.
00:07:24Thanks, Doc.
00:07:52Something for you, senor?
00:07:54A drink.
00:07:55Help yourself.
00:08:21Thank you.
00:08:43Too much for me, Jim.
00:08:46You feel like sitting in.
00:08:48Don't take this chair.
00:08:50All day.
00:08:52Here to sit in, we're shorthanded.
00:08:55Yeah, I might try my luck for a while.
00:08:57I'm not superstitious.
00:09:00Take the back.
00:09:05You come through Amarillo, mister?
00:09:09Around it.
00:09:11You're all poker.
00:09:12No limit.
00:09:13Suits me.
00:09:14Haven't played any poker in five years.
00:09:16Might be a little rusty.
00:09:18Poker's like drawing a gun.
00:09:20Once you got the hang of it, you never forget how.
00:09:24Looks like you fellas come a long way for poker games.
00:09:26Couldn't you find one in town?
00:09:28The community has expressed a most profound desire
00:09:31that some of us move on to more fertile fields.
00:09:35And rather than suffer the indignities of the tar barrel
00:09:39and the rather crude means of transportation,
00:09:42we decided to dispense with the amenities
00:09:45of the local peasantry
00:09:47and to adjourn to this annex of Mount Olympus
00:09:51to sing of our black deeds over a bowl of chili.
00:09:56In reality, my friend,
00:09:57we are simply awaiting the local stage.
00:10:21Raise you 50.
00:10:36I'll take three.
00:10:39Money for you.
00:10:56Check the raise.
00:11:10I'll bet the 300 you have in front of you.
00:11:12I'll bet the 300 you have in front of you.
00:11:23It's too much for me, Teller.
00:11:26Small full house.
00:11:33You better draw another card.
00:11:38What do you mean?
00:11:39That three of clubs you got there was in my discard.
00:11:45Draw another card.
00:11:53Playing poker is no fun alone, mister.
00:11:55Be a shame not to know whether you filled that hand.
00:11:59Draw another card.
00:12:10Looks like that's my pot you're sorting over, mister.
00:12:13Now relax before I cash you in with it.
00:12:16Draw your gun easy with your left hand
00:12:18and throw it across the room.
00:12:27Cash me in.
00:12:28Yes, sir.
00:12:37You, sir, are a poet of a sort.
00:12:40How so?
00:12:41You have poetry in motion, sir.
00:12:43I scarcely heard you slap leather.
00:12:46Here's your money, sir.
00:13:10You, my earthly companion,
00:13:12have just crossed swords with one John Sands.
00:13:18I saw him draw like that five years ago in Dodge City.
00:13:24It was a beautiful funeral.
00:13:27Come on, fellas.
00:13:29What he ever taught you, I don't know.
00:13:35Got a fresh horse?
00:13:38Got money?
00:13:45I got a horse.
00:13:47Where do you want this one?
00:13:48On Saddleham and tie him up over there.
00:13:50I'll have another horse for you in just a minute.
00:13:59David, here comes the stage.
00:14:04The stage.
00:14:06I see only a flaming chariot
00:14:10with Apollo at the reins.
00:14:13Hello there.
00:14:15Take my bags.
00:14:19God, that last flagon of wine has upset me right.
00:14:25Drive on!
00:14:35He looks good.
00:14:36He is good.
00:14:37One of the best I've got.
00:14:40How old is he?
00:14:41Three and a half.
00:14:46Faster than anything around here.
00:14:50How much?
00:14:53With your horse, a hundred even.
00:14:57I'll take it.
00:14:58How much?
00:15:01With your horse, a hundred even.
00:15:04Hello, John.
00:15:13Hello, Jim.
00:15:15Been a long time.
00:15:16You won't be needing that horse, John.
00:15:20You better take this.
00:15:21Don't want him to hang me for horse stealing too.
00:15:28How'd you find me?
00:15:30I came looking for the raven.
00:15:36It looks like I found an eagle instead.
00:15:40I'm taking you in, John.
00:15:42You can't do that, Jim.
00:15:44Somebody nailed Billy.
00:15:48I'm sorry to hear that, John.
00:15:50I can't say I wouldn't like to see you get the man who did it.
00:15:54You ought to rawhide him up by his thumbs.
00:15:58When you're dead, I just mean another killing against you
00:16:01and another job for some other sheriff.
00:16:03I'll give you that point.
00:16:05What about Billy?
00:16:07If I were in your boots, I'd kill the man who did it.
00:16:10But I'm not.
00:16:11I'm stopping you.
00:16:14I can beat you, Jim.
00:16:16I know that.
00:16:18Man to man, I wouldn't stand a chance.
00:16:21But you're three of us.
00:16:23I can beat them too.
00:16:24Makes an interesting situation, doesn't it?
00:16:27Guess we're about to run out of talk, John.
00:16:29Watch yourself, Jim.
00:16:42Drop him.
00:16:44Take him over this way.
00:16:46You too, Jim.
00:16:55You two, over to that tool shed.
00:16:58Go on.
00:17:03You better sit down, Jim.
00:17:05Don't want you fishing around this water truck.
00:17:10Wrap him up in that.
00:17:19Go on.
00:17:24Go on.
00:17:40Been practicing, John?
00:17:44That's awful fast shooting.
00:17:47Poker player just told me that playing courage is just like pulling a gun.
00:17:50Never forget how.
00:17:52He was right.
00:17:54Did you kill him too?
00:17:56No, just beat him.
00:17:58With three jacks.
00:18:10Better have a doc look at those hands.
00:18:12Oh, and Jim, don't try to follow me.
00:18:15I don't shoot so good from a horse.
00:18:21I don't shoot so good from a horse.
00:18:51Oh, the deacon went down in the cellar to pray.
00:18:55But he got drunk and stayed all day.
00:18:58Ain't a gonna grieve my lord no more.
00:19:04I ain't a gonna grieve my lord no more.
00:19:08I ain't a gonna grieve my lord no more.
00:19:12I ain't a gonna grieve my lord no more.
00:19:19Sands came up through here.
00:19:21We got word that he left Amarillo Friday.
00:19:24That should put him in Sentinel in the next couple of days.
00:19:27Right now, he should be right about here.
00:19:31Well, that kind of stops him at Sentinel.
00:19:35Back to Delhi, cut him clean in two.
00:19:37He'll never get Sands that way, kid.
00:19:40He'd beat you seven ways from Sunday.
00:19:42Sounds pretty good.
00:19:44He is good.
00:19:45West of the Mississippi, there ain't another one like him.
00:19:48About the time you'd be reaching, he'd be shooting.
00:19:50I ran him out of this territory once.
00:19:53But not with a gun.
00:19:55The only way to stop Sands is to get him from behind.
00:19:59You don't scare me.
00:20:01Nobody can be that fast.
00:20:03No? I knew a kid once, about your age.
00:20:09He had quite a reputation about being fast with a gun.
00:20:14He backed down to Sands.
00:20:20Name was William Barney. Ever hear of him?
00:20:25Probably the kid.
00:20:30In Sentinel, Sands means trouble.
00:20:33In the desert, that's the buzzard's worry.
00:20:36See that he doesn't get here.
00:20:39Think you can handle it?
00:20:42You two fellas better go with him.
00:20:44And remember what I told you about not letting him see you do it.
00:20:50All right.
00:21:20Come on.
00:21:50You got somebody sleeping there?
00:21:53If it is, it makes it easier.
00:21:55I don't see no horse.
00:22:07Ain't nobody, just a saddle.
00:22:10Maybe he's further upstream.
00:22:12If you see him, don't waste time asking questions.
00:22:20Is that where he is?
00:22:50Come on.
00:23:20Come on.
00:23:50Come on.
00:24:21Where are you heading?
00:24:23Too bad.
00:24:24I thought you might be going into Sentinel.
00:24:26Last couple of wagons are.
00:24:28Turned off at the forks up ahead.
00:24:31Hey, where's your saddle?
00:24:33Three hollows jumped me about a mile back.
00:24:35Trying to push for it.
00:24:37Well, I ain't never seen you before.
00:24:39I'm sure you've seen me before.
00:24:41I'm sure you've seen me before.
00:24:43I'm sure you've seen me before.
00:24:45I'm sure you've seen me before.
00:24:47I'm sure you've seen me before.
00:24:48I'm sure you've seen me before.
00:24:50I ain't never seen you, mister.
00:25:19Don't bother shutting the doors.
00:25:21Got to de-spring.
00:25:25Some spring.
00:25:27Yes, a new one.
00:25:29Oh, last week.
00:25:31Break the looking glass three times.
00:25:33What's your name?
00:25:35What does he know?
00:25:37What's your name?
00:25:39What's your name?
00:25:41What's your name?
00:25:43What's your name?
00:25:45What's your name?
00:25:47You're late again.
00:25:49Hair cut?
00:25:51Just a shave.
00:25:52Just a shave.
00:25:58Oh, the chair.
00:26:00She's new too.
00:26:02Make yourself comfortable, eh?
00:26:04Tell me,
00:26:06you just come in?
00:26:11Don't bother.
00:26:13It's gotta de-spring.
00:26:14What have you got in the spring?
00:26:20You, uh, going to live here?
00:26:24Well, maybe.
00:26:26It's a little hot, you know.
00:26:28It's a new stove, too.
00:26:29They want to burn your portondo romico loco cardi ronji.
00:26:33Well, I thought perhaps you were going to stay with the other people who just came in.
00:26:41Oh, just wondered.
00:26:43I see you come out of the back of the wagon, and I figure you're going to settle here.
00:26:50You, uh, got the job here?
00:26:55You going to work for Mr. Garson?
00:26:59That Matt Garson?
00:27:00Oh, sure. You're in the old town.
00:27:04We may become associates.
00:27:06Mister, if you are as stubborn as you appear, you are all right.
00:27:12What's the matter with these people in this town?
00:27:14Everybody is in a hurry.
00:27:16I'm glad I was not shaming you when you closed the door.
00:27:18Might have cut you a portardo ronji.
00:27:21I wonder why you run off like that, huh?
00:27:24Maybe he had a reason.
00:27:25Yeah, I guess maybe he got some reason, I don't know.
00:27:29Mister, you look as pretty as a creeper.
00:27:42Say, mister, where can I find Matt Garson?
00:27:45You might find him anywhere in this town, but more than likely he's up at the last frontier.
00:27:49Thank you.
00:28:12Oh, my God.
00:28:33About 20 miles out.
00:28:36I can't understand. Wait.
00:28:41Look at him.
00:28:47Looking for me, Sands?
00:28:50Seems like you've been doing some looking yourself, Matt.
00:28:52I kind of been expecting you.
00:28:55Word sure gets around.
00:28:57What's on your mind?
00:28:59Nothing important.
00:29:00But you went to so much trouble to welcome me, I thought I'd come by and pay my respects.
00:29:05That's not funny, but I'll pass it.
00:29:08Tell me, you're a big wheel here in Sentinel.
00:29:10Owning the whole town.
00:29:11Am I right, Matt?
00:29:15Now that you saved me the trouble of making that point clear, I'm going to save you some trouble.
00:29:19Are you crowding me?
00:29:20No, just giving you some advice.
00:29:23The town knows why you're here.
00:29:25It's your business.
00:29:27But when you start something in this territory, then it's my business.
00:29:31The whole territory?
00:29:33The whole panhandle, Sands.
00:29:35If men got ideas that don't suit me, I put a stop to them.
00:29:39Trouble starts in Kirkland, or Chilico, or even Booker.
00:29:43I'll know it.
00:29:44I can put a stop to that too.
00:29:47But in your case, you make things easy.
00:29:50I know what you're here for.
00:29:52Planning on putting a stop to it?
00:29:54I just want you to remember that I can.
00:29:58Seems like nothing happens around here without your say-so.
00:30:01That's right.
00:30:03Tell me, Matt.
00:30:05What do you do when it rains?
00:30:12I generally go inside.
00:30:24Mr. Sands?
00:30:26My name is Crockett, Elliot Crockett.
00:30:27I'd like a word with you.
00:30:29Go ahead.
00:30:30I'm not here.
00:30:31The hotel is...
00:30:32Hotel room's crowded.
00:30:33I understand, but this isn't the kind of business that would be settled in the street.
00:30:38Just what is your business?
00:30:40A deal, Mr. Sands.
00:30:43One that Billy Sands might have considered.
00:30:46You begin to interest me.
00:30:48There's a meadow about a quarter of a mile from town.
00:30:51That'll be private enough for my friends and me, and plenty of room for you.
00:30:55How many friends have you got?
00:30:56Three, why?
00:30:57Are they gonna ride out with us?
00:30:59No, they'll meet us there.
00:31:01In that case, you better tell them to be in the open when they ride in.
00:31:04If they have any ideas besides talk, just remember I'll be riding right behind you.
00:31:08I understand. Let's go.
00:31:10Oh, I haven't got a saddle. Can you lend me a horse?
00:31:11Sure, come on.
00:31:24They should be here any minute.
00:31:32Hi, Dan.
00:31:35Gentlemen, Mr. John Sands.
00:31:37Mr. Wells, Mr. Tyler, and Mr. Crump.
00:31:40How do you do?
00:31:54Anything wrong, Mr. Sands?
00:31:58Just had the sun in my eyes.
00:32:01What is it that would have interested Wells so much?
00:32:04I'll be brief.
00:32:05This town needs cleaning up, and we think you can do it.
00:32:09It's a big town.
00:32:10Exactly, and someday we hope it'll be bigger.
00:32:13But first we gotta make it safe.
00:32:15Honest people won't settle a town that's overrun with lawlessness and killing.
00:32:20Meaning Matt Garson and everything he stands for.
00:32:23You're not making sense, gentlemen.
00:32:25Why me?
00:32:27To be perfectly frank, Sands, you do have a reputation.
00:32:32We need a man who'll stand up to Garson the way you did this afternoon.
00:32:35And we're willing to pay you for doing it.
00:32:37You're still not making sense.
00:32:39You're asking me to do exactly what you're trying to stop.
00:32:41Sometimes that's necessary.
00:32:43When there's no law, you have to clear a way for it.
00:32:46And this is the only way law can ever come to the panhandle.
00:32:51You mean the same law that I have?
00:32:52That's another point.
00:32:54We can guarantee you nothing.
00:32:56We hire you only as a paid troubleshooter to clean up this town in any way you see fit.
00:33:01There's some big people behind this.
00:33:03Washington usually takes care of its friends.
00:33:06You make a good offer, gentlemen.
00:33:08I have another job.
00:33:10Well, we thought possibly your brother's death might make you see things our way.
00:33:18Depends on who it was.
00:33:19And you might get the job done anyway, and it wouldn't cost you a red cent.
00:33:22Right now, I need a bath and some sleep.
00:33:25So if you'll excuse me, gentlemen, I think I'll go in town look for a hotel.
00:33:28Mr. Sands.
00:33:30If you don't care for yourself, please consider the other people of this territory.
00:33:35Garson isn't stopped soon.
00:33:37It may be years before the panhandle is opened up to settlers.
00:33:40Every outlaw in the union will take up here and just thumb his nose at the law.
00:33:44What you mean is there's no law?
00:33:47What you mean is that outlaws are not good business for the merchants.
00:33:50Isn't that it, Mr. Crump?
00:33:52Now, that's unfair, Sands.
00:33:54You know yourself that criminals have no place living as free men in an open territory.
00:33:58Aren't you forgetting there's a price on my head?
00:34:00We didn't come here to force a proposition, but to make one.
00:34:03You're going about it the wrong way.
00:34:05The way it stands now, I want no part of it.
00:34:07You can hire a man's guns, but you can't buy the way he lives.
00:34:11We're not trying to tell you how to live, Sands.
00:34:13We're just trying to make it easier for other people to...
00:34:14Gentlemen, I still need that bath.
00:34:16Then what we've said doesn't interest you?
00:34:18I'll think it over.
00:34:20I'll leave your horse at the stable, Mr. Crockett.
00:34:44Come on.
00:35:15Excuse me, ma'am.
00:35:18I'm sorry.
00:35:20I believe you're following me, Slim.
00:35:22No, ma'am. I was just looking for a place to have a drink.
00:35:25What's the matter with the hotel?
00:35:27Nothing, ma'am. It's quiet.
00:35:29There's a bar inside.
00:35:31There is?
00:35:34There is a bar.
00:35:36You're not going to let me in?
00:35:38No, ma'am.
00:35:40I'm not going to let you in.
00:35:42There is a bar.
00:35:44You're not very observing, Slim.
00:35:46A pretty girl can be very distracting sometimes.
00:35:49Thank you.
00:35:51What's under all that hat, Slim?
00:35:53Just me, ma'am.
00:35:55That's nice.
00:35:57And who's me?
00:35:59I'm John Sands.
00:36:01You should leave your hat off more, John.
00:36:03It doesn't have to do justice.
00:36:06Are you just passing through?
00:36:08If I were, I'd sure be tempted to stick around now.
00:36:11Thank you again.
00:36:13It isn't often a girl gets two nice compliments all in one day.
00:36:16And the day is nearly gone.
00:36:21Ma'am, it's nice to know you.
00:36:32You know him?
00:36:34Just met him.
00:36:36His name is John Sands.
00:36:38I know.
00:36:40Was he a friend of yours, ma'am?
00:36:42An acquaintance.
00:36:44He's beautiful.
00:37:09Good evening, Mr. Sands.
00:37:12Well, if it isn't little boy Blue.
00:37:14You sound like you just got out of church.
00:37:16What does that mean?
00:37:18Aren't you overdoing that, Mr. Sands, a little?
00:37:20You're a big man, Mr. Sands.
00:37:22We're always polite to celebrities.
00:37:24I'm flattered.
00:37:26In that case, get me a table.
00:37:30I'll get you a table.
00:37:32Thank you.
00:37:34You're welcome.
00:37:35Get me a table.
00:37:39How about that one?
00:37:41Too many people leaning in your beer.
00:37:44How about one against the wall?
00:37:46Anything you say.
00:37:48Can I get you a drink?
00:37:52They'll serve it to you.
00:38:06Mind if I have a drink with you?
00:38:12I understand you call Billy the Kid.
00:38:18How did it happen?
00:38:25it all started one day when I heard Billy was in town.
00:38:28And I thought,
00:38:30I'd better go see him.
00:38:33it all started one day when I heard Billy was in town.
00:38:36He was looking for you, huh?
00:38:39Something like that.
00:38:41It's been raining out, the streets were all muddied up,
00:38:43so I was sitting in the local bar,
00:38:45just keeping my feet dry, and in walked Billy.
00:38:48He was so clean to the skin,
00:38:50and I could see he was a plenty man.
00:38:52When he saw me, he just stood there
00:38:54in a big puddle of water and spit.
00:38:57Sands, he said,
00:38:58his hand moving towards his 45 and his hip.
00:39:01This town's too small for both of us.
00:39:04I'll meet you in the street in five minutes.
00:39:07Go on.
00:39:12Well, I don't mind telling you, I was worried.
00:39:15Billy was fast,
00:39:17he'd stop at nothing to get me.
00:39:19So I sat there,
00:39:21waiting, worrying,
00:39:23counting the minutes.
00:39:25When the time was up, I was sweating like a stuck hog.
00:39:28The whiskey tasted just like sand.
00:39:31So I checked my guns and stepped out.
00:39:40Well, it was raining so hard, I couldn't see him at first.
00:39:44And after a while, I spotted him,
00:39:46standing there in about a foot of mud
00:39:48and looking just like old Satan himself.
00:39:50When he saw me, he just laughed.
00:39:53Started moving in slowly,
00:39:55putting one foot in front of the other
00:39:56just like he was walking on tight wire.
00:39:59Sands, he says,
00:40:01I'm gonna bury you right here in this mud.
00:40:04Billy, I said,
00:40:06make your play.
00:40:10Well, what the devil happened?
00:40:13He killed me.
00:40:23Killing you, Sands,
00:40:24is something that's just waiting to be done.
00:40:54Hello, boss man.
00:40:56Look, beautiful, you can't work all night.
00:40:58You better go home and get some sleep.
00:41:00Matt Garson, you're the cause
00:41:02of these deep, dark circles.
00:41:04How so?
00:41:06Memo, Mr. Garson.
00:41:08If you want your secretary to get some sleep at night,
00:41:10stop taking her for those long afternoon rides.
00:41:13Take a letter, Miss O'Carroll.
00:41:15Yes, sir.
00:41:17My dear Miss O'Carroll,
00:41:19I can see no other alternative.
00:41:21It's either the rides or accepting
00:41:22the 103rd proposal as of this minute.
00:41:24Oh, Matt.
00:41:27You could do worse, you know.
00:41:29Maybe I could do better.
00:41:31Like John Sands, maybe?
00:41:35It depends.
00:41:36On what?
00:41:38On whether I can walk you home tonight.
00:41:40Well, I think it can be arranged.
00:41:46Come on, let's get out of here.
00:41:57Excuse me a minute, honey.
00:41:59Well, Crump's at it again.
00:42:01Lost over 2,000, beginning to raise a ruckus.
00:42:04Looks like he might start some trouble.
00:42:07I'm sorry, June, but you'd better run along.
00:42:10I'll see you in the morning.
00:42:12All right, Matt.
00:42:14Good night.
00:42:22Good night.
00:42:33Hello, Slim.
00:42:35Evening, ma'am.
00:42:37What must a lady do to rate a seat
00:42:39with the fabulous John Sands?
00:42:41Just sit.
00:42:46You seem to be plagued
00:42:48with an uncommon amount of wit this afternoon.
00:42:50I wasn't being witty.
00:42:53Speaking of which...
00:43:00It's okay, folks.
00:43:02Just cleaning my gun.
00:43:04Now go on back to your fun.
00:43:14May I see your home?
00:43:23Anybody see him come in?
00:43:26No, Matt.
00:43:28All right, see he goes out the same way.
00:43:31Tough way to lose a hand.
00:43:33I bet a silver dollar he was cheating anyway.
00:43:37You're covered.
00:43:41He's going to take care of our friend.
00:43:44I will get rid of him tomorrow.
00:43:52No sense breaking up a good game.
00:44:07Guess we'll have to have a new deck.
00:44:11We can't use these.
00:44:14Carson shot him right through a full house.
00:44:23Nice night.
00:44:25Nice of you to walk me home.
00:44:28I guess I'm walking the both of us home.
00:44:32It isn't as nice that way.
00:44:39What's the matter, John?
00:44:43What's the matter?
00:44:47What's the matter?
00:44:50What's the matter, John?
00:44:52Not a thing, ma'am. Why?
00:44:54Well, you've hardly spoken since we left the last frontier.
00:44:57Said it was a nice night.
00:45:00Didn't realize you were that interested in the state of the weather.
00:45:04Or with.
00:45:07Good night, Mr. Simmons.
00:45:09Maybe you'll let me walk with you on your way home some night.
00:45:13It's none of my business, but...
00:45:15What's a nice girl like you doing in that saloon?
00:45:21I work for Mr. Garson.
00:45:23Work for?
00:45:25Yes, is that so hard to understand?
00:45:27I needed a job and Matt needed a secretary.
00:45:30That sounds real cozy.
00:45:32I don't like that remark, Mr. Sands.
00:45:34Your reputation hasn't exactly set you up for the job of town parson.
00:45:39Maybe my reputation isn't very good.
00:45:41It's better than Garson's.
00:45:43That's a matter of opinion.
00:45:45You're too big for your boots, Mr. Sands.
00:45:47And your Stetson's overcrowded.
00:45:50It's a matter of opinion.
00:45:58By the way, what's your name?
00:46:03June O'Carroll.
00:46:20June O'Carroll.
00:46:46Miss Stewart, you got here in a hurry.
00:46:48Got a couple of good horses.
00:46:50I came all this way just to get your leather back.
00:46:52Nothing like that.
00:46:54Come to think of it though, I could use a saddle.
00:46:56Well, what happened to yours?
00:46:58Well, now I had some unexpected visitors for breakfast a couple of days ago.
00:47:00They hurried me so much I rode off and plumb forgot it.
00:47:02Your load's still in the wagon.
00:47:04You can take your pick.
00:47:06Around here you'll find it easy making a fair trade.
00:47:09Weaknesses of human nature are a funny thing, ma'am.
00:47:12Especially when they're left alone to do business.
00:47:14I found out they're no respecter of localities.
00:47:16You should have been a deacon.
00:47:18Should have kept my mouth shut.
00:47:20You haven't said that ever since last night.
00:47:22Well, I warned you about this town, cowboy.
00:47:24It's no place for a saddlesmith.
00:47:26Afraid I'll give you some competition?
00:47:30Afraid you might not live long enough to be able to.
00:47:32I sell leather goods, ma'am,
00:47:34but I don't tell my customers how to make their saddles.
00:47:36Well, take your pick.
00:47:39This one looks okay.
00:47:41How much?
00:47:43Just what I paid you for it, $40.
00:47:47You should have stayed in Mexico.
00:47:48This town's got more in it
00:47:50than a cantankerous guy with a wind chest.
00:47:53There's some that wouldn't hold still
00:47:55for a leather lashing like you gave me.
00:48:01More often proud a lady, ma'am.
00:48:03You were shooting too straight.
00:48:05Whipping that gun away from you
00:48:07was better than getting shot full of holes.
00:48:09Just heard John Sands was in town.
00:48:11Why don't you try it on him?
00:48:13I don't think he'd take kindly to the idea, ma'am.
00:48:15He might be a little sensitive about losing his guns.
00:48:17Then you'd better stick to the hoopsters.
00:48:19Get off of the street.
00:48:30Hey, mister.
00:48:32Something I can do for you?
00:48:34Yeah, can you tell me how to find the Stewart Ranch?
00:48:36It's about two miles north of town,
00:48:38just other side of Twin Rivers.
00:48:40You can't miss it. It's the Circle S.
00:48:42Thank you.
00:48:46Oh, the deacon went down
00:48:49In the cellar to pray
00:48:52But he got drunk
00:48:55And he stayed all day
00:48:58Oh, the deacon went down
00:49:00In the cellar to pray
00:49:43Anybody home?
00:50:14You sure take to following people, cowboy.
00:50:17I wanted to talk to you, ma'am.
00:50:19I thought talking you got along about as well as cattlemen and homesteaders.
00:50:25It's Will Sands.
00:50:27He was killed not long ago.
00:50:29How well did you know him?
00:50:31Well, enough.
00:50:33Now, what's on your mind that brings you all the way out to the Circle S?
00:50:36You just knowing Will Sands is enough.
00:50:39Having his picture means you must have known him pretty well.
00:50:41How do you tie in with Will, mister?
00:50:45About as close as two men can get.
00:50:48We both answer to the same name.
00:50:50I'm Will's brother.
00:50:53You're John Sands?
00:50:56You don't look much like Will, mister.
00:50:59You sure don't act like him.
00:51:01Well, there were six years between us.
00:51:03Besides, hard living changes a man sometimes.
00:51:07I knew Will had a brother.
00:51:09He never talked much about you.
00:51:13Well, we both thought it'd be best.
00:51:15A lot of folks would have liked to ruin Will because of my reputation.
00:51:18I don't know why you didn't tell me this in the first place.
00:51:21It saved us both a lot of trouble.
00:51:23I didn't know you and Will were friends.
00:51:26We're a little more than that, mister Sands.
00:51:29We're going to be married.
00:51:34Would you like to stay?
00:51:36Would you like to see where Will was buried?
00:51:39Was it close by?
00:51:41It's not far from the house.
00:51:43Will and I used to ride up there often.
00:51:46It's a place we both loved.
00:51:49I'd like to see it.
00:52:06This was our valley.
00:52:10A man could do a lot of thinking here.
00:52:14This was Will's favorite spot.
00:52:17He's down there.
00:52:35Come on, let's go.
00:53:05Thanks, Dusty.
00:53:07You're always welcome. Come out again.
00:53:24Who is it?
00:53:26I got you hot water, mister.
00:53:33Come on in.
00:53:36That's quite a load for a little fella.
00:53:39Not very hot.
00:53:41I've been a long time getting here.
00:53:43I don't see why people have to take baths anyway.
00:53:47Sometimes they're necessary.
00:53:51I guess baths are all right if other folks take them.
00:54:21Look, Matt.
00:54:23Just give me the word and I'll bust that troublemaker up good.
00:54:25All right, plenty of time.
00:54:27Plenty of time for him to go nosing around.
00:54:30He might find something.
00:54:32Let him nose.
00:54:33He won't find anything but trouble for himself.
00:54:36I think you're making a big mistake.
00:54:43Aren't you forgetting something?
00:54:45I don't make mistakes.
00:54:51It can wait.
00:55:04Yes, who is it?
00:55:06I live across the hall, ma'am.
00:55:08You're making some dad-blame-much noise, my seven kids can't sleep.
00:55:11Well, do you think your wife would approve of me?
00:55:14Not to mention your seven little coyotes.
00:55:16I doubt it very much.
00:55:18She weighs over 300 pounds and she swings a mighty mean skillet.
00:55:21In that case, you'd better come in right away before she sees you.
00:55:25Looks like you swing a pretty mean something or other too.
00:55:28What is that stuff?
00:55:30That stuff is what's left of my face cream.
00:55:34You women sure must look funny.
00:55:36All smeared up like an engine.
00:55:53Do you always get your way?
00:56:04You do.
00:56:06Do what?
00:56:08Get your way.
00:56:16Is that all you can say?
00:56:34Looks like that fella's too tired to walk.
00:56:37Then let him sleep it off.
00:56:39He appears like he might be dead tired.
00:56:43That hombre they're carrying across the street.
00:56:45It's none of your business.
00:56:47It might be.
00:56:49Maybe he's drunk.
00:56:51Yeah, maybe.
00:56:53Why should it concern you?
00:56:55Might be an old friend of the family.
00:56:57Anyway, I think I'll go down and walk around.
00:57:02Uncomfortable, John?
00:57:04No, just curious.
00:57:06I'll be back.
00:57:08I'll be asleep.
00:57:10Good night, Miss O'Carroll.
00:57:26Hey, that sand?
00:57:31Sure is.
00:57:33Get him out of here.
00:58:01Get him out of here.
00:58:31Get him out of here.
00:59:02Hello, Mr. Sands.
00:59:04How are you, Mr. Crockett?
00:59:13Have a chair, Sands, and I'll buy you a drink.
00:59:30How about you, little boy blue?
00:59:32You look plum wore out.
00:59:34Looks like you've acquired a new handle, Floyd.
00:59:37Sands here thinks you remind him of something out of Mother Goose.
00:59:40Mr. Sands is a great one for fairy tales.
00:59:43Oh, I didn't know you fancied children's stories.
00:59:48Tells them well, too.
00:59:50I usually have a pretty green audience.
00:59:53You're getting out of line, Sands.
00:59:56Looks like you've been getting way out of line.
00:59:57Horse bites you.
01:00:02I got scratched up by some brambles.
01:00:05That so?
01:00:08Yeah, I've been hunting skunk.
01:00:10At night?
01:00:12I got a habit of hunting varmint.
01:00:14Especially after dark.
01:00:16My pa always told me that habit was a bad thing to get into.
01:00:20That's good advice, youngster.
01:00:22He also told me if you go crawling around the dirt, it's best to be looking for something.
01:00:25No use getting all dirtied up over nothing.
01:00:28Maybe your pa told you how to get rid of a skunk smell, too, Sands.
01:00:32Listen, buster.
01:00:34You're beginning to rub me the wrong way.
01:00:36And I don't like being bushwhacked in the dark.
01:00:38Somebody tried to nail you?
01:00:40About 15 minutes ago.
01:00:42You ought to know about that, man.
01:00:44If you got any ideas about it being Floyd.
01:00:48He's been here for the last two hours.
01:00:51And I'd hate to see you strung up by a mob of outlaws.
01:00:53I'd hate to see you strung up by a mob of outraged citizens.
01:00:57For killing an innocent man.
01:01:03I'll give you that point, Matt.
01:01:05But if you sick this cheap tin horn gunslinger on me again.
01:01:08I'll have his dirty blonde scalp.
01:01:11You better sit down, sonny.
01:01:14Once is enough.
01:01:21You looking for this?
01:01:38Very interesting, Mr. Sands.
01:01:40Maybe you'd care to try that with somebody your own size.
01:01:46You're about my size.
01:01:49When it's necessary.
01:01:53Come on.
01:02:24I've got another barrel left.
01:02:26And it says I'm going to see a good fight.
01:02:28Without any interference.
01:02:37For you too, sonny.
01:02:39You've had your chance.
01:02:53Come on, sonny.
01:04:45Been a long day.
01:04:50Pretty good man with his fists.
01:04:54You want Matt's scalp so bad, why don't you get it yourself?
01:04:57Seems pretty handy with that scatter gun.
01:05:00I'm going to tell you just once more, Sands.
01:05:03If you still don't understand, well you can start an engine war of your own for all I care.
01:05:07When I was scouting for General Grant, some of the bigwigs in the capital, like my way of getting things done.
01:05:12They figured the panhandle was too important to Texas and Oklahoma to be run by one man.
01:05:18I don't take much to politics.
01:05:20I'll put in with you, but this goes deeper than that.
01:05:23Say, those bigwigs like the way you got things done?
01:05:27Seems to me you do an awful lot of talking.
01:05:30My government comes first, Sands. I have my orders.
01:05:34A lot of words, Clark.
01:05:35I've seen a lot of men die for the Union, Sands.
01:05:37Sometimes to protect a piece of land a lot smaller than the panhandle.
01:05:41But I guess that's too darn foolish for you to understand.
01:05:44You know, I used to ride with a man that had some pretty fair ideas about dying for something important.
01:05:51I've seen his men go down fighting for a piece of ground no bigger than that hunk you're standing on.
01:05:56A hotlaw?
01:05:58You might have called him that.
01:06:00Name was Lee.
01:06:02Robert E. Lee.
01:06:21You seen Joe?
01:06:24He's already gone to church this morning.
01:06:26To your friend Sands.
01:06:28Like you said, I guess he is a pretty good man.
01:06:31With your women.
01:06:50It was a nice sermon, wasn't it?
01:06:52Yes, it was. I sure enjoyed it.
01:06:56Look, I thought you were going to help me this morning.
01:06:58Well, it's Sunday, Matt, and I wanted to go to church.
01:07:01You sure it was just church?
01:07:03Well, I think it would be all right, even if it weren't.
01:07:06Well, I don't think so.
01:07:08Well, I do.
01:07:10Well, I don't think so.
01:07:12Well, I do.
01:07:14Well, I don't think so.
01:07:16Well, I don't think so.
01:07:18Well, I do.
01:07:21You don't seem to know much about women, do you, Matt?
01:07:24And I don't like being made out a fool.
01:07:26Maybe not.
01:07:28You sure make it easy sometimes.
01:07:30That could be.
01:07:32But I don't think you're going to be around to tell about it.
01:07:34Is that so?
01:07:36That's the way it is, Sands.
01:07:38Your time's running out in Sentinel.
01:07:40You're crowding me again, Matt.
01:07:42I mean to.
01:07:44See that cloud?
01:07:48It's heading this way.
01:07:50When it hits, I don't want you around to get wet.
01:08:13Hello, Dusty. Going home?
01:08:18What'd Garson have to say?
01:08:21Gave me until it rains to get out of town.
01:08:24Sounds like him.
01:08:26He can back a threat, too.
01:08:28He'll kill you if you don't get out, John.
01:08:30Where was Will killed, Dusty?
01:08:32Beside Garson's place.
01:08:34In the alley.
01:08:38Well, if I'm going to find the man that did it, I'll have to get him the next hour or so.
01:08:41I don't think you'll have to look far.
01:08:45I'll need proof.
01:08:47I'm getting chilly.
01:08:49Good luck, John.
01:08:51You can always find me at the Circle S if you mind to.
01:09:00It's no good, Matt. Your apologies are wasted.
01:09:03But what in the...
01:09:04It's the way you do things.
01:09:06Up until now, I've turned my back on what people have said about you.
01:09:08Now, I'm beginning to wonder.
01:09:12Don't you think you're getting a little high-handed for a gal that runs around with an outlaw?
01:09:16A man that's got a price on his head in every state of the union?
01:09:20I've heard you had something to do with that, too.
01:09:22But you're forgetting...
01:09:23I'm not forgetting anything.
01:09:25You're a good boss, Matt.
01:09:27But it stops there.
01:09:36What's going to happen to John?
01:09:39He's leaving us.
01:09:41More orders?
01:09:42Some people have a way of just knowing when they're not wanted.
01:09:47All right, Matt.
01:09:49I'll finish my work here tonight.
01:09:51But tomorrow, you'd better start looking for a new secretary.
01:09:59That's all I know, Mr. Sands.
01:10:01Old Pop Chicken found him.
01:10:03Why don't you talk to him?
01:10:05He knows more about it than I do.
01:10:07Thanks. Where can I find him?
01:10:09Well, he runs a little tobacco store.
01:10:11Well, that's him now, over there playing chess.
01:10:14Thanks a lot.
01:10:23You Pop Jenkins?
01:10:27The one that found Billy Sands?
01:10:31Did you find anything unusual?
01:10:35Anybody else around that might know something?
01:10:40All right.
01:11:10Come on in, John.
01:11:12Any luck?
01:11:14I can't find something that just isn't there in the first place.
01:11:17I can't go gunning for a man without some kind of proof.
01:11:24I'm sorry, John.
01:11:26I'm sorry.
01:11:28I'm sorry.
01:11:30I'm sorry.
01:11:32I'm sorry.
01:11:34I'm sorry.
01:11:36I'm sorry.
01:11:38I'm sorry.
01:11:41I'm sorry.
01:11:43It's nice work. Yours?
01:11:47Matter of fact, it's your silver.
01:11:49I thought so.
01:11:53Well, there's a right smart design.
01:11:55Who'd you make that for?
01:11:57Matt Garstin.
01:11:59Fell out of a gun belt and made him a while back.
01:12:01Can I get you some coffee, John?
01:12:03Yeah, I don't mind if I do.
01:12:11When did Garstin first notice he was missing the concho?
01:12:14Oh, it must have been about a month ago.
01:12:17Did you say that was before Will's death?
01:12:20Matter of fact, it must have been just about the time it happened.
01:12:24He asked me to make him another a couple days later.
01:12:27Said he just noticed it was missing.
01:12:34Supposing somebody had found this and turned it over to me?
01:12:38That wouldn't leave you with much.
01:12:41There's an old saying about a molehill.
01:12:45You know as well as I do, Garstin had something to do with Bushwack and Will.
01:12:51Maybe with this concho I can force his hand.
01:12:54Why are you telling me all this?
01:12:56Because I may need you to back me up later.
01:12:59Go on.
01:13:01Well, if you were Garstin,
01:13:04what would you do if I told you that this was found on Will right after he was shot?
01:13:10I'd shoot you on the spot.
01:13:15Thanks, Dusty.
01:13:21This is your play.
01:13:23But it isn't only Garstin you're bucking up against.
01:13:26He's got a lot of killers on his payroll.
01:13:29Next time I ride by this way, I'd like to go and visit that little valley of yours again.
01:13:40Come on.
01:13:50Looks like it's going to rain.
01:14:00Take care of yourself, John.
01:14:10I will.
01:14:40I love you.
01:15:11You're taking up a lot of street, Floyd.
01:15:14Why don't I give you six feet of it?
01:15:17Go on home, little man.
01:15:19I'll go home after they bury you.
01:15:26Go ahead, sonny.
01:15:28I'll give you the first shot.
01:15:30Why, you dirty no-good...
01:16:00Where's Garstin?
01:16:02Upstairs, on the last door to your left.
01:16:22Take it easy.
01:16:29Kicking down doors is a lot of work, Sands.
01:16:32Next time, just walk right in. It's a lot easier.
01:16:36I ran into some of your boys down on the street.
01:16:38They seem to think this might be a private game.
01:16:41Looks like you got kind of wet waiting around.
01:16:45I figure your boys are a lot wetter than I am by now.
01:16:49Floyd always was a little too anxious.
01:16:54Seems like little boy Blue tooted his horn once too often.
01:17:00Jack, go haul him out of the street.
01:17:02He's liable to lie out there all night, and it wouldn't be too good for business.
01:17:15This is an open game, Sands.
01:17:19Sit in if you like.
01:17:21I came up for something else.
01:17:23Talk's easier over a card table.
01:17:26You might see things clearer with a good hand.
01:17:30I'm sorry.
01:17:31You might see things clearer with a good hand.
01:17:47I'll take this one.
01:17:52Relax, boys.
01:18:00You're dealing.
01:18:12Raise you a hundred.
01:18:18Afraid I can't call you.
01:18:20A little short of cash.
01:18:27What's that worth to you, Garson?
01:18:30No more than the price of the sewer.
01:18:34About ten cents, I'd say.
01:18:38Thought you'd make a sizable bet to claim it.
01:18:41You must have a pretty good hand, Sands.
01:18:43You put a lot of value on a piece of silver.
01:18:47What makes you think I'd say it was worth more?
01:18:51That's the ace I need to fill a dead man's hand.
01:18:54I miss your comparison.
01:18:56You're missing more than that, Garson.
01:18:58That empty space in your gun belt.
01:19:01Seems like that concho would just about fill it up.
01:19:05You've got pretty good eyes, Sands.
01:19:08They must have been specially good when you found this.
01:19:12Where did it turn up?
01:19:16In Billy Sands' hand.
01:19:18Right after you shot him.
01:19:21It would be hard to prove.
01:19:22But I can take the chance.
01:19:24So stand up and take your gun belt off and put it on the table.
01:19:28You must think I'm crazy, man.
01:19:30They'd think you were crazy if you didn't.
01:19:32There's a 30-30 pointed right at your head.
01:19:42I'm surprised, Sands.
01:19:44I figured you for more sense.
01:19:47You're a good man.
01:19:48Yes, a man's entitled to one mistake now, man.
01:19:50It's all in how you look at it.
01:19:52But that's the difference between you and me, Sands.
01:19:55I don't make mistakes.
01:20:00Looks like mine might prove fatal.
01:20:02I can guarantee it.
01:20:04Ed, get his guns.
01:20:06Take him to my room. He won't be needed.
01:20:13I'll be back.
01:20:18All right, you can come in now, Jack.
01:20:20And escort Mr. Sands down to the alley.
01:20:43Taking a man's guns is one way of making sure.
01:20:46It's the only way.
01:20:48Take him down and keep him in the alley.
01:20:51I'll be along shortly.
01:21:19Is this the way you took care of Billy?
01:21:24And you're standing in the same spot.
01:21:38I'm glad you came in, Matt.
01:21:40I'd like to go downstairs for a minute.
01:21:44Go right ahead, honey.
01:21:45I've got something to do here anyway.
01:22:03Getting wet, Mr. Sands?
01:22:06Matt told you not to be around when it rains.
01:22:41Guess we all make mistakes sometimes, Matt.
01:23:13Thanks for helping me out.
01:23:21I said I'd be walking you home sometime.
01:23:24That's right, you did.
01:23:26You did it then.
01:23:42I'm going with you, John.
01:23:44I have some things to straighten out with the law, remember?
01:23:47But what you did tonight, you take care of everything.
01:23:50Might help.
01:23:52Don't you worry your head about me.
01:23:54And don't go away.
01:23:56I'm coming back.
01:24:01Oh, the deacon went down
01:24:04In the cellar to pray
01:24:07But he got drunk
01:24:09And he stayed all day
01:24:12Oh, the deacon went down
01:24:15In the cellar to pray
01:24:17But he got drunk