• last year
新闻报报看 | 近期坊间又盛传,伊党要加入团结政府的传闻。作为团结政府的发言人兼通讯部长的法米,昨天在提名现场被记者追问时,却给出模棱两可的答案,让人浮想联翩,难道伊党真的准备抛下盟党,要加入团结政府了吗?今天伊党还有行动党都做出回应了!(主播:庄文杰、洪欣仪)


00:00Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04Yesterday, on the day of the double-seated and eight-seated selection nomination,
00:07in addition to the mouth-watering battle between the two camps,
00:11there was another topic that almost overshadowed the candidates.
00:15Isn't it a recent rumor?
00:17The first party is going to join the United Government.
00:20Is this true?
00:22As the spokesman for the United Government and the Minister of Communications,
00:25Fahmi gave a clear answer when he was questioned by reporters at the nomination site yesterday.
00:29He said,
00:31there are still a lot of discussions going on.
00:35Although Fahmi did not directly admit it,
00:38he did not say anything to make people think twice.
00:41Is the first party really going to abandon its ally and join the United Government?
00:46Fahmi's rather playful statement made the rumors even more hot.
00:51But soon, the first party came out and said,
00:54even if there is no funding, the first party will not join the United Government.
00:58The second-in-command of the first party, Duan Yibulaxin,
01:00responded to the election campaign last night.
01:03He said,
01:04the first party and the United Nations have not discussed this issue.
01:08In short, they will definitely not join the United Government.
01:11Definitely not join the United Government.
01:13Duan Yibulaxin said,
01:14the first party will continue to strengthen cooperation between the United Nations to balance the government
01:18and respond to future referendums or elections.
01:22He also mocked that the first party would not be like those untruthful Uyghurs,
01:27who violated their oath to refuse to join the Anhua government.
01:31On the contrary, the first party will follow the oath and promise of
01:33No Anwar, No DAP,
01:35to reject Anhua and the Action Party
01:39until the next general election.
01:41In addition to Duan Yibulaxin,
01:43the chairman of the First Party Religious Council, Amoya Yahaya, also emphasized that
01:47if the first party really wants to join the United Government,
01:50like to be friends with the other party,
01:53they will not be in a double-dealing election with the West.
01:57He reiterated that the first party did not have any discussions with the government,
02:00and the United Nations will only focus on the upcoming double-dealing election.
02:05Although the first party has quickly clarified the situation,
02:08they also want to know
02:10whether Ma Hua, who is also in the Unification Camp, has the same answer.
02:14Ma Hua's vice chairman, Huang Risheng,
02:16pointed out that the Action Party has the responsibility to explain to the Allied Party
02:19their position on this matter.
02:22He said that the Action Party's position has been repeated
02:24and has been reconciled with the First Party many times.
02:27It is hard to guarantee that this time the reason to move out of the old country
02:31is to rebuild with the First Party.
02:33And it's not just allies.
02:35Huang Risheng also said that as the people of the country,
02:37especially the Chinese society,
02:39everyone is also very confused and worried about this issue.
02:41Therefore, he called for the Action Party to come out and give an explanation.
02:45If Ma Hua is right, the Action Party also responded to this issue today.
02:49When the Secretary-General of the Action Party, Lu Zhaofu, was at the event today,
02:52he told the media that
02:53everyone may have a misunderstanding of the two words
02:56that Minister of Communications Fahmi said yesterday,
02:59Lu Zhaofu explained that
03:01the discussion mentioned by Fahmi
03:04refers to the discussion between the federal government and the state government,
03:07not the kind of discussion on the political party level.
03:10He said that the Unification Government has never invited the First Party to join,
03:14and the First Party is also not interested in joining the Unification Government.
03:17Lu Zhaofu gave an example for everyone.
03:19He said that he had met with the House of Representatives of Jilandan and Deng Jialou.
03:24Is he also inviting them to join the Unification Government?
