Sky News: The search for British teenager Jay Slater has been called off by authorities

  • 3 months ago
Sky News: The search for British teenager Jay Slater has been called off by authorities
00:00Sky News has been told that the search for British teenager Jay Slater, who went missing almost a fortnight ago in Tenerife, is being wound down in one area of the island.
00:11We can speak to Becky Johnson, who's in Tenerife for us now.
00:15Morning to you, Becky. Good to see you.
00:16When we spoke yesterday, all the talk was of the search ramping up, but they've found nothing, so now things are going in the opposite direction, are they?
00:26Yeah, breaking news in the last few minutes.
00:29We have heard from the police here in Tenerife that their search of the Masca area, that mountainous region that's been the focus of the search for Jay Slater, that search is over.
00:40They're not going to be looking in that area anymore.
00:43So that really is a major development in their investigation into the disappearance of the British teenager.
00:49That has always been the focus since he went missing almost two weeks ago, because that's where he went on the night before he disappeared.
00:59That's where his phone signal was last located, and that's why police are focused there.
01:04And yesterday, they called on volunteers to come out for what they said would be a massive search.
01:09In reality, it was 30 to 40 people, only a handful of local volunteers showed up to help.
01:15And it would maybe appear that that was perhaps a last-ditch effort on the part of the police to try to comb as much of that treacherous, mountainous, vast area that they were looking at,
01:26before deciding that it simply was not worth continuing with the search in that area.
01:31So I think that will come as a blow to the family.
01:35We know that they are being kept updated by the police, so we're sure that they will have been told this information.
01:41Now, police are keen to stress that their investigation into Jay Slater's disappearance continues,
01:46so they will be continuing to investigate, continuing to try to find new leads,
01:51but there will be no further searching of the mountainous area around Masca,
01:55which is where he was last seen and where his phone signal was last located.
