传通讯部将限制网络内容 捍卫自由律师团:政府扼杀言论自由

  • 3 months ago
八点最热报 | 昨天新加坡《海峡时报》引述消息透露,内阁在今年4月已经批准了通讯及多媒体委员会,所拟定的社媒执照政策。在这项计划下,国内所有社媒平台须对旗下内容进行严格审查,包括政治资讯。捍卫自由律师团总监再益玛立今天发文告,抨击团结政府这项举措,明显是在扼杀和控制国人的言论自由。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the ReDian website.
00:05In order to strengthen the national network security, the Ministry of Communications announced earlier that the government will force social media platforms and online service providers to apply for licenses and comply with relevant content regulations.
00:17Yesterday, the Singapore Coastal Times quoted the news and revealed that the cabinet has approved the Social Media Licensing Policy stipulated by the Communication and Multimedia Committee in April this year.
00:26Under this plan, all domestic social media platforms must conduct a strict review of their content, including political information.
00:34At the same time, the content review and algorithm must be made public, and an emergency switch must be set up to delete bad content as soon as possible.
00:42However, in response to the Internet control measures taken by the Ministry of Communications, the Director of the Freedom of Speech Lawyers' Union, Zai Yimali,
00:49criticized the United Nations government for clearly killing and controlling the freedom of speech of the people.
00:55She believes that the government is trying to protect its own interests by suppressing dissidents.
01:00The so-called harmful or illegal content is just a lie. The real purpose behind it is to contain public opinion.
01:07Zai Yimali also accused the government of violating Article 10 of the Federal Constitution, which is to protect the freedom of speech of the public.
01:16According to the letter of the Freedom of Speech Lawyers' Union, the government systematically blocked videos of criticism of the government on social media, including some news websites.
01:26The government deliberately created a terror atmosphere to prevent the public and the media from speaking ill of the government.
01:33The Freedom of Speech Lawyers' Union also urged the government to withdraw this authoritarian plan,
01:38especially that it should not restrict people from discussing important public affairs on the Internet, including content related to the political field.
01:45Because of the existence of any rule of law, it will make Denmark a dictatorship and even cause a cold war,
01:51causing the people of the country not to dare to publish constructive opinions on the Internet and even become a weapon for the government to suppress its enemies.
