U.S. pushes Israel to develop robust ‘Next Day’ plan for Gaza

  • 3 months ago
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to develop a robust post-war plan for Gaza and prevent escalating tensions with Hezbollah on Israel's northern border.

Blinken highlighted ongoing diplomatic efforts to enhance security, governance, and reconstruction in Gaza, emphasizing their importance for Israel’s security, according to a State Department statement.


00:00Meanwhile in Washington, Israel's Defense Minister Yoav Galant is meeting U.S. officials including the Secretary of State Antony Blinken.
00:08Now he's been pressed on Israel's post-war plans for Gaza and also urged to calm tensions on the Lebanese border.
00:17Jamie Owen spoke to our correspondent Jonathan Regev in Tel Aviv.
00:21The day after is quite a controversial issue when it comes to Israel because it's a big question.
00:28What will happen in the Gaza Strip once the war is over, when the war is over?
00:32It's not exactly clear when it will happen, but who will control Gaza?
00:36Israel is saying loud and clear that at least officially it has no plans of remaining there controlling the citizens.
00:44Israel has no plans of being in charge of education, sewage, garbage, you name it.
00:50But who will be in charge? Of course, as far as Israel is concerned, not Hamas.
00:55Then, of course, the next perhaps designated factor could be the Palestinian Authority.
01:02But for many in Israel, especially some key components in the current government, that's a very red light.
01:09Something they simply do not agree to.
01:11Mainly we're speaking of the far-right ministers, Itamar Ben-Gvir, Betzalel Smotrich.
01:17Any plan that would put the Palestinian Authority in control of Gaza is something they would oppose to.
01:22And these two ministers have the power to topple the government, period.
01:26So the Israeli government, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, is trying to avoid this matter as much as possible.
01:34The United States, on the other hand, wants a clear picture.
01:37They want to understand from Israel what comes next.
01:40We understand there is a war. There was the October 7th attack.
01:43A new Israel had to react.
01:45But once the war is over, what comes next?
01:49And Defense Minister Yoav Galant has to try and please both sides.
01:53On the one hand, not to anger the coalition in Israel.
01:57On the other hand, give the Americans the responses that they're seeking to receive.
02:04Not so sure he's been able to do it.
02:06Not so sure he's been able to please both sides.
02:09Jonathan, that's a future which seems some way away.
02:14Let's talk about the more immediate present and Israel's Supreme Court deciding to end draft exemptions for ultra-Orthodox Jews.
02:29Yes, and that for the coalition, I have to say, is quite a serious issue.
02:34We've been talking again and again about the protests in Israel and what effect do they have on the government.
02:40And the answer has always been, not so much.
02:42Because as long as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has that strong grip on his 64-member coalition, then his government is fine.
02:50But when the Supreme Court basically stops the exemption of the ultra-Orthodox from going to the army,
02:59that, of course, angers the ultra-Orthodox members of the coalition.
03:05The coalition, we just spoke of Ben-Gvir and Smotrych, they make one element of the coalition.
03:11The other one is the two ultra-Orthodox parties.
03:14And when they see the Supreme Court taking a decision which, according to them, is one that hurts their voting base,
03:24they are also beginning to think whether this coalition is one that is good for them.
03:30So this could eventually, not today and not tomorrow, but sometime in the future,
03:35could shake the foundations of the Israeli coalition, eventually could topple it down.
03:41Of course, this is Israeli politics and some tricks and schticks could always be found.
03:46But one cornerstone of the stability of this coalition has been taken away this morning.
