The Commish Season 4 Episode 5 Who Do You Trust

  • 4 months ago
The Commish Season 4 Episode 5 Who Do You Trust


00:42Look at that who said he's boat is bigger than my house
00:50They say crime doesn't pay slip up sooner or later and when he does he's going away forever
01:00I don't know it might be worth it
01:05Wonder if there's a way we can get a diver out there bug the yacht
01:12Hey look and that's loop who are those guys?
01:32Look agent right you guys offense. I respect that but this is my jurisdiction
01:37Then after was any five years all of we were close to mailing him for tax evasion you want rosetti for taxes
01:43He's been distributing crack heroin. Can you prove it not yet? Well you want we tried?
01:49Look, we think we can turn one of his goons a guy named Klesko. You got this guy in custody. We'll find him
01:56If this isn't handled carefully rosetti finds out your bird dog in one of these guys
02:00He could wind up split in the country. I know how to make a case
02:04Look scally tell you the truth. I'm up for a big promotion. This could be a very high-profile collar
02:09Now you local guys are good cops and all but some things a little out of your league you got a face
02:14That I'm not backing off face that I'm not backing off either fine
02:19I will keep each other informed cooperate where possible
02:22I got a meeting. Well cancel it. What could be more important than federal business? I
02:29First noticed it playing softball at last year's picnic. I
02:33Played in college, you know MVP three years in a row. I
02:37Couldn't see the ball coming at me. It was just a blur. I thought it was a brain tumor or something
02:42I was kind of relieved to find out I was only going blind
02:44It's not gonna happen. The boss is going to meet with the review panel this afternoon. He's gonna get him to change their mind
02:56This is a good thing
02:58Yeah, I have a very strong case Peggy. Trust me. It's gonna go our way
03:03Like the hope it will it's just the way insurance companies are
03:08But thank you
03:31Gotta keep the thinking positive. Yeah, I know
03:35Any tough assignments I could put in for
03:37Gang stuff undercover work boy. Maybe I get lucky and take a bullet the life insurance
03:43It'd be enough for pegs operation and then some and who will help or raise your kids
03:46I want you to put that thought out of your mind or I'll suspend you you understand me
03:55Got it
03:58Roger that spotted Klesko by the marina. We nailed him one step closer to getting Rosetti
04:21That's him
05:43Didn't do anything. What are you doing?
05:48You got the right to remain silent
05:52You were sitting right around
05:57Told you I was just out for a stroll. Hey, Joey, you got quite a file on you here
06:03We bring half these charges. You'd be strolling straight to the clink
06:07What can I say a whole lot of cases of mistaken identity how long you've been working for Rosetti? I
06:16Don't want for Rosetti look I want a lawyer now
06:24The phone's right over there
06:29Give me an outside line. We're not gonna get anything out of him. He's too scared of Rosetti
06:39Hey Klesko
06:41You won't be needing a lawyer after all we're gonna let you go. I haven't even posted bail don't matter. We're dropping the charges
06:49all of them
06:52What's the catch no catch you free to go say hello to Rosetti. Hey, I don't even know Rosetti
07:03Hey, wait a minute
07:06Wait a minute you
07:08You're trying to make it look like I cut a deal here like like I rolled over
07:12Joey we do something like that Rosetti. He'll kill me you a perfect stranger
07:18This ain't gonna fly Skelly this this ain't gonna fly I got my rights arrest me. Bye. Bye
07:24Of course if Rosetti's gonna think you did a deal. Why not do one?
07:29That way we can protect you
07:30Well, you can just walk out the door try to convince him that we just let you go for no reason at all
07:36Was that he'd buy that right?
07:39Look I I don't know much I you know, but I uh, I know a little
07:47I'll go tell the feds we're getting a little help
07:57I'm all ears
08:10Sorry boss we were just trying to get ready for Groverton. We don't want to get beat again
08:15Two things
08:18This is a precinct not a gym
08:23Key is a little backspin
08:32You all dried off yeah as I fell on Rosetti
08:37No, it's not
08:39Well, the clerks must have screwed up again. I'll talk to him good and leave it on my desk. I'm leaving
08:44to meet with the review panel
08:49Boss thanks a lot for going to bat for us. Hey between your great record my golden tongue. They can't say no
08:57I'm afraid the answer is no commissioner. We stand by our original interpretation of the contract
09:03Care Tacoma's is a dystrophy of the cornea. I know that with Peggy Hibbs. It's in an advanced stage a
09:10Corneal transplant is the only treatment really is not the issue here commissioner
09:15Then what is that her condition predated our companies being named as this city's insurance carrier our contract clearly states
09:23That any pre-existing medical conditions are excluded. Have you ever seen John service record? He's won every medal that you can get
09:31He's dedicated honest. I've never seen a better cop
09:35Look, I know you folks have a business to run
09:39But are we really gonna let this woman go blind because of a technicality
09:43Doesn't your department have a fund established for officers that need it's tapped
09:47We're trying to raise money through collections, but times are tough for everyone
09:52Look, this woman has small children. I'd be in favor of
09:56Petitioning the board of directors. How soon can you do that?
09:59next meetings in six weeks
10:04Not good enough that's what I told him what else can you do? Oh
10:09A friend of mine's on the Insurance Commission. I have a call in there's any one guy who can make the impossible happen. It's the boss
10:17In the meantime
10:19I'm speaking for all the wives in the precinct. If there's anything that we could do
10:24Just say the word. That's very kind right now. I can't really think anything
10:30You little help with the kids I can take care of my own children John no, I didn't mean
10:37Didn't even offer you guys anything
11:01She won't admit it she's scared to death man
11:05Everything it's getting worse
11:07It's not over yet. Yeah
11:09Board of Directors Insurance Commission just a lot of crap
11:16She won't even get to see her own kids grow up. We're not gonna let that happen. All right, whatever it takes
11:21We're gonna get her that operation. Okay. Yeah
11:40Okay, looking good looking good you stink we're gonna get killed by Groverton again how many years in a row six
12:05So you must be the chief commissioner whatever
12:15And you are jumbo Jim Knox Syracuse all-american I don't believe I've seen you around before I
12:23Work in records department. Yeah records department. Yeah, what do you do?
12:29Filing updating cross-referencing. Yeah that yeah, he's still under the ropes. Just joined the week ago just in time for the Groverton game
12:40Well jumbo welcome to the department
12:53Another one
12:55That's not me
12:57Said it relax. If I wanted you hurt you'd already be hurt. Believe me. I
13:04Made one hell of a bus today nailing Joey Pesco
13:09Man makes a play like that for me. I treat him, right?
13:17So how's the city treat you lately Johnny
13:21What are the point has it treated Peggy
13:23Threatened my wife. Okay. Hey
13:26I'm not threatening. I'm offering to help. I hear you could use it
13:33We don't need your kind of help, you know a man offers to buy a drink well, he might offer the other things too
13:43You haven't figured it out yet
13:47See you protect them they don't protect you you put your life on the line for them. They give you nothing
13:55The question is real simple John
13:59You want Peggy to see again or not
14:04If the answer is yes, well, then maybe we can do some business
14:13The DA's office has already called four times they still don't have Brodick's file the arraignments in an hour Ronnie
14:21Just put him in a safe house. He says Rosetti shipping some drugs and later in the week. That's all he knows
14:27Says Rosetti likes to play everything close to the vest bad time
14:37Had an interesting discussion last night with a friend of ours Rosetti
14:42Where O'Brien's he bellies up next to me and starts telling me what a great guy I am and how it's a shame pegs gotta
14:48Go through the disoperation and he wanted to help you out
14:52What do you want you to do? Wanted me to tell him where we're keeping Klasco
14:57How much was he offering you we're gonna get into the details tonight
15:01Boss, I can get in with him guys got a huge ego thinks he can turn me around Kenny
15:06Boss I can get in with him guys got a huge ego thinks he can turn me around Kenny
15:13What's that mean John you're a good cop don't get me wrong it's just
15:18Look this could be very tough on you considering. Well, if I didn't think I could handle it. I wouldn't be here
15:27Listen you finally got a chance to nail this guy. Let's do it
15:30All right, John
15:33Polly and I'll work on a plan. We'll talk to you later. All right good
15:39We better tell right what we're doing the dumbest thing I ever heard
15:44His wife's going blind. He can't afford the operation
15:46So you're gonna put him in with some guy who's gonna throw money at him
15:50I've known John him since he was a rookie and he's not that kind of cop, right?
15:54No one is until he's been screwed by the system in their eyes
15:57He's not that kind of cop, right? No one is until he's been screwed by the system in their hour of need
16:01John has never been confused about where the law breaks. He's human and he he's never faced what he's facing now. We trust our people
16:09Don't give me that sanctimonious crap. Hey, he came forward. He's not hiding anything. Not yet. I
16:16Made the decision it stands
16:19Scali this blows up in your face. The boys in Washington are gonna build you a new elementary canal. Oh
16:27We're talking painful, thanks for your support. I'll keep you posted
16:41You don't hate me because I'm beautiful but I
16:44Agree with him. We're taking a big chance with John
16:48We trust our people
16:53Me the DA's office just called our records department sent the wrong Brodick file
16:58Ronnie who sent Brodick's file down to the DA's office?
17:03That was um
17:04Is there a problem who Ronnie?
17:08Mike did you handle Brodick?
17:12It wasn't Mike it wasn't Jimmy Hoffa either I did Brodick
17:18Hey coach
17:21Jumbo still getting used to our system. You know, I can handle Brodick too late
17:24He walked a guy who assaulted two old ladies in the park has evaded justice because of our incompetence
17:32Where did you work before this? I worked in Garvin Park. I hustled two-on-two games with a buddy of mine. I
17:39Can explain you mean you've never actually worked in law office before? Hey, I missed a layup
17:45It happens not here it doesn't hey, what's this guy hassling me for do you want to win your game or not?
17:54He can learn boss. I swear how he doesn't know his alphabet from his elbow. Hey short stuff
18:00You want to run that by me again?
18:03I'll run it by you again. You're fired
18:07Without me you guys are gonna get clobbered Oh
18:12Oh now
18:42I didn't see the stool
18:49I can't do it anymore
18:57Even the simplest things
19:04That's tough enough for a seasoned vice cop to go undercover just hope John can keep his head on straight
19:12Really think he could cross all no
19:16Maybe the only thing I know for sure is he's gonna be tempted to take that money
19:25Isn't there anything else you could try with the insurance company maybe another hearing they're digging in their heels
19:35You know, this world isn't supposed to be fair
19:38A guy like Rosetti can afford 50 operations John can't even
19:49Hey, let's never take anything for granted
20:08John John my new best friend
20:11Just the precaution Johnny don't take any offense. I'm taking
20:19They make a great view on my cellar you hungry something to drink
20:27So talk to me classical could be a problem I'm squeezing him pretty hard
20:33Where is he now?
20:35We're gonna talk about some money first
20:44For the location I classical things have changed I'm gonna need a little more than that. That's all it's worth
20:56I'll take care of classical myself
21:03You know, you're pricing yourself right out of the market honey
21:08Susie here. I'll do a job for a weekend in Atlantic City
21:12Susie here would have to find him first
21:15Skelly's being extra cautious. He's moving him every couple of days all in or no deal you choose
21:24You don't make it to the park a lot I don't want you to
21:31They put the thumbscrews to classical he'll go to court and bury you
21:35And I want the cash up front honey
21:41You know Johnny
21:44You're taking to this like a like a duck to water
21:50They move in classical tomorrow
21:53I'll do it then
22:21It's me
22:28Ready yeah, if you can pay yourself away from Wile E. Coyote he
22:45Meep meep. Hey, what are you doing?
22:57Boss he just grabbed my gun
23:09He's dead
23:29Okay, fellas, thanks
23:38Anybody home I was great wasn't they didn't suspect a thing? Yeah, you'll get the Oscar
23:46We're square and I'm out of here you sure you don't want protection at least for a while
23:51No, I don't want any cops follow me around besides Rosetti thinks I'm dead
23:55It's the best protection a guy could get as long as you stay on the west coast like we agreed
24:00Surf's up dude escort him out of town. Make sure no one sees him. Hey
24:07It's craziest done I've ever seen I can't believe it's gonna work a little work
24:12If this doesn't make Rosetti trust John nothing will well, maybe he never will already does
24:18Here's the payoff five big ones. When are you gonna see him again tonight?
24:23I'm gonna start pumping him for some of his plans
24:25Hey, hey
24:30Told you Jones, okay
24:32He's holding out on us
24:35Supposedly, he's risking his whole career pushing a button on Klesko
24:395k wouldn't even be a down payment. What did you look it up in a paid shot?
24:43look, I know you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but this
24:47This just doesn't feel right. I
24:51Appreciate your concern
25:07Come on you guys move the ball
25:10Look, what the ladies you're gonna play some defense
25:14You guys play like this. Well, it's gonna kill us. Please. They're gonna kill us
25:17Anyway, you fired our best player now, we gotta spend another year listening to Groverton's trash talk. I'm tired up
25:23Yeah, he was a ringer you guys want to win that way if we have to well, we don't
25:28That's something Groverton we're doing we're East Bridge
25:34Give him the Gettysburg speech you guys ever heard of Gettysburg and you know, they had a team a
25:44Small Union regiment was guarding the northern flank of a hill called Little Round Top. Now they lose that hill they lose the war
25:52They're out of ammo they're out man three to one and the ribs are charging up the hill what do they do?
26:01They fix bayonets and they charge right down at the enemy. So what happened?
26:06They stomped them. That's what happened and they went down in history for beating impossible odds
26:13Now sure we lost jumbo Jim so what
26:18If we beat Groverton anyway, they'll never live it down
26:24That's right, yeah
26:45Oh, come on in
26:48That's Peggy
26:51Talk to the insurance company again trying to move the board of directors thing along. Oh
27:00Doing everything we could think of John didn't get this done the right way
27:06You've had a great career John don't spoil it by doing something you don't have to do
27:12What are you talking about?
27:16Where's the rest of the money for the hit on Clesco you have it all
27:24Rosetti gave me five grand. Do you have it? Oh
27:32What do you think I'm keeping think you'd have every reason to
27:36And you're a place I'd be tempted to do the same thing. But of course you wouldn't what matters is what you do
27:43Is this what peg would want you to go against everything you believed in what peg would want is to see Adam playing Little League
27:49And Chris graduate in high school John. I don't want to hear about it what I believe in what I believe it doesn't matter anymore
27:56That's just will she see or won't she?
28:06You know what it's like watching someone you love losing
28:13I have the power to help her and what kind of a husband would I be if I don't?
28:22Where's the rest of the money John
28:40Doc says she's got to get that operation within a week as she doesn't have a chance and Rossetti is scum Tony
28:54Don't we let his blood money do something good for a change
29:08What do you want me to do
29:19Get her the operation wait a minute
29:28This makes you a part of it
29:41To a new and prosperous partnership
29:47Did good Johnny
29:50Klesko could have hurt me
29:52Did you get yourself a lawyer yet?
29:55Well, it was a shooting they'll have to investigate no, yeah the Union get me a lawyer
30:03You don't seem too worried about it, I mean, I don't want you hiring some hack I'll get you one of the best
30:08It's better to play it down no guy attacked me what could I do open and shut
30:17Now on a business
30:20I'm bringing a shipment in tomorrow night
30:22What I need from you is this tomorrow's Harbor schedule wants to know where the patrol boats are gonna be between 10 and midnight
30:28That's what we've been waiting for former detail. We're gonna get agent Brandon right here his promotion. Did Rosetti tell you anything else?
30:37What do you mean well sometimes under duress guys are going to cover forget to report back everything they should
30:44No, nothing else
30:50We got the schedule over to Rosetti we'll be waiting for him
30:59What was that all about
31:02Hibs is dirty
31:04He's a good cop good cops. Don't pocket the spare change from a sting to the tune of 20 grand. I
31:11Checked up on him set up his wife's operation for Tuesday. The only place he could have got the money was Rosetti
31:17Now you got to pull a plug on this. I
31:21Told him to use the money for the surgery I
31:24Thought I was doing the right thing. Your man committed a crime and so did you?
31:30You must be out of you. We nail Rosetti. We can sell off his assets and return the money to the policeman's fund
31:36What if we don't nail Rosetti and you can take the 20 grand out of my hide?
31:40I'm not gonna do anything to jeopardize this case. But when we send Rosetti to jail, you're gonna join him
31:53See you on all units anything nothing yet
31:56It's almost midnight. I don't see Rosetti. He'll be here our information says he comes to every drop
32:07There you see it
32:10See one to all units voters just entered the harbor stand by
32:34Here grab this rope
32:45You're under arrest for what failing to turn on your lights after sunset
32:59She look at this and for smuggling drugs, I don't care about you only one Rosetti who
33:06Come on you're gonna do ten years to save his neck. You wouldn't give the time of day to save yours. Where is he?
33:11I don't know what you're talking about
33:13I'd help you if I could believe me. I was supposed to meet a guy here. I wasn't given a name
33:24Imagine that
33:26Rosetti didn't show I wonder why meaning what well, you're the super spy figure it out
33:31Maybe Rosetti doesn't make every drop himself. The information says he does
33:35Maybe he's on Rosetti's path. Maybe we all are
33:38Maybe so
33:43Rosetti's gonna know you tip this off. I'll see to it you get home safe and we'll get protection for you and Peggy. Let's go
33:56Seriously I'm okay
34:08Bet the feds are ticked probably don't trust you guys anymore
34:14Yeah, well he came back to collect from a bookie one of my guys happened to see him
34:19Not in time to stop your seizure of my shipment tonight, unfortunately
34:23But in time to save my neck
34:27Which is the main thing?
34:32Yeah, let's go he wasn't too bright
34:37But then again neither of you you don't even know the difference between alive and dead
34:44See that's dead
34:48Alive dead
34:54For now, what do you want? I want my million dollars worth of cocaine back
35:01And you're gonna get it for me Tony or going blind will be the least of Peggy's problems
35:31It's after midnight whatever you available officer outside my door in 10 minutes top priority. Yes, sir
36:31Backing for a trip
36:34This isn't what it looks like well, it never is with you Scali, that's why I put a man in your shop nice work Charlie
36:43Look if I don't if I don't deliver these to Rossetti within 45 minutes, you don't get paid right?
36:48We're said he's got John and his wife. He's gonna kill them. God. You never quit do you?
36:54We'll sort all this out later right now consider yourself in custody
37:03Do me a favor don't take me out in cuffs. I'm not in front of my men
37:09All right, put them away let's go
37:20And this one thing I just want to say to all the men and women who have worked with me all these years
37:25You arrest these men arrest them federal agents take their guns put these federal agents in jail you're insane
38:15Is the perimeter clear is he alone
38:25All clear a
38:29Man of his word
38:33You know, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship Tony where's John and Peggy no, no, no, no, no
38:41You see I get my merchandise
38:43Then you get yours. The drugs were in the harbor
38:47Where in a boat with a slow leak?
38:50In about 20 minutes your million dollars worth of coke is gonna be on the bottom of it
38:54So I suggest you get Peggy and John out here now
38:58We got a real player here. Yeah
39:04Let him out
39:10You all right
39:14We're all right safe and sound I'm a man of my word, too
39:20Where's my drugs
39:22Peggy and John are gonna walk with me back to the car
39:25If I see any of your guys within 50 feet the deals off once we get to the car. I'll tell you where your drugs are
39:32Nobody gets in the car till I get my stuff
39:40Come on come on John, it's all right Peggy. I'm gonna take you home
39:55To the gangway
40:00Get in the backseat as soon as I start driving all hell's gonna break loose so keep your heads down
40:34Pull that bus nice doing business with you Tony
40:50Now which one do we kill first
40:56Decisions decisions what's happening stay down
41:04They're a little hard to get started when the ignition wires have been cut I
41:12Ought to write a book
41:38Know you ought to write that book Vincent. You can call it my hundred years in Attica
41:46That's what I call cutting it close
41:48The sharpshooters are waiting for you to start driving the best laid plans. Yeah speaking of which we got one angry fed down in our jail
41:55What's your plan for him?
42:14Better open a cell door right now. You're under arrest
42:17Everybody in this precinct is under arrest for obstruction of justice detaining federal officers against their will and interfering in a federal investigation
42:25Where the hell is your boss?
42:27And I'm happy to report the largest seizure of drugs in Eastbridge history over three million dollars
42:34Vincent Rossetti's assets will be distributed to various agencies and to the Eastbridge policemen's fund I
42:41Wish I could take credit for it, but I can't
42:45Federal agent Brandon right and his men are responsible for this stunning victory in a war against drugs
42:51He's the man you want to talk to
42:58I'd rather not comment on specifics
43:00But I can say that this entire operation is a testimony to the cooperation that exists between federal authorities and local law enforcement
43:07Could you tell us some names to who was involved in the crime?
43:25How'd you know it was me I
43:27Can hear you smiling?
43:31And the doctor says
43:34He says you're gonna see
43:44Tony's here, too
43:48Hey feeling well, I can't wait to get home and see the kids
43:52See the kids
43:58Thanks for everything I
44:00just hope
44:02What I recognize everybody when I see them again
44:06Well, I'm still the same six foot two built like Adonis full head of wavy hair
44:27He's playing for Grover
44:29It's all right. We can still do it
44:32All we gotta do is fix bayonets
45:04My defense
45:44Great game breaking
45:47Okay, maybe we lost the battle, but we haven't lost the war
45:50Look you guys we we learned something out there a lot more important than winning or losing. You know what that was
45:57It was what we learned is
46:00Character character something you can't buy with the ringer
46:04And you know what happens to every team that has character just like Gettysburg. They come back stronger than ever
46:13Give him the Valley Forge speech