• 4 months ago


00:00Coffee time. I'm expecting Emily with us. She wants to talk about a law. Tell her I'll
00:17be right back.
00:47Start putting the money in this sack. Hurry up.
01:08Oh. Well, 9.30 on the dot. Punctuality always pays off, Sheriff.
01:18Yes, sir.
01:20You're so darn punctual, Sam, you don't even give your coffee a chance to cool.
01:26Me? I'd rather be just a little bit late.
01:30You'd never make a banker, Walters. No siree.
01:45Here, take it.
02:01You shouldn't have come in, Mrs. Withers.
02:09Sound like it came from your place, Sam.
02:38Don't anybody touch a thing.
03:07Three days later, I was in Willow Ridge listening to Samuel Matson's discourse on the importance of banking to a growing community.
03:30My name is Slade, private detective.
03:33Banking is the cornerstone of culture, the framework for the future. You understand me, Slade?
03:38I follow you, sir.
03:39A bank is like, well, like a reservoir of water to be used in time of drought. But what good is a reservoir when the water's all gone? Answer me that.
03:47Well, I guess you get kind of thirsty.
03:49Exactly. See my point?
03:51What you're trying to say is that as a banker, if you don't get the money, you just go broke, huh?
03:57$12,000 of it. Fortunately, although the vault was open, the safe was locked. But $12,000 isn't exactly...
04:05I know, isn't exactly. Hey, neither is my fee, Mr. Matson. I want $500 in advance and $500 when the job is done.
04:15Well, you'll have to accept five $100 bills, Mr. Slade. All the fives, tens, and twenties were taken in the robbery.
04:23It'll do just fine.
04:26Okay, sir.
04:41That'll be 25 cents, Mrs. Tanner. I hope it's just what you wanted.
04:49What can I do for you?
04:52Perhaps I phrased that wrongly.
04:56No, ma'am, you phrased that just right.
04:58In any case, perhaps Mr. Cummings had better wait on you. He's the owner of this store.
05:02Mr. Cummings?
05:04No, wait, don't. I mean, uh, I'll, uh, I'll take some of those.
05:14Anything else?
05:16Well, I don't know. What are they?
05:21Quail bone stays.
05:23You must be making a corset.
05:27This man is having trouble making up his mind what he wants, Mr. Cummings.
05:30Well, I, uh, I wouldn't say that exactly. I, I just stopped by for a little information.
05:35Well, what kind of information?
05:37Well, uh, Mr. Matson over at the bank told me that, uh, you were at the bank during the holdup.
05:42I was?
05:44Then I guess you can give me a pretty good description of the bank robber.
05:47You, uh, detective?
05:49That's right. Uh, uh, name's Slade.
05:53So Slade's hired himself a detective, huh?
05:55Wonder what he thinks you'll find out if the sheriff don't already know.
05:58What did the bank robber look like?
06:00Oh, tall, lanky fellow.
06:02Wore a black mask made out of a piece of muslin.
06:05Well, uh, how do you know it was made out of muslin?
06:07I run a general store, mister. We sell yard goods here.
06:12Go on.
06:14Well, Mrs. Withers was just going into the bank when I came up.
06:17Mrs. Withers?
06:19A woman who got shot.
06:20What, uh, what time was that?
06:22About 9.30.
06:24We went in together.
06:26The mask man was scooping up the money.
06:28Teller was already dead.
06:30Oh, what happened?
06:31Mrs. Withers screamed.
06:34The robber must have got panicky, I guess.
06:36Anyway, he shot her down in cold blood.
06:39Then what?
06:40Well, he turned his gun on me, but misfired.
06:43And he, he hit me.
06:45Uh, with a gun?
06:47Yeah. Knocked me cold.
06:50I came too. The sheriff and the others were there.
06:53That's all I know.
06:55Oh, uh, tell me, was the back door of the bank open when you and Mrs. Withers came in?
07:01I didn't notice. Maybe it was.
07:04Oh, uh, one thing more before I go.
07:06I'd like to buy a piece of that black muslin.
07:09Uh, Dee, uh, get it for him.
07:14How much do you want?
07:15Oh, uh, just about enough to make a mask.
07:18We, uh, don't sell less than a yard.
07:21Then I'll buy a yard.
07:27Hey, uh, Mr. Mattson told me that he had a beautiful girl working for him, but he didn't say how beautiful.
07:34That'll be 50 cents.
07:36He didn't tell me your name, either.
07:38Delilah Carr. Is there anything else, Mr. Slade?
07:41Delilah Carr.
07:4650 cents, please.
07:53Well, don't you have anything smaller?
07:55I'd like to get it changed.
07:58Mr. Cummings, a hundred dollar bill.
08:03Well, you'll have to wait.
08:04Oh, I'll wait. I'll wait.
08:12How long you been working for Salpus there?
08:16Mr. Cummings has helped me a lot, Mr. Slade.
08:19I'm very grateful to him.
08:21Well, that's just fine, fine, but, uh, how long you been buried here in this store?
08:26I buried my parents five years ago.
08:29Mr. Cummings gave me a job and a place to stay.
08:42That was, uh, 50 cents.
08:45One dollar.
08:52Five is 10.
09:00Smells like onions.
09:04So, at least you don't keep it in a pickle barrel, Cummings.
09:11Sheriff Walters?
09:18My name's Slade. Mr. Matson hired me.
09:21Sit down, Slade.
09:23Thank you.
09:24Want to order anything?
09:25No, thanks, Sheriff.
09:27Say, I understand you found the mask at the bandit war outside behind the bank.
09:33Yeah, I have it right here.
09:36Sure like to find a fellow at war, too.
09:38I've had a posse out for two days now.
09:40No trace.
09:42Well, what makes you think he left town?
09:44Mister, I'd note if there's any strangers still hanging around.
09:46Who said anything about strangers?
09:50Look, Sheriff.
09:52I just bought this piece of black muslin right over there across the street in the general store.
09:57It's the same kind of cloth this mask is made out of.
10:01You find that black muslin in every store in town.
10:04Ranch women around here use a lot of it.
10:06Well, Mr. Matson left the bank at exactly 9.28.
10:12Cummings says he and Mrs. Withers entered the bank at about 9.30.
10:18That's about right.
10:20We heard the shot that killed Mrs. Withers right after that.
10:24But you didn't hear the shot that killed the teller, did you?
10:27Nope. Figured it must have been fired about the same time a train whistle was blown.
10:31Comes into the depot here every weekday morning right on the dot at 9.30.
10:35Your bank robber probably counted on that to cover the shot.
10:38But he didn't plan on Mrs. Withers and Cummings showing up.
10:41I wonder why he left his gun behind him.
10:43Oh, he probably dropped that when he tried to open that rear door.
10:47Uh-uh, Sheriff.
10:49I think he got rid of it for the same reason he got rid of this mask.
10:52He didn't want to risk having it found on him.
10:57Nice to have met you, Sheriff.
10:59I'll let you know if I find anything.
11:16Won't take you far, now.
11:17What's the matter? Ain't this street big enough for you?
11:20It might be if you just look where you're going, mister.
11:24Telling me I know what I'm doing?
11:26I don't think you have any idea what you're doing, or else you wouldn't be so anxious to start a fight.
11:31You're the one starting a fight.
11:33Well, I'm the one that's gonna finish it.
11:35I'm gonna make you crawl, mister.
11:37I don't know anything you say.
12:47You know who he is, Sheriff?
12:48Never saw him before.
12:51Seems to be well-heeled, though.
12:54What if I take a look at that money, Sheriff?
12:58Come on, on your feet. Up.
13:01It's almost a hundred dollars here, in fives, tens, and twenties.
13:05Could be some of that bank money.
13:07Where'd you get it?
13:08Whose business is it, anyway?
13:10I can make it my business.
13:11It's mine.
13:14I got paid off this morning.
13:16Where are you from?
13:17Rode in from Grasstown.
13:19Been living with a herd for six months.
13:23He's lying, Sheriff.
13:25Cummings gave him this money.
13:27Like I said, Cummings.
13:28At least you don't keep it on a pickle barrel.
13:31Here, Sheriff, take a sniff.
13:35What is it?
13:38Small vegetable with a big smell.
13:40Cummings knows what I'm talking about.
13:42Now, as a matter of fact, Sheriff, this fellow did make some purchases in my store.
13:45I changed a hundred dollar bill for him.
13:47Second one today.
13:49Is that right?
13:52What do you got against him?
13:54I don't like his face.
13:56Any law against that?
13:57Not unless you try to change it with a knife.
14:00Let him go, Sheriff.
14:17Got something to report?
14:18I don't know.
14:21How well do you know your customers?
14:25If a banker couldn't judge character, he wouldn't be in business very long.
14:29You were almost put out of business a couple of days ago, weren't you?
14:32By a bandit.
14:33An outlaw.
14:34A stranger from someplace else.
14:36How do you know?
14:37How do you know it wasn't somebody living right here in this town?
14:40Well, I'd stake my reputation on it.
14:42Folks in Willow Ridge are all my friends.
14:44Including Charlie Cummings?
14:48You're not suggesting that Charlie would...
14:50He's the only one alive that saw the robber.
14:52Could be he's holding something back, Mr. Patson.
14:55I regard Charlie as if he were my own brother.
14:58We've done business together for years.
15:00He owe the bank any money?
15:02Of course he does.
15:03I hold a mortgage on his store.
15:05But what's that prove?
15:07Loaning money with good solid collateral is a banker's business.
15:11I hold the notes of half the business people in this town.
15:15What does the Cummings note do?
15:18Just a minute, I'll see.
15:22Well, matter of fact, it's due tomorrow.
15:26$5,000 plus interest.
15:28What if he can't pay it?
15:30Well, I know he can't pay it.
15:32Now listen to me.
15:33Don't renew the $5,000 mortgage you've got on Cummings' store.
15:37Tell him first thing in the morning that if he doesn't pay up that note in full,
15:40you're gonna take over his business, lock, stock and barrel.
15:43But I wouldn't. I don't do business that way.
15:46This isn't a banking business, Mr. Matson.
15:48We're after a criminal.
15:49Yes, but...
15:50I play it my way.
15:52And I think I can clear up this case early.
15:54Now go to Cummings as soon as he opens the store in the morning.
15:56Foreclose on the loan.
15:58Threaten to throw him out in the street.
16:01I got a hunch you might get your money back.
16:13Here, let me help you with those.
16:14Oh, never mind.
16:16If you want to buy something, Mr. Slade, I'll wait on you.
16:19Thank you.
16:20As a matter of fact, I do.
16:22I'd like to have one of those lanterns, please.
16:27Yes, I mean it. I want one.
16:37No, no, not that one.
16:39Next one.
16:41That's the one.
16:46That'll be $2.
16:49There you are.
16:54Going out to see if I can find an honest man.
17:09What'd he want?
17:11He bought a lantern.
17:12A lantern?
17:15He said he wanted to go find an honest man.
18:13Take it easy. Take it easy. Don't say anything.
18:43What are you doing here?
18:45Well, I might ask you that very same question.
18:47Or do you usually sleep here in the store at night?
18:49I live in the back. Mr. Cummings gave me a room.
18:52Oh, how convenient.
18:57Mr. Cummings lives in a house just outside of town.
19:00I bet he spent a lot of time at home, too.
19:02Or does he happen to be here right now?
19:06Good. Then I can spend more time looking for an honest man.
19:10Or woman.
19:11I'm going to call the sheriff and have you arrested for burglary.
19:14Go right ahead. I'll wait here for you while you get some clothes on you.
19:21Tell me why you're here, Mr. Slade, and maybe I can help you.
19:27It's Charlie Cummings, isn't it?
19:30You suspect him in some way.
19:32He's got some kind of a hold over you, hasn't he?
19:37You in love with him?
19:39I hate him.
19:41You hate him?
19:44How strange.
19:47You know, you're a beautiful woman.
19:50I know a lot of men that would do a lot for you.
19:55Are you one of those men?
19:59I could be.
20:03Then leave town.
20:06And take me with you.
20:09You make a mighty tempting lady.
20:12But I've got a job to finish here.
20:17Is that more important?
20:19It could make a difference.
20:23I'm trying to warn you in case you actually have something on Charlie.
20:29You have, haven't you?
20:31If he had anything to do with that robbery,
20:33he must have had an accomplice, someone outside the bank to take the money.
20:38That stranger in town today.
20:40The one that tried to pick a fight with you.
20:42No, I'm afraid not, ma'am.
20:44But you can't tell all the facts right now, can you?
20:52Well, girl.
20:54Want to see me out the front door?
20:55Or do I have to climb back out that window?
21:09Morning, Mr. Connor.
21:14Beautiful day, isn't it?
21:15Now, what can I do for you, Sam?
21:17Oh, I'm here about that note of yours that the bank holds.
21:21What about it?
21:23Well, it's due today.
21:27Dave, would you bring me the ledger?
21:48So it is.
21:50Well, I guess you'll have to renew, Sam.
21:52I'm afraid I can't pay it quite yet.
21:56Well, that's unfortunate, Charlie.
21:58Very unfortunate indeed.
22:00What's so wrong with renewing all of a sudden?
22:03Well, you see, Charlie, since the robbery,
22:06the bank's been short of funds.
22:08I'm forced to call in all outstanding loans.
22:11What happens if I can't pay?
22:14I'll have to foreclose.
22:16You mean take my store?
22:18Well, according to the terms of the agreement, I...
22:21I have a perfect legal right.
22:23Legal rights?
22:25What have they got to do with it?
22:27I thought you were a friend.
22:29I always regarded you as a fair man, Sam.
22:31Wait till the rest of the businessmen in Willow Ridge hear this.
22:34Can you pay it or can't you?
22:38I'll see what I can do.
22:41I'm sorry, Mr. Carr, but business is business.
22:52We're in no hurry, Miss Carr.
22:54We're just looking around.
23:10If you don't mind, Sam, I'd rather do business over at the bank.
23:13Quit stalling, Charlie. Do you have the money?
23:17Well, uh...
23:19An uncle of mine died back east recently.
23:22He left me some money I was sort of hoping to keep as a cushion.
23:26I don't know if it'll be enough.
23:28Well, open the box and find out.
23:36Does your uncle have an account at the Willow Ridge Bank?
23:40I don't know how that got in there.
23:42You'd better start doing a little talking, Charlie.
23:47Then it was true.
23:49Mr. Slade was right.
23:52I think you murdered those people.
23:55Did he?
23:56Who was your accomplice, Charlie?
23:58Never mind the money talks.
24:00And your part of the loot...
24:02smells of onions.
24:04I'll bet you the rest of it's around here someplace, too.
24:08Only smelling of perfume is your perfume, Miss Carr.
24:12Better search her room, Sheriff.
24:14Don't anybody move or there'll be a dead banker.
24:17Drop it, Slade.
24:19Good girl, Dee.
24:25Sheriff, get a doctor, quick.
24:28Sheriff, get a doctor, quick.
24:33Oh, no.
24:34Better this way.
24:44It was time for me to leave Willow Ridge.
24:47In my mind was the picture of a girl who was dead because of me.
24:51If Cummings hadn't loved money enough to kill for it...
24:54things could have been a lot different for a girl named Delilah.
25:24I'll get it.
25:54Ā© BF-WATCH TV 2021
