Desire, Love and Maturity || Acharya Prashant, International Psychology Summit (2023)

  • 2 months ago
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Video Information: 16.02.23, International Psychology Summit Conference, Delhi

~ What is desire?
~ How to fulfill desires?
~ How to get rid of desires?
~ What is the importance of knowledge?
~ Does Understanding come from knowledge?
~ Is faith more important than knowledge?
~ What is knowledge?
~ What is devotion?
~ Which path is better: Knowledge or devotion?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Hello sir, so we were talking about love and usually desire and love is quite connected,
00:14so whenever I have observed in my relationships and people have always told me also that you
00:20are quite needy when it comes to love, so I am not, I wanted to understand how can I love people
00:31without being too needy and also what, how can someone love the other and not need them?
00:42You see, the lower desires, the way they function is you fulfill them and the desire proliferates,
01:02the more you fulfill that desire, the more you remain desirous, at most the desire will change
01:14name and form, getting it? Higher desire is the one that if addressed dissolves for good, that's
01:31what is a higher desire, so it's alright to be needy, it says that you should know your fundamental need,
01:39if you do not know what you really need, then you will shop for all the wrong things, won't you?
01:48And the world is a huge marketplace, there's so much available, in fact whatsoever you demand,
01:59the world will supply, so you should know first of all what your real need is and it's alright to be needy,
02:09but with the right need, otherwise if you will call something very ordinary as your need,
02:18then that's what you will get, ordinariness and that doesn't help you, that doesn't give you
02:29what you really require, so it's alright. I mean, see, need, desire, love, at the highest level these three are one,
02:48at the highest level these three are one, your beloved should be your biggest need,
02:56your biggest desire and your love, obviously it would be clear we cannot possibly talk of a person
03:16fulfilling these criteria, so that's the thing. Yes, follow question on this, I can see that this person is in suffering
03:32and is projecting suffering outwards as well, so for this kind of a man, as I can see that I am also in this situation,
03:41for me what can be my love?
03:50See, principally your love has to be self-centric, a story on love cannot begin with somebody else,
04:04it has to begin with yourself, right? And when you want to reach out and help, then the name of that love is compassion,
04:14that is a separate story for now. What you are talking of must begin with yourself, what is it that you really require from life?
04:29That's what you should be seeking and therefore the object of your love should be the object of your deepest respect,
04:39that's what reverence is, that's what devotion or worship is. In that surely there can be no attachment or possessiveness,
04:51there is no scope for all those things, right? You are looking at something very tremendous, how can you even dream of possessing it?
05:03And getting attached to something is one thing, getting devoted and dissolved is a totally different thing.
05:10It's just that our education does not teach us these things. From kindergarten to doctoral studies, there is no chapter on love,
05:23that's left to the literature side, no?
05:26That should be introduced in class 4 and that should be compulsory as a course till post-graduation, whatever.
05:46The real thing, the real thing, because if you do not teach them the real thing,
05:51they will take something biological or social as love.
05:56The hormones will get duly activated at some point and they will think that is what is to be called as love.
06:04There will be desire for something, some luminous attractive object in the world and they will think that is what is love.
06:12So if you do not teach them what is love, they will take totally the wrong thing as love.
06:20And then there are the movies, the icing on the cake, the songs, they are there to educate you on love.
06:35Hello Sir, my question is related to maturity. Is maturity just a function of physical age?
06:45Sir, because I watched a video of an influencer who pointed to the primacy of hormones and body chemistry that determines our maturity.
07:01But in one video of yours, you say that that is not physical age but spiritual age that matters.
07:14So how one can develop real maturity?
07:22What happens when a fruit gets ripe or mature?
07:32What happens? It leaves the tree, the physical ecosystem it came from, that is maturity.
07:42When you don't have to be compulsorily dependent on your physicality, then you are mature.
07:50Look at a child. Does a child have anything other than its physicality?
07:59Does a child understand, realize? Can a child even love? The child can be attached.
08:04But can the child even love? No.
08:06If the child feels hungry, let's talk of a baby, it just cries. It has no option not to cry.
08:17There is no consciousness there. There is only physical compulsiveness.
08:25Maturity is when you can override your body.
08:34Maturity is when you can transcend your body.
08:38And by body I mean the bodily compulsions that includes your thoughts, your feelings, everything because they are all bodily.
08:49You very well know how chemicals in the body translate into thoughts and feelings.
08:55We call them as thoughts, we call them as feelings.
08:59They are just chemicals within, right?
09:03So when you can transcend the urges of the body, the instincts, the thoughts, the feelings,
09:15then you deserve to be called mature.
09:18As long as you are body driven and thought driven and emotion driven and you don't have discretion,
09:28you cannot see what is going on, you cannot be called mature.
09:32To some extent it can be a function of age but not necessarily.
09:37You can have 80 years old living and dying very immaturely.
09:43Quite possible.
09:45And we have had several instances where people of small age, relatively young people, they displayed great maturity.
09:58So maturity is not necessarily a function of age.
10:02Age is not something that necessarily deserves respect.
10:07Respect is to be accorded to the level of your consciousness.
10:13And as your consciousness rises, you become less and less dependent, less and less enslaved.
10:26As we said you are able to transcend what is happening physically.
10:33And that's not just about your own physical body, the entire world is physical, right?
10:40When the physical world does not remain too much for you, then you can know that you are approaching maturity.
10:50Not only is your body physical, everything around is physical.
10:53When these physical things do not remain irresistible, then you should know that maturity is descending on you.
11:05If the body remains too much and the apple and the banana and the toy remains too much,
11:12then you are a baby, an infant, somebody very immature.
