• 4 months ago
00:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
01:01It doesn't matter.
01:03I didn't come here to justify what happened and apologize to you, Queen Judah.
01:07I came to tell you that the king is the one who adorns justice in his mind.
01:12And no one gives it to him.
01:14Listen to what I'm going to tell you.
01:16If I think that by giving you back the ring, you will grow up in my eyes,
01:19I assure you that you are very wrong.
01:21Because even if you told me the truth or lied to me, nothing would change in my eyes.
01:26Because you doubted me and hurt my dignity.
01:28I'm telling you again, Judah.
01:30I didn't come here to discuss or apologize to you.
01:33I came to give you back the ring.
01:34I don't think I need it at all.
01:36That means I'm going to remind you again.
01:38Don't forget that the big queen gave it specifically to the queen of the Kingdom of Mongolia.
01:42And you have to respect her.
01:44Not to me if you don't love me.
01:45And maybe you don't need it at all.
01:47It's your duty to take good care of it.
01:49And I know very well that you do your duties properly.
01:52And as long as you are in Agra,
01:54the ring will stay with you no matter what.
01:59The Kingdom of Mongolia
02:05If only I could tell you what's in my heart, Judah.
02:07If only you could feel how much I'm suffering and how much I'm burning.
02:10I wish the wise men would act quickly
02:12so that I can make sure that you are pure and clean.
02:15Then I won't leave the criminal at all.
02:17If only I could know what's going on in his mind right now.
02:21If only I could tell you that if you were honest,
02:24I wouldn't be a liar and honest like you.
02:28The Kingdom of Mongolia
02:41Queen Hamida announced my wedding to King Judah.
02:44That's why you have to take good care of it.
02:46You have to cook the best food.
02:48And of course, you have to make sweets
02:50that King Jalal likes.
02:53This will keep your reputation.
02:55Leave everything to me.
02:57From now on, consider me in charge of the kitchen.
03:01What's going on, Queen Salima?
03:03Did something happen?
03:05Did someone make a mistake or play with the food?
03:07No, Queen Anga.
03:09But I want to make sure that the food is of King Judah's quality.
03:12And not only do I have to taste it,
03:14it has to be made in front of me as well.
03:16Excuse me, Queen Salima.
03:19What makes Judah's food so special?
03:22Excuse me, Queen Anga.
03:24You're in charge and the mother of the great emperor as well.
03:27But all I can tell you is that what I'm doing now
03:30is the most important thing for my husband,
03:32the great emperor of the Kingdom of Mongolia.
03:35What's so important
03:37that you're hiding from me, Queen Salima?
03:40I hope you don't mind, Queen Anga.
03:43No, I don't mind at all, Queen Salima.
03:46I will support you with anything you need from me
03:48to please King Jalal.
03:51From now on,
03:53the royal kitchen
03:55will be under the supervision of Queen Salima.
04:03Listen to me.
04:04The servants who work here are the only ones
04:06who can enter the kitchen.
04:08No one else is allowed in
04:10except by my permission.
04:11Yes, Your Majesty.
04:14This woman seems very smart.
04:22Your Majesty!
04:29Excuse me, Your Majesty.
04:31May I know why you're not taking your eyes off the kitchen at all?
04:35I'm the minister of the Kingdom of Mongolia, Risham.
04:38I have to keep my eyes open everywhere.
04:41Does that mean there's a problem?
04:44Risham, I don't understand.
04:46Queen Salima
04:48Risham, I don't understand anything.
04:50Salima is hiding something very important from me
04:53and Jalal is not telling me anything.
04:55I went to pray and then everything got messed up in the palace.
04:58I can't understand anything you're saying.
05:01if Jalal knew that the boy in the belly of Judah
05:04is someone else's son,
05:05then why did he lie to the emperor
05:07and say that this boy is his?
05:08I don't know, I don't know,
05:09but I'm sure that Jalal is hiding something.
05:11He's hiding Judah or looking for an excuse
05:13to stay here in Agra.
05:15But why?
05:17And above all this, Salima
05:20came to me and put the royal kitchen under her control.
05:23She's keeping her eyes on Judah's food.
05:26What could this be?
05:29Jalal is hiding something from me.
05:32Why is Salima acting like this?
05:36What's wrong?
05:41Come in.
05:44Greetings, Doctor.
05:46I need you for something important.
05:48Take a rest while I finish the medicine I'm holding.
05:51By the way, are you sick or something happened to you?
05:55Actually, I have a lot of information about medicine production.
05:59Yesterday, my supplies ran out
06:02and I wanted to borrow from you...
06:04Like what?
06:05They're four things.
06:06Old banana juice,
06:08vacuum powder,
06:12and a bottle of syrup.
06:14Or... No, that's it.
06:26Excuse me, Madam.
06:28We're here to give you the medicine.
06:30But for me, it's important to know
06:32why you need these four things.
06:35The insistence to take the medicine from me
06:37and force me to do it
06:38shows that there's something wrong.
06:40And that you're wearing a veil in front of a woman
06:42saying that there's a secret behind you
06:44and you're hiding it from me.
06:46And the most important thing about this medicine for me
06:48is that I know who you are.
06:58Where's Queen Salima?
07:00She was here a while ago.
07:02But I don't know where she is now.
07:04You have to help me.
07:05Send someone to tell her that I need to see her right away.
07:07I'll be waiting for her at the clinic.
07:09Got it.
07:11How are you, Mrs. Judah?
07:13What do you mean? I don't understand.
07:17Why are you talking to me like this?
07:19Look, you forgot your language
07:21when you came to Agra.
07:23I still haven't forgotten the language we speak in Amir.
07:25For example, this is called Muti.
07:28And this is called Maham Anga.
07:30And I'm called Kenneh.
07:32And you're called Sayyedeh.
07:34And this thing in your stomach is called
07:36His Majesty the Great Amir Magholi.
07:41You know, Javida,
07:42every time I see you, I feel relieved.
07:45I didn't learn your language that well.
07:48That's why I didn't understand what you said to me.
07:50But I liked what you said, whatever it was.
07:53I'm glad you liked it.
07:55But I liked what you said, whatever it was.
07:58I like everything you say, because you're kind and warm-hearted.
08:01Hey, waitress, get us some almonds and pistachios,
08:03and some nuts too, because Mrs. Judah loves them.
08:08Greetings, Queen Salima.
08:10Please, have a seat.
08:13You know, I wish you had come earlier
08:15and heard Javida talk.
08:17She really makes me laugh a lot.
08:26What happened to you, Javida?
08:27Did something happen to you?
08:40In four hours,
08:41if Javida spits out something blue,
08:43you can consider that Queen Javida has given birth.
08:49Take it easy, Javida.
08:50Drink some water.
08:52The doctor was right about everything.
08:54Javida spitted out something blue,
08:56which means that Queen Javida is pregnant.
09:18Where did the doctor go?
09:19She should be sitting here.
09:21Where is she going?
09:22I don't know.
09:23She must be going somewhere.
09:24Look for her.
09:25Look, close the door first.
09:26We can't let her go out.
09:31Rantambur, Mewar, Mewar and Bundi.
09:33We have to take these four states
09:35to be able to secure the road to Adikan.
09:39If we want to make the Mughals' rule over all of India,
09:42we have to take all the Rajpanshi states around us,
09:45and this can only be done through friendship or war.
09:53Why isn't the time running?
09:55Why is the time passing slowly?
09:56I want to know if the doctor has taken his medicine or not.
10:01Greetings to you, Your Majesty the King.
10:03Queen Salima Begum.
10:05Ask for permission to see you immediately.
10:09Okay, let her in.
10:11Leave us.
10:18No one is allowed to enter without my permission.
10:20Yes, Your Majesty.
10:30Tell me, Salima.
10:31What news do you have?
10:32Did the doctor give the medicine he prescribed to my wife, Judah?
10:35The doctor was right, Your Majesty the King.
10:37Today, Judah took a blue pill.
10:39She is pure and mild, Your Majesty.
10:43She is pregnant.
10:46You were right, Queen Salima.
10:48Sometimes, the truth is more shocking than the imagination,
10:51Your Majesty the King.
10:52I thank you for giving me such advice in such a difficult situation,
10:56and standing by my side.
11:00The doctor did a lot of things to help us,
11:03so give her this as a token of my gratitude.
11:14Now, I must get rid of this criminal who played such a cheap game with me,
11:17and made such a special joke with Queen Judah.
11:20I must find out who did this.
11:27My greetings to you, Your Majesty the King.
11:30I don't have time, Your Majesty the King,
11:32because my life is in great danger.
11:34Therefore, I must tell you before I die,
11:36that the person who is giving Queen Judah the ayurvedic stimulant is...
11:41Did you find her?
11:42If we leave without killing this woman and get rid of her,
11:45it will be as if we are going to die.
11:47She is like an ant between people,
11:49and you can't see her face at all.
11:51But she was wearing a green bracelet,
11:53and a religious thread tied to her hand.
11:58Let's follow her.
12:00Let's go.
12:16Where are you, doctor?
12:18Are you here?
12:21The king sent you a gift for you.
12:24Because he is very happy with you.
12:31Oh, God!
12:38Oh, God!
12:39What a big conspiracy!
12:41But, my lord,
12:42if Queen Judah is not pregnant,
12:44why don't you stop this thing?
12:47Because I don't want him to be careful and watch out for her.
12:51I want to see the person who dared to commit such a crime in front of everyone.
12:55You have the right, Your Majesty the King,
12:57if you don't stop it,
12:59the conspiracy will grow day by day.
13:02I am happy because the doctor's experience has given a result,
13:05and Queen Judah has become pure,
13:07and she has always been pure.
13:09But I...
13:10Your Majesty the King!
13:11What is it, Queen Salima?
13:12Why are you so nervous?
13:13Your Majesty the King,
13:14the doctor, I mean...
13:15What happened to her?
13:16They killed her, Your Majesty the King.
13:20I was going to give her your reward,
13:22and suddenly I saw her dead on the ground.
13:24They killed her.
13:25I was going to give her your reward,
13:27and suddenly I saw her dead on the ground.
13:29They killed her.
13:55They killed her.
13:58They killed her.
13:59They killed her.
14:02They killed her.
14:07She committed a monstrous crime, Your Majesty the King.
14:09She has always been saving people's lives,
14:11but she didn't find anyone to save her now.
14:13Whoever committed this crime,
14:15he will be punished with death.
14:18Take her body from the secret path
14:20and create a funeral for her.
14:22And he's been taking care of his family very well.
14:26After the strict security measures we have in the palace, how could someone do such a dirty deed?
14:31I want a clear explanation for this. I want to know who this person is.
14:35And what was the reason for him to do such a deed?
14:52Why is there dirt on the doctor's hands, Tara?
14:55What was she doing?
14:59Come on, take it.
15:11Why did you suffer so much, Doctor?
15:13Did you doubt anything, Your Majesty the King?
15:16Why did you suffer so much, Doctor?
15:18Did you doubt anything, Your Majesty the King?
15:23Come, Lele.
15:45Why did you suffer so much, Doctor?
15:52There was dirt on the doctor's hands, even though you don't need medicine at all.
15:57I had a doubt, but now the doubt has become certain.
16:00Maybe she felt that she was going to die, and that's why she tried to leave us the evidence.
16:15If you will allow me, I will read it.
16:19My greetings to you, Your Majesty the King.
16:22I don't have time, Your Majesty the King, because my life is in great danger.
16:27Therefore, I want to tell you before I die that the person who is giving the King his quality,
16:32the aorist, is a lady who wears a veil.
16:36I don't have time, Your Majesty the King.
16:39I don't have time, Your Majesty the King.
16:41The queen of Judah, the aorist, is a lady who wears a veil.
16:48I couldn't see her face at all.
16:51But she was wearing a green bracelet.
16:54And there was a thread tied to her hand.
16:57And she was wearing a veil around her feet.
17:00And she had a kidney.
17:02Maybe her medicine ran out.
17:04That's why she came to me,
17:06to take the ingredients of the medicine and put them again in the food of the queen of Judah,
17:11so that the problem continues with her.
17:15And she can destroy your relationship.
17:18I wanted to tell Salima Sultan about this, but I couldn't see her.
17:30Do you know, Your Majesty the King, she is the same person I saw in the kitchen.
17:36And it's true that I couldn't see her face at all.
17:38But I could see her back when she came out of there.
17:41And also, at that time she was wearing a veil.
17:44And her veil is what made me suspect her at the time.
17:47She must be the same woman.
17:49It became clear to me who killed the queen and why he killed her.
17:52The one who wore the veil and gave the medicine to the queen of Judah is the one who killed her.
17:56Maybe the queen suspected her and knew her.
17:58And she didn't want the queen to tell us what happened to her.
18:02This story is really strange.
18:03The queen remained faithful to us until the last moment of her life.
18:07She gave us signs and threads to tell us about that woman.
18:10Now I know how the crime happened without anyone noticing.
18:13Because this person who wants to create a big scandal
18:16with my relationship with the queen of Judah is present in the palace here
18:19and is planting the discord between me and the queen of Judah.
18:22He is the same person who wants me to consider Judah guilty and wants me to kill her.
18:26Or he wants her to leave Agra because of her insult to me.
18:29We must be very careful, Salima.
18:31We must find the woman who is wearing a green bracelet and a thread on her hand
18:34and I don't want her to have any doubts or even the feeling that we know anything about her.
18:39Be careful.
18:41You didn't see or hear anything here in Nuba.
18:43Be careful.
18:45As you wish, Your Majesty.
18:47Do you want to make the sacrifice today?
18:49Of course I want to make the sacrifice, Agra.
18:51I don't want to kill her.
18:53You know that we were able to get information that led us to her
18:55and that's how they will be present
18:57and it's easy to find her among people.
18:58And of course we will find her today among those who are invited to this sacrifice.
19:01This sacrifice is meaningless as long as the queen of Judah is with us.
19:04But if we want to catch the killer, we have to make this sacrifice
19:07and we have to bring her to all of us.
19:12Your Majesty, what I ordered has happened.
19:15We got rid of the doctor as you wanted
19:18but it was difficult to get rid of the body
19:20because we were afraid that the guards would notice us.
19:24No one should notice.
19:26And no one should know anything.
19:28When the curse happens, that woman comes
19:31and does what she has to do with the curse
19:33and then she will finish what happened.
19:45I'm sure you heard, mother
19:47that Menaim Khan defeated Abu al-Malih
19:50and let him leave Kabul.
19:51Yes, and why are you happy with this news?
19:53Because Jalal al-Din decided
19:55to appoint Menaim Khan as the minister.
19:58And from now on, power and authority will be in our hands, mother.
20:02Can I know how?
20:05You know better than me that the minister of trade and security,
20:08Bahadur Khan,
20:10is a piece of cake for you.
20:13And Menaim Khan, too,
20:15is a piece of cake for me.
20:16Yes, he is a piece of cake for me.
20:20Now our power will increase very quickly, mother.
20:23I understand all this, Adham,
20:25but there is one thing I don't understand.
20:27Jalal is the last resort in this kingdom.
20:30But if there is someone who is close to Jalal's heart,
20:33it is Adga Khan.
20:35I'm afraid that Jalal will give me tomorrow
20:39the title of prime minister.
20:41You have to be very confident, mother,
20:43that I will not allow Adga Khan to take this position in my life.
20:46And I also don't want Adga Khan to take a big position in our kingdom, Adham.
20:51The wise man is the one who fixes a boat before it gets into the storm.
20:56You know, if Jalal decides to give Adga Khan the title of prime minister,
21:00of course, God forbid,
21:02we have to decide from today what to do next.
21:05No, let's think about Adga Khan later.
21:08But now tell me,
21:10what did you find out about the heir of the Mongol Empire?
21:13Now we have to wait until we see his face.
21:14Then we will know
21:16if he will be the heir to the throne or he will be an orphan.
21:19I don't understand.
21:21I mean, this is the first time something like this happens in the palace, Adham,
21:23and I have no knowledge about it at all.
21:27So that's the story, mother.
21:29It is impossible that Jalal al-Din
21:31does not know about these things,
21:33especially with the queens.
21:35Yes, that's right. Jalal does not hide anything from him.
21:37Jalal disagreed with the queen
21:39about the same reason several times,
21:41but suddenly he celebrates in front of everyone
21:42and he also organizes a party for them.
21:44I don't understand anything anymore, Adham.
21:46I have to understand what's going on.
21:48Everything is clear now, mother.
21:50Your beloved Jalal al-Din
21:52and Al-Han and Al-Haim love the king, Judah.
21:54And this was the reason why it happened.
21:56There is something wrong with his eyes, mother.
21:58This stupidity did not let him see the mistakes of his sons.
22:00God willing, you understand me, mother.
22:02But how long will this stupidity last, Adham?
22:04Until the day when everything is revealed.
22:07Can you imagine the scene at that time?
22:09I assure you that you and I
22:10will enjoy seeing this scene a lot
22:12and we will enjoy it.
22:15Do you know what we're going to do now?
22:17Let's go and watch the play that's going to happen.
22:20Shall we go?
22:22Let's go.
22:24Are you sure you're going to do this?
22:27Who knows Queen Ruqayya better than me, Risham Khan?
22:30Whenever there is an occasion
22:32and it is not of great importance to her,
22:34she gets sick quickly and for no reason.
22:36I don't know.
22:37And no one will notice
22:39if something happens to her.
22:41You don't know anything about the role of Queen Ruqayya, Risham Khan.
22:44Her body temperature rises a lot.
22:46Not even the best doctors
22:48can tell her that she is healthy.
22:50Watch out!
22:54Now you will see with your own eyes.
23:00Mirini is coming.
23:02She is coming.
23:04She is coming.
23:06Mirini, Your Majesty.
23:08Are my clothes ready now?
23:11Yes, they are ready.
23:13Show me.
23:15Yes, Your Majesty.
23:17Here you are, Your Majesty.
23:19Do I have to wear these?
23:21Don't you think you're crazy?
23:23Not at all, Your Majesty.
23:25I know you weren't going to come.
23:27Do you want me to put my hand on your forehead and your free hand?
23:30Forget your place here, you fool.
23:32Go get me the best clothes I have to see.
23:35I will choose them myself.
23:37Whatever happens today,
23:39my health will be fine.
23:41Because I am the Queen's favorite.
23:44And for this occasion,
23:46my beloved Jalal has prepared himself.
23:48And whatever ceremonies I have to do,
23:51I will do them.
23:53I will wear the best clothes I have today for this occasion.
24:03What's the problem if I want to know
24:06if Judah had any relationship with anyone before I met him?
24:09I don't have any evidence to confirm
24:11if he had any relationship with anyone before or not.
24:14I didn't come here to justify what happened
24:17and apologize to you, King Judah.
24:19I came to tell you that the king is the one
24:21who only adorns justice in his mind.
24:24And no one gives it to him at all.
24:27How are you, Judah?
24:29It's like you're back to your old self.
24:32Are you tired?
24:34Tell me how you feel.
24:36Yes, my mother.
24:38I feel very tired.
24:40I don't feel like participating in this celebration
24:42and I don't want to leave.
24:44Forget everything that happened, Judah.
24:46Just think about the future.
24:48Tomorrow you will give birth to the only heir
24:50to the Mongol Empire.
24:52King Judah,
24:54King Jalal is here to see you.
25:02I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:04I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:06I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:08I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:10I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:12I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:14I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:16I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:18I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:20I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:22I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:24I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:26I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:28I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:30I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:32I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:34I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:36I'm sorry, King Jalal.
25:59I didn't wear the Ring to please you,
26:00This is my decision, King Judah.
26:04But what are we going to do?
26:08You are my wife, Judah Bega.
26:11If you're done talking to me, can we go now?
26:13Go ahead.
26:30I want to tell you one thing, and I mean it.
26:34After this child is born, I will give you your family and leave this palace.
26:39How can I tell you, Judah, that this will never happen?
26:42You are not pregnant.
26:45Don't look at me like that.
26:48I don't want to hurt this innocent child in any way.
26:52But I have convinced myself that after this child is born, I will leave Agra forever.
26:56And I will go on my own.
26:58If you want to kill me, kill me, but I won't stay.
27:05I thought a lot and decided that if I had a son, I would name him Salim.
27:09In the name of Sheikh Salim Chishti.
27:12And if God gives us a daughter, I will name her Sultan Khanam.
27:28Salam alaikum.
27:47Salam alaikum, Mrs. Aminah.
27:49Glory be to God, Ruqayya.
27:51I can't believe how beautiful it looks at this price.
27:53Thank you, Mrs. Aminah.
27:58How can I tell you, Mrs. Aminah,
28:00that sometimes you have to disguise yourself.
28:03Even the pain inside doesn't show in front of people.
28:09As if you are very happy, right?
28:11And why not?
28:13Your dream of becoming a father has come true.
28:15But in the end, I have to pay the price for this.
28:18From my pride and dignity.
28:20How can I tell you and understand you, King Judah Bikam,
28:23that even this time my dream will not come true?
28:26I don't know how to tell you,
28:28that I thought of the names of my children when Ruqayya was pregnant.
28:31I am worried that these names will remain in my mind.
28:34But I have to be happy in front of the world
28:36and celebrate this gift,
28:38so that I can become a father.
28:57Where are you?
29:01My greetings to you.
29:03Who are you?
29:04My mother is a maid who works here in the palace,
29:06and my name is Tasneem.
29:07Order me.
29:08Go and get me a drink.
29:10As you wish, Your Majesty.
29:26Thank you.
29:51Thank you very much.
29:52God has fulfilled the wish of His Majesty the King.
29:55What do you think the child will look like when he is born?
29:57Will he look like King Jalal or King Judah?
30:00If you want my opinion, he will look like the Emperor.
30:03Time will tell us who the child will look like.
30:07Like King Judah or like his father,
30:10whom the Emperor still does not know his name.
30:13I don't even know him,
30:15but I'm sure that soon we will know him.
30:18Maybe because of you.
30:20Do you feel guilty now because of the way you behaved with me?
30:23No, not at all.
30:24I'm very worried that I will become a father,
30:26and I have no problem at all.
30:28How can you think like that?
30:30You are not a human being, are you?
30:33Even animals have more love and sincerity than some of the humans I know.
30:37Because this is something instinctive, it doesn't need thinking.
30:40But you don't have any of these feelings.
30:43You are just an Emperor who is dependent on his throne and that's it.
30:46That's all the story for you.
30:48What do you mean if I disobeyed your promise,
30:50or I disrespected one thing, and you became...
30:52I also want to tell you something now, Judah.
30:55Whatever happened between us, it never happened without your will.
30:59You are a partner in it with me,
31:01and I will tell you now all the details that happened.
31:03Excuse my honesty, but what happened that night when you came to me?
31:06Everything happened at the time.
31:08Look, maybe you hate me,
31:10but at the time you called me to come to you.
31:12That's not true.
31:13What do you need now, King Judah?
31:15You don't remember what happened that night
31:17when I told you the truth and you didn't accept it.
31:20You should have been more honest when you hugged me and asked me to be closer to you.
31:23This is not true, not true, not true.
31:26I don't believe anything you say.
31:39The Emperor of the Kingdom of India, Jalal al-Din Muhammad,
31:42and King Judah, welcome!
31:50Jalal al-Din Muhammad, King of the Kingdom of India
32:13May God bless you, King Jalal al-Din Muhammad,
32:15and may God bless you with His grace and blessings,
32:18and may He elevate your status more and more.
32:27Congratulations, King Jalal al-Din Muhammad.
32:29I thought you two would not be able to get along,
32:34but thank God, your hidden love has become clear to both of you.
32:43King Jalal al-Din Muhammad, is this hurting you a lot?
32:49I can't tell you if these are tears of pain or tears of joy.
32:56I couldn't become a mother.
32:58This will be a wound for me for the rest of my life.
33:01But I am happy that King Jalal al-Din Muhammad
33:03was able to get this happiness through Judah.
33:05The Emperor deserves to be happy.
33:18King Jalal al-Din Muhammad,
33:20is this hurting you a lot?
33:22I couldn't become a mother.
33:24This will be a wound for me for the rest of my life.
33:27But I am happy that King Jalal al-Din Muhammad
33:29was able to get this happiness through Judah.
33:31The Emperor deserves to be happy.
33:33This will be a wound for me for the rest of my life.
33:35But I am happy that King Jalal al-Din Muhammad
33:37was able to get this happiness through Judah.
33:39The Emperor deserves to be happy.
33:41This will be a wound for me for the rest of my life.
33:43The Emperor deserves to be happy.
33:45This will be a wound for me for the rest of my life.
33:47But I am happy that King Jalal al-Din Muhammad
33:49was able to get this happiness through Judah.
33:52The Emperor deserves to be happy.
33:54This will be a wound for me for the rest of my life.
33:56But I am happy that King Jalal al-Din Muhammad
33:58was able to get this happiness through Judah.
34:00But I am happy that King Jalal al-Din Muhammad
34:02was able to get this happiness through Judah.
34:12By the rule of habit, Judah,
34:14drink the saffron milk,
34:16because it is good for you.
34:21I hope you are not going to taste it at all.
34:28I am sure that you will consider my son as your son.
34:42Here you are.
34:52What do you think, King Judah?
34:54Is what I heard about you the truth?
34:57Or is what I see with my own eyes the truth?
35:07Your Majesty, come here with King Judah.
35:11If you please.
35:13King Ruqayya, can you hold one of the sides of this drum, please?
35:18King Ruqayya, can you hold one of the sides of this drum, please?
35:48King Ruqayya, can you hold one of the sides of this drum, please?
36:19I wanted to give you your firstborn, King Judah.
36:34But that did not happen.
36:39So let me give you the first blessing of your child, King Judah.
36:53No, Your Majesty.
36:56Go now.
36:58I will be there for sure.
37:00He needs you more than I do.
37:03Yes, more than I do.
37:07Go to him.
37:10If you please.
37:15Go now.
37:17Go now.
37:40You may not be the Emperor of India,
37:42but we have people who can do this.
37:45This is what you are doing for your kingdom, Your Majesty the King.
37:48Maybe no one knows about this,
37:50but even after your dream is shattered,
37:52look at the way in which you are standing with all your courage
37:55for the truth and justice to emerge.
37:57This feeling distinguishes you from the rest of the world
38:00and makes you very big.
38:02It is very necessary to find someone who tried to distort King Judah's image.
38:06Who could this girl be?
38:08If she was one of the members of this palace,
38:10she must be present at the celebration.
38:15Go now.
38:36Go and get me that maid I have at once.
38:40You want everything as you please.
38:42Is this how you think?
38:44She is just a maid and you are the King.
38:46How can you accept this?
38:48Judah, I really need something important.
38:51Just like you need me, right?
38:55I can't give you any explanation about this.
39:07I saw the bracelet in your hand,
39:09and now you want to tell me where that thread is.
39:12Forgive me, Your Majesty the King,
39:14but I am not wearing any thread in my hand,
39:16and you can be sure of that.
39:19If you lie, I will cut your head off and trample it under my feet.
39:22Do you understand? Where is that thread?
39:24Your Majesty, I am just a maid.
39:26How can you be so expensive to me?
39:28These are not mine.
39:30Then who are these?
39:32These are the owners of Pachibano, Your Majesty.
39:37This evening, I was dressing my sari,
39:40and Lady Pachibano gave me these bracelets as a reward,
39:44because she was pleased with my work, Your Majesty the King.
39:52Okay, give me those bracelets.
40:07Go to Pachibano and tell him I want to see her immediately.
40:10As you wish, Your Majesty the King.
40:32Oh, God!
40:34Why are the soldiers taking Pachibano to the General's room?
40:51Did you ask me to come?
41:04Yes, I did.
41:20You are the one who gave that drink to the King, Juba, right?
41:23Yes, I did.
41:33What hurts me and breaks my heart is that the criminal is a person.
41:36Even if the angels came and told me he was a criminal, I would not believe them.
41:40Please forgive me.
41:42Don't say it.
41:44And don't justify it.
41:46If you could see my heart, you would know what you have done to me.
41:50My sister who could not see my tears,
41:52is she the one who wanted to hurt me and destroy me like this?
41:56You knew very well, Pachibano,
41:58that I did not have any relationship with Queen Juba,
42:00and in this case, if I heard that Hamel was going to be hurt a lot,
42:04did you not think about it even once?
42:07You just wanted to see her and kill her,
42:09and get her out of Agra, did you not?
42:12Why this great hatred, Pachibano?
42:14Why all this hatred?
42:15To the extent that you were ready to hurt my brother.
42:18I had to face Juba because of you.
42:21I thought I would touch her without her consent.
42:24And she had to face my doubts,
42:26because if I did not have a relationship, how could I love her?
42:30Can you tell me what to do, Pachibano?
42:32How can I tell Juba that I am not Hamel,
42:34and that I was lying to her all the time?
42:36How can I tell her?
42:38How can I tell her that my sister was giving her this drink
42:40to distort her image in front of the people?
42:42How can I tell her that my sister is the reason?
42:44She was the one who wanted to hurt her reputation,
42:46and get her killed and thrown out of the palace.
42:48How can I tell her?
42:50My respected sister is distorting the image of my wife in front of me
42:52and in front of all the people.
42:56You know, Pachi, I still do not believe even in my imagination.
42:58But today, for the first time in my life,
43:00I believe in Queen Juba Begum.
43:04And now tell me,
43:06tell me why you did this to me.
43:08Come on, tell me.
43:10Tell me why you did this to me.
43:12Maybe because Rajputia?
43:14Or there is something I do not know.
43:16Come on, tell me.
43:18What is the reason that made you
43:20be willing to throw your evil
43:22at an innocent woman like Juba
43:24and say that she is in love with me?
43:26You knew very well, Pachi,
43:28that my dream was to become a father.
43:30You never thought
43:32how I would feel when this dream
43:34breaks and flies out of my hands.
43:36I thank God who gave me the strength
43:38to hold on to myself at that time
43:40and did not let me act foolishly.
43:42I was very angry at that time
43:44and I killed Queen Juba
43:46and I lived my whole life in regret.
43:48And you, my sister Pachi,
43:50you went too far
43:52to kill a poor doctor
43:54just to hide your mistakes.
43:56I want to understand what this monster
43:58came out of you.
44:00No, my brother.
44:02I did give the drink to Queen Juba.
44:04But believe me, I did not eat the doctor.
44:06I just realized
44:08that I did not deserve him.
44:10Pachi, I did not do all this
44:12on purpose, believe me.
44:14I was forced to do this.
44:16I swear, my brother,
44:18believe me, until this day,
44:20I respect and love Queen Juba.
44:24Whatever happened,
44:26I forced myself to do it, believe me.
44:30I do not know why
44:32he wanted to do this between me
44:34and Queen Juba.
44:36But I did all this on purpose
44:38and under his order, my brother.
44:42Who made you do this?
44:50My husband.
44:52The great officer Sharifuddin.
44:54What is Sharifuddin's interest?
44:56I do not know.
45:00But he...
45:02He called me one day...
45:04Hold this.
45:06What is this?
45:08This is a special drink.
45:10You must give it to Queen Juba every day.
45:14So that the pregnancy will show
45:16after a while,
45:18and then you will be able to
45:20give it to her.
45:22So that the pregnancy will show
45:24after a while,
45:26and Jalal will doubt Queen Juba.
45:28And then Jalal will throw her out of the palace.
45:30Oh God!
45:34But what will you gain?
45:36Shut up!
45:38Am I your husband or did you forget?
45:40If the marriage of Jouda and Jalal
45:42is important to you,
45:44our marriage will be a big problem.
45:46Do as I tell you,
45:48or I will shoot you and throw you
45:50Do you understand?
45:52I do not understand anything.
45:54What was going on in his mind?
45:56But I understand that if I do not do this,
45:58as he wants,
46:00I will lose my husband and be alone.
46:02I do not know why he wants to cut
46:04between you and Jouda.
46:06I just mixed the medicine
46:08in the cold drink
46:10of the king, Jouda.
46:12As Sharifuddin told me exactly,
46:14I fulfilled his wish.
46:18the same drink that Risham Khan gave her
46:20on the day of Jouda's birthday.
46:22I brought you this drink especially for you.
46:24No, I do not remember now.
46:26Drink it, Queen Jouda.
46:28Do not break it because it is forbidden.
46:34After the party,
46:36I kept giving it to him.
46:42Then one day,
46:44the bottle of the drink fell from my hand.
46:50I was afraid because I could not
46:52make the drink.
46:54I thought I would go and make the drink again
46:56and let the doctor help me.
46:58I immediately went to the doctor
47:00to get the herbs and make the drink.
47:08But she doubted me a lot.
47:10She grabbed my hand
47:12and I pushed her.
47:14I ran away
47:16and thought the story was over.
47:18Then I decided not to do this.
47:20Then I went to Sharifuddin.
47:22I can not do this anymore.
47:24Look, Bakshi Bano,
47:26you are not supposed to fight.
47:28You are supposed to give Queen Jouda
47:30some drink for a certain period.
47:32I can not give it to her.
47:34The bottle broke by mistake.
47:36I thought I would go back
47:38and get the herbs in my hand.
47:40But maybe the doctor doubted me
47:42when I went to her.
47:44She took the powder and the herbs from me.
47:46Did she see you?
47:48No, but I was able to run away
47:50to the door of the clinic.
47:52Now I can not do all this.
47:54And you also remember this,
47:58And Queen Jouda is with us.
48:00And today is the celebration in the palace.
48:02I thought what would happen
48:04if my brother discovers the story.
48:06Leave this and forget it.
48:08You are so angry.
48:10I swear my brother will cut your head off in front of me.
48:14I will fix everything.
48:16You go now.
48:26Go to the clinic immediately.
48:28And tell the doctor
48:30and remember well
48:32that death will be a punishment for your failure.
48:34I swear.
48:36I did not know that he was planning
48:38such a conspiracy or that he would kill the doctor.
48:42But this is not a conspiracy.
48:44This is rebellion, Bakshi.
48:46And the only punishment for rebellion
48:48is death.
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