• last year
00:00:00["Pomp and Circumstance"]
00:04:41Jadę do domu zborowego na spotkanie koła pani.
00:04:50Sprawdzę, czy słój nie został ukryty za książkami w moim gabinecie.
00:08:32Co chcesz robić, porządki?
00:08:38W mojej rodzinie istnieje odwieczny obyczaj gromadzenia elementarnych opakowań.
00:08:46Dawniej gromadzono kartony.
00:08:49Obecnie nastała epoka gromadzenia woreczków foliowych.
00:08:54Na wszystko w życiu człowiek musi zasłużyć sobie nad ludzką pracą w nieludzkich warunkach.
00:09:22Na wszystko w życiu trzeba zasłużyć nad ludzką pracą w nieludzkich warunkach.
00:09:34Warto by pogryć prowizoryczne zadaszenie workami foliowymi.
00:09:39Ale worki są w pralni i wyprawa po nie groziłaby dodatkowymi niebezpieczeństwami.
00:09:46Teraz, kiedy w prawie każdym sklepie spowija się jakiś powar w bezcenną niegdyś folię, matka,
00:09:54prawie codziennie chodzi do pralni i umieszcza tam starannie złożony kolejny eksponat.
00:10:03I doskonale orientuje się w zasobach swoich zbiorów.
00:10:08Nie, nie. Tutaj, na poddaszu starej rzeźni jest bezpiecznie.
00:10:21Oto mój mężczyzna buduje dom, w którym wspólnie się zestarzejemy.
00:10:27Kiedy przyjechałaś?
00:10:42Czy wie pan, mistrzu, że wiele, wiele lat później, a prawdę powiedziawszy,
00:11:02całkiem niedawno zorientowałem się, że mityczną księgą mojego dzieciństwa,
00:11:10którą pan swego czasu mi ofiarował, był dwutomowy, wieterynaryjny, encyklopedyczny słowar
00:11:24wydany w Moskwie w 1950 roku.
00:11:27Tak, był wielką księgą mojego dzieciństwa.
00:11:37Pamięta pan moje pierwsze praktyczne wtajemniczenie w sekrety naszej sztuki?
00:11:47Pamięta pan, bo przecież pan wszystko pamięta.
00:11:54Obudzono mnie późnym wieczorem, choć wydawało mi się, że jest tak jak teraz, środek nocy.
00:12:03Odziano mnie dziwnie ciepło, choć był sierpień.
00:12:07Na ramiona zarzucono mi starą pelerynę, choć nie padał deszcz.
00:12:14Pomyślałem, że jest to rodzaj rytualnego stroju, że tak jak panna młoda musi mieć welon,
00:12:21białą suknię, tak weterynarz przyjmujący narodziny zwierzęcia musi być odziany ciepło
00:12:27i mieć pelerynę.
00:12:30Ale pan nie miał ani swetra, ani peleryny.
00:12:36Był pan nagi, to znaczy na gołe ciało miał pan narzucony sięgający do ziemi,
00:12:43odsłaniający tylko tors i ramiona fartuch, zgruby jak opony gumy.
00:12:54Leżał pan na ziemi.
00:12:56Wyglądał pan jak mitologiczny tytan.
00:13:01Prawą rękę miał pan po pachę zanurzoną we wnętrznościach Elisabeth.
00:13:12Wyglądało to tak, jakby to pan przed chwilą wydobył się z krowiego brzucha,
00:13:21jakby jedynie w końcowej fazie powracania na świat ręka ugrzęzła panu
00:13:28w jakichś zakamarkach bydlęcej anatomii.
00:13:34W brunatnym świetle gołej żarówki, w mglistej aurze bydlęcych odchodów,
00:13:42ludzkiego potu szamotał się pan.
00:13:48Wzywał pan pana Boga.
00:13:50Klał pan tak straszliwie, że niczego nie rozumiałem.
00:13:59I wydawać się mogło, że już nigdy pan nie uwolni się,
00:14:05że na zawsze zostanie pan zrośnięty z Elisabeth.
00:14:12Bardzo mi było pana żal.
00:14:16Już miałem wybuchnąć gorzkim płaczem, kiedy pan mistrzu z niesłychaną łatwością
00:14:24uwolnił rękę, a wraz z nią z wnętrzności Elisabeth
00:14:30wynurzył się obły, mokry, porośnięty sierścią kształt.
00:14:39Pomyślałem sobie, że za chwilę z tego dziwnego tworu,
00:14:45niby z ogromnego jaja wyskoczy żywy, świeży byczek
00:14:51o złotych różkach, srebrnych kopytkach.
00:14:56Dziwiłem się, dlaczego pana nie opuszcza furia.
00:15:00Kiedy zobaczyłem w pana ręku długi i ostry jak szabla nóż,
00:15:05pomyślałem, że chce pan naciąć skórę, aby pomóc wydostać się na świat noworodkowi.
00:15:16Ale ku memu przerażeniu pan wziął straszliwy rozmach
00:15:24i z przekleństwem na ustach rozpłatał pan na pół to coś,
00:15:30co leżało teraz u pańskich stóp.
00:15:35I wtedy ujrzałem niepojętą gmatwaniny ścięgiem żył karłowatych kości.
00:15:53Oślepłe oko przemieszczało się wewnątrz bezkształtnej anatomii.
00:16:00Wątroba, serce, żołądek stanowiły niepodzielną jedność.
00:16:05Całość parowała, jak gdyby wydając swój pierwszy i ostatni oddech.
00:16:15Kulisty, obły, porośnięty sierścią kształt rósł teraz we mnie,
00:16:30podnosił się, podchodził do gardła.
00:16:36Tamten obraz rozpłatanych wnętrzności, amorfus globusus, nigdy mnie nie opuścił.
00:16:56Bezpostaciowiec kulisty, amorfus globusus.
00:17:26Co robić?
00:17:41Co robić?
00:17:43Panie Boże, nie wzywam Twego imienia na daremno, ale na miłość boską.
00:17:47Co robić?
00:17:49Co robić?
00:17:50Co robić?
00:17:52Co się stanie, gdy ktoś zauważy,
00:17:55że trzy wełniane kocy nie leżą tam, gdzie zwykle?
00:17:58A co się stanie, gdy matka zauważy, że chleb jest krzywo ukrojony
00:18:04i brakuje spodnego kawałka kiełbasy myśliwskiej?
00:18:08Powiem, że zjadłem.
00:18:10A i tak nie obędzie się bez awantury, ponieważ zjadłem byle jak,
00:18:15a nie przeporządnie na krytym stole.
00:18:19Gorzej z kocami.
00:18:21Lada chwila ktoś zauważy, że trzy wełniane kocy nie leżą tam, gdzie zwykle.
00:18:27I dopiero się zacznie.
00:18:30A co będzie, gdy rano, skoro świt, wszyscy wyruszą w poszukiwanie
00:18:38dwulitrowego słoja pulpetów wołowych, których dotąd nie znaleźli.
00:18:44Mogą zacząć od starej rzeźni, a jeżeli nie znajdą starej rzeźni,
00:18:48to pójdą na strych starej rzeźni, a tam niewątpliwie znajdą.
00:18:53Tyle, że nie znajdą dwulitrowego słoja pulpetów wołowych,
00:18:57ale znajdą moją, aktualną kobietę.
00:19:08Powinienem wstać, pójść i ją zabić.
00:19:14Najlepiej ją zabić.
00:19:16Najlepiej ją zabić i dobrze ukryć trupa.
00:19:21Albo przynajmniej trzeba z nią poważnie i szczerze porozmawiać.
00:19:26Przecież w ciągu tych kilkunastu miesięcy myśmy nigdy istotnie nie rozmawiali.
00:19:33Ja nieustannie kłamałem, a ona ciągle mówiła o literaturze.
00:19:42Co robić? Gdzie ją umieścić?
00:19:55O hotelu nie ma mowy, bo wszyscy z miejsca by wszystko wiedzieli.
00:20:00Cała zamieszkała wyłącznie przez ewangelików augustowskich miejscowości.
00:20:04Z miejsca by wszystko wiedziała.
00:20:08A może przedstawić ją jako wczasowiczkę
00:20:12i spróbować przekonać ich, żeby wynajęli jej pokój.
00:20:18Co roku setki wczasowiczów prosi o nocleg
00:20:23i za każdym razem spotyka ich szytercza odprawa.
00:20:28Jak ona może długo mieszkać na tym strychu?
00:20:31Przecież potrzebne są jej jakieś wygody.
00:20:34Musi się myć, chodzić za potrzebą.
00:20:41Jak ja sobie z tym wszystkim dam radę?
00:20:45Jak ona mogła mi zrobić coś takiego?
00:21:24Boże, Boże, nie wyzywam Twego imienia nadaremno,
00:21:29ale w końcu moja aktualna kobieta leży tam,
00:21:32na strychu przedwojennej rzeźni,
00:21:35oddzielona od kosmosu jedynie cienką warstwą
00:21:38kruszających dachówek i kawałkiem tektury.
00:21:42Przecież to absurd.
00:21:46Skoro stać mi było na to, aby ją ukryć,
00:21:50skoro dałem radę, zanieść jej chleb, kiełbasę, termos
00:21:57i trzy wełniane koce ze spokoju komunikowego.
00:22:06Skoro potrafiłem to wszystko uczynić,
00:22:10to uczynię jeszcze więcej.
00:22:17Niezauważony przez nikogo.
00:22:20Udam się teraz do niej i będę uprawiał z nią.
00:22:44Śpij spokojnie.
00:22:50Śpij spokojnie.
00:22:52A ja tu takie rzeczy wyprawiam.
00:22:56Przecież jestem, jestem z tą kobietą tyle lat.
00:23:01A to, co robię, jest takie?
00:23:25Czyś ty się wściekł?
00:23:31Dlaczego jesteś ubrany?
00:23:35Czy ta jedyna szara komórka,
00:23:37która jeszcze do niedawna
00:23:38tyle pała się w twoim mózgu,
00:23:40czy ta szara komórka jedynaczka również zanikła?
00:23:44Dlaczego nie dajesz mi spać?
00:23:48Dlaczego nie dajesz mi spać?
00:23:52Co za świnictwa przechodzą ci do głowy?
00:24:01Kocham cię.
00:24:04Kocham cię.
00:24:08Kocham cię.
00:24:10Możesz zostać do rana.
00:24:13Ale tak jak człowiek.
00:24:16Przebież się w piżamę.
00:24:38Nie! Nie jedz tego!
00:24:42Termin przydatności do spożycia jeszcze nie minął.
00:24:44To sprawdzałam na etykiecie.
00:24:45Nie jedz! Nie jedz! Nie jedz!
00:24:50Przyniosłem ci prawdziwe śniadanie.
00:24:54Więc jeść też mi nie wolno.
00:24:56Gdzie ty znalazłaś ten słój?
00:24:58W tym oto pudełku.
00:25:01To niemożliwe?
00:25:02Proszę nie zarzucać mi kłamstwa.
00:25:05Jak wiesz, ja nigdy nie kłamie.
00:25:07Ile ty tego zjadłaś?
00:25:08Słuchaj, zjadłam jeden pulpet.
00:25:11Ale jak chcesz, zapłacę ci za cały słoik.
00:25:17Szkoda, że otwierałaś słój.
00:25:19No ale to się da jakoś zatuszować.
00:25:21Co najwyżej odium winy spadnie na omę.
00:25:24Z tego, że zjadłaś jeden pulpet
00:25:27i naruszyłaś zawartość słoja,
00:25:29nie ma co robić tragedii.
00:25:31Oj, pulpety się odnalazły.
00:25:33Zaraz podrzucę je tam, gdzie trzeba
00:25:35i gorączkowe poszukiwania ustaną.
00:25:40Jak to możliwe,
00:25:42żeby chodząca o lasce oma
00:25:45zdołała tu dotrzeć?
00:25:49Widocznie wszystko jest możliwe.
00:25:51Możliwe jest, żeby chroma staruszka
00:25:56z małpią zręcznością wdrapała się na schody.
00:26:02Być może to się nie zdarzy,
00:26:05ale musisz się z tym liczyć.
00:26:07Z czym, że to znowu muszę się liczyć?
00:26:10Może jutro, może pojutrze,
00:26:12może za parę dni pojawi się tu oma.
00:26:16W domu jest pełno jedzenia
00:26:18i ona znowu zechce coś ukryć.
00:26:20Opowiadałem ci, że robi to od czasu do czasu.
00:26:24Dobrze, to jak pojawi się tu oma,
00:26:26to co mam robić?
00:26:27Ukryj się!
00:26:28A jak mnie zaskoczy?
00:26:30Wtedy zachowaj zimną krew.
00:26:33Gdyby ona cię tutaj zaskoczyła,
00:26:35gdyby cię tu ujrzała,
00:26:38nie jest wykluczone,
00:26:40że zada ci pewne pytanie.
00:26:43Zapyta cię,
00:26:45czy przypadkiem nie jesteś katoliczką.
00:26:49Wtedy musisz się zaprzeć
00:26:51i powiedzieć, że jesteś luteranką.
00:26:53To ją uspokoi.
00:26:54Mówiłam ci, że ja nigdy nie kłamie?
00:26:56No, wariatka.
00:27:06Znów u niej byłeś.
00:27:11Skąd wiesz?
00:27:12Chociaż widzę.
00:27:13Jestem kobietą.
00:27:15Byłeś u niej.
00:27:17I to akurat wtedy, kiedy ja przyjechałam.
00:27:20Kiedy przyjechałam, żeby zostać z tobą na zawsze.
00:27:24Tyle razy ci mówiłem,
00:27:27że i ja bardzo tego pragnę.
00:27:31Bardzo tego pragnę.
00:27:34Ale to nie jest takie proste.
00:27:37Ale przecież obiecywałeś.
00:27:40Obiecałeś, że będziemy zawsze razem.
00:27:43Że zamieszkamy razem w tym domu.
00:27:46I będziemy żyć z wynajmowania pokoi wczasowiczą.
00:27:49Owszem, obiecałem.
00:27:51Ale zarazem zaznaczyłem, że
00:27:53aby to było możliwe,
00:27:55wszyscy domownicy,
00:27:58w każdym razie zdecydowana ich większość,
00:28:00musi wpierw wymrzeć.
00:28:03Były to więc nie tyle obietnice,
00:28:07co niejasne marzenia.
00:28:10Nie kochasz mnie.
00:28:12Przecież wiesz, jak cię kocham.
00:28:17Kocham cię nad życie.
00:28:20Ale teraz muszę cię zostawić.
00:28:23Wiesz, że są u rodziny Omy?
00:28:25Jest masa roboty?
00:28:44Być może ja również wpadnę wieczorem.
00:28:48Wpadnę wieczorem złożyć o mnie życzenia.
00:28:54Panie, osędzio ty wiekuisty,
00:28:58co w ręku dzierżysz, już miecz ognisty.
00:29:02Osądź dzisiejszy świat, co nie chce znać ciebie.
00:29:06Światła unika, żywot swój grzebie.
00:29:10Depcze i gardzi krwią twego syna.
00:29:13Nosi na czole piętno kaina.
00:29:16O, stąp na ziemskie niwy.
00:29:19W gromach i w błyskach
00:29:22stąp, sędzio straszliwy.
00:29:27Wielkość serca dochodzi do wielkości pięści.
00:29:36Jest to zatem małe stosunkowo narzędzie naszego ciała.
00:29:43Ale to małe serce sprawuje nadzwyczaj ważną funkcję życiową.
00:29:50Przeprowadza życiodajną krew przez wszystkie członki ciała do płuc i z płuc do ciała.
00:30:00W tej pracy nie zna zastoju i nie zna odpoczynku.
00:30:08Znosi smagania, niewygody i przykrości z dziwną cierpliwością.
00:30:15Jedno tylko nie znosi.
00:30:18Nie znosi śmiecia.
00:30:22Gdy mu strumyk krwi przyniesie odrobinkę jadu wielkości pyłka kwiatowego, stanie.
00:30:33Gdy mu przyniesie skrzep krwi, który byś paznokciem zadrasnął na twarzy, stanie.
00:30:40Nawet gdy mu przyniesie bańkę powietrza maluteńką jak kropla rosy, bić przestanie.
00:30:54Śmiecia i nieczystości nie znosi.
00:31:41Zagnę z wózka pana wzorem, zaśpiewajmy wszyscy chorem.
00:32:00Potem zwyczaj, Chrystus śpiewał, o jedzeniu pieśni śpiewał.
00:32:15Potem zwyczaj, Chrystus śpiewał, o jedzeniu pieśni śpiewał.
00:32:31Potem zwyczaj, Chrystus śpiewał, o jedzeniu pieśni śpiewał.
00:32:46Potem zwyczaj, Chrystus śpiewał.
00:33:01Są przedmioty, które posiadają swój zapach i swą woń.
00:33:10Jak na przykład róże, lasy, grzyby, dym.
00:33:18Są przedmioty, które ten zapach wchłaniają w siebie i zatrzymują.
00:33:26Jak na przykład szata.
00:33:29Szata wchłania nawet zapach człowieka i zatrzymuje.
00:33:37A że każdy człowiek posiada swój własny, odmienny zapach,
00:33:44mogą psy policyjne po zapachu szaty odnaleźć człowieka.
00:33:51Więcej niż szata wchłania w siebie wszelki zapach dusza,
00:33:59a że jest chciwa i pije jak gąbka,
00:34:05wchłania w siebie wszelki nałóg ciała.
00:34:20Pycha i alkohol. Zgubiły mnie pycha i alkohol.
00:34:33Dobrze od dawna wiem, gdzie chodzisz i co robisz.
00:34:38Jak ci nie wstyd takie rzeczy wyprawiać i to w dodatku w dzień urodzin omy.
00:34:44Nie słuchałeś tego, co mówił pastor, boś musiał lecieć wiadomo gdzie.
00:34:48A przydałoby ci się, żebyś posłuchał.
00:34:52Przecież słuchałem. Cały czas słuchałem tego, co mówił pastor.
00:34:56Tak? W takim razie przypomnij mi, o czym mówił pastor.
00:34:59Pastor mówił, że każdy przedmiot ma swój zapach i swoją wonię.
00:35:05Tak? I co dalej?
00:35:07Dalej? Pastor mówił, że są przedmioty, które wchłaniają w siebie zapach,
00:35:13jak na przykład szata człowieka.
00:35:16Wchłania w siebie zapach człowieka i zatrzymuje go.
00:35:20I dalej?
00:35:24Pastor mówił, że powinniśmy wchłonąć w siebie słowo Boże
00:35:31i zatrzymać je tak, jak szata zatrzymująca.
00:35:34A dówno! Nie będziesz mi tu bluźnił, bluźnierco jeden!
00:35:42Pastor mówił o duszy.
00:35:46Pastor mówił, że bardziej niż szata wchłania w siebie wszelki zapach dusza.
00:35:53Nie słuchałeś, boś musiał na ten przeklęty strych lecieć.
00:35:58Pastor mówił, że dusza jest chciwa i pije jak gąbka wszelkie nałogi ciała.
00:36:04I że prawdą jest słowo w zdrowym ciele zdrowa dusza.
00:36:10A jaka jest twoja dusza?
00:36:13Jakie jest twoje ciało? Dlaczego je plugawisz?
00:36:18Nie żal ci żony? Nie żal ci dziecka?
00:36:22Ojca ci nie żal? Mnie ci nie żal?
00:36:26O my ci nie żal?
00:36:29No dlaczego to robisz?
00:36:30Dlaczego zabijasz nas wszystkich?
00:36:34Dlaczego siebie zabijasz?
00:36:37Dom chcesz zniszczyć?
00:36:42Czuć cię.
00:36:45Cały śmierdzisz plugastwem.
00:36:51Szata wchłania w siebie zapach ciała.
00:36:54Szata wchłania w siebie zapach ciała.
00:36:59Dzisiaj są urodziny Omy i nie będziemy urządzać żenujących widowisk.
00:37:05Następnym razem cię zabiję.
00:37:10A teraz oddaj wszystkie papierosy.
00:37:13Nie mam, wypaliłem właśnie ostatniego.
00:37:15Paweł, nie zaczynaj wszystkiego od początku.
00:37:17Natychmiast oddaj papierosy.
00:37:20Ukryłem je.
00:37:22Paweł, oddaj natychmiast.
00:37:24Nie upokarzaj mnie i nie zmuszaj, żebym sama po nie poszła.
00:37:35Daj mi papierosy.
00:37:37Setki razy mówiłam cię, żebyś nie wkraczał na terytoria moich osobistych nawyków.
00:37:43Nudny jesteś z tym twoim wiecznym zabranianiem mi palenia.
00:37:47Nie chodzi o to.
00:37:49Pal ile chcesz, ale teraz daj mi papierosy.
00:37:52Kochałtku, czyś ty ocipiał?
00:37:56Jak mogę palić, nie mając papierosów?
00:38:00Teraz, teraz potrzebna mi jest paczka papierosów.
00:38:03Ale z jakiegoś to powodu?
00:38:05Doktorowi Ojermachowi skończył się tytoń i robi się coraz agresywniejszy.
00:38:09Kochałtku, to idź do knajpy i kup.
00:38:12Albo idź do sąsiada i pożycz.
00:38:15Ja ci papierosów nie dam w żadnym wypadku.
00:38:20Będę u ciebie bardzo późnym wieczorem.
00:38:25Ta kobieta rękę podnosi.
00:38:28Kto z bydłem obcuje, bydłem się staje.
00:38:34Astronom krowiej życi!
00:38:36Zawsze ci ręce końskim gównem śmierdziały.
00:38:38Oddaj mi papierosy, świniopasie!
00:38:42Raz się przebiorę i przyjdę tam.
00:38:44Przyjdę na urodziny one.
00:38:46Zapytam twojego mistrza o jermacha, czy nie byłby łaskaw
00:38:49poczęstować mnie moim papierosem.
00:38:51Zaraz tam przyjdę, tylko się przebiorę.
00:38:55Chociażbyś przeszedł cały kraj,
00:39:00nie znajdziesz piękniejszego.
00:39:10Oto drogi wnuk szanownej jubilatki
00:39:13oraz czcigodna matka szanownego wnuka.
00:39:34Oto szanowny wnuk czcigodnej jubilatki
00:39:38oraz droga matka szanownego wnuka.
00:40:08Oto szanowny wnuk czcigodnej jubilatki
00:40:11oraz droga matka szanownego wnuka.
00:40:39Ktoś jest w ogrodzie.
00:40:44Ktoś chodzi po ogrodzie.
00:40:49Ktoś jest w ogrodzie!
00:41:04Ktoś jest w ogrodzie!
00:41:09Rada! Rada!
00:41:17Uścianaj uścianaj!
00:41:20Konie siady!
00:41:23Zmieśmy kas!
00:41:38We're going to the battlefield, but according to the rules of the war strategy.
00:41:57The engineer is going with his browning towards Stara Rzeźnia.
00:42:02We're going to go around the house slowly.
00:42:05You, Kochun, go downstairs.
00:42:08Ready? Ready.
00:42:10Kill! Kill!
00:42:11Don't kill, brother!
00:42:18What are you doing, girl? What are you doing?
00:42:22I beg you, wait a little longer. Tomorrow everything will be clear.
00:42:26You know, you know how much I love you?
00:42:28I love you more than life itself. Hold on to the branches.
00:42:31I love you, I love you.
00:42:33Pull yourself up higher.
00:42:36Tomorrow everything will be clear.
00:42:38We'll be together, we'll never part.
00:42:43Go even higher, there's quite a comfortable branching there.
00:42:46I love you. Very good.
00:42:49Rest a little, and when it's all over, come back to yourself.
00:42:55I love you.
00:43:17If you get married, you'll have fun.
00:43:25There's a river flowing along the valley,
00:43:30The spring of summer is flowing.
00:43:34The flowers bloom in the spring
00:43:39On the very banks of the river.
00:43:44It was a beautiful Sunday,
00:43:49Today is a sad day.
00:43:53The little dove didn't fly
00:43:58All day long.
00:44:02The little dove didn't fly
00:44:06The little bird was crying all day long.
00:44:15The little dove didn't fly
00:44:19The little bird was crying all day long.
00:44:28The little dove didn't fly
00:44:37The little bird was crying all day long.
00:44:44The little dove didn't fly
00:44:48The little bird was crying all day long.
00:44:56The little dove didn't fly
00:45:00The little bird was crying all day long.
00:45:07The little dove didn't fly
00:45:13The little bird was crying all day long.
00:45:19Who are you hiding in the garden, my love?
00:45:23What incredible beauty has decided to visit you?
00:45:30Who is this?
00:45:33When and for how long has she come?
00:45:36When I saw her face through the window, I was speaking for her.
00:45:42I thought that perhaps the spirit of my holy memory, Josephine, had come for me.
00:45:49But where is it?
00:45:51My holy memory, beloved Josephine, was such an extraordinary woman
00:45:56that if there were real, international, and therefore infinite possibilities
00:46:03in the field of plastic surgery,
00:46:05she would never, ever be able to be so beautiful and so radiant.
00:46:12And yet, she came to the very window.
00:46:15And it seemed to me that I heard her distant cry.
00:46:18Is she crying?
00:46:19Yes, it seemed to you.
00:46:21She came to the very window and, like a fiddling child, spread her nose on the glass.
00:46:26There was in this childish gesture of an adult, young, beautiful woman
00:46:31so much incredible magic that I lost my words.
00:46:35I, the old Oiermach,
00:46:40was not able to bear this astonishment.
00:46:43But by what miracle did Oma notice her?
00:46:48I have no idea.
00:46:50I have no idea.
00:46:52I think that she did not notice her so much as she rather sensed her.
00:46:56She sensed and sensed her with her dog, the old Swend.
00:47:01People who slowly fade away, whose senses are weak,
00:47:06who become blind and deaf,
00:47:08sometimes have such delusions of their senses.
00:47:13Pre-mortal rises of a definitively fading body.
00:47:20You have noticed, I hope,
00:47:22that I did what I could to stop everyone.
00:47:26But she, when she looked at you through the window,
00:47:30she looked only at you.
00:47:33I had no doubt that only someone
00:47:36with personal ties to you,
00:47:38looks at you.
00:47:42Who is this for God, my love?
00:47:45Who is this for God, my love?
00:47:51When there was a stir at the table,
00:47:53I did everything I could to avoid possible inquiries.
00:47:56She was extremely proud of me,
00:47:59my mother.
00:48:01Her presence in the garden.
00:48:03They froze, did you notice, my love?
00:48:06They froze, because you froze too.
00:48:09You all froze in a mute terror
00:48:12when I spoke about Jermach.
00:48:15You thought that I was dying, that I was weak,
00:48:18that the end was coming,
00:48:20that I had been pierced by the sharp edge of unimportant old age.
00:48:27And I, in delight,
00:48:29in youthful delight,
00:48:35And also out of fear for you, my love.
00:48:44Out of fear for you.
00:48:47Out of fear for you.
00:49:02Oh, my dissolute love.
00:49:05Oh, my dissolute love.
00:49:10What is the best thing that happened to you?
00:49:15Look at them all!
00:49:19Raise your heads and wake up!
00:49:23Open your eyes and raise your heads!
00:49:27Wake up!
00:49:29Wake up!
00:49:31And imagine that the nightmares that haunt you
00:49:36become reality.
00:49:38Imagine that your lovers
00:49:42knock on your door,
00:49:45introduce themselves to your wives,
00:49:48greet you with your children.
00:49:51Imagine that your fleeting adventures,
00:49:56momentary fascinations,
00:49:58vacations, romances,
00:50:00are coming to you.
00:50:03Raise your heads and you,
00:50:06you grasslands, and you,
00:50:09beginning female hunters,
00:50:11raise your heads and you,
00:50:13who will never become female hunters,
00:50:17raise your heads and listen!
00:50:24Do you hear this knocking?
00:50:29Do you hear this knocking?
00:50:31These are your lovers.
00:50:33These are your current women,
00:50:36whom you promised.
00:50:38Uncreated things
00:50:40have finally decided to talk to you.
00:50:43They have come to your homes
00:50:45and are knocking on your doors.
00:50:51When you hear this apocalyptic whisper,
00:50:55when you freeze in a deadly stillness,
00:50:59and when you calmly realize
00:51:02that this is a premeditation
00:51:05and that Gradobic is silent
00:51:08and is walking with the remains of your nightmares,
00:51:12then, with proper seriousness,
00:51:15look at the one of you
00:51:18whose life this adventure really happened to.
00:51:22Look at him!
00:51:25He heard Gradobic
00:51:28and saw the current woman
00:51:31and saw his current woman!
00:51:37How good!
00:51:40How good!
00:51:43I made it in time!
00:51:49You must take a hot bath.
00:52:01Everyone should sleep.
00:52:03Everyone, except the mother,
00:52:05who is sure to wash the dishes.
00:52:08I'll go into the kitchen
00:52:10and I'll say that,
00:52:12leaving Oiermach,
00:52:14I think I dressed too lightly
00:52:16because I froze to the bone,
00:52:18I have a cold,
00:52:20and I have a sore throat,
00:52:22so I have to take a hot bath
00:52:24and have an aspirin before going to bed.
00:52:27Who doesn't listen to the father of the mother
00:52:29listens to the daughter-in-law.
00:52:35He'll be silent
00:52:37and won't talk to me
00:52:39or pay attention to me.
00:52:42Good night.
00:52:57Good night.
00:53:02I think I dressed too lightly
00:53:04leaving Oiermach
00:53:06because I froze to the bone,
00:53:10so I have a sore throat,
00:53:12so I have to take a hot bath
00:53:15and have an aspirin before going to bed.
00:53:19I'm washing the dishes.
00:53:54It's me.
00:54:00I'm already in the bath.
00:54:03I'm already in the bath.
00:54:09Open up, I want to tell you something.
00:54:11Yes, I'm here.
00:54:21Open up, I want to tell you something.
00:54:24I'm here.
00:54:33I wanted to tell you that...
00:54:37Oh, yes.
00:54:38You're shaking all over.
00:54:40You probably have a fever.
00:54:42And it will be good if it ends
00:54:44with a pneumonia.
00:54:45Who doesn't listen to the father of the mother
00:54:47listens to the daughter-in-law so many times.
00:54:49I told you not to get scared.
00:54:52There's no aspirin at home.
00:54:54There's only polypyrene.
00:54:55It's on the table in the kitchen.
00:54:59Good night.
00:55:00Good night.
00:55:03Good night.
00:55:08Oh, no.
00:55:15You're shameless.
00:55:17I have to go to the bathroom.
00:55:19You go first.
00:55:34Fuck you.
00:55:39You're so skinny.
00:55:46Don't wash my dress.
00:55:49You bastard.
00:55:50You didn't even say a word
00:55:52about washing my dress.
00:55:53Slowly wash it.
00:55:54I have a new dress.
00:55:55I noticed, I noticed.
00:55:57It's good for your face.
00:55:59I don't believe a single word you say.
00:56:03Get out.
00:56:06Get out.
00:56:09Get out.
00:56:30I didn't do anything.
00:56:40Finally, we had to seriously
00:56:43think about
00:56:46renting a room.
00:56:52In the winter,
00:56:53a lot of skiers will come again.
00:56:56Many of them will look for a place to stay.
00:56:58And we don't lack empty rooms.
00:57:01Yes, young people will come.
00:57:04And young people should be supported.
00:57:06After all, it's our future.
00:57:09If you rent a room
00:57:12to someone nice,
00:57:14at least you have someone to talk to.
00:57:20You can kill me.
00:57:23Kill me.
00:57:25And bury me.
00:57:27And if you don't,
00:57:29I'll kill you.
00:57:32Don't you know
00:57:34what it means
00:57:37to let a stranger into your house?
00:57:40What does it mean?
00:57:41What does it mean?
00:57:43It means it's over.
00:57:46Sit straight.
00:57:48Sit straight,
00:57:49because if someone sees
00:57:50that you're sulking,
00:57:51you're done for.
00:57:53Letting a stranger
00:57:55into your house
00:57:57is destruction
00:58:01for all of us.
00:58:04He'll turn on the light.
00:58:06He'll cook.
00:58:08He'll wash in the bathroom.
00:58:12He'll use the bathroom.
00:58:16I think it's better.
00:58:19I think it's better
00:58:20for him to turn on the light
00:58:22and go to the bathroom
00:58:25than to do it in the corner
00:58:27in the dark.
00:58:29It's better.
00:58:33It's better.
00:58:36I need someone
00:58:38to make a mess
00:58:39in the bathroom
00:58:40or in the corner.
00:58:43All day long,
00:58:45you wash,
00:58:46you clean
00:58:47under a stranger's rug.
00:58:49And at night,
00:58:50you don't close your eyes
00:58:51because you don't know
00:58:52if he won't come
00:58:53and he won't catch all of us.
00:58:57You can't hide.
00:58:58You never know
00:58:59who you're letting
00:59:00into your own roof.
00:59:02For example,
00:59:04if I saw
00:59:05a vacuum cleaner
00:59:06lying in this room
00:59:07before noon,
00:59:09I'd kill him right there.
00:59:12If you want
00:59:14Dudu to spend
00:59:15the rest of his life
00:59:17in prison,
00:59:22rent a room.
00:59:24That's right.
00:59:25I'd go to the police,
00:59:27but I'd kill
00:59:28Dudu right there.
00:59:30You don't have a heart.
00:59:33If you want
00:59:34to throw me out of the house,
00:59:36rent my room.
00:59:38I'll be right back.
00:59:40I'll be right back
00:59:41to pack my things.
00:59:42I'm just begging you,
00:59:43let me finish
00:59:44the last supper.
00:59:47Don't be happy, Dudu,
00:59:48that if you killed him,
00:59:49he'd kill you.
00:59:51But for them,
00:59:53renting a room to a murderer
00:59:56is very difficult.
00:59:58Either him,
00:59:59or me.
01:00:01Or maybe
01:00:02rent a room
01:00:03to some elegant,
01:00:04graceful lady.
01:00:06Or maybe
01:00:07hang a red lantern
01:00:09right away
01:00:11in one room.
01:00:13A vampire from Rostov,
01:00:14and in the other
01:00:15a Babylonian prostitute.
01:00:17A vampire from Rostov
01:00:18will be taken by the police.
01:00:19So what?
01:00:20The fact
01:00:21that it's unlikely
01:00:23that a guest
01:00:24from Rostov
01:00:26would come here
01:00:28and rent a room
01:00:30to a prostitute.
01:00:35Don't be angry, Father.
01:00:38But you're
01:00:39just like a little child.
01:00:42How do you know
01:00:44that the one
01:00:45who knocks on the door
01:00:46and asks for accommodation
01:00:47isn't a vampire?
01:00:49Or maybe
01:00:50you think
01:00:51he'll introduce himself to you.
01:00:52Good morning,
01:00:53Your Excellency.
01:00:54I'm a prostitute.
01:00:55Please leave me alone.
01:00:56Or maybe
01:00:57you think
01:00:58he'll show you
01:00:59a personal ID
01:01:00in which
01:01:01the title
01:01:02of the profession
01:01:03will say
01:01:04a murderer of women.
01:01:08He'll come
01:01:10and haunt you.
01:01:13Why should he haunt me?
01:01:16I'm not a woman.
01:01:20I know.
01:01:22I know
01:01:23that you care
01:01:24about me.
01:01:27You can't wait
01:01:29for me to die.
01:01:32Please control yourself.
01:01:36Please control yourself.
01:01:38No one here
01:01:39wishes you
01:01:40to die
01:01:41or anything bad.
01:01:43I know
01:01:44that you
01:01:45and the priest
01:01:46don't wish me
01:01:47anything bad.
01:01:49But how can you
01:01:52a stranger
01:01:53to enter
01:01:54your house?
01:01:59you brought me
01:02:00to tears.
01:02:04I'm crying because of you!
01:02:05Do you really
01:02:06have to die
01:02:07so that you won't
01:02:08do it again?
01:02:09Do it again!
01:02:12I'll remember
01:02:13your head.
01:02:14Don't raise
01:02:15your hand on him,
01:02:17You know
01:02:18how hard it was
01:02:19for him
01:02:21to allow
01:02:22a stranger
01:02:23to enter
01:02:24his house
01:02:25without any reason,
01:02:26but to allow
01:02:27a relative
01:02:28to enter
01:02:29his house
01:02:30if necessary.
01:02:31Who are you
01:02:32talking about?
01:02:34I think
01:02:35that with all the peace
01:02:36in this house
01:02:37we could give
01:02:38a flat
01:02:39to some
01:02:40retired priest.
01:02:45retired priest?
01:02:56Not one,
01:02:59but two,
01:03:07a few
01:03:11I could give
01:03:12a flat to.
01:03:16how beautiful
01:03:17it would be
01:03:19if the whole house
01:03:21was full
01:03:26A real
01:03:28of joy
01:03:29would come.
01:03:32he was
01:03:34to us.
01:03:36He freed
01:03:38from poverty.
01:03:41He will
01:03:43lead us
01:03:44on the
01:03:46of truth.
01:03:49He will
01:03:50lead us
01:03:51on the path
01:03:52of truth.
01:03:54I know
01:03:55it's too early
01:03:56to kneel,
01:03:57but I'm so
01:03:59I'm so
01:04:02Excuse me,
01:04:05do you
01:04:09For example,
01:04:12is retiring
01:04:13from the New Year,
01:04:14so I suppose
01:04:15he would be
01:04:16a great help.
01:04:19is retiring
01:04:20from the New Year,
01:04:21so I suppose
01:04:22he would be
01:04:23a great help.
01:04:24But he is
01:04:25after the third
01:04:27and I'm sorry,
01:04:30will soon
01:04:33don't give
01:04:36more than
01:04:37a month.
01:04:38There will
01:04:39be a funeral.
01:04:40There will
01:04:42a funeral.
01:04:46is retiring
01:04:47from the New Year,
01:04:48so I suppose
01:04:49he will
01:04:51a great help.
01:04:52But he is
01:04:54from the New
01:04:56so I suppose
01:04:57he will
01:04:59a great
01:05:04a funeral.
01:05:08a funeral.
01:05:14a great
01:05:16And he doesn't follow his diet at all. It won't last long.
01:05:22I'm so happy.
01:05:24I'm so happy that we've finally settled something.
01:05:30We'll rent the room to Pastor Snow, as soon as he's married.
01:05:35And I'm in Olympic shape.
01:05:39Yes, Duduś is a real Hercules.
01:05:43He's a real Hercules.
01:05:45He's a real Hercules.
01:05:47My case, however, is poor.
01:05:51I'm barely moving.
01:05:53Rheumatism, podagra, headache, insomnia, dizziness.
01:05:59And I'm healthy.
01:06:03We could also rent a room to a high school teacher.
01:06:10I don't know.
01:06:11I don't know if there will be a place.
01:06:15For a high school teacher, there has to be a place.
01:06:20A teacher, a doctor and a priest are sacred professions.
01:06:26And for them, there has to be a place.
01:06:29A doctor?
01:06:33No way.
01:06:35What does my father want me to do with the house?
01:06:38A hospital?
01:06:39A hospital?
01:06:41No way.
01:06:43A high school teacher, you can think about it.
01:06:47Paweł, don't be upset.
01:06:50A man has to sit straight.
01:06:53A man has to be in the image and likeness of the Lord.
01:06:57Don't give him such unattainable models.
01:07:00It's enough for him to be in my image and likeness.
01:07:03Do you feel how this pump works?
01:07:06I feel, Duduś.
01:07:07I'm in the Olympic shape.
01:07:10A good skier should walk 5 km per hour.
01:07:14A table is 5 m long and 1.5 m wide.
01:07:19Its circumference is 13 m.
01:07:23I will walk on a much longer radius.
01:07:26So I can assume that one circle around the table is 15 m.
01:07:30To walk 5 km in one hour,
01:07:34you have to do 333...
01:07:38333.33 circles.
01:07:44And I can do 333.33 circles in one hour.
01:08:00333.33 circles.
01:08:21I am the reason of your misfortune.
01:08:24And you are the first reason of all my misfortunes.
01:08:27We are guilty ourselves.
01:08:30I don't mean to hurt you.
01:08:32I'd rather help you.
01:08:34But I have to admit that your betrayals,
01:08:37your chasing other women,
01:08:40your problems with yourself, have hurt me.
01:08:44Most marriages have such or other problems.
01:08:47But I'm not sure that we are a real marriage.
01:08:52Our problem is more fundamental.
01:08:54Daruj, but sometimes I feel like an old lady next to you.
01:09:00Or like an eternal lover.
01:09:04Like a widow.
01:09:16You are still a little boy.
01:09:18And the reason of all your troubles is the fact
01:09:21that you still live like a little boy in the world of prohibitions.
01:09:24I mean, of course,
01:09:26the tormenting and fundamental problem of your body.
01:09:30Are you sure that the cemetery is the right place
01:09:33for such conversations?
01:09:37Oh, stupid lover.
01:09:39Stupid lover.
01:09:41You had 800 women during the weekend.
01:09:45You have no idea about women or about the world.
01:09:49If you knew how many women lost their virginity
01:09:51in the cemeteries of the world,
01:09:53your spiritual life would not be so poor.
01:09:56The cemetery is a good and quiet place.
01:09:59Those who rest here are reconciled with the world
01:10:02and our temporary intruders are not able to disturb their rest.
01:10:06Stupid lover.
01:10:09You are an eternal seeker of safe places.
01:10:13A shy boy in the parks, a dark gate.
01:10:16You are a tireless penetrator of empty altars.
01:10:21Have you ever thought about leading one of your numerous
01:10:25betrothed to the cemetery,
01:10:27to the smelly garden of the dead?
01:10:42You, stupid lover, started to run away from a certain time.
01:10:46You started to look for love,
01:10:48which would not exist if it was completely forbidden.
01:10:54And you discovered that
01:10:56the only truly allowed love
01:10:59is the love completely forbidden by everyone.
01:11:03This is how you decided to live
01:11:06in the never-ending stream of one-time regrets.
01:11:11You sin, you break the prohibitions,
01:11:13you expose yourself to constant danger.
01:11:17So that for a moment you would feel free,
01:11:20sinless and safe.
01:11:23Your tragedy is that in such moments
01:11:26you really believe that you are free, safe and sinless.
01:11:33From your real bodily flesh
01:11:37the apostle Paul speaks of the fact
01:11:40that you suffer eternal burning.
01:11:49You take out the false intellectual consequences of love.
01:11:58Do you understand what I mean?
01:12:18I will explain it to you in a moment.
01:12:22And now think about your great-grandfather.
01:12:26He is dead.
01:12:29He is dead.
01:12:32He is dead.
01:12:35He is dead.
01:12:37He is dead.
01:12:40He is dead.
01:13:10He is dead.
01:13:14Women, my current women.
01:13:17No, no, I will not ask for this.
01:13:19In the restaurant I was always more interested in the waitress
01:13:22than in the dishes she brought.
01:13:24I got on the train and looked at the compartments for so long
01:13:27that in the end my work was rewarded.
01:13:29However, does this mean that only in their presence,
01:13:32only in their closeness
01:13:34did I turn from a shapeless, gloomy creature
01:13:37into a meaningful creature?
01:13:39And did my existence make sense?
01:13:41I don't know, Master, I don't know, I don't know.
01:13:43I don't even know if I am Paweł Kochałtki, a vet.
01:13:46Okay, I agree with that.
01:13:49I am an ordinary dissolver,
01:13:51the most ordinary alien.
01:13:53Okay, I agree.
01:13:55That's all I have in my head.
01:13:57That's all that interests me.
01:13:59Okay, although it is a very simplified and very vulgar truth.
01:14:02Because it is not like that
01:14:04that I reduce myself to my own genitals.
01:14:06That I bring all my current women
01:14:09to their erogenous areas.
01:14:11On the contrary.
01:14:13That's when infinity opens up before me.
01:14:17That's when God is close.
01:14:21After all, in the Gospel of St. Matthew, Jesus says,
01:14:24When the two come together, I am among them.
01:14:30Then infinity is within the reach of the senses.
01:14:33That's what I think.
01:14:34Okay, okay.
01:14:36I agree with the trivial truth.
01:14:38I am a dissolver.
01:14:40I am an ordinary erotoman.
01:14:42But why am I not?
01:14:47What causes me?
01:14:49What demon leads me?
01:14:52Why do I have
01:14:54an unbearably sentimental habit
01:14:57of telling my current women
01:15:00about the land of Cieszyn?
01:15:02Why do I promise a common life
01:15:05to every new woman I meet?
01:15:08Maybe deep in my guts,
01:15:10deep in my soul,
01:15:12I hate women.
01:15:14And that's why I devour them so greedily.
01:15:16I devour them.
01:15:18My current woman,
01:15:20whose face you saw outside the window,
01:15:23says that
01:15:26the first reason is
01:15:29that I don't write.
01:15:30That I don't write.
01:15:32That I am not a writer.
01:15:34My current woman claims
01:15:36that all the women I was with
01:15:39replaced my unwritten stories.
01:15:43But that's nonsense.
01:15:45That's nonsense.
01:15:47Even reading books tires me.
01:15:50Not to mention writing.
01:15:52Reading books tires and tires me.
01:15:58Because I, Master,
01:16:00move my eyes very slowly.
01:16:31Brothers and sisters,
01:16:34who are drowning in a glass.
01:16:38Drunkards and drunkards.
01:16:41You, who are not drowning.
01:16:44You, who have already drowned.
01:16:48I speak to you today.
01:16:52Now you understand
01:16:54the terrible meaning of the expression
01:16:57to drown your sorrows and worries in alcohol.
01:17:03Or, like the right-wing commune,
01:17:05to flood a worm.
01:17:08Now you understand
01:17:10the true meaning of this word.
01:17:13And how it once seemed banal
01:17:16and stereotypical to you.
01:17:22when your sleeping heads
01:17:23are leaning on a full glass,
01:17:26like on a lake surface.
01:17:31when the glass is so huge
01:17:34that when you look at it
01:17:36you have to rub your sleeping heads.
01:17:39And you still can't see its top,
01:17:41because the clouds cover it.
01:17:44Now you understand
01:17:46what it means
01:17:48to drown in a worm.
01:17:50Now you understand
01:17:51what it means
01:17:53to be at the bottom of a glass.
01:17:57I speak to you,
01:17:59residents of Szynkwasy.
01:18:01I speak to you,
01:18:03sitting in mansions.
01:18:07It seems to you, brothers and sisters,
01:18:10that those who look at you
01:18:12see you as you see yourself.
01:18:16It seems to you
01:18:18that they see a man or a woman
01:18:19on a ship
01:18:21and mature in age,
01:18:23holding in their hands
01:18:25a well-known vessel
01:18:27with a tiny bit of nectar.
01:18:30It seems to you
01:18:32that those who look at you
01:18:34think that you want to rest
01:18:37after a hard day's work.
01:18:40Or to calm
01:18:42your agitated nerves.
01:18:44Or to gather your thoughts
01:18:46before your decision.
01:18:49How wrong you are!
01:18:51How disappointed
01:18:53you are
01:18:55by the bitterness of your senses!
01:18:58What you take for reality
01:19:01is such a vague labyrinth
01:19:04that it really makes you laugh!
01:19:13What kind of man
01:19:15on a ship
01:19:17and mature in age
01:19:19has a tiny bit of nectar
01:19:21and a tiny bit of nectar?
01:19:24What kind of woman
01:19:26on a ship
01:19:28and mature in age
01:19:30has a tiny bit of nectar
01:19:32and a tiny bit of nectar?
01:19:34And there are no more
01:19:36well-known vessels
01:19:38that hold in their hands.
01:19:40The vessel is unknown,
01:19:44unheard of.
01:19:46It is huge,
01:19:47like an Olympic pool,
01:19:49like a huge world bath.
01:19:52Maybe someone's fingers
01:19:54are holding the vessel,
01:19:56but they are not your fingers.
01:19:58You are a shell
01:20:00floating in the depths.
01:20:06You are an unfortunate drunkard.
01:20:08You are like a slug
01:20:10floating in the depths
01:20:12more and more inexperienced
01:20:14and rare.
01:20:15More and more inexperienced
01:20:17and rare.
01:20:20And there is no man
01:20:22with a glass in his hand.
01:20:24There is only a glass
01:20:26with a man at the bottom.
01:20:28There is no gentleman here.
01:20:30There is no acid here.
01:20:33There is only a chamber
01:20:35full of glass jars
01:20:37in which your skeletons
01:20:39are swimming.
01:20:41There is only
01:20:43an aquarium gallery
01:20:45for fish, aquarists,
01:20:51in a luxurious wine cellar
01:20:53you are swimming
01:20:55like an elegant fish
01:20:57in a suit.
01:20:59You are not doing badly yet.
01:21:01You are still swimming
01:21:03from wall to wall.
01:21:07in a greenery
01:21:09you are a beautiful
01:21:15in a red wine cellar
01:21:17you are a master of science
01:21:19and no one will learn
01:21:21anything sensible about you.
01:21:26a child is not married.
01:21:28He is playing with his eyes.
01:21:30It would seem
01:21:32that he is splashing in champagne
01:21:34but it is not that
01:21:36he is swimming for the last time in his life.
01:21:40a father of a family
01:21:42pretends to be a young man
01:21:44and slowly dives
01:21:46into his stomach.
01:21:49Brothers and sisters,
01:21:56it even seems to you
01:21:58that you have visited
01:22:00the world in a wrong way.
01:22:02You have never been anywhere.
01:22:04You have never been
01:22:06to the North.
01:22:08You have never been
01:22:10to the North.
01:22:12You have never been
01:22:14to the South.
01:22:16You have never been
01:22:18to the East or the West.
01:22:20You have never been
01:22:22to the East or the West.
01:22:24You have never been
01:22:26to warm countries.
01:22:28You have only been
01:22:30to the interior of the world.
01:22:32The masters of the world
01:22:34are the same everywhere.
01:22:36You have visited the world
01:22:38although you have not moved
01:22:40from the place.
01:22:42Time ceases to exist.
01:22:44Do you see him?
01:22:47Do you see him,
01:22:49the drunkard?
01:22:51He raises a glass.
01:22:54Does he ask about time?
01:22:57A day has passed
01:22:59and he thinks
01:23:01a second has passed.
01:23:03A month has passed
01:23:05and he thinks
01:23:07a minute has passed.
01:23:09A year has passed
01:23:10and he thinks
01:23:12an hour has passed.
01:23:14There is no time for him.
01:23:18Time has torn him apart.
01:23:20A few hours have passed
01:23:22in his opinion
01:23:24and half of his life
01:23:26has passed.
01:23:28Do not hide your sorrow
01:23:30in yourself, brother.
01:23:32Do not conspire
01:23:34in your intricate interiors.
01:23:36You will not hide anything.
01:23:39your sister,
01:23:41will soon
01:23:43or later
01:23:45come out of you.
01:23:48Brothers and sisters,
01:23:51Apostle Paul says
01:23:53that you should not mix
01:23:55with the swindlers of this world.
01:23:58That you should not mix
01:24:00with the drunkards.
01:24:02That you should not eat
01:24:04with such people.
01:24:05They did not eat with such people.
01:24:08And how can you
01:24:10not eat with the drunkards
01:24:12if you are drunkards yourself?
01:24:15You cannot eat with yourself
01:24:17and what's more,
01:24:19you do not eat with yourself anymore.
01:24:21You do not eat with yourself
01:24:23because you are not yourself.
01:24:26Do as the Apostle
01:24:28commands you.
01:24:32Cleanse this villain
01:24:33from within yourself.
01:24:54inside me
01:24:56there is a physical villain
01:24:58and outside
01:25:00they surround me with a tight circle.
01:25:03and constantly terrorizing
01:25:07and gifted
01:25:09by the devil's intuition
01:25:15I do not call your name for nothing
01:25:17but it cannot be so.
01:25:20I had Oma.
01:25:23She complained about you all.
01:25:27She complained about your father
01:25:29that her complete
01:25:31is not noticed
01:25:33and treats her like air.
01:25:36She complained about your mother
01:25:38that she does not let her eat
01:25:40what she wants to eat.
01:25:42She said that the pastor
01:25:44in the sermons constantly
01:25:46spits out her gluttony and gluttony.
01:25:48She complained about your daughter
01:25:50that she plays the violin too quietly
01:25:52and sometimes she would so eagerly
01:25:54listen to music.
01:25:58poor old woman.
01:26:01She said that the pastor
01:26:03should never cut her hair
01:26:05and that you should not force your daughter
01:26:07to play the violin
01:26:09if she does not want to.
01:26:11She complained about your wife
01:26:13that she constantly
01:26:15has a nose for books
01:26:17and foreign books.
01:26:19If the books were not foreign
01:26:21she could read them
01:26:23from time to time.
01:26:25At the end she said
01:26:27that she was sorry
01:26:29for her husband,
01:26:31that he defends her
01:26:33from all of you.
01:26:37She had no complaints about me.
01:26:40Rather not.
01:26:42She only mentioned that she was afraid.
01:26:45What is she afraid of?
01:26:47She is a little afraid
01:26:49if you will finally marry a Catholic woman.
01:26:52The ring is tightening.
01:26:54Perhaps some details are wrong,
01:26:56old lady,
01:26:58but it is not about details.
01:26:59She did not ask at all
01:27:01if I was a Catholic.
01:27:03She only had no complaints about me.
01:27:05She praised me,
01:27:07thanked me.
01:27:09She helped me to go up
01:27:11and she said that for a long time
01:27:13no one helped her to go up the stairs.
01:27:16I treated her to tea from the thermos
01:27:18and she said
01:27:20that she does not remember
01:27:22how someone made tea for her.
01:27:24She brought me a cake
01:27:26and she said that soon
01:27:27she would be a Catholic.
01:27:29She was not surprised
01:27:31that you live here.
01:27:35She only asked if I was not cold.
01:27:37She said that in the last room
01:27:39there is an empty iron bed
01:27:41and there is a good straw mattress
01:27:43and a huge feather bed
01:27:45and that you should bring me all of this
01:27:47because in summer the frosts will come.
01:27:49She also asked...
01:27:51but she apologized for this question
01:27:53and when I answered
01:27:55I probably blushed a little.
01:27:57She said that maybe
01:27:59a nightstand would be better
01:28:01and that there is such a nightstand in the laundry
01:28:03and that you know well
01:28:05what kind of nightstand it is
01:28:07because it was your nightstand.
01:28:09All right.
01:28:11I will bring you my nightstand
01:28:13and a bed and a straw mattress and a feather bed.
01:28:15All right.
01:28:17A bed and a straw mattress and a feather bed.
01:28:19You see, dear,
01:28:21if you want you can be great.
01:28:22All right.
01:28:28Next week I will go to the local school
01:28:30and I will ask if they do not need a polonist.
01:28:33After all, I should start looking for a job.
01:28:37I would not want to be a burden to you.
01:28:41This is a fantastic idea.
01:28:46do you remember how we met?
01:28:49Of course I remember.
01:28:50We met on the bus
01:28:52in a hurry, line A.
01:28:54You were reading a book
01:28:56and I got in front of you
01:28:58and I asked what you were reading.
01:29:00And do you remember what I answered?
01:29:02Of course I remember.
01:29:04You told me that you were reading Kundera.
01:29:06But you did not know then
01:29:08if Kundera was the author's name
01:29:10or the title of the book, right?
01:29:12I did not know.
01:29:14And basically I still do not know.
01:29:17I have no idea about books.
01:29:18I do not know the prose.
01:29:22And when it comes to poetry,
01:29:24I do not understand anything at all.
01:29:29When it comes to poetry,
01:29:31I do not even understand a comma.
01:29:48I do not even understand a comma.
01:30:02I am healing, my dear lover,
01:30:04with fever and aspirin.
01:30:07And I will not hide from you
01:30:10that aspirin sometimes forgets to live.
01:30:14Maybe you should call a doctor.
01:30:16Be so kind
01:30:18as to call a doctor.
01:30:20And please,
01:30:22do not weaken me
01:30:24with these kinds of propositions.
01:30:26You know well
01:30:28that both you and I
01:30:30are the same doctors
01:30:32as experts in human cases.
01:30:34I have told you a hundred thousand times
01:30:36that there is practically
01:30:38no difference
01:30:40between an animal and a human.
01:30:43As the ecclesiast says,
01:30:48because the case of human sons
01:30:50and the case of cattle
01:30:52is the case of the same.
01:30:54As it dies,
01:30:56so this one dies.
01:30:58And everyone has the same spirit.
01:31:00And there is nothing more
01:31:02on the cattle
01:31:04because everything is
01:31:06a waste.
01:31:08And he goes on to say
01:31:10that there is nothing more
01:31:12on the cattle
01:31:14because everything is
01:31:16a waste.
01:31:18Who knows
01:31:20that the spirit of human sons
01:31:22enters the mountains
01:31:24and the spirit of cattle
01:31:26enters the underground.
01:31:28You know, Master,
01:31:30I think that the name of Lutruw
01:31:32is a bit excessive
01:31:34and a bit ruthless
01:31:36in the constant calling to the Bible.
01:31:38Besides, to be honest,
01:31:40you can get lost in it.
01:31:42So who are we really?
01:31:44Wise men?
01:31:49No, I don't like such generalizations.
01:31:52The Lutheran Church
01:31:54was dominated by, God forbid,
01:31:58and such theological shortcomings
01:32:00as you, Kohoutka,
01:32:02did not try.
01:32:04There is nothing to be offended about.
01:32:06After all, it was you
01:32:08in a characteristic,
01:32:10confusing way
01:32:12that you have recently presented me with a theory
01:32:14according to which the only way
01:32:16to reach the face of the Lord
01:32:18is to obey His commandments.
01:32:21To be frank,
01:32:24what does the situation look like?
01:32:27It has been sharpened.
01:32:30My wife has given me
01:32:35that is not straightforward
01:32:37and not clear to understand
01:32:39to take action.
01:32:41You are probably not surprised.
01:32:44You probably don't think
01:32:46that such a beautiful,
01:32:48long-lasting woman
01:32:50by your side
01:32:52will not only not last,
01:32:55but will not meet
01:32:57your expectations
01:32:59because you didn't have to
01:33:04such an educated
01:33:06and beautiful woman.
01:33:09True love, Kohoutka,
01:33:11has to be found among
01:33:13hairless necklaces,
01:33:15broken sunglasses,
01:33:18and undressed orphans.
01:33:25When she married me,
01:33:27she was neither so beautiful
01:33:29nor so intelligent.
01:33:31Beauty and wisdom
01:33:33came with age.
01:33:38As usual,
01:33:40the most serious accident happened to you.
01:33:49I'm sorry.
01:34:02I'm sorry, Kohoutka.
01:34:04I'm sorry.
01:34:07It's hard to leave you.
01:34:09It's very hard.
01:34:11But you have to count on it.
01:34:16are you sure
01:34:18this is the right medicine?
01:34:21When your time comes,
01:34:23there is no wrong
01:34:25or right medicine.
01:34:28And my time is coming.
01:34:33it's coming.
01:34:35I had a dream about Kiko again today.
01:34:37How many times
01:34:39did I have a dream
01:34:41about this ugly bitch?
01:34:43It won't do me any good.
01:34:44The last time I had a dream
01:34:46was every night and every day.
01:34:48Just like your
01:34:50current wife
01:34:52doesn't want to leave
01:34:54her man.
01:35:00What a demon!
01:35:03A demon of love.
01:35:06A demon of cruelty.
01:35:10Maybe it's all much simpler.
01:35:12Maybe she arranged
01:35:14an unannounced visit for you.
01:35:16Maybe she's just
01:35:18an ordinary woman.
01:35:21I hope you know
01:35:23what I think.
01:35:27All right, old man.
01:35:29You don't know everything about me.
01:35:31But I also know about you.
01:35:33In a moment you'll give a speech
01:35:35about women's cruelty.
01:35:37And then you'll tell me
01:35:39a thousand times
01:35:41that you love Kiko.
01:35:44In my opinion,
01:35:46I brought to you
01:35:48an ordinary woman's cruelty.
01:35:53Unfortunately, I don't have the strength
01:35:56to remind you
01:35:58of my theory
01:36:00about women's cruelty.
01:36:04But I feel sorry for Kiko,
01:36:06of course,
01:36:08and you took me
01:36:09for an ordinary woman.
01:36:15As you know,
01:36:17this story takes place
01:36:19just before the outbreak
01:36:21of World War II
01:36:23in London,
01:36:25at the Louis Zendorf hotel.
01:36:27Three people take part in it.
01:36:29A beautiful Japanese woman
01:36:31named Akiko
01:36:33and a frozen British seister
01:36:37with a burning look
01:36:39on her face.
01:36:41Akiko is learning
01:36:43a theoretical language
01:36:45and in the evening
01:36:47she experiences
01:36:49a thrill of hotel loneliness
01:36:51in the room
01:36:53opposite me.
01:36:57I think someone is knocking
01:36:59at the door.
01:37:01My dear,
01:37:03go and see
01:37:05if it's my beloved Josephine
01:37:07or the execution itself.
01:37:09Do you know
01:37:11how she got here?
01:37:13She knows
01:37:15the whole town
01:37:17from my stories.
01:37:19Let her in.
01:37:21I'll get changed.
01:37:42I like it here.
01:37:45I like it more and more.
01:37:51Do you want to spend your life here?
01:37:58She met Oma yesterday.
01:38:00She's about to meet Jermach.
01:38:02She'll start working at school.
01:38:04She'll find an apartment.
01:38:06It's not impossible
01:38:07She'll live under one roof
01:38:09and then she'll stop being my current woman.
01:38:14Maybe she's not anymore.
01:38:29Old clown.
01:38:38I'm sorry
01:38:40for the unexpected visit.
01:38:42I'm sorry
01:38:44for the unexpected visit
01:38:46but as you know
01:38:48unexpected visits
01:38:52in a sense
01:38:54my specialty.
01:38:58Thank you very much.
01:39:00You're welcome.
01:39:02I'm sorry
01:39:04for the unexpected visit.
01:39:05It's all right.
01:39:09My friend Kochałtka and I
01:39:11are just getting started.
01:39:13I can't do much here
01:39:15until you make
01:39:17your final decision.
01:39:19You can only think about the details.
01:39:24could you rent me a room?
01:39:26Please, dear child.
01:39:28But I can't.
01:39:30I've been thinking about it
01:39:32from the very beginning
01:39:33I can't.
01:39:35But no one will come to see me.
01:39:37I'll take care of the house.
01:39:39I'll cook dinner.
01:39:43That's not the point.
01:39:45The reasons are different.
01:39:48There's only one reason.
01:39:51I'm going to die soon.
01:39:54I don't know if Kochałtek told you
01:39:56that according to local customs
01:39:58it should be done
01:40:00before it snows and freezes.
01:40:01So there's not much time.
01:40:03I don't want you
01:40:05to be here
01:40:07when I'm cooking
01:40:09and I don't want you
01:40:11to stay here alone.
01:40:15Then I have a different request.
01:40:19Can I wash my hair
01:40:21in your bathroom?
01:40:26You'll find a clean towel in the closet.
01:40:28If it comes to shampoo
01:40:30I only have Tataro Chmielowy.
01:41:01She stays.
01:41:03You leave.
01:41:05The world,
01:41:07in the thought
01:41:09of unrelenting rules
01:41:11of female cruelty
01:41:13is put on its head.
01:41:28I love you.
01:41:30I love you too.
01:41:59I have to take her
01:42:01to the zoo one day.
01:42:28I love you.
01:42:58I love you.
01:43:28THE END
01:43:58THE END
01:44:28THE END
01:44:58THE END
01:45:05Could it be possible
01:45:07could it be possible
01:45:09to be late at such a moment?
01:45:11But no!
01:45:29THE END
01:45:42Thank you very much.
01:45:44Now, dear Akiko,
01:45:45I don't feel like it.
01:45:47I should have left in 1939
01:45:49or not immediately
01:45:50to the Pentachina's room.
01:45:52What do you think?
01:45:54That I will wander
01:45:55around your pagan world?
01:45:57No way!
01:46:25THE END
01:46:55THE END
01:47:25THE END
01:47:55THE END
01:48:25THE END
01:48:55THE END
01:48:56THE END
01:48:57THE END
01:48:58THE END
01:48:59THE END
01:49:00THE END
01:49:01THE END
01:49:02THE END
01:49:04THE END