Rental_Magica_- 09

  • 3 months ago
00:30All that doesn't mind, I will leave behind
00:38Lost in the dark, seek for the light
00:42I hold out my hand into the endless night
00:47To get through the time and swipe
00:51In my life, I turn myself over to never give in
01:00Feel you happy inside, you don't be afraid
01:04Keep the faith that I give to all that goes ahead
01:09Open up your way with a brighter heart start today
01:14The sun will rise up one way
01:19Believe in yourself, you'll know the love
01:29Believe in your strength, you'll find your way
01:41English Translation by Damesukekun
01:57It's too early to say goodbye.
02:00Abilicia Ren Meizas.
02:03You've come all the way to my workshop.
02:05I have no regrets.
02:08I hope you'll accept my hospitality.
02:11Oh, what a waste.
02:14I didn't think you'd make a workshop in a place like this.
02:18I'm the best disciple of Tsukasa Iba.
02:20I'm Eudyx Troide.
02:23I thought my name was going to disappear,
02:28but four months ago,
02:31or more precisely, 3,241 hours and 36 minutes ago,
02:36you were chasing the same case as Astral's second generation.
02:42So you're saying...
02:44What are you going to do about Itsuki?
02:46For that, you went to my workshop to hunt down the Gaetia yourself.
02:53Come, Greysabros!
02:54The powerful white shark that rules the 36th army!
03:22If that was just the tip of the iceberg,
03:24then I'm sorry, Solomon.
03:27Do you still have a hand in this?
03:31Did you think it was useless?
03:33I'm sorry.
03:34But the day of Solomon has just come.
03:38Come, Polnareff!
03:39The prince who rules the 29th army!
04:04Those eyes...
04:08Maybe I was a little naive.
04:10I'm going to be laughed at.
04:12Come, Heligol!
04:13The knight who rules the 60th army!
04:34Solomon's witch will not die for nothing.
04:40If I don't get the eyes of the new Basilisk,
04:44I'll go to Japan right away.
05:04A request letter...
05:06A request letter...
05:07This is also a request letter.
05:10It's from Paris.
05:11From Adilisia?
05:18It's been a long time since I've seen you.
05:22So, what is the legacy you inherited from your father?
05:27This is the decision of the church
05:30that the second generation has been in the company for six months
05:33and it's about time to hand it over.
05:36The first six months are trial periods, right?
05:40And what's inside?
05:41There is no such authority.
05:44It is the duty of the church to hand it over to the heir.
05:48If it is managed, there will be a rebellion.
05:51The church is aware of that.
05:54Can I see it?
05:55There is one problem with that.
05:58There is a person who is against the decision
06:01that the second generation will inherit this legacy.
06:06To put it simply,
06:07that person claims that the second generation
06:10does not have the authority of the president
06:12and claims ownership.
06:15What are you talking about?
06:16It's not something that the church does.
06:25Oh, that's...
06:27the airship!
06:28I have prepared a place for you to talk to each other.
06:36There is a weight limit,
06:38so you will be alone with the second generation.
06:46There is one thing that bothers me.
06:48What is it?
06:50I received a message from Adilisia this morning.
06:56I knew that the church was in charge,
06:59but the documents, the documents, the documents,
07:01the documents again...
07:03No, go ahead.
07:05I am in Paris because the church's branch has been taken over.
07:10So I heard a name that has something to do with you.
07:14I will look into this matter a little bit.
07:18If there is talk of inheritance from the church,
07:22please do not make unnecessary movements.
07:25Look into it?
07:28Here it is.
07:34Why are you here?
07:36Then I will tell you what I mean.
07:40Lapis, I brought the words of my brother.
07:44It's time.
07:47Let's say nice to meet you.
07:50I am Eudaicus Troide.
07:53This is...
07:55Lapis is the father of Eudaicus.
07:58If you are a god, you are a god.
08:00If you are a Sorcerer, you are a Sorcerer.
08:03Astral Creator.
08:05I am Tsukasa Iba.
08:07I am entrusted with 20% of the management rights.
08:11From my father?
08:12Even if you have a part of the management rights,
08:15what right do you have to talk about the president's property?
08:19This is because I am Tsukasa Iba.
08:24When Tsukasa Iba's management rights were in the air,
08:27the church told the successor to prioritize his family.
08:32Originally, yes.
08:34But do you want to take it?
08:37It's true that you've been leading Astral for the past six months.
08:42But I want to ask you.
08:44Do you want to continue your life as a magician?
08:50You're a coward!
08:52Do you think our president is an amateur?
08:56It's just a question.
08:58Half a year ago,
08:59there was a reason why Astral had to make Iba Itsuki the president.
09:05You were forced to be the president.
09:09I'm just saying I can be your replacement.
09:12I don't want to fight with you.
09:15I've seen the birth, development, and death of Astral.
09:20Right next to Tsukasa Iba.
09:22That's why I want to inherit everything, including Astral.
09:30I've been spending my time on the file just to touch and admire Tsukasa Iba.
09:36Forever and ever and ever and ever.
09:41You know, we're a cold-blooded company, aren't we?
09:45Do you feel like a president now?
09:48I want to be with everyone.
09:51Just do it!
09:52And then...
09:54I was left behind.
10:00Even so...
10:02Even so, I'm the president of Astral.
10:05Honami, Mikan, Kuroha, and Nekoyashiki are my important employees.
10:10I can't leave it to someone I've just met.
10:15Then let's make a deal to inherit Astral and this legacy.
10:20Let's have a magic duel.
10:22A duel?
10:24I don't want to fight you.
10:26Then you and I won't be able to inherit this legacy.
10:30Is this Attache case what you want?
10:33What is it?
10:34Are you saying I can give up my legacy?
10:37Or did you ask me not to get close to my legacy from Adylicia?
10:43Why are you talking about Adylicia?
10:46She was wonderful.
10:48She had everything a magician could possibly have.
10:52And she couldn't swallow it.
10:54If you agree to inherit Fade, I'll tell you about Princess Solomon, but...
11:00Don't get provoked!
11:02Here's the contract.
11:07So that's what you were going to do from the start.
11:09I thought it would be better if I didn't use it.
11:32Then I'll leave this Attache case to Lord Ibai.
11:37From now on, Astral and Eudyx Troide will be allowed to fight magic.
11:44When the battle is over, if Lord Eudyx can inherit this legacy...
11:50If he can't, Lord Ibai will be the winner, and this key will be given to him.
11:55In other words, the Attache case itself will be Fade's commodity.
12:00The contract has been signed.
12:02From now on, it's Fade's time.
12:04No one can interfere.
12:06I admit it.
12:08That's fine.
12:10Where is Adylicia now?
12:14She's dead.
12:17She died of a punishment that sneaked into my workshop.
12:21If they're both magicians, it's a hopeless ending.
12:30Even if I get my hands on your servant, no one will be able to stop me.
12:37I see.
12:38One day, I'll have to see the arm of the one who will become my servant.
12:44I'll avenge Ady.
12:48I'll go to the back of the spirit beast.
12:52If I do, I'll use the wind and the rock as a guide to the north star!
13:08Shut up!
13:11You're a fool who believes in your own magic too much.
13:14That's why you're so pathetic.
13:16Adylicia is dead.
13:19She sneaked into my workshop and was killed.
13:26I can't be a magician if I don't believe in my own magic.
13:30I'll spin again!
13:32In other words, I'll have the power of the spirit beast.
13:36I'll use the wind and the rock as a guide to the north star!
13:42I'll use the wind and the rock as a guide to the north star!
13:46I'll use the wind and the rock as a guide to the north star!
13:55President, run away from the back door!
14:00President's order.
14:0145 degrees to the right.
14:03Three shots.
14:04Adylicia, retreat!
14:11That mist was a hallucination.
14:14Your eyes...
14:16I'll have you pay for it.
14:20I'm sorry, Komuru.
14:22I'll avoid fighting with those eyes.
14:29I'll avoid fighting with those eyes.
14:39The spirit of Raimon Duslulus...
14:42Chase him!
14:466 degrees to the right.
14:516 degrees to the left.
14:53Open the barrier.
14:54Maximum acceleration.
15:00Maximum acceleration at the rear.
15:02270 degrees to the front.
15:30You cut off the path directly.
15:33But I've seen my only concern.
15:50Don't move.
15:54With the water of my power and the protection of the spirit beast,
15:57give me the life of a thousand years.
16:04What if the president finds out about this?
16:08It's true that there are things that can't be helped.
16:11But other than that,
16:13running away isn't something a human can do.
16:16If it were Ady,
16:18he'd definitely...
16:21I'm sorry, Konami.
16:23I dragged you into this, too.
16:26Besides, if it were up to me,
16:29I might have killed Lapis.
16:33Promise me.
16:34You can't take that eye patch unless you think your life is in danger.
16:55I understand.
17:00Ady, it's not as if you're dead.
17:04Eurydice might be lying.
17:07It's common for magicians to die.
17:11It can't be helped because that's what we're doing these days.
17:14It's not like you're an adult if you force things that can't be sorted out.
17:20Forcing yourself to stand up when you can't stand up
17:23is an act of a fool who can't even heal a wound that can be healed.
17:36Genma, Suda, Seiryu, Byakko!
17:57Mr. Nekoyashiki!
17:59I guess I couldn't escape the impact.
18:06Where's everyone?
18:08They're safe.
18:09The magic from the outside and the mansion are screaming.
18:13Then Eurydice's magic...
18:15I'll secure the legacy.
18:17I'll leave the president to you.
18:25Wait, Honami!
18:38Yes, brother.
18:40Lapis will do that.
18:42Are you talking to Eurydice?
18:44Lapis, listen to me!
18:46I'll put an end to this, Lapis.
18:56First, let me praise you.
18:58You're a decoy because you don't have the strength to face me.
19:02Do as you please.
19:04But as expected of my old friend Aston.
19:07Did you endure the spear of Tōtō that I spent three years on?
19:11Or should I praise the skill of Nekoyashiki that strengthened the barrier in that moment?
19:17But because of that skill, he's not enough to be afraid of.
19:21You're right, Eurydice.
19:24You're the magician in that ghost house, right?
19:28I didn't know you remembered.
19:31How could I forget?
19:33You're the one who made Ichan's eye patch, right?
19:35Maybe you did it to take responsibility.
19:40A person who was exiled from another magic group chose Astral just before it went out of business.
19:47It doesn't matter if it's you or the Princess of Solomon.
19:50What can that second generation do to you?
19:53The president's right eye is definitely working.
19:56If you're the one who made the eye patch, you can think of a way to fix it, right?
20:01There's no need to tell me.
20:04Don't tell me you're going to exchange it for your legacy.
20:08This is what I'm going to exchange!
20:10Come, my friend!
20:12Come, my princess!
20:14Let me see what you're capable of!
20:28So this is the magic of the Celts.
20:31That wound can't be healed in a normal way.
20:34Life and life...
20:35There's nothing wrong with the exchange.
20:38Of course, I'm going to end it with this.
20:41There's something wrong.
20:44You're too perfect.
20:57The same goes for the cat's house.
20:59You can use 100% of your power in any situation.
21:04In other words, you can use 100% of your power in any situation.
21:10If you don't have a choice, it's easy to calculate.
21:14I left Lapis and Elementaline on the other side.
21:17An unarmed cat's house and an inexperienced princess.
21:20It's more than enough for the second generation.
21:29It's too late.
21:57I'm sorry.
21:58I'm sorry.
21:59I'm sorry.
22:00I'm sorry.
22:01I'm sorry.
22:02I'm sorry.
22:03I'm sorry.
22:04I'm sorry.
22:05I'm sorry.
22:06I'm sorry.
22:07I'm sorry.
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22:23I'm sorry.
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22:27I'm sorry.
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