• last year
16 Cerveaux Humains Forment le Premier Bio-Ordinateur

Final Spark, une startup suisse, a développé le premier ordinateur vivant au monde, constitué de 16 cerveaux humains cultivés en laboratoire.

Ce biocomputer utilise des organoïdes, des miniatures d'organes réels, pour effectuer des calculs tout en consommant un million de fois moins d'énergie que les processeurs numériques traditionnels.

Ces cerveaux sont soutenus par un système qui leur fournit de la nourriture et de l'eau, permettant leur fonctionnement pendant environ une centaine de jours.

⚡ La réduction de la consommation énergétique est cruciale alors que l'intelligence artificielle (IA) pourrait utiliser jusqu'à 3,5 % de l'électricité mondiale d'ici 2030.

Toutefois, l'utilisation de cerveaux organoïdes soulève des questions éthiques, notamment concernant la possibilité qu'ils développent une conscience ou des émotions.

Sources : NowThis, Science Alert, Final Spark’s

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00:0016 human brains grown in laboratories constitute the first living computer in the world.
00:03Final Spark, the Swiss startup behind this bio-computer,
00:06claims that it uses a million times less energy than a digital computer processor.
00:10It has also launched an online platform allowing researchers to conduct remote experiments via a server.
00:14This bio-computer is possible thanks to organoids, miniature versions of real organs grown in laboratories
00:19from living cells to reproduce the forms and functions of an organ.
00:22Thus, by taking cells from a human brain,
00:24these researchers have made many brains that they can use for calculation,
00:27and there is even a system that provides food and water to cells to keep them alive for a hundred days.
00:31Final Spark claims that its bio-processors consume a million times less energy than traditional processors.
00:36With the development of AI, researchers are exploring solutions to reduce energy consumption
00:41in order to protect the climate and infrastructures.
00:43Indeed, AI should consume 3.5% of global electricity by 2030.
00:47The human brain, consuming far less than a computer, could be an energy alternative to AI.
00:51However, the use of organoid brains raises ethical questions
00:54such as the possibility that it develops a conscience or emotions.
00:56Research is only at its beginning, for the moment we do not have a concrete answer.
00:59And you, what do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments.
