• l’année dernière


00:00That's why the good people of Dillydale have lots of them, whether they be big celebrations with fancy decorations, or simple tea parties with crustless sandwiches.
00:11One thing about parties is certain, the Mr. Men and Little Misses know how to have a good time.
00:18Down the block, there's another party going on at Mr. Messy's house.
00:23Come on, Mr. Fuzzy, we don't want to be late.
00:26I enjoy a party as much as the next person, but somehow a party at Mr. Messy's house sounds...
00:39However, it is only polite to accept a neighbor's invitation. I will do my best to have a good time.
00:46You know what would be a good time? Setting free a crate of chickens in Mr. Messy's house!
00:52Not only is that tastelessly naughty, it would be pointless. Mr. Messy would never notice chickens wandering about in this junkyard he calls a home.
01:04I'm going to go get some anyway, just in case the party's boring.
01:12Hey, Mr. Fuzzy! Come on in!
01:18Where are all the guests?
01:21Oh! Mr. Lazy's the only other person so far!
01:27Perhaps we should turn down this noise, so we don't wake him.
01:34Doesn't feel much like a party without the music, but okay.
01:38Hey, come check out the food!
01:40I am in need of some refreshments.
01:43Want some dip? The crackers are over there.
01:47No, no thank you. Dip upsets my stomach.
01:52How about a carrot?
01:54I only eat peeled vegetables. Peeled and washed.
01:58Suit yourself!
02:00I'll just have some punch.
02:03The punch bowl's right over there!
02:10This is actually quite tasty.
02:14Oh, sweet Henrietta!
02:18Pizzas are here!
02:20Mr. Messy, are you aware that there is a goldfish in your punch bowl?
02:25Oh, sure! That's Lester! I needed to use his bowl for the punch, so I had to invite him!
02:30But it's very unsanitary.
02:33Ah, don't worry! Lester's clean! He takes baths all day!
02:37Yes. Well, look at the time. I must be going.
02:42You can't leave until you've taken a whack at the piñata!
02:45Really? I prefer not to participate.
02:49Go ahead! Hit it!
02:51Oh, very well.
02:53You're close, Mr. Fussy!
02:59What's this?
03:01I didn't have any candy, so I used blackberry jam instead.
03:07Now that's what I'm talking about!
03:09It's disco pillow fight time!
03:12Please, Mr. Messy, I am in no mood for...
03:15Shazam! Now for the audience!
03:21And now, I'm going home.
03:26More guests!
03:30Shoot! Get away!
03:32I am not your mother hen!
03:35Sometimes, I just can't help myself!
03:46Do you find parties annoying? I know I do.
03:50That's why I've invented Mr. Grumpy's Party Protector.
03:54With just a push of a button, you'll create an invisible force field that will keep people away.
03:59Hi, Mr. Grumpy! Nice party, huh?
04:02Hi, Mr. Grumpy! Nice party, huh?
04:04I love parties, especially parties with hula dancing.
04:07I like pineapples, too.
04:09See how easy that was?
04:11With my Party Protector, you won't have to fight your way to the front of the food line.
04:16You'll have the whole buffet to yourself.
04:20And my Party Protector really comes in handy at birthday parties.
04:27As a bonus, my Party Protector is waterproof, so you can use it at pool parties.
04:34So if you have to go to a party, you're going to need your very own Mr. Grumpy's Party Protector.
04:39Because face it, the last thing you need at a party is people.
04:44A pizza delivery person is always a welcome sight at a party in Dillydale,
04:49which should make Mr. Nervous very popular this evening.
04:52Mr. Nervous, are you and Mr. Pickles parted yet?
04:56Roger, Miss Helpful. I'm parallel parking right now.
04:59Excellent! They're waiting for their pizzas.
05:01I'll be there in a minute. Over and out.
05:08Oh, well, I thought you'd want to know that Mr. Tickle is having a costume party.
05:12Mr. Nervous?
05:13Oh, well, just trying to be helpful. Over and out.
05:20Anybody home?
05:22Pizza delivery!
05:24Ahoy, matey!
05:27These horrible pirates!
05:29Here, take these. Just don't make me walk the plank.
05:33Gee, thanks, Mr. Nervous. Is that your costume?
05:36Mustn't speak to pirates. Must run now!
05:46Hiya, Mr. Nervous. Guess who?
05:50Ghastly, ghoulish...
05:52Like my costume, Mr. Nervous? I almost came as a carrot.
05:57Menacing giant celery! Nowhere to run! Nowhere to hide!
06:05Dillydale, I have waddled into a party of doom!
06:08My days of delivering pizzas are drawing to a close!
06:12There you are, Mr. Nervous. How much do I owe you for the pizzas?
06:16Would a tickle cover it?
06:18Would a tickle cover it?
06:22Perilous podium! Peridemonium!
06:28That man really needs one good tickle!
06:49A garden party can be a wonderful event.
06:52And Miss Whoops has many delightful surprises in store.
06:56A great party, Miss Whoops!
06:58Thanks, Mr. Bump. I'm a natural when it comes to parties.
07:02I was just admiring this ice sculpture!
07:05I can't wait to see it!
07:07I can't wait to see it!
07:09I can't wait to see it!
07:11I can't wait to see it!
07:13I can't wait to see it!
07:15I was just admiring this ice sculpture!
07:18I carved it myself!
07:20No, really? Oh, I am impressed!
07:23Give it a taste. It's strawberry flavored.
07:27Oh, I don't know. That ice looks exceptionally cold.
07:31It's not that cold. Go on, try it.
07:35Strawberry is your favorite.
07:38It is indeed, Miss Whoops!
07:41Well, why not?
07:46Maybe that wasn't a good idea.
07:53Time to bob for apples!
07:58Now, where did I leave my pet octopus?
08:02I think it was in that one.
08:06I'll use this one for the apples.
08:10Ok, what you do is try to get an apple in your mouth.
08:14Like this.
08:17Who wants to try it?
08:22Ok, I'll give it a whirl!
08:29Slippery little apples, aren't they?
08:33Look, there's my pet octopus.
08:40Time to bounce in the bouncy house!
08:43Who wants to go first?
08:45I think I'll pass.
08:47Go on, it's a party! Have fun!
08:50That's what I've been trying to do, Miss Whoops!
08:53Don't worry, Mr. Bump. I'll be here to catch you if you bounce too much.
08:57You can never bounce too much!
08:59Well, ok. If you all think it's a good idea, then...
09:02Oh, we do! Go on in, Mr. Bump!
09:09Hey, this is kind of fun!
09:11Why don't you go in too, Mr. Strong?
09:13Oh no, you don't need to ask me twice!
09:19Oh, pickles!
09:29Do I know how to throw a party or what?
09:39Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
