Trevor and the virgin - Full Movies

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Trevor and the virgin - Full Movies
00:00There's a rumor going around that Trevor Holt has the biggest you-know-what in school.
00:16And here he is, standing outside my dorm room, naked.
00:22Out of the way!
00:25What are you doing?
00:27Look, I'll explain later.
00:28Just please don't tell her that I'm here.
00:30Tell who?
00:33What's your name again?
00:35Trevor, where the hell are you?
00:36Please, Martha.
00:37She's psycho.
00:38She's psycho?
00:39You're literally hiding under my bed, naked.
00:40Look, I'll owe you one, okay?
00:42Just get rid of her and I'll do anything.
00:45Just tuck in your head.
00:47Thank you.
00:48Where is he?
00:49Where's who?
00:51I saw him running this way.
00:53Gosh, I don't know anyone named Trevor.
00:56Trevor Holt?
00:57Football player?
01:00Doesn't ring any balls.
01:01I mean, bells.
01:02You're lying.
01:03Everybody knows who Trevor Holt is.
01:04Even girls like you.
01:05I haven't seen him.
01:06Also, you've got a little...
01:07I'm watching you.
01:08Granny panties?
01:11How many of those boner killers do you own?
01:28None of your business.
01:32Cover up.
01:33No, thanks for handling that Tilla situation.
01:36She's become a bit of an issue.
01:38Did she ask for something, like commitment?
01:41Oh, actually, she's my buddy's ex-girlfriend.
01:43I don't like her like that.
01:44She doesn't get the hint.
01:46She jumped me in the shower.
01:47I'm sorry, I didn't.
01:48Anyway, what'll it be?
01:52I said I owed you one.
01:54I'm a man of my word.
02:00This is my chance.
02:01A favor from Trevor Holt,
02:03and he has the one thing I truly want.
02:06What can I do you for, Martha?
02:08Drew Longhorn.
02:09Drew Longhorn?
02:10Yeah, Drew Longhorn.
02:12What about Drew Longhorn?
02:13I want to kiss Drew Longhorn.
02:17Sorry, why do you want to kiss Drew Longhorn?
02:22He was my lab partner freshman year.
02:24We had chemistry.
02:27You had chemistry?
02:31You want his attention?
02:33Then we'll get his attention, but not in that.
02:36Guys like Drew, they only go for one kind of girl,
02:38and it's not-
02:39Forget it.
02:41No, let's just forget the whole thing.
02:42Hey, I'm an ass, okay?
02:44I just meant that this stuff
02:46doesn't play up your assets, you know?
02:49You're really pretty.
02:51You need to show it.
02:52You're messing with me.
02:53I'm not, I swear.
02:56You're just gonna have to trust me.
03:00Okay, first, you show up at the party
03:03with me, everyone's gonna notice when you're on my arm.
03:05And second, we need to go shopping.
03:10One, two, three, four.
03:24Where did you get all this?
03:25Oh, it's my one-night stand box.
03:28Go on, take your pick.
03:29No, thank you.
03:31I'm not parading around in your hookup trophies.
03:35These aren't trophies.
03:36These are just clothes that have been forgotten.
03:39They're also the kind of stuff
03:40that'll attract a guy like Drew Longhorn, so.
03:44I'm not wearing someone else's sex panties.
03:47I can 100% guarantee that the act of sex
03:49did not happen while the panties
03:50were being worn by the girl.
03:53Come on, Martha.
03:54This stuff's hot.
03:56Come on.
03:58Just wear it.
03:59Trust me.
04:00I've worn it.
04:01You haven't worn it, I lied.
04:03I've always wanted to wear something sexy like that.
04:06I just never had the guts.
04:07Turn around.
04:11Are your eyes closed?
04:13Oh yeah, totally.
04:30Turn around.
04:39It's nothing you haven't seen before.
04:40Just get dressed, please.
04:41As you can tell, I have nothing to be ashamed of.
04:43Well, I have nothing to compare it to,
04:44so I wouldn't know, would I?
04:49Oh my God.
04:51Did I just tell Trevor Holt that I'm a virgin?
04:57I'm not doing this.
05:06Okay, I guess I'm doing this.
05:15All right, there's three things I need you to remember.
05:17Three simple tricks to get any man's attention.
05:20You listening?
05:23One, eye contact.
05:25Not like that.
05:27And two, you need to smile at him.
05:30Oh, come on, this is serious.
05:32I'm very serious.
05:34All right, and three, find a casual way to touch him.
05:36You know, quick hand on the arm,
05:38you know, brushy on his bicep.
05:39You know, he'll know what game you're playing
05:41if you do that.
05:42Why does that have to be a game?
05:44Because this is Drew Longhorn we're talking about here.
05:48All he does is play games.
05:53You ready?
05:57Thank you for your help, Trevor.
06:01That was really good.
06:02I think you might actually pull this off.
06:06I spoke too soon.
06:08I got it.
06:12I love you.
06:23Hey, everyone.
06:25This is my girlfriend, Martha.
06:28He's kidding, everyone.
06:29We're just friends.
06:30Oh, Marmar, stop being so coy.
06:32We're in love.
06:34What the hell is wrong with you?
06:36Just trust me.
06:37If Drew thinks we're together, it'll pique his interest.
06:39Yeah, but if Drew thinks I'm taken,
06:40he won't ask me out.
06:41It's better if Drew thinks you're with someone,
06:43especially if that someone is me.
06:45Who's gonna believe this anyway?
06:47Have you ever even had a girlfriend?
06:51Guys like me don't like commitment, remember?
06:55What's up, man?
06:58I see you brought a friend.
07:00Yeah, this is-
07:01You look familiar.
07:02Have we met?
07:03Yeah, we had chemistry.
07:04I mean, besides, we had science class.
07:07We were lab partners.
07:09Oh, yeah.
07:10That class was such a joke, am I right?
07:13Yeah, definitely a total joke.
07:16But I enjoyed working with you.
07:19One second.
07:21Two seconds.
07:24Got him.
07:25What did you say your name was again?
07:26Her name is Martha.
07:30Nice meeting you, Martha.
07:32Well, hey, guys, we're playing a game
07:33of drink or dare in the next room.
07:35You care to join?
07:39See you there.
07:41See you there.
07:43That was good, right?
07:45Have you played drink or dare before?
07:46No, but how hard can it be?
07:48I got this.
07:56Conker, your girlfriend's here.
07:59So what?
07:59So she's gonna know I lied to her.
08:03Just ignore her.
08:04Minds her.
08:05Tila, drink or dare?
08:08I'm feeling thirsty, Drew.
08:11I want you to drink with Trevor.
08:21Open up.
08:43Okay, my turn.
08:45You, drink or dare?
08:55I dare you to take off your panties
08:57and put them in the middle of the circle
08:59for the rest of the game.
09:04What are you waiting for?
09:05You don't have to do this.
09:07Yes, she does.
09:10Unfortunately, I can't do that, Tila.
09:13Because I'm not wearing any.
09:19You're up next, Martha.
09:21Drew, drink or dare?
09:26I want you to drink with me.
09:30My pleasure.
09:32This is my chance
09:35to do what I've been dreaming about since freshman year.
10:03I should be happy.
10:06This is what I've always wanted.
10:11That was hot.
10:14I hope I didn't make things weird between you two.
10:17No, it's fine.
10:18I always wondered what happened to you after that class.
10:22Never saw you around.
10:23I've seen Drew roughly 83 times since that class ended.
10:27Yeah, me too.
10:29I'd love to hang out sometime.
10:30Yeah, I'd like that.
10:33Give me your number.
10:39I just sent you a special message.
10:41Let me know when you get it.
10:43Trev has my phone.
10:44I'll be right back.
10:51Who's next?
11:00Oh, sorry.
11:16You win, Tilly James.
11:19You win.
11:33You okay?
11:39I'm leaving.
11:39You can stay.
11:40I just need my phone.
11:42Okay, where's my cigarettes?
11:44I'll walk you home.
11:45Give them to me.
11:46No, you have to give them.
11:47I knew that you had them.
11:50Your advice didn't work, just so you know.
11:54It's probably for the best.
11:55You two never would have worked out.
11:58And why is that, Trevor?
12:00Is he too hot for me?
12:02Too popular?
12:04Or is it just pathetically obvious
12:06that I'm a frumpy nerd in a stolen sex dress?
12:11To all three.
12:13You wanna know my three reasons?
12:14Not particularly.
12:15One, he's a douche.
12:18Two, you're not a douche.
12:20You're doing great so far.
12:22Three, you guys had zero chemistry.
12:24That kiss was a hot mess.
12:26And I can tell you weren't that into it, so.
12:32You're right.
12:35It was kinda terrible.
12:38Oh, but that look on Tila's face
12:39when you told her you weren't wearing any panties.
12:41Oh, priceless.
12:44How do you do it?
12:46Do what?
12:48Hide your emotions.
12:51They're just so easy to read.
12:54I noticed.
12:56I'm serious, Trevor.
12:57What's your secret?
13:00I wanna learn how to not care about anything like you do.
13:05There is no secret.
13:07It's just who I am, right?
13:10Oh, and before I forget.
13:28Tonight wasn't what I expected, but thank you.
13:32No, you don't have to thank me.
13:35I owed you one.
13:37I guess I missed that.
13:39No, I'm glad you knocked on my door.
13:42Oh, even after everything that happened tonight?
13:44Yeah, cause even though it was kind of awful,
13:48I got my first kiss.
13:51I'm gonna go.
13:54Good night, Trevor.
13:55Good night.
14:21That wasn't a first kiss.
14:26But we still kissed.
14:36And there it was, the thing I had been looking for.
14:40Chemistry between Trevor,
14:43the guy with the biggest you know what on campus,
14:47and me, the Virgin.
14:55Rumor has it that every girl on campus wants Drew Longhorn.
15:04Every girl except me.
15:07Because after last week, I could not be more over Drew.
15:12Martha, mind if I join you?
15:16So where did you run off to after the party on Saturday?
15:20I had to go home to study.
15:23I have a big test coming up.
15:25What are you up to later?
15:26Probably more studying.
15:30The wet party.
15:34The wet party?
15:36It's only the most exclusive frat party on campus.
15:40So of course, I've never been invited.
15:43What about it?
15:45You in?
15:46I've never even wanted to go to a party like this before.
15:49But it could be the perfect way to get over.
15:52Wait, is Trevor going to be there?
15:56Nah, he's been ghosting me.
15:58Think he's out.
15:59Then I'm in.
16:03Oh, and bring a friend.
16:06A female friend.
16:10What are those?
16:12Guess who just got us tickets to the wet party.
16:17Since when do you find frat parties fun?
16:20I just wanted to try something different.
16:22Like being drooled over by a bunch of chauvinist douchebags?
16:27Does this have anything to do with Trevor Holt?
16:31Yes, OK.
16:33I just keep playing the night over and over in my head
16:36trying to see what went wrong.
16:38I mean, things were going so well.
16:40We had chemistry.
16:42How could he just walk out on me after I asked him to?
16:47You know.
16:48Take your virginity.
16:49Just shh, don't say that word.
16:51What word?
16:54There's nothing wrong with being a virgin, Mar.
16:56Tell that to Trevor.
16:58He hasn't talked to me since that night.
16:59Oh, screw him.
17:00That guy's got a reputation for a reason.
17:03I'm just so used to achieving everything I set my mind to.
17:06I've gotten so used to being a virgin
17:08that I've forgotten what it's like to be a virgin.
17:11I've lost my mind, too.
17:12I've gotten straight A's, scholarships.
17:13Why can't I get a guy?
17:15I don't think it works that way, Mar.
17:17You're right.
17:18And you know what?
17:19Forget this stupid party.
17:21I'd rather study anyway.
17:22Oh, no.
17:23We're going to that party.
17:25We are?
17:27And forget these dumb books.
17:29All you need are Deb's three simple rules
17:31for getting over any guy.
17:32Deb's three simple rules?
17:36Step one, dress to impress.
17:40But don't do it for any guy.
17:42Do it for you.
17:44Step one, dress to impress.
17:48Step two, find someone new to flirt with.
17:51Basic bra bro, check.
17:53That's Drew Longhorn?
17:55He's cute.
17:57He's a chauvinist douchebag.
17:59You're one of those people.
18:00You're one of those people.
18:01You're one of those people.
18:02You're one of those people.
18:03He's a chauvinist douchebag.
18:05You know what?
18:06Well, the thing is, a girl can't look.
18:08Step three, to really get over a guy,
18:14you gotta put yourself out there.
18:16Show the world who Martha really is.
18:20Oh, what's wrong?
18:23I already did that Deb.
18:25I put myself out there with Trevor,
18:26showed him who I really am, and he rejected me.
18:29Yeah, but it's not.
18:32From now on, I'm a closed book.
18:36Great! This will be fun.
19:13Trevor Holt.
19:16He wasn't supposed to be here.
19:18But now that he is...
19:21Glad you could make it.
19:23And you brought a friend.
19:25Drew Longhorn.
19:26In the flesh.
19:28And you are...
19:29Drew, this is my best friend.
19:33It's a pleasure, Debra.
19:36Oh my god.
19:37What are you doing here?
19:39Hello to you too, Trevor.
19:41They're here with me, Holt.
19:43None of your concern.
19:45Can we talk? Alone?
19:48I need a refill anyway.
19:52Care to join me?
19:54You came here with Drew?
19:57Why? Jealous?
19:59After the kiss last week? No.
20:01He's right.
20:03That was pretty much the worst kiss of all time.
20:07I just thought it would be fun.
20:09Martha, this party, these people...
20:12It's not your thing.
20:13Oh yeah? Well maybe you don't know me as well as you think.
20:15Please, you're an open book.
20:17That's what I like about you.
20:20Up for a round of beer pong?
20:22Did someone say beer pong?
20:26No! Yes!
20:27Maybe I'm not such an open book after all.
20:30Can't we talk about what happened?
20:32There's nothing to talk about.
20:34Just give me a second to explain.
20:36Who let you into this party?
20:39Who let you into this college?
20:41Have you ever even played beer pong before?
20:43There's a first time for everything.
20:45Alright, it's two to a team.
20:48So who's it gonna be?
20:50The clueless nerd, or me?
20:55Drew, you're on my team.
20:56Let's do this.
20:57Debra, are you in?
20:59Oh, uh, no, I'm gluten intolerant.
21:01I'll just watch.
21:03You sure?
21:06You know what? Let's up the stakes.
21:09What did you have in mind?
21:11What about strip beer pong?
21:14Come on, Toa.
21:16I'm game.
21:18What do you know how to play beer pong?
21:20What are the rules?
21:21Every time we sink a ball, one of you removes a piece of clothing.
21:24Oh, yeah.
21:27And vice versa.
21:28So if Trevor makes it, I strip.
21:31Seems easy enough.
21:33Come on, Holt. It's game time.
21:35Let's go.
21:36Ladies first.
21:44Hold on.
21:45Your form is way off.
21:47May I?
21:54Okay, that's not even fair.
22:04You practically gave that one to her, Trev.
22:06You're not afraid of a little competition, are you, Toa?
22:09Oh, please.
22:10Ladies, ladies.
22:12Let me show you both how it's done.
22:21Great job.
22:24My turn.
22:34All right, Trevor, you know the rules.
22:37You are so lame.
22:39You're up.
22:41Want another lesson?
22:42I think I can handle myself.
22:44I learn quick.
22:47Okay, I call BS.
22:49There's no way an amateur like her could have made that shot.
22:52It's called studying, Tila.
22:54Ever tried it?
22:56Game time.
23:00Your turn, nerd.
23:03You don't have to do this.
23:05Not for her.
23:07I know.
23:09I'm doing it for me.
23:18Trevor, it's your turn.
23:23I got it.
23:24I got it.
23:26Can we talk now?
23:28There's nothing to talk about.
23:29I just want to tell you why I...
23:30You can't seem to commit to anything.
23:33Don't care about anyone but yourself.
23:35Think I'm just some clueless nerd?
23:36I don't.
23:37Then why, Trevor?
23:38Why did you walk out on me?
23:40I just didn't want to sleep with you.
23:46Found it.
23:48What'd I miss?
23:53I'm so sorry, Martha.
24:00I guess I win.
24:04No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, stop!
24:06You cannot leave.
24:07Not now.
24:09Didn't you see what happened back there?
24:10Now everybody knows that Trevor Holt,
24:12the guy with the one-night stand box,
24:14doesn't want to sleep with me.
24:16Oh, Trevor, Trevor, Trevor, Trevor.
24:18Who cares, Mar?
24:20He told the entire school that he passed up the opportunity
24:22to sleep with you.
24:24Hey, the Martha I know doesn't give up.
24:29The Martha I know succeeds at everything she sets her mind to.
24:32The Martha you know is also still into some guy who rejected her.
24:37I should hate him, but I don't.
24:40I can't.
24:42A part of me still wants to be with him,
24:45even after all that.
24:48This is serious, so hold my hand, okay?
24:50If Trevor can't see how amazing you are, Mar,
24:53then he doesn't deserve you.
24:55But I know there's someone out there who does.
24:59So just no, no, no, like that.
25:01Okay, great.
25:03Remember step three.
25:05You gotta keep putting yourself out there.
25:16I have an idea.
25:19Wait, where are you going?
25:21I'm putting myself out there.
25:23Yes! Here we go, girl!
25:26Okay, Martha, I can do this.
25:29Hey, everybody! Listen up!
25:34Wow, there's a lot of you.
25:36Okay, um, well, my name is Martha,
25:40and as you may have heard,
25:42Trevor Holt doesn't want to sleep with me.
25:45But there's more to me than that.
25:47So here it goes.
25:49Tilla James!
25:51You called me a clueless nerd,
25:54and you're right, I'm a huge nerd.
25:57I like to spend Saturday nights in my dorm room studying.
26:00I mean, last weekend was my first party.
26:02Can you believe that?
26:04I've been so busy studying that I think I've missed out
26:06on the important parts of college,
26:08like getting to know myself.
26:10I guess what I'm trying to say is...
26:14I am clueless.
26:18Especially when it comes to love.
26:21I've never slept with anyone or dated anyone.
26:24But I don't care that I'm a virgin.
26:28Because when the time is right, it will happen,
26:31and it will be on my terms.
26:33And I don't care if somebody doesn't want to sleep with me
26:36or if somebody doesn't like me,
26:38because I like me just the way I am.
26:48Putting myself out there, check.
26:51I can't believe I just told everyone on campus
26:53that I'm a virgin.
27:10Hi, I'm Trevor.
27:13Some of you may know me as something of a douche.
27:17I'll admit, I've been with a lot of girls.
27:20But that's only because before any of you knew me,
27:23back in high school, someone broke my heart.
27:27When I got to college, I slept my way around campus
27:30to prevent myself from getting hurt again.
27:32I even developed a bit of a reputation.
27:35And I was fine with that.
27:38But the other night,
27:40everything changed when I met Martha.
27:43Martha, you're not just another one-night stand.
27:46You're amazing, and I'm sorry I pushed you away.
27:49I just, I didn't want to sleep with you
27:51because I wanted your first time to be special.
27:54And this may sound stupid coming from me,
27:56but I didn't want to rush it.
27:59I really, really like you, Martha.
28:02And I know I don't deserve it,
28:04but if you just, if you give me one more chance, I...
28:08What's that?
28:09I said yes.
28:11I will give you one more chance, Trevor Holt.
28:33Drew Longhorn!
28:35I think you're funny.
28:39And secretly sweet.
28:41And hot, like, so hot.
28:49Most of you already know me,
28:51but I'm Drew,
28:53and I really hate parties.
28:58Yeah, I always get nervous
29:00and wind up saying things I don't mean,
29:02making out with people I don't like.
29:05But today was different,
29:07because today I met someone
29:09I think I actually really do like.
29:11So maybe I don't have to go
29:14to any more of these stupid parties.
29:17I do love drinking, though.
29:23Look, I know you guys think I'm, like,
29:25really mean or whatever,
29:27but that's just because I'm brutally honest.
29:29And if you don't like it,
29:31that's your problem.
29:49So there it is.
29:51That's how Trevor Holt,
29:52the hottest guy in school,
29:54started dating me,
29:56the virgin.
29:58But you'll just have to imagine the rest.
30:03I don't know.
