Presse maghreb - 05/07/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse maghreb - 05/07/2024


00:00Hello everyone, welcome to Mediain TV, we meet again for the Maghreb Press Review.
00:10The reform of the family code dominates an international symposium between Tangier and Rabat,
00:16which ends today in the capital, informs us of the 360, entitled Equality between women and men
00:22within universities in North Africa and in Francophonie.
00:25This meeting, rich in debate, was held in the presence of many academicians and students,
00:30with in particular the participation of the Faculty of Juridical, Economic and Social Sciences of Rabat-Egdel.
00:35During this partnership conference with the University Agency of Francophonie
00:39and the Abulmalek Sehdi University of Tangier,
00:41several law specialists praised the reform of the family code in light of the consultation
00:47requested by His Majesty King Mohammed VI at the Supreme Council of the Ulema,
00:51which will bring and consolidate the rights to women, the situation of gender equality
00:55and the perspectives of development, including in the developed world,
00:59will be at the heart of the reflections in this symposium, which will conclude today in Rabat,
01:04in the company of the University of Quebec and the University of King Mohammed V of the capital.
01:09The increase in wages, in line with the results of the social dialogue,
01:13concerns more than one million civil servants, media title 24 this morning.
01:17This is what the Minister-Delegate in charge of relations with the Parliament,
01:20Mostafa Beytes, said at a press conference at the end of the Council of the Government,
01:24which took place yesterday in Rabat.
01:26Media 24 explains that this increase in wages, from year to year,
01:29will be accompanied by a new net minimum wage in the public sector,
01:32which has gone from 3,000 to 4,500 dirhams,
01:35which is a considerable increase of 50%.
01:37Other decision-making projects have also been discussed during the Council of Ministers,
01:41such as the revision of the tax on income,
01:43the increase of the promotion quota in the rank,
01:45and the approval of several measures in favor of the personnel of education.
01:49The Minister-Delegate estimated, in this same context,
01:52that the effort made by the Government stems from his conviction
01:56that the work of the social state is integrated in this sense,
01:59that it targets vulnerable populations,
02:01beneficiaries of the system of medical coverage and social assistance,
02:04as well as the category of civil servants.
02:08End of quote.
02:10Today, Morocco offers us a ranking of Campus France,
02:13which places Moroccans as the first foreign student community in the Hexagone.
02:17Every year, Moroccan students are more and more
02:20to pursue their studies in France,
02:22and this is confirmed during the academic year 2022-2023,
02:26during which 45,162 Moroccans were enrolled,
02:29an increase of 13% compared to the period 2017-2022.
02:33In this report on student mobility in the world,
02:36Moroccans dominate largely the ranking,
02:38followed by Algeria, with more than 32,000 students,
02:40and China, which completes the podium, with a little more than 25,000 students.
02:44We find the Moroccan community mainly in engineering schools,
02:47being even the first foreign nationality in these establishments.
02:50Moroccan student staff have almost doubled in five years in business schools,
02:55according to this same report published by Campus France,
02:57which confirms the attractiveness of these establishments,
03:00which constitutes a real engine of incoming mobility on French territory.
03:04Finally, representing 6% of foreign nationality graduates,
03:08Moroccans are at the bottom of the podium,
03:10behind the Chinese, Lebanese and Italians, concludes the national daily.
03:16Le Matin d'Algérie informs us of the fall sentence for Djamila Bintouis,
03:20placed in temporary detention since last March.
03:23The court of Dar al-Baida in Algeria
03:26sentenced the defendants to two years in prison
03:29and a fine of 100,000 dinars,
03:31while she was sentenced to eight years in prison and a fine.
03:36Djamila Bintouis is accused of belonging to an active terrorist organization
03:41inside and outside the country,
03:43after composing a song during the movement against the contestation of Herak,
03:46which has terrorized power for months and continues to protest
03:50against the power of Abu Majid al-Bun.
03:52Djamila Bintouis will therefore celebrate the 62nd anniversary
03:55of Algeria's independence from prison,
03:57like the 200 other detainees of opinion,
03:59whose only crime is to have an opinion opposed to the regime in place,
04:02specifies Le Matin d'Algérie at the end of the article.
04:06To conclude this tour of the Maghreb press,
04:08Sahara Media reveals the announcement of the Constitutional Council
04:11which confirms the victory of Mohamed Cheikh el-Rezouani at the head of the country.
04:15The President of the Mauritanian High Institution,
04:17Dialou Mamadou Batia, announced during a public session
04:20that el-Rezouani, a candidate in his own succession,
04:23was elected President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
04:26from the first round of the presidential election
04:28which took place on June 29th,
04:30obtaining the absolute majority of the suffragettes
04:32expressed and constitutionally required.
04:34The President of the Council confirmed that the legal delays,
04:37having expired without having received any recourse
04:40against the provisional results announced by the National Independent Electoral Commission
04:44and after examination of all the verbal trials of the scrutiny,
04:47in accordance with the good functioning of the Constitutional Council
04:50and the requirement to proclaim the definitive results without delay,
04:53the President of the Council recognizes and proclaims these results.
04:56Sahara Media adds that the Council's decision on the start of the second term of el-Rezouani
05:01is set for August 2nd, immediately after his current term.
05:06This is the end of this Maghreb Press interview.
05:08Stay tuned on Mediantv.