When I Promised to Marry the Crybaby Who Used to be My Neighbor, 10 Years Later…

  • 3 months ago
When I Promised to Marry the Crybaby Who Used to be My Neighbor, 10 Years Later…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00Has it been 10 years? It's so nostalgic. This area doesn't seem to have changed much since then.
00:07My name is Gaku Ito, 24 years old. Due to a job transfer, I've returned to this town where I used to live after a long time.
00:18I finally found you! I've been searching and searching for so long!
00:23Huh? What's with this girl? Wait, is she part of the female gang?
00:28Sis, did you find the person you were looking for? You were staking out this park for quite a while.
00:34Well, well. Seems like things can be found when you believe in them.
00:38Huh? What's this? Even her companions? What's gonna happen to me? Um, you...
00:46Can't you tell? It's me! It's me! Reina Aoki!
00:52Upon hearing the name Reina Aoki, I recalled something from 10 years ago.
00:58In our neighborhood, there was a girl who was small in stature and often teased by the boys in our class.
01:04That girl was Reina Aoki. She used to cry all the time at the park near my house, and I couldn't just leave her alone.
01:12As I comforted her, we became friends.
01:15On one particular day...
01:17They told me I can't become someone's bride. They say that crybabies won't be liked by anyone.
01:25I don't think that's true, but if you dislike being told that, then become stronger.
01:30It's okay to cry, but become strong to protect yourself.
01:34If I become strong, will you marry me?
01:38Sure. If you become strong, I'll marry you in the future.
01:42Really? Then I'll become strong. So, when I become strong, you'll marry me, right? It's a promise.
01:50Yeah, it's a promise. Not long after that, due to my parents' working situation, I ended up moving away.
01:57You remember?
01:59I remember, but you figured it out even though I've changed.
02:03Well, your scar on the arm is still the same as before.
02:07Ah, the one from when I got scratched by a cat while defending myself.
02:11I recognized you immediately because of that scar. I've been searching for you all this time.
02:17I'm happy, but that look...
02:20After you told me to become stronger, I started training. Back then, I was just a crybaby, but now, I'm the leader of a female gang.
02:28Oh, I didn't mean for her to interpret becoming strong in that way.
02:34So, you're going to marry me like you promised, right?
02:37Huh? But that promise was from when we were kids.
02:42Are you breaking the promise? I've believed in your promise all this time.
02:48For you, it seems like that promise was nothing serious.
02:51Ah, saying that makes me feel so guilty.
02:55Starting off as a married couple right away is impossible, so let's start with being a couple or friends.
03:02Well, I'm going to your place then.
03:06It's only natural for me to take care of my partner's surroundings, right?
03:10So, from today, I'll be visiting your place.
03:13Shouldn't you get permission from your parents?
03:15You think I need permission? Just leave it to me.
03:19A few minutes later...
03:21Got the okay!
03:22Are you serious? Can I borrow your phone for a moment?
03:27Um, hello, this is Gaku Ito. I was wondering if I could really have your da-
03:32Gaku, right? I know exactly who you are. Actually, I'm good friends with your mother, Rieko.
03:39When your mother was giving birth to you, I was there even before your father.
03:44T-there was such a connection?
03:46I even knew that you two used to play together when you were little. You heard it from Rieko, didn't you?
03:53I didn't hear it!
03:54I trust you as the son of my dear friend, and I hope you take care of my daughter.
04:01See? I told you it was okay, right?
04:04More than it being okay, I'm surprised by the information overload. Could this possibly be a dream?
04:11Surely such a reality can't really exist.
04:14It's reality, so get a grip already.
04:18Or are you the kind of person who comes this far, and then backs off? Huh?
04:25It's not like that, but...
04:27Ah, her intensity is overwhelming!
04:30Well then, no problem, right? From now on, let's get along, darling Gaku.
04:35Since we're officially a couple now, I will call you that.
04:38And so, this is how my life living together with Reina began.
04:42After a few hours of preparation, I met Reina at the park, and we headed to my house with a little excitement.
04:49We spent the night together.
04:51The following morning...
04:53Wow, did you make all this, Reina?
04:55Eat up as much as you can! Open up! Say, ah-ah!
05:01Hey, ah-ah is a bit too embarrassing, isn't it?
05:05It's fine, no one's watching anyway. Come on, open your mouth!
05:11Is it... delicious?
05:13It's delicious. Reina, you're really good at cooking.
05:17I worked hard on bride training too, so we could get married right after reuniting.
05:22I even made lunch bento for you.
05:25Even lunch bento?
05:27If I'm going to become a wife, this is the least I can do, right?
05:32She really took that promise seriously. She even put in effort for my sake.
05:37On another day...
05:39I'm so tired today.
05:41Of course, on days like these, I can't find a seat on the crowded train.
05:45Hey, what's with that motorcycle?
05:49It's so flashy, but why is it here?
05:53Could it be... they're here to pick someone up?
05:57Huh? What's going on? It's unusually noisy.
06:01Hey, Gaku!
06:04Reina, why are you here?
06:06I wanted to see you as soon as possible, so I came to pick you up.
06:10Wha-? Thanks for coming all this way.
06:13And so, I hopped on behind her and arrived at our destination.
06:17It's the beach! Gaku, come over here! The water's cold, but it feels great!
06:23Don't get too excited, or you might fall.
06:26Well, I do have tomorrow off, so I guess it's fine.
06:29Don't worry, don't worry. I won't fall just from this.
06:32You're the one who needs to be careful, Gaku.
06:35I'm perfectly... whoa!
06:39Hahaha, you fell!
06:42I slipped pretty hard. It's embarrassing.
06:45It's okay, it's okay. I couldn't even help you.
06:49Well... wait, our faces are close! This distance is really embarrassing!
06:55Oh, Gaku, your face is all red! How cute!
07:00Don't tease me after saying that!
07:02If I said I want to kiss you without teasing, could I do it?
07:06Huh? Th-th-that's...
07:08Just kidding!
07:14Days like this with Reina continued.
07:16Full of happiness and straightforward expressions of love that made me feel shy but delighted.
07:22During these enjoyable days, on a certain holiday...
07:25Today's meal is something you like.
07:28Well, I'm always the one receiving meals from you, so tonight, I'll cook for you.
07:33Really? Yay! I'm really looking forward to Gaku's homemade cooking!
07:41Sorry I bumped into you.
07:43What the heck are you doing? Watch where you're going, you ugly chick!
07:47What? Who are you calling ugly, you jerk?
07:50I'm talking about you! Haven't you ever looked in a mirror?
07:53What did you say? Come on, say it again!
07:56Wait, you're...
07:58Uh, excuse me, both of you, please calm down!
08:01Shut up, scrawny runt! Don't get in our way, just back off!
08:05But there's a police officer just over there!
08:08Huh? Seriously? A cop?
08:10Reina, now's our chance!
08:12Wait, Gaku!
08:14You lying piece of...
08:16Run now, ask questions later!
08:19Reina, are you okay?
08:22Why did you help? I'm strong, so I would've been fine.
08:26You might be strong, but you're still a girl.
08:29Besides, I don't want to see you getting hurt.
08:35I knew it! I really love you, Gaku!
08:38Hey, stop clinging to me!
08:40No way! I'm not letting go for the rest of today!
08:44A few nights later...
08:46Why is everything you wear always damp?
08:49It's a hassle, a natural is the best!
08:52No, no, it's not good. I'll dry them for you.
08:55Really? Thanks!
08:57So, why on my lap?
09:00If there's a lap there, why not sit?
09:03Hmm, the sense of distance...
09:06Well, having you dry them for me is the best!
09:09Can you do it for me every day?
09:11You should do it yourself, properly.
09:15There, all done.
09:16Well then, make sure to keep warm and avoid catching a cold while sleeping.
09:20Got it! Then how about we sleep together tonight?
09:23I already told you that's not happening.
09:26Is it not allowed?
09:29Really, it's not okay?
09:35Oh well, I guess I can't help it.
09:38Oh well, I guess I can't help it.
09:40Just for tonight, though!
09:42I'm so happy we can sleep together!
09:45It would be amazing if we could do this every day!
09:48That's really not happening.
09:52But even if it's just for one day, I'm happy.
09:55Good night, Gaku.
09:57Good night, Reina.
09:58Well, even if I say that,
10:00I don't think I can sleep peacefully with my heart pounding like this!
10:05And so, after living with Reina for a month,
10:07one day, as we were returning from shopping together...
10:11Oh no!
10:12I forgot to buy something!
10:14Gaku, wait here for a moment.
10:16I'll be right back!
10:17Got it!
10:18Don't rush, take your time.
10:21Now then, what should I make for dinner tonight?
10:24Oh, uh-oh!
10:25I dropped my smartphone!
10:29W-what's going on?
10:31Gaku, I'm sorry.
10:33I put my wallet in that bag.
10:36What the hell are you guys doing?
10:39I thought if it was just a scrawny guy,
10:41we could take him along!
10:43The woman is back!
10:44We need to change the plan!
10:46Let's get out of here!
10:47Hey, you guys!
10:49Gaku, are you okay?
10:52I'm fine, but what was that just now?
10:55I recognize that face.
10:57Those guys are connected to the gang we dealt with before.
11:00They might be associates of the one we bumped into the other day.
11:04I think they targeted you because you've become someone important to me
11:07and there are rumors about it.
11:09I'm sorry for getting you involved.
11:12Don't worry, I'm not bothered by that.
11:15This time we were lucky and got away,
11:17but we can't predict what might happen next time.
11:21To be by your side,
11:23I'll make sure to settle things properly.
11:25Hey, wait, Reina!
11:27Ugh, where could she have gone?
11:29Lost in the crowd, I have no idea where she is.
11:32She's not picking up her phone either.
11:35What should I do?
11:36I have a bad feeling.
11:41What's going on, everyone?
11:43Reina is in danger.
11:44Please, help her.
11:46What do you mean?
11:47She's under attack by a large group.
11:50They came out of nowhere.
11:52Right now, she's fighting alone.
11:54She helped us escape.
11:56I understand the situation.
11:58Where are they?
11:59In a nearby abandoned warehouse.
12:01That's where Big Sis and the others are.
12:04Got it.
12:05Oh, take care of this for me.
12:07We'll also take our injured comrades to the hospital
12:10and then head there.
12:12So, it was you after all.
12:16If you didn't pick fights with me,
12:17things wouldn't have turned out like this.
12:19You're a pathetic loser who can't do anything alone.
12:23Say what you want.
12:25As long as you win, it's all good, right?
12:28Are you not going to run away like last time?
12:31Run away from weaklings like you?
12:34I'll take down every single one of you by myself.
12:37You talk big,
12:39but your limit should be approaching.
12:41Surrender already.
12:44Like I'm going to surrender to the likes of you.
12:47You say that even in your beaten state.
12:51You need this kind of handicap, don't you?
12:54Come on.
12:55Give me your best shot.
12:56I won't lose to someone who can't do anything without an ambush.
13:00Oh, oh.
13:02I wonder how long you can keep that mouth of yours open.
13:06Watch out!
13:11Reina, are you okay?
13:13Why are you here?
13:14I came to rescue you.
13:17You shouldn't have.
13:18It's dangerous.
13:19I'd be fine on my own.
13:21It's true that you're strong,
13:22but just because you are doesn't mean I can leave you alone.
13:26Because I...
13:27I love you.
13:30And besides,
13:31I made a promise to marry you,
13:32and I won't abandon my future wife.
13:36Oh, oh.
13:37What a lovely show.
13:39You guys did this to Reina, didn't you?
13:42I'll never forgive you.
13:44Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha.
13:46Your words mean nothing, you introverted nerd.
13:49Or are you going to sacrifice yourself for your cute girlfriend?
13:53Of course.
13:54I don't care what happens to me,
13:56as long as I can protect Reina.
13:59For an introverted nerd, you sure talk a lot.
14:01Step back, side character.
14:04No way.
14:05I will never back down, no matter what.
14:07You're persistent.
14:09You're this girl's weakness.
14:10Boss, let's just get rid of him quickly.
14:13Don't rush me.
14:15The one we were going to use as a hostage came running to us.
14:18Let's give him plenty of attention.
14:22Learned that you're her weakness.
14:25No, that's not it.
14:27I didn't come here to just be a burden.
14:29I can do this if I try.
14:31I wonder how long you can keep up that cocky attitude.
14:35You guys, go for it.
14:37Quit yapping, you skinny weakling.
14:39Just drop dead already.
14:44That's enough.
14:46I'll catch you guys all.
14:49Sorry we're late.
14:50Are you okay?
14:52What the heck?
14:53Why are the police here?
14:55And even this guy's team members.
14:57I told you, I can do this too.
15:00Winning a fight isn't everything.
15:02There are other ways.
15:03I asked my team members to contact the police.
15:06Dammit, this...
15:08Alright, all of you, you're under arrest.
15:11Hey, run.
15:13Don't get caught.
15:14We'll handle this.
15:20Phew, thank you everyone for helping out.
15:23No, thank you for rushing to our leader's side.
15:26I'm glad things worked out somehow.
15:31What were you thinking?
15:33I was really worried, darn it.
15:36Sorry, sorry, but I'm just glad you're safe, Reina.
15:40I was more worried about you than myself.
15:45Your crying hasn't changed.
15:49Well, I was super worried when I thought something might have happened to you.
15:54Of course I'd cry.
15:56It's obvious.
15:58I'd end up crying over something like this.
16:01I'm sorry for making you worry.
16:03But it's okay now.
16:05I won't do anything dangerous.
16:07And besides, I don't want to make the person I love cry.
16:10Goku, I love you too.
16:13Yeah, I love you so much.
16:16Aww, they're such a great couple.
16:19The ultimate partners, huh?
16:22And so, with everyone watching over us, Reina and I reaffirmed our feelings for each other.
16:28The enemy team that was arrested seemed to have been involved in various other wrongdoings,
16:33and they received appropriate consequences.
16:36Reina retired and passed on the role of vice leader to another member.
16:40When we officially went to meet her parents...
16:43Take care of our treasure. Be happy together.
16:47Are you sure? Really?
16:49You're the person my daughter chose, someone I raised. There's no doubt about it.
16:55And with their wholehearted approval, time continued to pass.
17:00Reina, I love you.
17:02Hmm, what should I do?
17:05W-what? Why all of a sudden?
17:08Well, because you initially tried to run away from our promise.
17:11Uh, w-well, that's...
17:14Just kidding. No matter how many times I'm reborn, I'll fall in love with you.
17:19In the next life and beyond, I'll always be your bride, Goku.
17:24I'm sure I'll fall in love with her over and over again, and I'll keep proposing to her.
17:30Our love will continue forever and ever.
17:34Hi! It's me, Mel!
17:37Thanks for watching my channel!
17:40I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos, too!
