SAY ni DOK | June is Dengue Awareness Month

  • 3 months ago
SAY ni DOK | June is Dengue Awareness Month

00:00It's raining carspeed. We should wear raincoats and pay for insect repellent.
00:05Because if we get bitten by mosquitoes, we might get dengue.
00:09That's why this morning, we will have Dr. Elmer Balvinis, a Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist,
00:15to give us a guide to avoid getting dengue.
00:19Doc, good morning. Welcome to Rise and Shine Philippines. This is Dian Carrere, Doc.
00:26Hi, Ma'am Dian. Good morning.
00:28Alright. Doc, please explain to us about this dengue disease.
00:33And what are the ways to avoid it, Doc?
00:40Good morning, Ma'am Dian. Good morning to our viewers on PTV.
00:44So, thank you for that question.
00:46Dengue is caused by the dengue virus.
00:49Usually, dengue virus has four serotypes.
00:53The reason why people get infected with dengue is due to the bite of mosquitoes.
00:58Mosquitoes transmit the virus to humans.
01:02So, how to prevent it?
01:03Of course, we will prevent the spread of mosquitoes.
01:06For example, the Department of Health has a 5S program for that.
01:12The 5S is composed of, number one, seek and destroy.
01:17Usually, seek and destroy places where there are many mosquitoes
01:21or where there is stagnant water.
01:22Number two is to seek for early consultation with your parents if you are their child.
01:29Number three is self-protection.
01:31As you said, the parents can help you wear long pants or long sleeves,
01:36especially in time or in places where there are many mosquitoes.
01:41They will support the fogging during the outbreak.
01:43And of course, they will sustain the hydration.
01:46So, that is the 5S program of the Department of Health for Dengue.
01:51Doc, how long can a person get infected with dengue?
01:59Thank you.
02:00Dengue can really affect an age group.
02:03Mosquitoes don't choose who they will infect or bite.
02:08From newborns to adults, you can have dengue.
02:12Although, it just so happens that dengue is more commonly symptomatic in younger children.
02:18The possible reason for this is that the immune system of the younger age group is weaker compared to adults.
02:24And of course, unlike for the elderly, it is true that adults have mild illness.
02:29And for the children, it's just that they don't express their feelings.
02:33So, my advice to the parents is that if their child has a fever and feels really bad,
02:39it would be better or safer to bring them to a clinic or a hospital.
02:44Doc Elmer, what are the symptoms of dengue that we should monitor?
02:50Thank you again for the question, Dr. Dayan.
02:52The symptoms of dengue are divided into three, depending on the severity.
02:58The first category is dengue without warning signs.
03:01These are our manifestations, which includes fever, sometimes they cough, sometimes they have joint pains and rash.
03:09The second category is dengue with warning signs.
03:11So, what are our warning signs?
03:13It would include a pain in the stomach, persistent vomiting, signs of bleeding, sometimes there's a nosebleed or bleeding from the blood,
03:24or sometimes their poops or what comes out of their mouth is black or red.
03:29And of course, sometimes the baby is really weak, especially for those with warning signs.
03:36So, again, if their child has a warning sign, they should bring them to the hospital.
03:40And lastly, the last is severe dengue.
03:44The severe dengue is composed of, number one, severe plasma leakage.
03:48The manifestations are there, the water can go to the lungs, the heart, even to the abdomen.
03:53Number two is severe bleeding.
03:55Like what I said, they use blood and sometimes their stool turns black or red.
04:01That's also a sign of bleeding.
04:04And number three, severe or blood impairment, or signs of heart failure, liver failure, and even kidney failures, especially if the dengue is severe.
04:13Every year, the cases of dengue are increasing in our country.
04:19How are the cases of dengue so far?
04:24So, what I can provide is what the Department of Health has given us.
04:30So, as of June 1, we already have 70,498 cases of dengue.
04:35And those cases have 197 deaths, or maybe around 0.28% of case mortality rates.
04:44So, if we base on that data, more or less, the survival rate is high, around 99.7%.
04:50So, most of the patients with dengue, or most of the children with dengue, survive.
04:57So, how is the treatment for dengue patients?
05:03So, in terms of treatment, we don't provide antiviral or antibiotics for dengue.
05:10The treatment for dengue is supportive and it monitors complications.
05:15So, again, depending on what I said earlier, if they have dengue without warning signs,
05:20usually oral fluid replacement and monitoring of the liver will suffice.
05:25So, there is no need to admit the patient.
05:27If there are warning signs, most of the time, oral fluid replacement will still be provided
05:32with antipyretics if there is an infection.
05:35And of course, their child will be monitored for progression of symptoms.
05:39Most of the time, they don't need to admit, but if they are in a faraway place,
05:43or if their child is really feeling bad, they should really be taken to the hospital.
05:48And if it is severe dengue, as I said earlier,
05:52they should really be taken to the hospital because their complications are really bad.
05:57Doc, are there home remedies that can be done to prevent dengue?
06:05So, thank you.
06:06So, for the home remedies, that is also what the Department of Health is advocating.
06:11And for our site in the Philippine Pancreatic Society and the Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines,
06:16the 5S policy against dengue is still the same.
06:20Number one, search and destroy, especially in places where there is a lot of mosquitos,
06:24stagnant water, seek out early consultation.
06:28If there are manifestations of warning signs in their child,
06:32the parents should really go to the doctor.
06:35Self-protection measures like long pants, long dresses, and mosquito repellents.
06:42They can also help on decreasing dengue.
06:46And of course, always inform the parents to always hybrid their child,
06:54bring plenty of water, because most of the time,
06:57the management of dengue is really supportive and they don't need to be hybridized.
07:04Well, Doc, thank you very much for sharing with us the information about dengue.
07:11Thank you very much, Doc Elmer.
07:13Thank you, Ma'am Diana.
