• 4 months ago


00:00You stay quiet, and so will the horses.
00:17That line will hold them there, and he'll never notice a thing until it's too late.
00:21You scared?
00:22Jim, do we have to do it?
00:24If Shotgun Slade has a bad accident, the rest is going to be easy.
00:29I'll warn you in front of your time.
00:42I was looking forward to the job I had.
00:44I hadn't seen old man Davis since he struck it rich, and I knew him, he had a scratch
00:48for a living.
00:49Today, he has a young wife, a gold mine, and a fine ranch.
00:54That's the way I like to see things work out.
00:56I figured he sent for me to spin a yarn about the good old days.
01:01Maybe he can tell me what was so good about them.
01:03He never had two dimes to rub together, and fun was mighty scarce.
01:08Come to think of it, things haven't changed much for me.
01:14Here he comes!
01:16You in trouble, ma'am?
01:20You're a lifesaver.
01:23I've been waiting here for an hour.
01:24Well, don't worry.
01:25I'll get you out of here in a few minutes.
01:55I'll get you out of here in a few minutes.
02:26Someone wants me out of the way, and wants it to look like an accident.
02:34I'd better keep my eyes open and watch my back, or next time he or she will shoot me.
02:55I'd better keep my eyes open and watch my back, or next time he or she will shoot me.
03:25Can I help you?
03:33Will Davis around?
03:35I'm his nephew, Jim Palmer.
03:37Anything I can do?
03:38Mine's Slade, Denver.
03:40Just riding through.
03:41Thought I'd stop by and say hello.
03:42He's over at the bar.
03:45You have an accident, mister?
03:47Oh, just took a little spill.
03:49Much obliged.
04:07I don't know what's gotten into the men, Mr. Davis.
04:09Two more old-timers quit today.
04:11What's it all about?
04:13All I know is you can't mine gold unless you got the men to dig it up.
04:17Slade, you old son of a gun.
04:19Will Davis.
04:20Come on here, let me buy you a drink.
04:22You're private stock, Lita.
04:23I want you to take care of my friend here.
04:25Shotgun, Slade.
04:27That's been a long time.
04:29Sure has, honey.
04:30Let's see, last time I think was back in Abilene.
04:32You were shaking a leg there.
04:34I still can if I have to.
04:35I'll bet you can.
04:37Oh, you and Mr. Davis friends?
04:38Oh, nothing better.
04:39I couldn't ride through without stopping by and saying hello.
04:42Then again, I didn't know you were here.
04:44Well, here's looking at you, handsome.
04:47Right back at you.
04:51Hey, what hit you?
04:53Oh, my horse stepped in a hole.
04:55It must have been dozing.
04:56Landed smack on my face.
04:58One thing I learned a long time ago.
05:00Keep my eyes open.
05:02Shake hands with Ed Kruger, Slade.
05:03He's straw boss at the mine.
05:05Pleased to meet you.
05:06Come on over to the office.
05:07We got a lot of years to catch up on.
05:09Anything you say, Will.
05:10Oh, Lita.
05:12See you later?
05:15That's what you said in Abilene five years ago.
05:18Not going to disappoint me again, are you?
05:20Now, what do you think?
05:21You'll have a lot of time for that later.
05:23Come on.
05:24Eat that fire burning, beautiful.
05:32So things have been rough, huh, Will?
05:33Yeah, I can't figure it out.
05:35Production down.
05:36Men quit.
05:38I ain't hardly showing a profit.
05:40Somebody's milking the mine.
05:41They're playing me for a sucker.
05:42And I want you to find out who it is.
05:44All right, Will.
05:45I sure will.
05:46Have a look around.
05:47But that's not the main thing.
05:50A long time back, I was married and had a son.
05:53After my wife died, I wasn't able to look after the boy.
05:56So her family took him in.
05:58They let me think he was dead.
06:01Last month, I got word he's alive.
06:03A doctor in St. Louis.
06:05That's swell.
06:08Slade, I'm pushing 70.
06:10A few years back, I found me a young bride.
06:13I didn't tell her about my first marriage or the boy.
06:16I didn't see any reason to.
06:19And now you want to do something for him, huh?
06:22And I don't want Cora to know about it.
06:24Not yet.
06:26You probably won't understand this,
06:28but things are good between us.
06:31I'm that grateful that she ain't making
06:33eyes at some young saddle tramp.
06:37Well, just what is it you want me to do, Will?
06:41I hand wrote me a will.
06:42It's 100% legal.
06:46I've got an old will here in town.
06:48One the lawyer drew up just after Cora and me got hitched
06:51and before I knew Brad was alive.
06:54I want you to take that new will to Denver
06:56and lock it up in the bank vault.
06:58It splits the estate right down the middle
07:00between the boy and Cora.
07:03She might not like that, you know.
07:05When she finds out, it's going to be too late.
07:09All right, Will.
07:10Anything you say.
07:16When word comes that I've kicked off,
07:20I want you to present the will.
07:22And so Brad will think maybe I wasn't his dad.
07:26Maybe he'd hurt all his life.
07:28Oh, Will.
07:30Tell me, why did you mail this thing to me?
07:32Because things ain't right around here.
07:35My mail's been tampered with.
07:37One morning, somebody busted open my file cabinet.
07:39A couple of weeks ago, I was shot at.
07:41What's your nephew doing about all this?
07:43Oh, you met Jim?
07:46Well, he says I ought to hire myself a bodyguard,
07:49but I can't see that.
07:51You hire a killer, somebody can hire him right back.
07:55I wish more people understood that.
07:57Jim's a mining engineer.
07:58He's doing a crackerjack job for me.
08:01He drives me home nights till Cora won't worry.
08:04Come on.
08:05I want you to meet him.
08:27What happened?
08:28The old man, he's hit.
08:29Get a doctor, quick.
08:30All right, I'll get one.
08:32Bad enough.
08:33I got a shot.
08:35At your uncle, he's hit bad.
08:38You see it, Kirk?
08:40I was having a drink with Lita.
08:42Somebody better get that doctor, quick.
08:44Here he comes.
08:45Let me through.
08:50How about it, Doc?
08:52He's gone.
08:55It ain't going to be easy telling the missus.
08:57Cora's going to take it real hard.
09:00I heard a...
09:02What's the matter?
09:03Is he dead?
09:04Oh, I'm sorry, Jim.
09:07Anybody been on that roof yet?
09:10Who are you, stranger?
09:12My name's Slade.
09:13I'm from Denver.
09:14I've heard about you.
09:16I've heard a lot about you.
09:18My name's Slade.
09:19I'm from Denver.
09:20I've heard about you.
09:22What do you want here?
09:26Are you worrying about me, mister?
09:29Not yet.
09:30Well, whoever gunned my uncle's long gone.
09:33You, uh, get a look at him, Mr. Slade?
09:35In this light?
09:36Don't worry, Jim.
09:37I'll find him.
09:38And I don't need any outside help.
09:40Now, wait a minute, mister.
09:41The sheriff can handle this, Mr. Slade.
09:43Anybody that takes a shot at me, I handle, son.
10:03Well, honey, what's eating you?
10:06Will Davis is one of my best friends, Lita.
10:11I know how you feel.
10:12But you take my advice.
10:14Let well enough alone, you hear?
10:18You want a drink?
10:19No, thanks.
10:21Not until this job is done.
10:24Look, why don't you just ride on out?
10:27Ride on out?
10:29Now, you listen.
10:31Someone took a shot at you, and you'll take another.
10:34Things are boiling.
10:35I've never seen it down this way.
10:38That's because I haven't been around here before.
10:41This isn't funny.
10:43Someone's out to get you.
10:45And he won't stop till you eat dirt.
10:48You, um, mind if I join you?
10:52Not at all.
10:55Sit down.
11:01Now that my uncle's gone, Mr. Slade, I'm taking over.
11:04Any business you had with him is finished.
11:08How much do I owe you?
11:10Forget it.
11:12You didn't hire me.
11:17Now, if it's all right with you, I'll take those papers.
11:19What papers?
11:22Let's not play games, Slade.
11:26Leave them at the office in the morning.
11:28And then leave town.
11:34And if I decide not to?
11:38Oh, you shouldn't have done it.
11:43Come on.
11:49Right, you're all.
11:50It's quick.
11:51Over here.
11:59Oh, take it easy, Walter.
12:04You know what to do.
12:06Yeah, just leave it to me.
12:13Some water?
12:14Yeah, over here.
12:19My friend Slade spelled trouble.
12:22It's quiet around here till you blew into town.
12:25You haven't seen anything yet, Lita.
12:27Baby, you keep this up, you're going to look like mincemeat.
12:31Taking sides?
12:33The old man was my friend, too.
12:36What about Jim Palmer outside?
12:38I've never seen him like this before.
12:40What do you think, brought it on?
12:41I don't know.
12:44Hey, maybe those papers he asked you for?
12:51This, uh, Mrs. Davis.
12:55Cora, I think they call her?
12:57What do you know about her?
12:59Well, someone like me can't afford to throw stones,
13:03but, well, I guess everybody in town knows it.
13:06Except the old man.
13:07Her and his nephew are like that.
13:11And now they're going to get all his money.
13:14You want to make a little bet on that?
13:16What do you mean?
13:17You got a safe?
13:18Yeah, over here.
13:25Open it.
13:32You're going to lock her up.
13:34Now, listen.
13:35Don't give that to anyone unless I say so.
13:37If anything should happen to me,
13:39don't tell a word about it to anyone.
13:41Just go right down to the county seat and file for probate.
13:44Oh, and, uh, one other thing.
13:47Just to remind you.
13:54Keep that fire going, honey.
14:05Hey, Slade?
14:06Whoa, take it easy, friend.
14:12What's on your mind?
14:14Well, it's about the mine.
14:15I know Mr. Davis was worried of being stolen blind.
14:20Look, I can't talk about it here.
14:22Anyone sees us together.
14:23All right.
14:35Look, the old man was getting a real dirty deal.
14:37I just heard something.
14:38Now, maybe it makes sense, and maybe it don't.
14:43Where are those papers?
14:45I saw the old man give them to him.
14:50They're not there.
14:51He had them.
14:52I know he had them.
14:53Well, the boss sure ain't going to like this.
15:22Who's there?
15:24Open up.
15:31Don't tell me you bungled it.
15:33We searched him.
15:34It just wasn't on him.
15:35Are you sure he had it?
15:37I told you, Kruger saw the old man give it to him.
15:45Have you searched his room?
15:46Not yet, but look, will you get a hold of yourself
15:49and listen to me?
15:51I lived up to my part of the bargain.
15:53If it hadn't been for you, I never
15:54would have married the old coot.
15:56I'm not going to let you get away with it.
15:58I'm going to get you out of here.
15:59I never would have married the old coot.
16:02I know, but I just.
16:03No buts.
16:06I'm only interested in results.
16:09You'll get them.
16:11Now don't you worry about a thing.
16:14He tells me not to worry.
16:16What am I supposed to do, sit around and twiddle my thumbs?
16:20There'll be no more mistakes.
16:24I'm going to see Slade myself.
16:26You stick your neck out, he'll chop it off.
16:30That's the way it's going to be.
16:32You're soft, Jim Palmer, as soft as the old man.
16:37I'm going to see Slade in the morning.
16:40And if he doesn't come across, well, he
16:52may just stay in this town permanently.
16:59I never felt a thing after the first gun butt
17:02cracked my skull.
17:03Later, when I came to and realized
17:05someone had searched me, I understood why
17:07I'd been given the treatment.
17:10Someone had heard about the new will and wanted it real bad.
17:14It can only be a party who would benefit by the old one.
17:17Just a moment.
17:33You sure you got the right room, lady?
17:36Mr. Slade?
17:37That's right.
17:38What can I do for you?
17:40I'm Cora Davis, Will's wife.
17:42I'm here to see Slade.
17:44What can I do for you?
17:45I'm Cora Davis, Will's widow.
17:47Oh, I'm very sorry.
17:49Come right in, please.
17:55I'm real sorry about Will.
17:56I just don't make him like him.
17:58Won't you sit down?
17:59Oh, no, no.
18:00I can't stay but a minute.
18:02I had to make arrangements for the funeral.
18:06But Mr. Slade, I want to thank you for coming.
18:08Whatever Will needed you for, well, your work is done.
18:12I'd like to pay you for your trouble.
18:14Oh, no, Mrs. Davis, that won't be necessary.
18:15Oh, you would have wanted it.
18:16I know how busy you are.
18:17And, well, you'll be wanting to get back to Denver now.
18:20Well, no, not just yet.
18:21I know what happened to you last night.
18:23It could happen again.
18:24I feel responsible if you didn't go.
18:26Well, I really can't leave just now, you see.
18:28I have a job to do here yet.
18:37Let's have those papers, Mr. Slade.
18:40Well, just what papers are you referring to, Mrs. Davis?
18:43The ones he gave you last night.
18:45Don't rile me, mister.
18:46I know how to use this.
18:47Now, let's have them.
18:48Mrs. Davis.
18:49Stay where you are.
18:51Don't move.
18:52Toss them on the bureau.
18:57Well, the lady in distress.
19:00Yesterday was an accident.
19:02What's it going to be today?
19:04Curtains, unless you use your head.
19:07I know what's in that will, and I want it.
19:11Well, I guess you win, Mrs. Davis.
19:13I'll take that.
19:19What do you think you're doing?
19:20Oh, they'll probably string you up for this.
19:23Very clever.
19:25Yes, they'll probably tar and feather you
19:26before they stretch your neck.
19:27I'll have to catch me first, lady.
19:32Let's go.
19:42Come on, let's go.
19:48Come on.
20:15Sam, are you all right?
20:39No one ever bothered a woman in this town before.
20:54My murdered uncle's widow.
20:56Let's string him up.
20:57Now you're talking.
20:58What about it, Sheriff?
20:59Now, now, boys.
21:00Just simmer down.
21:01Since he came to town, Will Davis has been murdered and his widow insulted.
21:05Are you going to deputize a posse, Sheriff, or do we make our own law?
21:09Does Mrs. Davis want to swear on a complaint?
21:11She sure does.
21:12All right, boys.
21:13You're deputized.
21:14Let's split up.
21:16You head for Rimrock.
21:17We'll go the other way.
21:32I knew if I went back to town, I'd be sticking my head into a noose.
21:36And if I kept going, they'd ride me into the ground and fill me full of lead.
21:40My only chance to stand them off is at the mine.
21:49How'd you get to the mine?
22:10In here, all right.
22:11Spooked his horse into the brush.
22:12Look, we know you're in there, Slade.
22:13Come out with your hands up.
22:15All right, Slade, if that's the way you want it.
22:26Jake, you go around the back so he doesn't sneak out that way.
22:29Now what?
22:30A little surprise for our friend.
23:51That takes care of Mr. Slade.
23:54Up with him.
23:55Well, you're wrong again, my friend.
24:01How can a nice guy like Will Davis have a nephew like you?
24:08Get going.
24:09You see, Leland, what they were doing was simple.
24:18Jim and Kruger would force Will's men to quit.
24:21Jim's men had stayed on.
24:22We're Jim's men.
24:23They just looted the mine.
24:26What happens to Cora?
24:27Well, I don't know.
24:28They've never hanged a woman in this territory.
24:32Maybe old Will's ghost will scare her to death.
24:35I gotta go.
24:36Hey, where are you going?
24:37At the father's will for probate.
24:38Oh, don't worry.
24:39I'll be back later.
24:40Five years from now?
24:41Let's not start this again.
24:42Hey, what's the matter with you?
24:43You're not supposed to be here.
24:44You're not supposed to be here.
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