Presse maghreb - 28/06/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse maghreb - 28/06/2024


00:00Hello everyone, welcome to Mediain TV. We start this morning with the Maghreb press release.
00:11We start with Morocco, which confirms its will to upgrade its hotel park.
00:16Today, Morocco informs us in its edition of the day.
00:19The Moroccan daily highlights a innovative program for the modernization of the hotel park
00:23by means of a convention signed by several ministries.
00:27A decisive step for Moroccan tourism.
00:29It is a strategic project of the 2023-2026 roadmap in terms of tourist offers.
00:34This special mission, entitled Cap Hospitality, aims to accelerate the upgrade of tourist accommodation establishments
00:41classified with a targeted target of 25,000 rooms and an expected impact of a maximum of 4 billion dirhams of investment.
00:48For this, today Morocco explains that the state will grant hoteliers loans that can go up to 100 million dirhams
00:54while taking full responsibility for the interests.
00:57An important challenge for the kingdom in the face of the continuous increase in tourist arrivals
01:01and in view of sporting events to come, such as the Cannes 2025 and the World Cup 2030
01:06for which Morocco aspires to offer a hospitality of irreproachable quality,
01:10justifies the Moroccan daily in its columns.
01:14Faced with the rise in prices, an NGO calls for the establishment of a state institution dedicated to consumption, entitled 360.
01:22Indeed, the Moroccan Federation of Consumer Rights wishes to react to the high inflation of prices since the Covid-19 pandemic
01:29by proposing to the government to protect consumers through the establishment of an institution managed by the state.
01:35For the NGO, this is an important way to fight against the dysfunctions that allow often unjustified increases in prices
01:41in a context of lack of structuring of the Moroccan market.
01:44The FMDC denounces in particular the illegal increases in prices on certain products
01:48and also questions the silence of public authorities and competent institutions.
01:52With the creation of such an organization for the protection of the consumer,
01:56the action of public authorities could thus be more effective in a context of inflation
02:01that threatens the purchasing power of consumers, concludes the Moroccan media.
02:07The brief comes back on the signing of two cooperation agreements between Morocco and Turkey
02:12to strengthen their relationship in the energy sector.
02:15The information portal also explains that this cooperation also extends to the mines and earth sciences sector,
02:21including the production of geological maps, teledetection and the use of artificial intelligence for mineral evaluation.
02:28At the signing ceremony, the Minister of Ecological Transition, Leila Ben Ali,
02:32and the Turkish Energy Minister, Alparslan Baykatar,
02:35took the opportunity to salute the fruitful bilateral relations between the Kingdom and Turkey,
02:41which are considerably developed over the last two decades.
02:45Under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
02:49many diplomatic and commercial agreements have been concluded,
02:52thus strengthening the economic and historical links between the different countries,
02:57explains the brief, which concludes with the words of Ben Ali,
03:00who sees these agreements as a new momentum for bilateral cooperation in the field of energy,
03:05encouraging private and public investments.
03:10The FAO predicts for Algeria a volume of large-scale imports of cereals for the 2023-2024 exercise,
03:17believes TSA.
03:18The Algerian media takes up the data from the Organization for Food and Agriculture report,
03:23which therefore estimated the country's import needs at 14 million tonnes
03:27to meet the needs of the internal consumer,
03:30including more than 8 million tonnes of wheat, 60% of the imports concerned.
03:36As for the 2024-2025 exercise, the volume of imports should remain unchanged,
03:40with forecasts of around 14.1 million tonnes.
03:43Everything is specified on Algeria, always according to the report of the World Institute,
03:47which qualifies this expected quantity as the highest volume of cereal imports in the last five years.
03:53The drought known by the country recently is the main cause of these wheat, corn and barley demands.
03:59However, Algeria expected to see its cereal imports decrease,
04:03based on the report of the US Department of Agriculture,
04:06which placed the country as the first producer of wheat in the Maghreb.
04:11And finally, we end this tour of the Maghreb press with Mauritania,
04:15which will live a decisive Saturday with the first round of presidential elections.
04:19As the rule dictates, the Sahara Media indicates that the Publicity Regulation Authority
04:23has called on all political actors to stop all advertising activities
04:28related to the election campaign from the beginning of the period of electoral silence
04:32preceding the 24-hour elections.
04:34The RP has reminded that the representatives of the candidates
04:37who mobilize in front of the polling stations on the day of the poll
04:40must not wear posters of propaganda or hats or T-shirts
04:43bearing the image or logo of any candidate.
04:46It thanked all those responsible for the campaign
04:49and those who supported the different candidates for their cooperation
04:52with the representatives of the authority throughout the campaign
04:56and joined them in respect of the legal duration of political advertising
05:00and the period of electoral silence, concludes the Mauritanian media.
05:06This is how this Maghreb press interview ends.
05:08Thank you all for following it.
05:10The information continues on Mediain TV.