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Water leak detection dog Joey demonstrates how he looks for leaks in water main pipes for Sydney Water on June 26, 2024. Video by Adam McLean
00:00My name's Nicole Harvey and I have Joey and Hydro here with me today.
00:04They're two working line Springer Spaniels trained to find water leaks in our water mains throughout the Sydney Water Network.
00:11So we're in Port Kembler today with Joey and Hydro looking for water leaks throughout the water mains.
00:17So Joey and Hydro can find the water leaks through smelling the chlorine and the fluoride in the water.
00:24And we use the dogs by covering where the water main runs and the dogs can actually find water leaks up to 2.5 metres underground.
00:33They find water leaks on hydrants, on service valves, on water mains, on main to metre leaks and also private leaks which is great for our customers.
00:45So when they find a leak they actually drop to the ground and they'll hold position and stare where the leak is coming from.
00:51So they hold that until I come and have a look and once I go yes they get their reward which is the ultimate reward of a tennis ball.
