• 4 months ago
Part 7 of 8 of the ITV drama. Laura notices that Trevor is avoiding her. Paul announces he is leaving on assignment in Spain.


00:54Looking good, huh?
00:56One trip
01:06Clear such a kid
01:14This way let's
01:17It's not must-do is it they can get like that in storage give this lift
01:31But this brings back a few memories yeah life before builders. Oh, by the way kitchens looking great
01:38Just try to get me in the bed
01:41Trevor we need to talk about colors soon
01:43I'm just a bit tied up at the moment. It's getting ridiculous. It feels like every time I walk into a room you walk out
02:07All right lads get on is it
02:13And you've got a dog with you
02:17This is no dog
02:19This is a Geordie thoroughbred racing machine. No
02:24You're looking at the certain winner of Saturday's big race at Catford. So what's it doing here?
02:29Needs a couple of days to get settled in
02:32That's done hurt. I was working down here
02:34Fat Stan and what after a few pints and what 20 quid in your back pocket is always a good idea
02:39Did you sign he's given us all the instructions us?
02:46I'll have to take him back then now to Newcastle
02:53On your later sub is the fire
02:59Who's that oh, it's just some gadget downstairs seemed all right
03:04What gadget?
03:08Excuse me
03:10Kind of help just a prelim preliminary inspection. Well, hang on a minute
03:19Who are you
03:29Mr. Perry, it's brought you here. You're new on my patch
03:33Good excuse to get out dust off a few cobwebs
03:36Any other questions? Don't worry. I'll be back
03:44Well, it's from the council
03:48Building inspector
03:54I don't know what you're worried about
03:56What they like social workers Trevor once they get hold of you
04:00We've done that wrong
04:02Have we?
04:06Good day at work
04:10I'll count the biscuits never fails more you've eaten unless you've done. What do you mean? He's been leaving some
04:19Yes, congrat Laura all the major stuff it's a tickly boo
04:25We need to talk about color schemes. I
04:27Haven't got the charts with me. I'll get him first thing in the morning. No need
04:32Now a good time
04:43So we've got it down to a choice between bitter sunshine and starburst yellow
04:54Don't desert me now Trevor, you know what I'm like about making decisions
05:00Can I ask you something Laura, yeah, of course
05:08Are you sure about these bright colors
05:16You're right Trevor fine
05:21If there's something bothering you just say if it's anything I've done no, no, it's nothing honest
05:31Not very good
05:50Remember when you took me to that restaurant
05:53Yeah, of course
05:55Now don't get me wrong. Yeah, I really enjoyed being with you
06:00But you know what it's like when someone plants the seed
06:05That's why I don't understand sure if you have to explain
06:16Reckoned that you and Paul weren't getting on so well
06:21You know rowing and fighting and that what he said what he said that you only asked us out
06:29to get back at Paul
06:32Sort of using me
06:40Knew I should have kept me mouth shut
06:46All right
06:48Can I do for you well for a start you can stay out of my personal life
06:52You what look I realize you're bound to see a certain amount of domestic strife
06:57But don't make the mistake of thinking that you understand because you don't okay
07:00Fine. No, it isn't fine
07:02It's insulting. I mean, do you think I haven't got any friends?
07:07Do you really think that if I wanted to upset Paul I couldn't find someone more suitable than Trevor
07:15Look I'm not interested in your marriage. I just didn't want to see Trevor getting hurt. That's all you're so considerate
07:21Well, he was going through a difficult patch at the time if you remember just split up with his wife stop
07:27Bullshitting Joe
07:28The fact is you had no business meddling. You're the builder what goes on between me and Paul is nothing to do with you
07:34Okay, you say so
07:36Oh, and by the way for your information, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the state of my marriage
07:53Hope this makes you very happy
08:11Up to the job doesn't look like the standard size
08:17No, I know it's a bit bigger be on the safe side
08:38Should have put vents in
08:40These timbers need to dry out either born dry them on have you seen this staining?
08:45That's preserved if I put two courts on all right. All right, mr. Perry. We'll put Benson
08:59Mr. Perry we're really sorry about the conservatory. I
09:04Know we shouldn't have knocked it down, but don't take it out on us. We didn't know it was listed
09:09I'll pretend not to hear that
09:14Speaking strictly off the record. I don't blame you
09:17Nightmare to maintain mr. Perry
09:20What's going on?
09:22Well, it's early days, but from what I've seen so far
09:28Looks like you know first-class job
09:31Because there's the plague pits to consider what's that? Oh, it's the area's lizard room
09:39Yeah, but you don't know there's one under here well I'd have to investigate but it could have ramifications structurally
09:45There's a foot and a half of concrete down. It would have to come up
09:50But we've got to finish the job if there's one thing I've learned in this game there is no such thing as a short cut
09:58I'm serving you with a stop notice effective immediately
10:11You know let's go back home
10:15But to what what you on the door when me doing poxy kitchens all me life we need this it's a stepping stone
10:25We'll just carry on
10:27You know on the quiet. Well, we so much as lift a screwdriver. We are too grand Pura
10:33Could be weeks
10:37Like a mantra Paul warned us about this negative thinking you're right
10:42We mustn't worry about silly little things like being paid mystery because Paul's gone down the council
10:47Paul will solve everything my hero my ass
10:52You shouldn't let me come with you. I'm used to dealing with councils. They wouldn't even see me
10:57For you we put off by the suit didn't fancy any double glazing
11:02We've got just about enough money to keep Jo and Trevor on for the next two weeks
11:06Which is when they were supposed to be finished now when mr. Perry finally gives us the green light we won't have enough money to complete
11:13Be something we can do. Yeah. Well, I was thinking about your father
11:19He knows everyone in that time we were at lunch and it turns out I was sitting next to the local MP
11:25He knows he's got lawyers Laura we go to Henry that's your plan. Yeah, I
11:33Know it's a bit rich coming from me. I
11:36Thought you'd rather crawl over broken glass. That was just a figure of speech you hypocrite
11:43Do you want Laura want us to get on we need to get this guy off our backs?
11:48Henry can do that then we can worry about everything else afterwards
11:51I had thought we might be able to sort this mess out ourselves
11:53If you hadn't tied both my hands behind my back, we wouldn't be in this mess meaning the kid is job
11:59Don't you dare? I never stopped you. Yes, you did. I risked everything to stay. I nearly got sacked
12:05Go on then sod off to Spain. I don't care. Right? I will good
12:10I don't bother coming back
12:31Never thought I'd come to this
12:35I'm not been married that long
12:38Joe I
12:40Don't know there's times like this you have to think by yourself
12:46No, don't worry I've been doing for years easy
12:51I'll go Laura's that but Laura's think well, she needs a house to live in don't she? Yeah, you hold the phone
12:58What will I say to her nothing just say nothing okay, no problem I
13:06Really like it though. Don't you just plain trouble just plain?
13:51Maddie it's bad time. No, no, no, I'm intrigued must have this Marcos the city
14:12Right the chopper on it
14:30Great, so all it takes is a word from you essentially though knowing Hugo an expensive dinner is sure to figure somewhere
14:38Fantastic. Well, that's the theory see there is one thing rather troubling me
14:43Why would Laura send you?
14:46I mean Laura wants this guy out the way as much as we'd yeah, I'm sure she'd be in touch until then not bloody like
14:58You're not having any
15:06Says so here
15:12You're not having any chocolate and that's that
15:18You've got to be firm otherwise people trample all over you
15:28I'll go on no not the lot
15:42Purpose and purpose can I help you?
15:45Hello Mary
15:48No, no, he's just popped out
15:53He never mentioned it
15:56No, that's not a problem. Oh
15:58Oh, yeah, yeah bring her over we'd love to see you both
16:24Get in there. Yeah, it's okay
16:29I'm going your way. No, honestly, I'd rather walk. Oh, come on. You make me look a fool. Yeah
16:38No, they're not so yourself
16:47Just getting some fresh air wasn't yeah
16:55We need to know what's happening
16:58Not now
16:59It's we're relying on you Laura now Paul's not around Joe, please
17:06It's just I've got a lot of think about so I
17:12Okay, Laura, you're not gonna pass we can't wait around we can't afford it Laura
17:20So why is he so bloody happy
17:35What are you doing here you always have known how to treat a lady haven't you
17:42She really wants to see you
17:45Why now Charlie knows who I am. Maybe that helps. I don't need this, you know
17:50Look, I wouldn't be complaining if it was my Daniel here would I that's it Trevor you tell him who's top dad around here
17:58You just picked a bad time. That's all you sent her the locket now
18:02I know you just did it to make yourself feel good. I didn't but she's only seven. She doesn't understand
18:08She's totally besotted with you poor lass. It's only a present. Oh fine. I'll tell her that you don't know
18:15Can we just have a nice cup of tea and a slice of whatever you call this stuff by the
18:21Battenberg and then you can go your separate ways
18:25Come on then, let's get it over with
18:35Josie wants to stay
18:38After this fine. Oh Simon's here as well. It's it's far too cramped the van Laura
18:43She'll sleep in the house. It's fine
18:49Are you sure you're up to it
18:51Are you sure you're up to it? I'll keep an eye on him
18:59Every brain cell in my head is screaming now, but I don't want to break your heart. So I'll leave it up to you then Joe
19:09Please dad
19:16Don't take it so hard mate
19:19The grovel to get that job back
19:22Bastards probably offered it to someone else just left it too late. That's all
19:27They probably sent someone to Cadiz already. Yeah, well, she's got what she wanted now. I'm gonna give her a call then
19:34Tell her the good news. Yeah, she'll say I'm trying to make her feel guilty or something like that
19:38And then we'll have a row and then I'll go home and we'll rail some more. Yeah
19:42No, no, no, you're right. You're right
19:46Maybe I should give her a call
19:48Make the first move apologize
19:54You know, I adore Laura
19:58Well, she's particularly skilled in the art of the no-win situation
20:02Maybe I should stop tying myself in knots trying to do the right thing. Look let her cool
20:08Let her make the first move
20:11Unless you give me some space exactly
20:16As far as she knows you're in Spain, right? Yeah, I suppose so what's terrific
20:24Costa del Mikey's it isn't
20:29Call me you need a little holiday
20:35Come on look I've got you ninja turtles
20:42Tell you what your dad will put you to bed
20:52Go on settle down
20:56Tell her a story then. Hmm, you know
21:08Once upon a time there were two brothers
21:13And they lived in a mobile home
21:16And there was a posh lady. She lived in a big house or the side the road Joe. She doesn't understand
21:26I hate dogs. I want to go in the house
21:53Come on mate holidays only just started
22:02On the seventh day you rest. Hmm all the same. It's two o'clock. All right
22:07You saving your energy for the knicker clock?
22:12It's my little do for the trainees, you know young fit
22:17Desperate to get on kick while you can it you read me like a book
22:23Night Mikey
22:26Hey Paul, hmm easy tiger
22:40Did you sleep? All right?
22:42Sorry, she didn't like the arm
22:45It's really drafty in the van I
22:49Said you could use the house. Yeah
22:53Thanks, oh
22:58By the way, I know about the dog
23:08Really you shouldn't bother Laura
23:10Something to do take my mind off things. I would variety box
23:15They're supposed to be for Joe's
23:17Well, this is nice, you know eating together
23:22Thanks, Trevor, it's nice to eat with you too. All right
23:33My dad says I could see forever
23:39Look I'm sorry to spoil the party, but am I impaired or what?
23:47That's Laura
23:53Right, well, I've got a great
24:04Bit of sunshine
24:06Sorry, the colors we talked about bit of sunshine got to be
24:12All right
24:15But that's settled then
24:24Simon's right, you know, we can't go on like this. You've got to talk to her. She's unapproachable
24:31What's happened to the bullshit? I'm sorry the charm I tried
24:36I'm not begging her to just point her in the direction of Henry. I promised I'd take Josie out. I'll take Laura with you
24:45On your bike I wish loves kids
24:51Can we play hide-and-seek
24:52Well, we can do better than that can't we Joe you see you your daddy and Laura are all going out on a trip
25:00Sorry, see you forget it. Great. Thanks. Uncle Trevor. I'd love to but um, I ought to stay here
25:07Keep an eye on things. Yeah. Yes for the best Josie. Don't you two worry? I'll hold the fort we could go over the paints
25:15Tempting but we've already decided bit of sunshine. Remember
25:27You read all sorts, you know magazines and what have you but
25:36What a man really wants out of the relationship
25:41Someone to talk to
25:47Well, that's just my opinion
26:01Love it here dad and I love you being here. Well, I don't know about that
26:11Josie go and sit over there with your friends. Well, yeah
26:13Good girl
26:20Please Joe don't bully me
26:25Look you're a builder and you want to build and you want to be paid and I understand that but I'm in a bit of
26:30A mess right now, and I don't know what to do. So don't ask me, please
26:33We're gonna make it back to Tower Bridge. There must be something else we can talk about
26:44So anyway, all right, you must be proud of Josie I am
26:54Can't take much of the credit like are you and Mary still them close she understands me
27:04That's nice no, it isn't it's terrifying
27:07Men builders, not that I'm gonna cause because
27:16Look I'm very fond of you and your brother, but I can't make any promises to keep you on
27:23Yeah, so you weren't gonna mention that
27:26But while we're on the subject
27:28Why don't you go and see Henry?
27:31Can we talk about something else, please?
27:35Trevor thinks you're lovely
27:39But you know different I don't always disagree with him, you know
27:46I'm not the charm offensive, please Joe
27:51So, how did you meet Paul, huh, right last got was it just a party friends of friends
28:01He turned up with a gang of mates and
28:04After a few hours of talking bollocks with the lads, he met you in a queue for the lobby
28:09You got chatting to him and he agreed with every word you said
28:16Were you there wish it was
28:19You'd do it differently damn right. I would you wouldn't agree with me for a start for a start
28:28You're outrageous you're smiling
28:48Haven't told you see you're coming for it yet. She wants to stay
28:55Oh, I'd love to have seen Joe's face when she said that he's been fine really
29:02It's good to see you Mary
29:05We haven't shouted for ages. No, will you looking well?
29:10Which can only mean one thing in my book you're sucking the lifeblood out of some poor young woman, aren't you?
29:17Well, you've definitely got a bit of a glow
29:20There is someone I like though you had me worried thought I was losing it
29:31That was Karen and Andy they're doing all right. Yeah fine
29:38Did he hear he's moved in yeah
29:43No problem I
29:46Hope the happy
29:48You actually mean that don't you? Yeah, I do
29:52They broke the mold when they made you each other
29:58Daft wearing this really you worried it'll damage your pulling power
30:04Well, it's not that
30:08Silly hanging on to it
30:11When did you see them last the other day in the park?
30:15Well Karen was at work
30:19Just him and Daniel he'll never replace you Trevor just getting to know each other
30:28Daniel all right. Yeah happy as pie
30:46What are you looking at you
30:51Joe I'm exhausted. He's a great job, but enough's enough
30:56What do you mean Oh Jones it was a brilliant performance, but it didn't work
31:02I'm not going to Henry. So let's leave it at that
31:04Dad, I like your mom's here
31:09Dad dad you promised
31:13Laura dad my ears are closed
31:18Come on Josie
32:27I'm sorry. I clouted you
32:32Felt good though
32:34Should have done it a long time ago. You didn't see us this afternoon. I mean Josie
32:40You had a great time
32:42Really? I'm getting better Mary. It's a bit difficult to tell the difference. Yeah
32:48Maybe you should try harder
32:51Joe if you've behaved a certain way all your life, what do you expect people to think?
32:55You've got to let us in on the secret. I
33:01Want to see more Josie good
33:09Do you think she still likes me Mary?
33:15There's no accounting for taste is there
33:29Tell you it's a dead sir. You just refused to lose
33:33I'll see you later
33:35Don't give up on Josie. It'll take time. Oh
33:38I've sorted it with Mary
33:41I'm gonna see loads of Josie. I don't believe it. What have you ever done to deserve that?
33:46There's me worrying and fretting about Daniel, so sorry Joe, no, I'm sorry Trevor
33:52About Daniel don't forget trap six cat for this Saturday. Yeah, you put the money on bye
34:14We need to talk I
34:17Can't just bury my head in the sand. Yeah, look, I just want to say I really enjoyed myself on the boat today
34:24I'm sorry. I've been hassling you
34:26We do need to sort out the house that's good it's good because I need to tell you something on that score I
34:34Went to see Henry I
34:38Just want to be honest with you
34:41About everything you went behind my back. I didn't have a choice
34:44You you wouldn't let me but you still did it. I
34:48Told him you sent me Henry's got nothing to do with you. He's my father. You've got it all wrong
34:53No, no, you've got it all wrong
34:56Because you're arrogant and selfish the fact is you shouldn't have gone
35:03Hey, hang on
35:05Well, well, I had a good reason Laura. This is my job on the line
35:09Did it not occur to you that I might have had my reasons? Yes, I can think of plenty
35:13You're spoiled stubborn and you know nothing about the real world get out. You're fired
35:20Now you can't do that
35:21You're not even paying me. I
35:47What's going on you can't stay here Connie if we're gone
36:00It's like his aunt
36:43Hello Paul Atkins phone
36:49Sorry, it's random here I
36:51Can't move for castanets
36:54Sounds like you're having a good time red carpet treatment front seat of the ball ring and all that
37:00Burning the candle at both ends, but then
37:04Can I give him a message? I don't bother
37:21It's Mike pratting about as it is a joke
37:25Do you want to speak to you?
37:28I'm really missing you. All right
37:31Come on we need to talk
37:38Are you still working
37:45Three o'clock in the morning
37:48Lookout bed
37:52Come head-to-head
37:57You can be Damon Hill
38:00Jack's a bit this kid
38:02Maybe they've got a ship or two they can sell
38:07Why are you doing this
38:11Because Mikey
38:15I'm in a real state
38:18I've done everything she wants and
38:22Tried to be cool it hasn't worked cuz I'm here she's there we'll get some sleep
38:29This isn't gonna do you any good
38:32It's the only way I know how Mikey
38:35Anyway, I can dig myself out
39:27What are you doing
39:34My job I thought you'd gone home
39:40You know I can walk away from my wife and kid but I can never leave an unfinished kitchen
39:49Sad in
39:53Thank you truly lovely
40:03What you said before we argued I
40:07Had a nice time on the boat as well. Yeah
40:11You know me
40:13Well a chum
40:18Some of the things I said earlier they were a bit over-the-top look in the end it all boils down to money
40:24And you can't afford us waiting around
40:29What will you do I'll go home back to my work I
40:36Can't let you go
40:40Not an empty stomach
40:59Don't ever do it. I just found my father. He's expecting us for lunch
41:06Why are you doing this I want my house finished
41:19Best of British mess
41:21Listen, if it gives you any bother stick one on them. It's the only language these tops understand
41:34No use from open what it's obvious you miss them
41:44He's in safe hands now is he though
41:48When you think about it, he's with a stranger
41:51Now rubbish man, he's known fat Stan for ages. I'm stadium kennels. Oh, there's all mod cons now
41:56That isn't what's bothering us
41:59What is?
42:05Sorry to keep you
42:08Now I'll call off the council fat boy for you
42:15One condition you agree to my builders my expense completing the job properly
42:34Joe's done a good job. I'm very touching
42:36Why shouldn't I choose whichever builders I want because the one you chose has cocked it up. No, he hasn't they've been unlucky
42:43Laura you always have to control everything. Don't you? I'll take that as a no then shall I yeah
42:48You take that as a bloody. No
42:51Laura, please
42:52Not an account of me
42:55It's got nothing to do with you
43:09You mind if I say something
43:12That was really stupid, I'm fine don't worry about me
43:17Your husband deserts you and you just fallen out with your old man and you're just about to lose the house
43:23I'm sorry. You're not fine. I want to stand on my own two feet. It's what I need. Oh, well, that's one way of doing it
43:28I'll give you that. I don't need Paul or Henry I can manage. Thank you very much
43:48What are you doing?
43:49Joint account I closed it
43:52Paul said you were short. I think you better keep it. I don't care what Paul thinks take it you can stay on
44:03There's no point in paying us unless you've got enough to see us through to finish and if Perry gets his way this lot
44:09Just run out
44:12So you keep it
44:16I'll invest it. Take a risk double my money
44:19Paul and my dad do it all the time exactly because they know what they're doing and I don't nope
44:24Where are you going home Laura?
44:28I know things are rough at the minute, but
44:31It'll work out
44:33You're gonna have a lovely home marriage kids
44:36So don't lose it especially not for me
45:01You're not gonna do anything stupid I
45:05Didn't say that it's just you were talking about taking risks
45:23Go easy on him will ya. What are you like? I know you're feeling a bit wild. We might get the wrong idea
45:33You're not jealous are you?
45:56What is it trap six black and white stripes how appropriate
46:07Relaxed Laura that is a lot of money. Yeah, but it's not enough is it
46:12I've worked it all out if it wins put enough to keep you on to finish the job. It's a dog Laura
46:17You can't be rational about a furry thing with four legs
46:26Laura Laura, I really don't think you should do this really
46:33You you always do what you want, don't you?
46:45You got a bet we're in this together
46:54Five thousand two hundred pounds on number six
47:09Gotta be
47:12Yeah, but I was trapped six yep the way them before the race, and I was waiting a bit heavy, so it's bad sign
47:20What do you mean you said he couldn't lose did you put money on it?
47:27How much five thousand
48:03Gave it a Mars bar, and I think it had some button Burke
48:37If it helps I've blown everything in my life loads of times
48:41And if I can get it back, I'm sure as hell you can
48:45What I want to get back there, huh?
48:47Come on, Joe. You're the expert
48:50What do I do now whatever you want like I always do I didn't mean that
48:56Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm not complaining Laura
49:07Hate money oh
49:11Come on man. She's still got a million quid house and a rich daddy. I was sold out to me in this
49:17And all that chocolate can't have been good for him
49:21Ground racing is a sophisticated science man's not don't know how many Mars bars you eat
49:27probably got a
49:29tendon problem or so it
49:32Let me oh, you think he's all right
49:45I'll have you to he should have walked it and followed your instructions didn't we oh yeah definitely fun Stan oh
49:54Come on Stan where the only Jordies here
49:57We wouldn't do the tourist blog much good if we start a kick-and-shite outreach for that make up for losing though
50:03I'll buy you a drink. I'll buy you bottle
50:07Could I put him in the car say goodbye like hurry up?
50:12We're wasting valuable drinking time
50:31I'll miss you boy
50:36You bastard
50:44Do you have to go back we haven't got a choice
50:53I'm sorry
50:57Don't worry
50:59It's getting a bit homesick anyway
51:02You don't have to be this nice. You know you're allowed to shout at me
51:07Say anything you want
51:10You want me to say anything I want
51:18You really don't need any more complications
51:41Was just thinking it's not that complicated really I mean
51:46I'm not a builder now, and well you're not the boss