What attracts you to Yoga? || Acharya Prashant (2020)

  • 3 months ago
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Video Information: 18.09.2020, Shastra Kaumudi, Greater Noida, U.P.

~ What is the importance of knowledge?
~ Does Understanding come from knowledge?
~ Is faith more important than knowledge?
~ What is knowledge?
~ What is devotion?
~ Which path is better: Knowledge or devotion?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00And what is it usually that people find attractive in the eight-step process of
00:18Who cares for the stages higher up?
00:28And who finds yam and niyam exactly fascinating?
00:38It is neither dharana dhyan and samadhi that attract.
00:48Yam and niyam are obviously prohibitive.
00:54Pratyahara is about gathering yourself from the outside and withdrawing into oneself.
01:06So what is it that really appeals?
01:09What accounts for the massive popularity of yoga?
01:21Well-toned bodies and the promise that your diabetes or arthritis or obesity or stiffness
01:34in the body will be taken care of.
01:44Often, forget dhyan, how many people even display interest in pratyahara?
02:06Because pratyahara does not really fascinate the ego.
02:16But a well-toned body does.
02:19I'm not alleging that all yoga practitioners are seeking only bodily attractiveness.
02:30That's what happens most of the times.
02:41And that also explains why even renowned teachers with perfect yoga-toned bodies have often
02:58discovered to be very mediocre, even vicious human beings.
03:16Because it was not really the final unity that they were after.
03:23Yoga is final oneness.
03:27And that final oneness is not really a merger.
03:29That final oneness is your dissolution.
03:38Only the real one remains.
03:42That is yoga.
03:43It's not as if you and the other one enter into some kind of pact, a 50-50 JV.
04:01Yoga simply means you are gone.
04:05You are no more.
04:08Only the truth is, only the one that deserves to continue, continues.
04:15And you, the unworthy one, disappear.
04:18That's yoga.
04:21And that's not what we are after.
04:25And surely that's not what we get.
04:32But yoga is so popular.
04:36Yoga is so popular because it gives a body-identified person what a body-identified person would want.
04:53A better body.
04:58People would ask, would my digestion improve?
05:04Would I get better and deeper sleep?
05:09And the yoga teacher would entice him.
05:12Oh, you'd start looking 10 years younger.
05:15Now this is a yoga teacher.
05:22And that's what he's telling the student.
05:24Come, enroll.
05:26Look 10 years younger.
05:34And it's a six-month course.
05:39Minimum of 10 kg weight loss is guaranteed.
05:47So happy.
05:51Your skin will glow, ma'am.
06:03And we'll turn your muscles into rubber.
06:13And all these stretch marks and wrinkles, they'll be gone.
06:26Are you ridding her of desire or provoking more desire?
06:35That's how the whole thing works.
06:37That's how the whole thing has always worked.
06:41That's what makes the rishi of Niralambu Upanishad say that Ashtang Yoga is a bondage.
07:00And it should not be interpreted to mean that the rishi is selectively targeting only Ashtang Yoga.
07:09What he's saying is, anything that you do, even the highest thing in your personal estimate,
07:18for the fulfillment of your desire, would only contribute to the pre-existing set of your bondages.
07:35You are in bondage.
07:37And from that point, you do something to be relieved of the bondage.
07:45And the result is even more bondage.
07:53Can you let this sink in?
07:55You are in bondage.
08:00Like people who accidentally find themselves in quagmires.
08:08Thick, deep, muddy waters.
08:14They are in bondage.
08:17Now from that position, what do they try to do?
08:23They want to just throw about their limbs and do something quite vigorously, rather desperately,
08:35to be relieved of their state.
08:38The result?
08:40They keep sinking deeper in bondage.
08:51Or a little kitten that has somehow managed to get entangled
09:08in a mass of wool yarn.
09:17A little kitten.
09:20And there is a ball of yarn.
09:23Seen those yarn balls?
09:27Our mothers used to knit sweaters using those.
09:35And the kitten has somehow managed to get entangled.
09:38And what does it do now?
09:44It energetically tries to gain freedom.
09:49The result?
09:52It gets all the more entangled.
09:56That's the ego for you.
10:09Are you getting it?
10:15So, that's the danger.
10:19How to avoid this danger?
10:21Avoid yourself.
10:23You are the danger.
10:27Doesn't matter that the scripture that you are using is the highest.
10:37Doesn't matter that the path of yoga you have selected is the highest.
10:50Nothing matters.
10:53No means will be effective
11:00if you are the driver of the means.
11:09Getting it?
11:14You may give a supercomputer to a criminal.
11:26It only adds to his destructive power.
11:38It doesn't quite transform him.
11:46There is a lowly thief.
11:56He steals bicycles.
12:04He started his career with stealing seats from bicycles.
12:25Now he has graduated to picking away entire bicycles.
12:40You make this thief sit in a high-end BMW.
12:57And you hand over the key.
13:03And after an hour, you expect a Buddha to emerge from the car?
13:18No Buddha will emerge from the car because there will be no car.
13:34Your wannabe Buddha has bicycled away the car.
13:43He has done with the car what he has always done with bicycles.
13:57That's what.
13:59Give the thief Ashtang Yoga and he will do with Ashtang Yoga
14:06what he has done with any resource all his life.
14:16Because everything is a resource to him.
14:20His first commitment is towards his own preservation.
14:30The ego is his God.
14:32He says I have to continue.
14:35Now whatever you give me has to be in service of my continuation.
14:43I am the Lord. Everything else is the servant.
14:48I will remain as I am.
14:55Are you getting it?
14:59Now we are taking very blatant examples where it is obviously brazenly clear
15:08that the fellow is evil-minded.
15:14This is not how we always operate.
15:18We mask our intentions.
15:22The thief is clear. I want to steal.
15:28There might come somebody and say you see I very well know that if I trust myself
15:34and my intellect then I'll never change.
15:41My intention really is not self-preservation.
15:47My intention is dissolution and therefore I am entering the process of yoga.
15:56Don't think that this fellow is necessarily submissive or willing to change.
16:09This fellow might be much more wicked than the thief.
16:15You know what this chap will do?
16:20The thief hijacks the process.
16:24This fellow will not hijack the process.
16:29This fellow will put the entire responsibility of his improvement or transformation or dissolution upon the process.
16:44He will say you see now I am a student of yoga.
16:50Therefore yoga has to take care of me.
16:57I will do nothing.
16:59What will be done will be done by yoga.
17:05Or now I am in the tutelage of some great teacher.
17:13So why do I need to be responsible anymore?
17:16I am not responsible anymore. Who is responsible? The teacher.
17:22But neither a process nor a teacher can work without your consent.
17:29Ultimately it's about your transformation, your life.
17:34Things will change if you really want them to change.
17:37Otherwise no change is going to come.
17:41So you won't really allow the change to come.
17:44By saying that who am I? I am a little speck of dust.
17:48The great teacher must now be in the driver's seat.
17:57He holds great responsibility for my improvement.
18:01And if I try to do anything while he is at work then I might be obstructing his work.
18:08Therefore I will do nothing.
18:11I will do nothing.
18:15This fellow sounds so respectful, so obedient.
18:23He is far more nefarious than the thief.
18:30The thief was at least clear with his intentions.
18:38I am a thief, I will steal.
18:41This fellow is trying to act as a yoga practitioner or a disciple.
18:49Whereas he has no intention at all of embracing Samadhi.
19:07The thief will just hurt you once, he has taken away the car, fine.
19:11This fellow will keep hurting the teacher continuously.
19:19And he will defame the whole process, the whole system, the teacher included.
19:31He will say, you see I was there and I completely handed myself over.
19:35I said I will do nothing. I am now all yours.
19:38You are the puppeteer, I am the puppet.
19:41Such was my surrender to the process and the teacher.
19:48And yet see no improvement happened.
19:50This is what he will say.
19:52He will cause the whole thing a deeper damage than any thief can ever cause.
20:03His resistance is passive.
20:13And when resistance is passive, it is even more insidious.
20:18The thief's ways are open and active.
20:34Are you getting it?
20:39Can you imagine this fellow?
20:46He is one of us. He is within us.
20:52Declaring externally sadly, inwardly proudly.
21:01You see I have tried everything, all kinds of yoga, all kinds of teachers.
21:07But nothing works, you know.
21:11All these yoga systems are dated and all the teachers are fraudsters.
21:18Nothing works.
21:20I haven't improved.
21:26And that's why the Upanishad says that the Sankalp,
21:34the Sankalp that makes you enter Ashtanga Yoga is a bondage.
21:43You are so obstinate that you will turn even yoga and gods and the best of men into your tools.
22:07Are you getting it?
22:09Like somebody hell-bent on ending his life.
22:15Throwing himself in front of a high-speed train.
22:21The high-speed train was meant to take you to a beneficial station, was it not?
22:32That was the entire vision.
22:37That sane people will board the train and use it to reach their destinations.
22:45But you can use even such a fine product to destroy yourself.
22:55And that's how most of us are in the inward sense.
22:59We might not jump in front of trains.
23:05But then there are more ways of destroying life than one.
23:21You need not physically kill yourself.
23:27You can keep mentally killing yourself.
23:35It's a great way to keep mentally killing yourself by abdicating the responsibility of your transformation.
23:43You might say, now I am with the great Patanjali and let him take care of me.
23:55How will Patanjali take care of you?
24:00You are so determined that you will take care of yourself.
24:07What can Patanjali do?
24:14Getting it.
24:20So, there is a great problem with all processes, methods and the guidance of teachers.
24:41The method might be there, but you are the one applying that method.
24:50The teacher might teach, but you are the one receiving the teaching.
24:56Therefore, it's all squarely upon you.
25:06But the teacher or the renowned process makes it easy for you to abdicate responsibility.
25:22And it makes it easier for you as well to declare that you are such a gone case that even Patanjali could not help you.
25:39If even Patanjali failed in uplifting me, surely there is no possibility of upliftment.
25:49Therefore, let me continue as I am.
26:01If even Patanjali failed on me, surely I am not made to improve.
26:10Maybe there is some genetic problem or something, I do not know.
26:13But what is certain is that even the best of teachers could not transform me.
26:20So fine, now that there is no hope of improvement, why waste time and energy in trying to improve?
26:29A better use of time and energy is have fun and you got what you wanted, right?
26:38Cheap and dirty fellow.
26:41This is what you always wanted, to have your cheap and little and dirty fun.
26:51And to have that little thing, you went to the extent of denigrating and defaming even Ashtang Yoga, even Patanjali, even the best of teachers.
27:11Just to relieve your guilty conscience, you want to tell yourself, it's not that I didn't want to be better.
27:21You see, I wanted to be better and the proof is that I went to Patanjali.
27:26But even Patanjali could not do anything.
27:29So I said fine, now let me enjoy life.
27:44The fact is you did not allow Patanjali to do anything.
27:57It says that there is danger in Ashtang Yoga.
28:06This is exactly what the ego wants to order from the menu, right?
28:19Yes, Ashtang Yoga is a problem, Upanishads are a problem, Bhakti is a problem, Bhagavad Gita is a problem.
28:30All these are just bondages.
28:33So why go after them?
28:37What is the point?
28:43The ego loves to hear this.
28:47I do not need the Bhagavad Gita, I do not need Ashtang Yoga.
28:53They all lead to bondages, they all lead to conditioning.
29:08The pig emerging freshly from the gutter is saying, I do not need the soap and the shampoo.
29:23They are just external things and they will become a layer on my pure and pristine skin.
29:42See, there is proof. You look at anybody using soap and there is so much foam, so much of an external thing on his existence.
29:59We do not need these things.
30:02We are pure as we are, says the pig.
30:33Or there can be even more fascinating arguments.
30:41All is one.
30:47So why have a deprecating attitude towards night soil?
31:10If God is everywhere, then he is there even in the contents of the gutter.
31:17Why must I unnecessarily discriminate?
31:38Since all is one, therefore the Bhagavad Gita and the grocery store pamphlet are the same.
31:47And I read a lot of grocery store pamphlets.
31:53Why do I need Bhagavad Gita?
32:00Or I am already Brahm. Am I not?
32:06You are Brahm, I am Brahm. It's quite egalitarian.
32:12There is nothing but Brahm.
32:14Alright, if I am not Brahm, at least I am 50% Shiva.
32:21Then why do I need the Bhagavad Gita?
32:26Look at your face, you 50% Shiva.
32:34How do you manage to sleep?
32:38How do you manage to look into the mirror?
32:46It's because of people like you that such verses had to be composed to warn.
32:57The verse says, there is bondage in the worship of gods and men.
33:02You can worship Shiva with the entire hidden purpose of just furthering bondage in the world.
33:28You have to be very very careful.
33:39Nothing will work, as they say, if you do not.
33:48Nothing will change for you if you do not.
33:57Therefore, from where I look at it, it all boils down to one word, intention.
34:06Do you even want the truth?
34:17Or another equivalent word, honesty.
34:22Is there honesty in your want?
34:33Many years back, someone used to keep saying, I tried this, I tried that.
34:41I have been in sadhana since many decades now.
34:47And his favorite refrain was, mila nahin kuch.
34:52Didn't get anything, mila nahin kuch.
34:56And one day, a bit fed up, I said, chahiye kya?
35:05He used to repeat, mila nahin.
35:11And I said, chahiye kya?
35:15Did you even want it?
35:22But it's a great way to shun responsibility and play the victim card.
35:30I tried my best.
35:33You can't blame me.
35:43I visited six teachers, did a nine-month course at Rishikesh,
35:50even flew abroad once to meet one great American master.
36:08Mila nahin kuch.
