Sanità: al Laboratorio 20/30 protagoniste le applicazioni potenzialità e rischi dell’Ia

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - L’intelligenza artificiale in ambito sanitario potrà rendere più efficienti e accurate le attività di prevenzione e diagnosi, ottimizzare i trattamenti e il monitoraggio delle malattie oltre a favorire l’erogazione dei servizi sanitari alle popolazioni meno servite, migliorare la sorveglianza della salute pubblica e far progredire la ricerca sanitaria. Sono i temi al centro del Laboratorio Sanità 20/30 Ai (intelligenza artificiale), in programma il 27 e 28 giugno a Codroipo (Ud) a Villa Manin, promosso in collaborazione con la Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, con l’obiettivo di diventare un appuntamento annuale sul tema dell’intelligenza artificiale con esperti nazionali ed europei, manager pubblici e privati, istituzioni, professionisti della sanità e partner tecnologici.


00:00Villa Manin di Passariano in Provincia di Udine was the setting for the first meeting with Laboratorio Sanità 2030.
00:12The meeting was promoted by the National Agency for Regional Health Services in collaboration with the Friuli-Venezia-Giulia region
00:18with the aim of becoming an annual meeting on artificial intelligence,
00:23with national and European experts, public and private managers, institutions, health professionals and technological partners.
00:31So, between June 27 and 28, a number of national and international experts,
00:37among leaders and managers of the health of the regions, various universities, research centers and scientific societies
00:42open a fundamental confrontation with technological enterprises
00:45to share the approach and content in view of the performance of artificial intelligence.
00:50As regards the levels of access to health services, artificial intelligence can also help to reduce the differences
00:59because if we make available technology, it means that, for example, we make available a universal knowledge
01:08that can be really widespread and, moreover, not only fill the gaps between areas of the country, but also within the regions.
01:16Let's think, for example, of the internal areas, where the availability of the general practitioner is not always available,
01:22or on many kilometers away.
01:24Artificial intelligence and new technologies can make a constant monitoring, especially of patients with chronic diseases,
01:30thus always being able to ensure that the same patient is checked and intervened in case of need.
01:38Today, the electronic health record for the citizen is essential.
01:43The regions, which have experimented with it for a long time, have acted as Armenia and Romania,
01:50they know it very well, because it tells the clinical history of the patient, of the citizen,
01:56it is a heritage of information available to clinicians and citizens,
02:01and therefore all the implementations that can be done, must be done.
02:05It is necessary to give the health system the prospects and the consistency of funding
02:13that can guarantee the regions, which are today in a situation of greater criticality,
02:20to be able to make significant steps forward.
02:23I think it is necessary to guarantee the reserve, the protection of information about people,
02:32but we must not fall into fundamentalism,
02:36because in fundamentalism, in the application of the legitimate protection of data,
02:42it has already taught us during the pandemic how many things could be managed,
02:48having the availability of information, even though they are anonymous,
02:52and we are working on this, because our region has a very important heritage of data.
