公平选区拨款都是政治考量?沈志勤:不排除…… |希盟承诺改革未做到 都是反对党的错?

  • 3 months ago



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00:00Sheldon, what do you think?
00:01Okay, we understand that
00:03the Xi Meng government, especially the An Hua government,
00:05we always say that it is a reformist government.
00:08But this reformist,
00:10what he is doing now is not like a reformist.
00:13Instead, it is what we call
00:14what people used to criticize,
00:18When he was the prime minister in 2018,
00:20he was unconditionally
00:21he announced that he would allocate money.
00:22He didn't have any conditions.
00:23He didn't
00:23he didn't fear that you would misuse anything.
00:25When the 1,000-dollar bill was raised,
00:25he praised it and said
00:27Xi Meng is better than the national government.
00:29So is An Hua better than Sun Ma?
00:32So what happened?
00:34How did Sheldon move forward?
00:36No, don't say that.
00:37That is a later thing.
00:39Hey, what we want to see is
00:41when Xi Meng 1.0
00:43came to power,
00:44the political disputes never stopped.
00:48It was always chaotic.
00:49And then,
00:50the ruling party
00:51was always arguing every day.
00:54So this is
00:56when they have money to spend,
00:59I don't know if they misused it.
01:00I believe it's possible.
01:02So they kept arguing.
01:04So what happened?
01:06Have you forgotten?
01:0820,000 people, 30,000 people
01:10or 40,000 people
01:11were protesting against ISEP
01:14at the Padang Morobo market.
01:15How did those people come?
01:15By bus?
01:16They were all taken by bus,
01:17one or two buses.
01:19Where did the money come from?
01:21You believe those people didn't misuse it?
01:23I think they misused these donations
01:25to do these things.
01:27But, okay,
01:28they misused it,
01:29but Mahathir decided to donate
01:31is another story.
01:32In principle,
01:34he agreed to donate.
01:36We haven't learned history yet.
01:39What I'm trying to say is
01:41we have to show the people
01:43that we have good intentions.
01:45We want justice.
01:46We want fair donations.
01:48But we also want the opposition
01:50to reach the same level.
01:52If the opposition is
01:54the books of dialogue,
01:55they won't speculate.
01:57They won't manipulate the masses.
02:01They should donate.
02:03And we have to donate.
