要求各政党接受事实 新元首表明“不应酬搞政变要求”

  • 7 months ago
八点最热报 | 新一季国会今日召开,新任国家元首苏丹依布拉欣发表御词时表明,绝对不会应酬任何挑战政治稳定的要求,同时也促请所有政党接受事实,尊重已经成立的团结政府,如果想玩弄政治,就必须等到下一次大选。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 The first meeting of the next Congress of the third season of the 15th season is held today.
00:10 The new head of state, Sudan Ibrahim, is the first to host the opening of the Congress and to give a speech.
00:17 It became the focus of the opening of the Congress.
00:20 His Majesty's speech showed that he would never accept any demands to challenge political stability.
00:26 At the same time, he urged all parties to accept the facts and respect the united government that has been established.
00:31 If anyone wants to play politics, he must wait until the next national election.
00:36 Sudan Ibrahim added that the success or failure of a country should not be borne by the prime minister alone,
00:43 but by all members of the Congress, because they are representatives elected by the people.
00:48 Therefore, His Majesty urged members of all parties to work together to build the development of the country and serve the people.
00:54 In addition to talking about national politics, His Majesty also expressed his concerns about the national debt of our country.
01:00 His Majesty said that he would personally review the government's spending and ensure that each spending is in line with the actual needs.
01:07 His Majesty will also support the government to immediately take measures to save money, including implementing targeted subsidies.
01:13 I hope to see the government achieve fiscal surplus every year in term of term.
01:20 The 15th and 3rd Congress of the Congress of the House of Representatives is held today.
01:25 His Majesty, who is the first time to attend the Congress of the House of Representatives as a national leader,
01:30 arrived at the Congress Square this morning to inspect the debt collection team, and then entered the Parliament to give a speech.
01:36 His Majesty claimed to be a new person, and then gave a toast to the members of the Congress, urging everyone to be more vigilant.
01:43 I would like to emphasize that I will not accept any request from any party that tries to undermine the stability of the country's politics.
01:54 All parties must accept the statement and respect the established co-ordination.
02:02 If anyone wants to play politics, wait for the election.
02:08 His Majesty stressed that he would never accept any attempt to overthrow the government, and warned that if he wanted to change the government, he would wait for the next election.
02:16 My speech today is more delicate.
02:20 If compared to my speech in Johor, I will give an opportunity for those who are upset, but will come, I hope to be careful.
02:32 His Majesty also said that he was ashamed of the exaggerated behavior of some members in the Parliament.
02:38 Therefore, His Majesty suggested taking strict action against some of the members who violated the rules, including 14 days of confinement.
02:44 I hope all the members of the Parliament will show good examples of good manners when they are in this noble Parliament.
02:52 Maintain decency and order, and use polite words.
02:57 If you look at the previous behaviour of the members of the Parliament, I am ashamed to be in this Parliament.
03:06 His Majesty also urged the people of the country to strengthen unity and take care of domestic racial harmony.
03:11 Do not provoke any racial and religious sensitive issues.
03:14 END
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