• l’année dernière
00:00Bananas in pajamas are coming down the stairs, bananas in pajamas are coming down in pairs, bananas in pajamas are chasing teddy bears, cause on Tuesday's day, I'll try to catch them on my way.
00:48I've got some riding clothes now, come back this afternoon and I'll give you a riding lesson.
00:53Oh really Rats? On a real party? Oh, thank you Rats! Oh, how exciting!
01:03Amy was very pleased with her new riding clothes.
01:06Oh Amy, what a great coat and hat!
01:09Helmets Morgan!
01:12They're riding clothes, the Rats teach me how to ride a party this afternoon.
01:17A real pony? A real party!
01:21Bananas in pajamas were helping the Rats set up fences for the pony to jump over.
01:26Where does this one go Rat? Over here I think, and B1's path goes over there.
01:38Oh, that's it!
01:42Oops! Sorry B1! Oh no, I've done B2!
02:00Now all you need is a pony to jump over the fences.
02:03Oh oh! What's the matter Rat?
02:06Oh, I forgot to get a pony!
02:09Then what's Amy going to ride?
02:11I don't know! Oh dear, she won't be able to have a riding lesson after all!
02:18Oh! Are you thinking what I'm thinking B1?
02:21I think I am B2, it's helping time!
02:24The Bananas didn't want Amy to miss out on her riding lesson, so they decided to make her a pony.
02:30Ready to go B1? Pop the truck B2!
02:33Click! Pop pop click clack!
02:44Sorry B1! No harm done B2!
02:47Maybe I should be the front half B2!
02:49Ah? Oh I like being the front half!
02:52In that case I've got an idea B2.
02:54That afternoon Amy was all ready for her riding lesson.
02:58Hello Amy! Time to meet your pony!
03:02Ouh ! Quelle couleur est-elle ?
03:04Elle est brune, sur le dessus, avec des jolies jambes bleues et blanches.
03:08Jambes bleues et blanches ?
03:10Amy, c'est Flash. Flash, c'est Amy.
03:14Oh, elle est énorme !
03:16Oh, je pense qu'elle t'aime.
03:18Maintenant, conduis-la à l'arrière et elle te prendra pour un tour.
03:21Oh, j'espère que je ne serai pas trop lourd pour toi, Flash.
03:25Tu vas bien, Amy ?
03:27Oh, on verra !
03:29Vite, Flash !
03:31Quelle direction, Amy ?
03:33Cette direction, je pense.
03:35Fais gaffe !
03:43Oh, mon dieu !
03:45T'es un con !
03:48Je pensais que Flash avait l'air un peu banane.
03:51Oh, je suis désolé, Amy.
03:53Je savais que tu voulais apprendre à conduire.
03:55Mais j'ai oublié d'acheter un poney.
03:57Oh, ne t'inquiète pas, Rat.
03:59C'était amusant.
04:01Et très amusant aussi.
04:03Je m'occupe des carottes, Flash.
04:06Ainsi, Amy et Rat et Mahat se sont amusés à jouer avec Flash, le Poney banane, toute l'après-midi.