• 3 months ago
00:00:30I wish I had a dresser, for my love to come
00:00:37But lightning fell and my life sank into silence
00:00:49My soul and my senses are dead
00:00:55All of a sudden, I lost them all
00:01:01They scared me with so many secrets
00:01:07But I was afraid
00:01:49I'm here
00:01:51What are you doing here, Kostis?
00:01:53I'm back
00:02:11Stas, are you ok? Open the door
00:02:16Jesus Christ! What are you doing there? Are you crazy?
00:02:20Go away! Go away, I beg you!
00:02:22Are you out of your mind, Christian? Do you want to die?
00:02:25Yes, that's what I want, to die
00:02:27Please, please, go downstairs
00:02:32Because you shouldn't do this
00:02:34Give me a reason not to do this
00:02:36I'll give you two, Rigas and Ioulia
00:02:39You have two children, don't you think about them?
00:02:41Yes, that's why I want to do this, I want to die for these children
00:02:44I can't see them unhappy
00:02:46It's my fault that they're unhappy
00:02:48I destroyed my children
00:02:50I don't deserve to live
00:02:52And what will you offer them with your death?
00:02:54I'll get rid of them
00:02:56You're making a mistake
00:02:58No child wants to get rid of their mother
00:03:01How could she make such a mistake?
00:03:04And now you have another reason
00:03:06You're a grandmother
00:03:08No, Frosha, please, I beg you
00:03:10I don't want to
00:03:12I don't deserve to live
00:03:14I don't want my children to suffer
00:03:16Don't you think it's better
00:03:18that you gave me the keys to your house
00:03:21that afternoon when I got you out of the hands of your wild son-in-law?
00:03:28Please, let me
00:03:30get out of this hell I'm living in
00:03:34and live in another hell
00:03:36the real one, the one I deserve
00:03:41If you've made a mistake
00:03:43you didn't do it on purpose
00:03:45You did what you knew
00:03:47and what you could have done
00:03:49for the good of your children
00:03:50No, I didn't do it for the good of my children, Frosha
00:03:52I did it because I was selfish
00:03:54and I wanted to do my own thing
00:03:56because my hatred blinded me
00:03:58because I was jealous
00:04:00and I destroyed my children
00:04:02Stas, are you out of your mind?
00:04:04They killed your husband
00:04:06Could you have given your daughter to them for free?
00:04:10What mother would allow that?
00:04:12A mother who took care of her children
00:04:14who took care of them, who listened to them
00:04:16I didn't listen to them, I didn't even stand up for my child
00:04:19Because you couldn't
00:04:21No, Frosha
00:04:22Because I didn't want to
00:04:24I judged her
00:04:26for something I had done in the past
00:04:31I was just lucky
00:04:33and I didn't end up homeless
00:04:35What a crime
00:04:37Why did Julia have to be punished like that?
00:04:39What a crime
00:04:41I should have let my child
00:04:43go with the man she loves
00:04:45away from everything and everyone
00:04:47That's why I married her
00:04:49to a man she loved more than me
00:04:51an animal
00:04:55That's what you could have done
00:04:57It was the best thing you could have done
00:04:59because you didn't know
00:05:01Now you know
00:05:02and you will be able to help your children
00:05:11By standing next to them
00:05:13and not leaving them alone
00:05:15That's cowardice
00:05:17And it doesn't suit you
00:05:19The Stassa I know
00:05:21is not like that
00:05:23She doesn't give up
00:05:25and that's what you have to do now
00:05:27and you will see
00:05:29that you will find a way to help them
00:05:31I don't have the courage
00:05:34You have to find it
00:05:36Every mother
00:05:38clenches her teeth and moves on
00:05:40stands up straight
00:05:42and supports her children
00:05:44Do you hear me?
00:05:46I am weak
00:05:48I don't have the strength
00:05:50You have the strength
00:05:52inside you
00:05:54as long as you believe in it
00:05:56and then you will see
00:05:58that you will succeed
00:06:00and you will find people
00:06:02I can see that you are back, Kostis
00:06:04I am not crazy
00:06:06But the question is, why did you come back?
00:06:08Don't you like to see me?
00:06:14Am I bothering you?
00:06:18Don't pretend you don't understand
00:06:20You know very well what I mean
00:06:22Except if you came back to take us
00:06:24and leave us all together
00:06:26No, no, I came back to stay
00:06:28One moment, so I can understand
00:06:30You were in Athens, next to the mayor
00:06:32The dream came true
00:06:34and all of a sudden you leave everything
00:06:36and come back
00:06:38Your dream or mine?
00:06:42Do you want to tell me
00:06:44that all these years
00:06:46you were running left and right
00:06:48to get your medals and medals
00:06:50you did it for me
00:06:52that I chose to be alone
00:06:54to raise the girls
00:06:56that you didn't do it
00:06:58I am telling you, Katerini
00:07:00You are right
00:07:02Back then I was young, ambitious
00:07:04I was chasing the waves of things
00:07:06but now I understand
00:07:08that the most important thing
00:07:10is the people
00:07:12our family
00:07:14That's why they want me here
00:07:16Kostis, what are you saying?
00:07:18I can't believe it
00:07:20You said no to the mayor
00:07:22What did you tell him?
00:07:24The truth
00:07:26I have a nervous position
00:07:28for which I have worked hard
00:07:30and I would like to stay
00:07:32for family reasons
00:07:34Family reasons?
00:07:36What do you mean by that?
00:07:38That I want to stay
00:07:40close to my family
00:07:42Did you ask your family?
00:07:44What do you mean, Katerini?
00:07:46Did you ask us if we want to stay here, Kostis?
00:07:50Your daughters do
00:07:52My daughters have their lives
00:07:54They make their choices
00:07:56Family is not just our daughters
00:07:58I exist too
00:08:00You asked me if I want to live all my life in Tirnavo
00:08:08How are the girls?
00:08:16What happened?
00:08:18A few days ago I found out that he is single
00:08:20But in the end he refused
00:08:32Our little girl
00:08:36Why didn't you tell him?
00:08:38Because he wanted to tell you
00:08:42Is it possible for me to find out?
00:08:44Is it possible for me not to know?
00:08:46Do you understand what I mean
00:08:48when I say family reasons?
00:08:50I understood
00:08:52But you didn't know them back then, Kostis
00:08:58Let's go for a swim
00:09:00and we'll talk later
00:09:16Let's go
00:09:42You're back
00:09:44Calm down, my girl
00:09:46Calm down
00:09:52I'm here for you
00:09:56I'm back
00:10:14How are you?
00:10:16Are you crying?
00:10:18It's nothing
00:10:20It will pass
00:10:22Did I do something to you?
00:10:24Do you feel bad because you stayed at my house?
00:10:28You didn't do anything
00:10:30You're wonderful
00:10:32Yes, but I'm the reason
00:10:36that you ran away from home
00:10:40that you came to live with your mother
00:10:42She's my mother
00:10:46and I know her by heart
00:10:48No one else
00:10:50It can't be that simple
00:10:52Something else is happening
00:10:54It was always like this
00:10:56She's been against it for years
00:10:58long before I met you
00:11:00She wanted to control everything
00:11:02to rule our lives
00:11:06She doesn't do it for bad reasons
00:11:12but in the end
00:11:14she does what she wants
00:11:16and she doesn't care about our
00:11:18wishes, our needs
00:11:22Come on, my love
00:11:24Don't cry, please
00:11:26I can't stand to see you like this
00:11:28You know why I'm sad?
00:11:32Because this time I thought things were different
00:11:34I thought that
00:11:36father's death had changed her
00:11:38We were going to make a new start
00:11:40but I was wrong
00:11:44Maybe you weren't wrong
00:11:48Maybe your mother just needs
00:11:50time to get used to the new situation
00:11:54Alexandra, our parents are growing up
00:11:56they're moving out
00:11:58and we have to be patient with them
00:12:00So I have to leave again?
00:12:02Yes, you
00:12:04Because you can
00:12:08That's why I gave you a place in Norway
00:12:10and I went to find it
00:12:12and I'm sure you'll make her change her mind
00:12:14It's not that simple
00:12:16and it doesn't depend solely on me
00:12:18I'm sure
00:12:20your mother will understand and go back
00:12:24You say that because you don't know her
00:12:26Alexandra, please
00:12:28do it for me
00:12:30I don't feel good about what happened
00:12:32But it's my fault
00:12:34because this time
00:12:36things are worse
00:12:38No one can understand her
00:12:40How can she
00:12:42be so unfair to you?
00:12:44Yes, but you're the same
00:12:46with her
00:12:48but in a more developed version
00:12:50That's why I'm telling you
00:12:52Go find her
00:12:54I can't do it by force
00:12:56But I can't
00:12:58and I don't want to be in my mother's hands
00:13:00I never allowed her
00:13:04I understand
00:13:06and I wouldn't insist
00:13:08if I didn't see you cry and be sad
00:13:10because I know
00:13:12how much it costs you
00:13:16That's why I said go find her
00:13:18At least tell her you tried
00:13:20and I'm sure
00:13:22she'll understand
00:13:24Thank you
00:13:30Here are your coffees
00:13:32Thank you very much
00:13:34We didn't expect you to come back
00:13:36so soon from Athens
00:13:40I had to come back
00:13:42You know
00:13:44We don't have much time
00:13:48I'll leave you to talk
00:13:54Thank you
00:14:02Now it's just the two of us
00:14:06Do you want to tell me?
00:14:10What can I tell you, dad?
00:14:14What can I tell you?
00:14:16There are no words
00:14:18Only pain
00:14:20Endless pain
00:14:24My girl
00:14:26I can't tell you
00:14:28I can't tell you
00:14:30I can't stand
00:14:32what I feel
00:14:34I can't stand myself
00:14:36I can't stand
00:14:38I can't stand my body
00:14:42It's like I hate my own body
00:14:46It's like I hate what it did to me
00:14:50I couldn't keep this baby
00:14:54I couldn't bear
00:14:56this joy
00:14:58to bring to the world a child
00:15:02Don't say that again
00:15:04It's not your fault
00:15:06These things happen
00:15:08But I'm sure
00:15:10you'll make it next time
00:15:14How can you be so sure?
00:15:16Because you're young
00:15:18You have all the time in the world
00:15:20Once you make it, you'll see
00:15:22you'll make it soon
00:15:24If you want something
00:15:26God will give it to you
00:15:32I didn't want to believe you
00:15:34but I'm scared
00:15:38You don't know what it's like
00:15:42You don't know how I feel
00:15:44I feel
00:15:52My girl
00:15:54Don't think like that
00:15:56My daughter
00:15:58is strong
00:16:00strong and persistent
00:16:02She doesn't give up
00:16:06Where is this friend?
00:16:10My girl
00:16:14Life is full of failures
00:16:16and the winner is the one
00:16:18who doesn't stop
00:16:22who persists
00:16:24until he wins what he wants
00:16:28what you didn't do to get married
00:16:30to Grigori
00:16:32You have to do the same now
00:16:34to keep trying and you'll see
00:16:36you'll make it
00:16:38Don't let a failure check you
00:16:40Who do you want to be with?
00:16:42With the winners
00:16:44or with the losers?
00:16:46With the winners
00:16:48That's right
00:16:50Look ahead
00:16:52and you'll see everything will be fine
00:16:58Do you know
00:17:00how much strength you give me?
00:17:02How much strength your words give me?
00:17:06I apologize
00:17:08that I wasn't here
00:17:10when you needed me
00:17:12It's ok
00:17:14You can imagine
00:17:16If you hadn't noticed I would be here
00:17:18I would be running
00:17:20to be next to you
00:17:22I want to be always next to you
00:17:24when you need me
00:17:26I promised you
00:17:28Do you remember?
00:17:30When we got married
00:17:40I remember
00:17:46I see you started early
00:17:48What can I do?
00:17:50The garden needs to be picked up by night
00:17:52I'm not talking about the garden
00:17:54I'm talking about the bottle in your pocket
00:17:58Stop it now
00:18:00I tried to forget about the wedding
00:18:02but you don't help at all
00:18:04I'm the only one who helps
00:18:06I need to make a decision
00:18:08Whatever you do, it helps the situation.
00:18:10It doesn't help it at all. It confuses you.
00:18:13And you don't need help and it doesn't help either. You're a young man.
00:18:17Don't you remember how you supported me when I needed you?
00:18:20It's not the same, boss. It's not the same at all.
00:18:22The girl is on the ground. You understand that.
00:18:25Yes, but you'll never bring her back.
00:18:30How did you see Filio? She's exhausted.
00:18:39Of course she is. It's not a small thing that happened to her.
00:18:42For all of us, it was a big blow.
00:18:44The poor girl was so happy.
00:18:47Anyway, whatever happened, happened. From now on, we'll see what we do.
00:18:51Kosti, Filio is a wonderful creature and we love her.
00:18:55Don't worry. We'll take care of her.
00:18:58I'll take care of her. As her mother. And Grigoris, as he should.
00:19:03I hope so, because I learned that the moment she needed you, you weren't there.
00:19:09Yes, the truth is that Grigoris was missing that day.
00:19:13But he can't forgive himself for that.
00:19:18I hope he won't be needed again.
00:19:21Gabriel, your wife and your eyes.
00:19:24Remember the promise you made to me.
00:19:26I remember. And I'll do anything to make her happy.
00:19:30I'll keep my promise in any way.
00:19:33I hope so. Otherwise, you'll have to do it with me.
00:19:39Bye, Kosti.
00:19:46Where did you come from?
00:19:48I want to talk to you. Can we go to the prison?
00:19:54Let's go.
00:20:11I was thinking of going for a walk at night in Larissa.
00:20:14For dinner, in Alcazar.
00:20:20I don't think it's a good idea.
00:20:23Don't you want to rest a bit?
00:20:26Grigoris, you don't have to flatter me.
00:20:29What happened doesn't change with a meal in Alcazar.
00:20:33I know.
00:20:35I'm just trying to show you how sorry I am for what happened.
00:20:39And honestly, I didn't want to...
00:20:40If you didn't want to, don't leave me alone.
00:20:43Girl, I can't imagine what will happen.
00:20:46That's a good excuse.
00:20:47It's not an excuse.
00:20:49If I didn't know what was going to happen, I wouldn't have left you for a second.
00:20:53Anyway, it doesn't matter what happened now.
00:20:57Nothing can change.
00:21:00I just thought that when two people get married,
00:21:03they do it to be together in good and bad times.
00:21:08And I spent the hardest time of my life alone.
00:21:11Okay, I'm sorry.
00:21:13I don't know what else to say. I want to make up for it. I'm sorry.
00:21:17I know I was wrong. I know.
00:21:19Your apology doesn't matter.
00:21:22You don't love me.
00:21:25It's not like that.
00:21:27So what?
00:21:29It's your fault the day we got married.
00:21:32But in reality,
00:21:35it's all my fault.
00:21:38Because I overreacted.
00:21:41I loved you so much
00:21:44that I thought I could make you love me too.
00:21:48But I made a mistake.
00:21:53You didn't.
00:21:55I made a mistake.
00:21:57A lot of mistakes.
00:22:00It's not your fault. It's my fault.
00:22:03But I have a purpose to solve it.
00:22:06And I will solve it
00:22:08if you give me a chance.
00:22:11What will change?
00:22:13Everything will change. I promise.
00:22:16I don't know if you mean it.
00:22:24I mean it.
00:22:26And I want it.
00:22:34You scared me, my Christian.
00:22:37It's not your fault.
00:22:39I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you did for me.
00:22:42But I don't deserve it.
00:22:44I'm ashamed of everything I've done.
00:22:46Please, don't start again.
00:22:48I don't want to hear it again.
00:22:50And if you think of doing something stupid again,
00:22:53I'll kill you with my own hands.
00:22:58And I won't give you the key back.
00:23:00Do you know what I think when I hear you talk like that?
00:23:04I wouldn't even want to be on top of the cliff by myself.
00:23:12Come on, my girl. Smile.
00:23:14Don't be like that all the time.
00:23:16You'll find a solution.
00:23:19The point is that you're okay.
00:23:21Because if you're not okay, how will you help your kids?
00:23:24Have you thought about it?
00:23:26Of course I have.
00:23:28I think about it all the time.
00:23:30And the more I think about it, the more I get confused.
00:23:32There's only one solution here.
00:23:36To go to jail.
00:23:38That's right.
00:23:40And God will help us.
00:23:43Because with the power of foresight,
00:23:45I don't know what a complaint means,
00:23:47but there's no other solution.
00:23:49Stassia, you have to talk.
00:23:52Someone has to do it.
00:23:54They have to open their mouths.
00:23:56We don't live in the Middle Ages
00:23:58to endure the tortures of everyone.
00:24:00Times have changed.
00:24:02We live in 1960.
00:24:04Women are not like they used to be,
00:24:06when we used to say thank you from above.
00:24:09You have to speak up
00:24:11and say what your daughter is going through.
00:24:15Otherwise, nothing will change.
00:24:18I wish it would be like you say, and that it would have a result.
00:24:21But let me tell you something.
00:24:23Even though we are in 1960,
00:24:25most people's minds are centuries behind.
00:24:28And you know how powerful this family is in the area.
00:24:31But I'm not going to back down.
00:24:33I'm not going to be afraid.
00:24:35I'm going to go and I'm going to report it.
00:24:37I'm going to report it.
00:24:39I'm going to expose it.
00:24:41It was time.
00:24:43I shouldn't have done it from the start.
00:24:45I should have taken the situation into my own hands.
00:24:47Do you know what we're all doing?
00:24:49We're all hiding behind our fingers.
00:24:51Come now, don't blame yourself.
00:24:53You're not helping anyone.
00:24:56You'll do what you have to,
00:24:58and I'll be by your side.
00:25:00Whenever you need me.
00:25:02Be careful.
00:25:04Honestly, you're a treasure.
00:25:18I'm sorry, Mr. Director. I didn't...
00:25:20Of course I know you didn't.
00:25:25And you should know that I'm not going to leave again.
00:25:29I see, Mr. Director.
00:25:31I'm sorry to interrupt your bad habits.
00:25:33I see, Mr. Director.
00:25:35I find it very strange
00:25:37that an officer of your level
00:25:39refused such a position next to the chief.
00:25:41Do you want me to fire my daughter?
00:25:43No, Mr. Director.
00:25:45Where? What if she fires me?
00:25:49The gentleman?
00:25:51You know him, don't you?
00:25:53Of course.
00:25:55But I'm asking as an officer.
00:25:57He came to have a coffee, so I went.
00:26:01To bring him.
00:26:05I see, Mr. Director.
00:26:08Sit down.
00:26:15So, I'm listening.
00:26:17You're going to tell me something serious.
00:26:21You're going to report someone.
00:26:25Yes, I'm listening. Who?
00:26:27Myself, Mr. Director.
00:26:29I came to surrender.
00:26:35You have to be focused.
00:26:37Listen carefully to what they're asking you.
00:26:39Be serious and composed.
00:26:43Some of the questions may irritate you.
00:26:45You have to stay calm.
00:26:47Show that you're the victim.
00:26:49Don't forget that you were a legal defense.
00:26:51I'll be fine. Don't worry, Mr. Director.
00:26:53I hope so.
00:26:55Don't you trust me?
00:26:57Not so much.
00:27:01Everyone says you're jealous.
00:27:03And when you're angry, you lose your right.
00:27:05And that's something that shouldn't happen in court.
00:27:07Don't raise your voice.
00:27:09I learned that.
00:27:11Don't worry, Mr. Director.
00:27:13I'll get out of here like a queen.
00:27:15You have to remember something very simple.
00:27:17The only one who can testify in court
00:27:19about what happened the day
00:27:21Stratos Drazinis was killed
00:27:23is you.
00:27:25And the witnesses?
00:27:27Leave them to me.
00:27:31It's easy with what I have to do.
00:27:33It's not just that.
00:27:35Then it gets difficult.
00:27:37You have to convey the facts in a convincing way.
00:27:39You have to make them believe
00:27:41that what happened
00:27:43happened exactly as you say.
00:27:45You have to convey the climate of fear
00:27:47your father was in
00:27:49when he threatened your mother.
00:27:51I understand.
00:27:53I'll be fine.
00:27:55Don't worry, Mr. Director.
00:27:57I'll say what I have to.
00:27:59I don't want to stay in jail forever.
00:28:01Your testimony will play
00:28:03a very important role in court.
00:28:05It will be your key to get out of jail.
00:28:07Testimonies don't matter.
00:28:09Of course they do.
00:28:11Especially Judge Stasinopoulos.
00:28:13I heard he returned to Larissa.
00:28:15He came just in time.
00:28:17He had to come back
00:28:21to testify in court.
00:28:23He's a key witness.
00:28:25His testimony will play
00:28:27a very important role
00:28:29in the court's decision.
00:28:31Let's see what happens.
00:28:33Young man,
00:28:35we're listening.
00:28:37Everything will be fine.
00:28:49Everything you told me,
00:28:51will you tell me in writing?
00:28:53Why did I come?
00:28:57what you said
00:28:59are very serious crimes.
00:29:01That's why I'm asking you.
00:29:03Your participation
00:29:05in Razini's weapons
00:29:07and reaction
00:29:09as well as
00:29:11the murder
00:29:13are all very serious.
00:29:15I'm asking you
00:29:17whether the murder
00:29:19of Foti Kontoula can lead you
00:29:21to incarceration
00:29:23or even
00:29:27Don't get upset, Judge.
00:29:29A soul that has to come out
00:29:31has to end.
00:29:33Let me ask you something.
00:29:35Why did you do it?
00:29:37Why now?
00:29:39You know what, Judge?
00:29:41There comes a time
00:29:43in your life
00:29:45when it's enough.
00:29:47Up to this point.
00:29:49I went further than that.
00:29:51And then you have to find the courage.
00:29:53I have to find the courage
00:29:55to think who I am and where I'm going.
00:29:57What I really want from life.
00:29:59And I'm not looking for, you know,
00:30:01I don't want many things.
00:30:03I know it sounds weird,
00:30:05but I don't want many things.
00:30:07And these one or two things
00:30:09that I'm really interested in
00:30:11I can do them in prison.
00:30:13Don't get me wrong.
00:30:15I'm not the only one in prison.
00:30:17Is it true? Did you betray him?
00:30:19Do you think you'll be satisfied
00:30:21with what you did?
00:30:23Tell us.
00:30:25Good evening.
00:30:39Did you find him on the street?
00:30:43Did your good old self come back?
00:30:47What I see is that you came back
00:30:49and I'm very happy about that.
00:30:51Tell me, please,
00:30:53what changed your mind?
00:30:55Unfortunately, Manoula,
00:30:57I'm going to upset you.
00:30:59I didn't change my mind.
00:31:01I was hoping for the opposite to happen.
00:31:03For you to reconsider
00:31:05your paranoid view.
00:31:09I don't know what you're like.
00:31:11When you're afraid
00:31:13that I might lose my temper
00:31:15and on the other hand
00:31:17when you ask me to marry you
00:31:19you tell me to leave him.
00:31:21Isn't that paranoid?
00:31:23And you don't explain the reason.
00:31:25I explained the reason.
00:31:29That Alkis is a whore.
00:31:31You have little.
00:31:33It's ridiculous, Mom.
00:31:35It's ridiculous for you.
00:31:37It's ridiculous for you, Alexandra.
00:31:39It's ridiculous for you.
00:31:41That American.
00:31:43Mom, I won't allow it.
00:31:45I won't ask for your permission.
00:31:47Not only did I not change my mind
00:31:49but I will never change my mind.
00:31:51Alkis is not for you.
00:31:55Because I say so.
00:31:57Your ego?
00:31:59That ego again?
00:32:01That you want to control for a lifetime?
00:32:03To tell us what to do
00:32:05so that you can respect my opinion
00:32:07and leave me to be happy for a lifetime?
00:32:09Happy? With whom?
00:32:11With his son?
00:32:13Whose son?
00:32:15Why did you stop?
00:32:17Because I said so.
00:32:19Him or me.
00:32:21Do you insist?
00:32:25Of course I insist.
00:32:29Then sit alone, Mom.
00:32:31With your ego.
00:32:33Alexandra, be careful.
00:32:35If you go through that door again
00:32:37don't step on your foot again.
00:32:39This door for you
00:32:41will be closed for good.
00:32:45You should be careful too, Mom.
00:32:47Because the last time you went through
00:32:49that door
00:32:51you made me suffer for years.
00:32:53Do you want that to happen now?
00:32:57I just want you to break up with him
00:32:59and let me know the reason
00:33:01that I'm better than you.
00:33:03It's final, Alexandra.
00:33:07If you leave now, you're leaving forever.
00:33:21If you go to him,
00:33:23we'll forget about me.
00:33:27Oh, Alex.
00:33:31Oh, my God.
00:33:35Oh, my God.
00:33:41Oh, Alexandra.
00:34:01Oh, my God.
00:34:11What is it, Dimou?
00:34:13What decision?
00:34:15What are you waiting for, Mr. Director?
00:34:17Did I warn him?
00:34:19You saw how life brings them.
00:34:21We've been chasing him for so long
00:34:23and he finally came
00:34:25and surrendered himself.
00:34:27You're lying, Dimou.
00:34:29We were going on a mission
00:34:31and we were trying to save you.
00:34:33That's how everything
00:34:35somehow got mixed up.
00:34:37To be honest,
00:34:39it couldn't have been otherwise.
00:34:41He was sent straight to prison.
00:34:43I'd be glad if he was sent to a retirement home.
00:34:45You wouldn't believe it.
00:34:47The client is in a fix.
00:34:49They won't be able to fit in there.
00:34:51Anything else, sir?
00:34:53No, you can go.
00:34:55What did she say?
00:34:56Mrs. Skoutaris came for a complaint.
00:34:58I told her to come back and ask to see you.
00:35:01Tell her to come in.
00:35:02Dimitris, out.
00:35:14Come, Stassa. Sit down.
00:35:16What's going on?
00:35:18Kostis, my son.
00:35:20They told me you came back. God sent you.
00:35:24I didn't know what I would do without you.
00:35:32You don't need to explain, Kostis.
00:35:34I understood everything.
00:35:36Katerina, you didn't understand anything. Wait.
00:35:40I don't understand anything.
00:35:42I don't understand anything.
00:35:44Katerina, you didn't understand anything. Wait.
00:35:59I'm sorry, I didn't see you.
00:36:01Am I bothering you?
00:36:03No, it's...
00:36:05something personal.
00:36:09I don't want to put you in a difficult position,
00:36:11but if you want to talk to someone, I'm here.
00:36:16I'm not bothering you with my own problems.
00:36:20I'm not insisting.
00:36:21After all, this issue can't be solved.
00:36:26I disagree.
00:36:29There is no problem without a solution.
00:36:32It's just math.
00:36:35I think this issue will remain unsolved.
00:36:39And now you're asking me,
00:36:42what is this issue that can't be solved?
00:36:46I'll tell you in one word.
00:36:50The eternal issue.
00:36:52Ah, that's what it's about.
00:36:55We had a very bad fight.
00:36:58The reason?
00:37:01If you don't mind.
00:37:05Suddenly, and without any real reason,
00:37:10my mother has objections.
00:37:12She wants you to break up.
00:37:15She asked for it.
00:37:22She can see things differently.
00:37:26Some things that you can't see,
00:37:29that don't bother you at all,
00:37:31can bother her a lot.
00:37:35Why doesn't she tell me then?
00:37:37Why doesn't she talk to me?
00:37:39Why doesn't she tell me what problems she has with Alkis,
00:37:42so she can give me an explanation?
00:37:44My dear Alexandra,
00:37:45many times parents seem to be illogical,
00:37:48but always remember that
00:37:50all this comes from the love we have for our children.
00:37:54There can't be a serious reason
00:37:56that doesn't make your relationship worse.
00:37:58You are a very good and kind person,
00:38:01but don't try to justify it to me.
00:38:04I know my mother.
00:38:06She always tries to decide for us,
00:38:10to intervene in our lives.
00:38:12And I can't stand that.
00:38:18Give her time.
00:38:20She can change her mind.
00:38:22I gave it to her.
00:38:24And she gave me an ultimatum.
00:38:27To choose between her and Alkis.
00:38:32And no matter how much it hurts me,
00:38:35I will choose Alkis.
00:38:55things are very serious.
00:38:57Otherwise I wouldn't have come here.
00:39:00The man is in danger.
00:39:02He has taken her baby.
00:39:04He has taken her child.
00:39:05And he has given it to Hado.
00:39:07He has excluded me from seeing my child and my grandson.
00:39:09He won't let me go to the mayor.
00:39:11She has gone completely crazy.
00:39:13I don't know.
00:39:14All I know is that I have to take my child from him.
00:39:16He is in danger.
00:39:17I have to report him.
00:39:18Someone has to stop him.
00:39:20To put a stop to him.
00:39:22Stassia, everything you have described to me is very serious.
00:39:25What? You don't believe me?
00:39:26I'm not saying that.
00:39:27Of course I believe you.
00:39:28But in order to prove all this,
00:39:31you need witnesses.
00:39:32Otherwise, it will all turn against you.
00:39:34Maybe we should look at it differently.
00:39:36Kosti, I have no other choice.
00:39:38What is happening right now is the safety of my child.
00:39:42I will report him.
00:39:43I have no other choice.
00:39:45I don't care if everyone in Larissa talks about it.
00:39:47If the newspapers write about it.
00:39:49I don't care.
00:39:50I have to save my child.
00:39:52Stassia, calm down.
00:39:53You are drunk again.
00:39:54This is what you always do.
00:39:55You are in a hurry and make wrong decisions.
00:39:57Don't you stop to think about things?
00:39:59And what happened the last time I thought about it?
00:40:01I didn't report him.
00:40:02And now he has locked her in the basement.
00:40:05I have to get her out of there.
00:40:06I have to save her from his hands.
00:40:08It's my fault.
00:40:09Listen to me.
00:40:10It's my fault.
00:40:11I know it's my fault for everything.
00:40:12But I have to fix it.
00:40:13Now or never.
00:40:14Stassia, I listened very carefully to what you said.
00:40:17Can I ask you a question?
00:40:21Then go home.
00:40:22Try to calm down.
00:40:24And as soon as I have news, I will let you know.
00:40:26What are you going to do?
00:40:28I will handle it personally.
00:40:29Don't worry.
00:40:32I don't want to create any more problems for you.
00:40:34I've been through enough in your life.
00:40:36I don't want to ruin your house.
00:40:38If the house is ruined, it's already ruined.
00:40:42Our houses are our arms.
00:40:45And the arms are always hanging from the inside.
00:40:57I don't want to see her again, Kosti.
00:41:03For you, Stassia Skouteri will be like she doesn't exist.
00:41:07Can you?
00:41:10I promise.
00:41:12But you have to understand that with what you got married here, you will live your whole life.
00:41:42Welcome to Koumparos.
00:41:44How do I get out of here?
00:41:48George, we have to talk.
00:41:50Some things need to be put in place.
00:42:13Good evening.
00:42:15Good evening.
00:42:17I confess, I was hoping to see you today.
00:42:23Come in.
00:42:38Tell me, what happened?
00:42:41Christopher, I won't hide from you.
00:42:43You know him, after all.
00:42:45I have some very serious problems in my marriage.
00:42:48But you were supposed to move to Athens, weren't you?
00:42:51What you said, was.
00:42:54Now it's a burden.
00:42:56My husband didn't accept the position, he came back.
00:43:00For family reasons, he says.
00:43:02But I think there's something else that keeps him here.
00:43:06Don't continue, I understand.
00:43:08Don't cry, please.
00:43:10Tell me, how can I help you?
00:43:12Talk to me.
00:43:13You can't.
00:43:15No one can.
00:43:17I'm drowning, Christopher. I'm drowning here.
00:43:19Let's go outside to get some fresh air.
00:43:21I'm drowning in this mess. I'm drowning in my marriage.
00:43:23I'm drowning and I don't know what to do.
00:43:25You should leave.
00:43:26Everything around me is falling apart and I'm trapped here.
00:43:28You should leave.
00:43:30The girls?
00:43:32The girls are big, they will understand.
00:43:35For me, they're still young.
00:43:38It's always like that.
00:43:40I didn't want to grow up with my son, so I wouldn't lose him.
00:43:43But it's not about losing our children.
00:43:46It's about finding ourselves.
00:43:48The boys are probably different.
00:43:50I need my girls.
00:43:53No, as a parent, I have one thing to tell you.
00:43:56When our children grow up, we don't need them.
00:43:59We need them to be proud of ourselves.
00:44:03We feel like we've accomplished something in our lives.
00:44:06The truth is, not only do we not need them,
00:44:09but we are often a burden to them.
00:44:14What can I tell you? Maybe you're right.
00:44:16I am.
00:44:17That's why I'm telling you to leave.
00:44:19Where should I go?
00:44:20Where do you want to go?
00:44:21Anywhere, but I don't have the money.
00:44:23Fine, I'll help you.
00:44:27You told me you have an aunt in America.
00:44:31Aunt Janet.
00:44:32In New Jersey?
00:44:34You'll go there.
00:44:35You'll go to your aunt, Janet.
00:44:37How? I don't even know what I need to...
00:44:41I'll help you.
00:44:42I'll get you all the cards.
00:44:44I'll even get you the ticket.
00:44:46As long as you decide.
00:44:51I've been to America before for a much worse reason.
00:44:57I feel obliged to help you.
00:45:00Why do you want to help me so much?
00:45:03To save you.
00:45:10To save a woman like you.
00:45:14In the past, I had done something very bad to another woman.
00:45:21I made her...
00:45:25drown. I hurt her a lot.
00:45:31It's hard for me to believe it.
00:45:36It's an old wound...
00:45:40that doesn't heal easily.
00:45:42And it doesn't heal...
00:45:44no matter how hard you try.
00:45:48That's why I'm telling you, if you let me help you...
00:45:54I'll heal.
00:45:59Although this woman will never forgive me.
00:46:02And she will do well.
00:46:07I don't want to pressure you anymore.
00:46:09If you need my help...
00:46:12I'll be at the hotel.
00:46:14Thank you.
00:46:17I promise I'll think about it.
00:46:28You know what my job is.
00:46:31Information, information evaluation...
00:46:35preventive measures before we get to the catastrophic measures.
00:46:39Which will say?
00:46:41Which will say that some information has come to my ears about Ioulia and the child.
00:46:46Really? What kind of information? And from whom?
00:46:50Because if your job is to evaluate this information...
00:46:54you will know from experience that everyone can say whatever they want...
00:46:58without always hiding the truth behind it.
00:47:01Giorgiki, we've known each other for so many years.
00:47:04And now we're sitting here, just the two of us...
00:47:07and we're talking like men.
00:47:10You doubt my manhood?
00:47:12We call him.
00:47:16I know very well that...
00:47:19your relationship with Ioulia...
00:47:22your marriage is not going well.
00:47:25But to keep her locked up in the basement...
00:47:28and to have taken her child, that's a big deal.
00:47:31Even if she's done what she's done.
00:47:33My mother-in-law got ahead of you again.
00:47:36What does it matter?
00:47:37It does. For me, it does. Don't avoid the question.
00:47:40I'm not avoiding anything.
00:47:42Yes, she told me.
00:47:44You keep her locked up in the basement, is that true?
00:47:46What I do in my house is my own business.
00:47:49Giorgiki, bring Ioulia and the child. I want to see them.
00:47:51Why do you want to see them so badly?
00:47:53What are you afraid of? Have I killed them?
00:47:55If I believed that such a man would have turned the world upside down...
00:47:59when Koumpara died.
00:48:02I believe that he is a good, but wounded man.
00:48:07And when people feel that their right is being taken away from them...
00:48:12their own right...
00:48:14they lose control.
00:48:16They go beyond themselves.
00:48:20Giorgiki, I want things to be the way they were before.
00:48:24I want us to see if we can fix this situation in your house.
00:48:30And in the world below.
00:48:32I'm your Koumpara.
00:48:34And your friend.
00:48:36And my daughter. She's your Koumpara in your new marriage.
00:48:40Fine. You want to see Ioulia.
00:48:43See her.
00:48:45If she can look you in the eye, I have no objection.
00:48:49Hadou! Hadou!
00:48:57Tell Leontiou to bring Ioulia upstairs.
00:49:00Take the key.
00:49:10I warn you.
00:49:12Ioulia may seem to be fine, but she is not.
00:49:17Her mind has been clouded to remember this.
00:49:32I came to Tassinopoulos to see you.
00:49:35Be careful, my bad fate.
00:49:38Don't start presenting the victim in front of him.
00:49:41Be responsible for once in your life.
00:49:47You and the child are both fine.
00:49:50You didn't suffer anything.
00:50:11How are you, Ioulia?
00:50:13They didn't arrest you, Koumpara.
00:50:15I want you to tell me.
00:50:17I'm fine.
00:50:19I'm having a great time locked up in the basement begging to see my child.
00:50:22Because these two have me locked up like an animal and they don't give me my child.
00:50:26Listen to me.
00:50:27Hadou, please. Please, don't get upset.
00:50:30Is what she says true?
00:50:31It is, Koumpara. It is.
00:50:33As you understand, after my daughter's abduction, I can't risk my child's safety.
00:50:39However, you could have let her see him with some supervision.
00:50:44And why are you keeping her locked up in the basement?
00:50:46She doesn't want to go up to our bedroom.
00:50:49She went down alone.
00:50:50Lies. He's lying.
00:50:52He threw me out of the room to put his beloved.
00:50:55His beloved?
00:50:56The maid, the servant, that scoundrel.
00:50:59I imagine, Koumpara, that you don't take seriously what he says.
00:51:02Is it possible for a noble prince to put a servant in his bed?
00:51:12Let's see what else we'll hear, Koumpara.
00:51:14What other excuses will he dig up to throw at my brother?
00:51:18Me or you?
00:51:19Who has the nerve to speak after what you did to me?
00:51:22We didn't do anything to you, Ioulia.
00:51:24We didn't do anything to you.
00:51:25You forget what you've done to us.
00:51:26No, I don't forget.
00:51:28And I've apologized a thousand times.
00:51:30But you don't want to understand because you're not human.
00:51:32You're a monster.
00:51:35Stop this now so we can agree.
00:51:40So you're saying that her son sees him?
00:51:42Of course he sees him, Koumpara.
00:51:43Is it impossible? He's just a baby. He's still breastfeeding.
00:51:46Lies. Lies again.
00:51:48I've been watching him since they brought me in here.
00:51:50Because she has him.
00:51:51Believe me.
00:51:56Oh, my God.
00:51:58Hadou, please bring the child.
00:52:00But the child is sleeping now.
00:52:01It doesn't matter. Wake him up. What can we do?
00:52:03Since Koumpara doesn't believe us, can we do something else?
00:52:06Giorgiki, don't take it that way. It's not about that.
00:52:09Don't worry, Koumpara. I'm not holding a grudge.
00:52:11All I want is for us to be a family again.
00:52:15To be like before.
00:52:17But in order for that to happen, I have to make sure that Ioulia is okay.
00:52:22And that the child next to her is safe.
00:52:25And that Ioulia also wants us to be like before.
00:52:28And this, as you understand, can't happen overnight.
00:52:33Not to take the child in the middle of the night for no reason.
00:52:36No reason?
00:52:38No reason?
00:52:39You mean no reason for the wood you gave me?
00:52:42Everything you did to me?
00:52:43Why don't you tell him?
00:52:44Why don't you tell him what you did to me?
00:52:46Because men don't only hit women.
00:52:48They also know how to tell the truth.
00:52:57No, I can't.
00:52:59No, I can't.
00:53:01No, I can't.
00:53:07See, Kosti? Now she's doubting my manhood.
00:53:10And then she's wondering why I'm treating her like this.
00:53:12If she were in my shoes, I would have killed her with what she's hearing.
00:53:16Oh, my love.
00:53:17No, no, no, no, no.
00:53:20Why don't you let her take the child?
00:53:22Kosti, the child's safety comes first.
00:53:25The child is not yours.
00:53:27The child is not yours, my girl.
00:53:30Kosti, as you can see, she's not well at all.
00:53:32If I don't make sure that Ulia is okay,
00:53:34I won't let her touch my child again.
00:53:36Stop it, my love. Stop it.
00:53:38My brother Kosti is right. You saw it yourself.
00:53:41The girl is crazy about my son.
00:53:44Go inside, please. Don't let her see the child.
00:53:46You're driving me crazy. Go do it.
00:53:48But I have 400.
00:53:50If Ulia were okay,
00:53:52you wouldn't have taken the child in here at night
00:53:54and you wouldn't have bathed him gently
00:53:56as soon as you came out of the house.
00:53:58Didn't you know, Kosti?
00:54:00Of course. The first thing Ulia did
00:54:02when she came out of the house
00:54:04was to bathe the child in the name of my dead wife.
00:54:06The child is mine. It's not yours.
00:54:08I can have it the way I want.
00:54:10I'm sorry, Ulia. You're not right here.
00:54:12The child is yours. It was born during the wedding
00:54:14and according to the law it belongs to the father and the mother.
00:54:17No. The child is mine
00:54:19and I won't let anyone take it from me.
00:54:23Kosti, you understand what I'm going through, right?
00:54:25You saw it yourself.
00:54:27You see now why I have to lock her up in the basement.
00:54:30You see that Ulia is not okay at all.
00:54:32What I see is a person who is emotionally oppressed.
00:54:35Now I'm not a doctor to be able to get...
00:54:37I'll kill you!
00:54:39I'll kill you!
00:54:41Let me go!
00:54:43You saw it yourself.
00:54:45He went to kill me behind my back.
00:54:47You saw it yourself, Kosti.
00:54:49Calm down, my girl.
00:54:51My child!
00:54:53Calm down.
00:54:56I can't bear to see her like this.
00:55:00I can't bear to see a woman suffer
00:55:02no matter how much I love her.
00:55:04I know.
00:55:06I saw her. She was pregnant.
00:55:08I don't know what to do.
00:55:10And the worst part is that I don't know how to help her.
00:55:14I thought about talking to her mother,
00:55:16but I'm afraid I'll make things worse.
00:55:18No. No.
00:55:20This is not the right time.
00:55:22Everything is going to hell.
00:55:25I don't understand.
00:55:27I went to her house.
00:55:29She seemed to like me.
00:55:31Suddenly, everything changed.
00:55:33It's not your fault.
00:55:37It's someone else's fault.
00:55:39Yes, but whoever's fault it is,
00:55:41it's Alexandra's fault.
00:55:43It's my fault too.
00:55:46Anyway, I can't bear to see her mother suffer.
00:55:50I know very well what it's like not to have a mother.
00:55:53The mother who gave birth to me,
00:55:55abandoned me,
00:55:57and the one who raised me, died.
00:56:04She didn't choose it.
00:56:06She got sick.
00:56:08I know.
00:56:10But the result was the same.
00:56:13I was an orphan.
00:56:16That's why I can't send her to her mother.
00:56:21And what are you going to do?
00:56:24What am I going to do?
00:56:28I'll tell her to break up.
00:56:31It's the first time you're happy.
00:56:33You just asked her to marry you.
00:56:35And now you want her to break up?
00:56:37No. No.
00:56:38He's going to kill her.
00:56:40Yes, but if she realizes that because of me
00:56:42she can't see her mother, she's going to hate me.
00:56:45And that's a burden I can't...
00:56:47That's a burden you can't take.
00:56:49Neither you nor Alexandra can take it.
00:56:52You can't pay for other people's sins.
00:56:56What other people?
00:57:05When you do something wrong,
00:57:07life doesn't leave you unpunished.
00:57:11There always comes a time
00:57:13when you have to face your actions
00:57:17and be punished.
00:57:19Sooner or later.
00:57:22Life punishes you.
00:57:25I don't understand what you're saying.
00:57:34You'll understand.
00:57:36You'll understand when I tell you.
00:57:40The time has come
00:57:42that I've been waiting for all my life.
00:57:47I have to tell you who I am
00:57:49and what I've done.
00:57:52And I won't let you be punished
00:57:54for a mistake of mine.
00:57:57What's your relationship with this system?
00:58:05Do you remember when Kyriakoula
00:58:07changed her mind about your marriage?
00:58:11When she met you.
00:58:14I still don't understand your relationship.
00:58:32Please, let me go.
00:58:34I'm not crazy.
00:58:36Please, let me go.
00:58:38Let me go.
00:58:40No, no, no!
00:58:42Please, let me go!
00:58:43No, no!
00:58:45Let me go!
00:58:46I'm not crazy!
00:58:47I'm not crazy!
00:58:49Let me go!
00:58:51Let me go!
00:58:53Let me go!
00:58:58Listen to me, Papazoglou.
00:59:01You're smart.
00:59:02You're a lawyer.
00:59:03You can understand
00:59:05what's in it for you.
00:59:09What I suggest is
00:59:12not to record the incident.
00:59:14After all, we all know each other.
00:59:16We can regard it as not related.
00:59:20On the other hand,
00:59:21it's an attack with a knife.
00:59:23It's a suicide attempt,
00:59:25as you, the lawyer, call it.
00:59:27It is.
00:59:30Explain to my mother-in-law
00:59:32why I don't need to make a statement.
00:59:35The witness was the director of the prison
00:59:38who took over everything.
00:59:41So, the injustice is,
00:59:43as you call it,
00:59:48So, what I suggest is
00:59:51to forget everything
00:59:53and Ioulia will go mad.
00:59:55Without any interrogation,
00:59:57without any questioning,
00:59:59without anyone learning anything.
01:00:01Quietly and nicely.
01:00:02Quietly and nicely, is that what you say?
01:00:04Yes, Stas.
01:00:05Quietly and nicely.
01:00:07So that I can sleep peacefully at night
01:00:09without being afraid of a knife
01:00:11stabbing me in the back.
01:00:13And also,
01:00:14it's for your daughter's own good.
01:00:16So that she can come to her relatives
01:00:18and find herself again.
01:00:19And this is the best option.
01:00:21Because there is another one.
01:00:23To go both mad
01:00:25and go to prison.
01:00:27This is the truth.
01:00:29What we've come to here
01:00:30is a mutual benefit.
01:00:34Is that what you call it?
01:00:36Mrs. Skoutaris.
01:00:43Others in our position
01:00:44would have asked for a psychiatric examination
01:00:47in order to save their daughter from prison.
01:00:50Believe me,
01:00:51it would be much better in the mental hospital.
01:00:59My child in the mental hospital.
01:01:03And my two children in prison.
01:01:06What am I going to do?
01:01:12Think about it calmly and maturely.
01:01:15Julia doesn't need to go
01:01:17to a public mental hospital.
01:01:19I have a very good friend,
01:01:21a trustworthy person
01:01:23and an excellent scientist
01:01:25who runs a private psychiatric clinic in Athens.
01:01:28Accept my offer.
01:01:30It's for your daughter's own good.
01:01:32And anyway,
01:01:33right now we don't care what Julia thinks.
01:01:36What's in store for a parent
01:01:38is the best for their child.
01:01:40Isn't that right?
01:01:47It all started with the meeting
01:01:49we had arranged
01:01:50to get to know Alexandra's mother.
01:01:53And that...
01:01:57recognized me.
01:01:59Despite the years that have passed.
01:02:02And she understood
01:02:04which son her daughter is going to marry.
01:02:07What do you mean she recognized you?
01:02:10Does she know you?
01:02:13Since long ago.
01:02:15Very long ago.
01:02:17Since I was growing up in Sykourios
01:02:19before I left for America.
01:02:22And that's where Kyriakoula grew up.
01:02:26She was a bit older than me.
01:02:30Our parents were friends.
01:02:32And we...
01:02:35I mean me.
01:02:37Yes, what about you?
01:02:39I was a stupid,
01:02:43rich-family bastard.
01:02:45An idiot.
01:02:47I thought that whatever I asked for
01:02:49everyone would immediately say, take it.
01:02:51And what happened? Did something happen between you?
01:02:56I'll tell you.
01:03:00But I want you to promise me
01:03:05that you will never say anything to Alexandra.
01:03:09And you will never make her feel responsible
01:03:12for what will happen between you and me.
01:03:17Between you and me?
01:03:20I don't understand what could happen between us.
01:03:25Do you remember when you asked me
01:03:30if I had done something bad in my youth?
01:03:35And I said, yes.
01:03:40Do you remember when you asked me
01:03:42why I left for America?
01:03:47The same question you asked me when you were young.
01:03:50You asked me, dad, why did you leave?
01:03:54What happened?
01:03:57And I told you while playing...
01:04:00I'm a notorious cowboy.
01:04:05Dead or alive.
01:04:08Okay, my dear, I could have said different things.
01:04:11I don't understand.
01:04:13They were sentenced to death, dad.
01:04:16What is your relationship with them?
01:04:23We do bad things together.
01:04:31My boy.
01:04:53You dance alone
01:04:56But time
01:04:58Stares secretly
01:05:00And laughs
01:05:06I'm all hers
01:05:09You want it
01:05:13You judge me
01:05:15We loved each other
01:05:17And we kissed
01:05:19On the knife
01:05:24My time, my body
01:05:28Passed in the sky
01:05:33And the coward
01:05:37And gave him his hand
01:05:42And dressed in black
01:05:46And in red
01:05:48The soul
01:06:09Just to say
01:06:12I ask for this
01:06:17The sludge
01:06:20The water
01:06:26And betray me
01:06:29Hate me
01:06:31So you can
01:06:39And a life
01:06:42That you have written
01:06:48We loved each other
01:06:50And we kissed
01:06:52On the knife
01:06:57My time, my body
01:07:01Passed in the sky
01:07:06And the coward
01:07:10And gave him his hand
01:07:15And dressed in black
01:07:19And in red
01:07:21The soul
01:07:41What happened, Sotiraki?
01:07:43Are you lonely?
01:07:44I'm going to see my boy, Viginio.
01:07:47I've been holding him in my arms for four years.
01:07:49He sends me photos, but it's not the same.
01:07:52Don't be afraid.
01:07:54Don't be afraid. There's no reason to be afraid.
01:07:56Stasinopoulos is there, too.
01:07:58He's waiting for us.
01:08:03A theater can't play so well, can it?
01:08:06All this time, we've talked a lot
01:08:09and just before you came, you assured me
01:08:12that there wouldn't be another problem.
01:08:14You're beautiful.
01:08:16I'm your mother.
01:08:18Will you take me in your arms?
01:08:21The one who says she's your mother doesn't love you.
01:08:24All she wants is to take you away from me
01:08:26and for you to live far away from here.
01:08:30Father, Julia needs me more than ever.
01:08:34For Grigori, everything is better, except for us.
01:08:37We made a deal to start from the beginning.
01:08:39Look, the baby is here.
01:08:42What are you waiting for?
01:08:46I could give you a kiss,
01:08:49but I think that in a few minutes
01:08:52you'll run away from here.
