Tank Cooks McGriddles

  • 3 months ago
Frank The Tank
00:00This is not going to look anything like a McGriddle, it's going to look like a Mc-fucking-mess.
00:08Monja, Monja, bon appétit, let's eat, it's time for Tank's Cooks.
00:16Bonja, Monja, bon appétit, let's eat, it's time for Tank's Cooks.
00:22It's time, it's time, it's time once again for Tank's Cooks.
00:26Good morning, everybody.
00:28Welp, it's time to do some graphics again.
00:31And this time I got a recipe for a homemade McGriddle.
00:36You know, of course, what McDonald's makes.
00:38And, welp, we're going to start off with some pancake batter.
00:42So we're going to get one cup of pancake batter.
00:47Follow whatever the instructions are on your pancake box.
00:51I'm actually having a disagree.
00:59And it's about a cup, more or less.
01:03Alright, one cup of pancake batter.
01:06We're going to take three quarter cups of water.
01:18And now we have to mix this together, whisk it up, so to speak.
01:22Whisk it up, oh yes.
01:25Let's whisk up the batter.
01:27It doesn't matter when you whisk up the batter.
01:30Let's whisk up the batter.
01:33This looks awful liquidy to be real batter.
01:37Do I have to pour more in?
01:39Is this too whiskey? It doesn't look too whiskey.
01:42I think I have to pour just a little more batter in.
01:46So let's pour just a little more batter.
01:51That should help it, help the batter get fatter.
01:55Okay, yeah, this looks better.
02:00So whisk up the batter.
02:02You know, I've never made pancakes, so I've always fucking failed at it.
02:05Like, horribly failed at it.
02:08Put the pancakes out of the way.
02:11Put this out of the way, because we're making McGriddles.
02:14Now this recipe was sent to me by Nicholas Libertucci,
02:17who suggested I use Taylor ham in my McGriddles.
02:24So let me heat up this pan, spray it down nicely.
02:32Take out the Taylor ham, Taylor ham, Taylor ham.
02:37You know, Taylor ham is a spicy ham that's available in New Jersey.
02:42And there's a big debate.
02:45Is it Taylor ham, is it pork roll?
02:47It's Taylor ham.
02:49And only ruffians and Philly fans call it pork roll.
02:56So let's get this into the pan.
03:02I've also put some bacon in the air fryer for a little touch at the end.
03:08So let's get the bacon in the air, you get the Taylor ham into the air fryer.
03:13I'm going to get it into the frying pan, and we'll heat this up.
03:18Takes a couple of minutes.
03:20Doesn't take too long to cook this.
03:23So let's fry this up.
03:28Notice that the Taylor ham is starting to bubble.
03:32So that's not trouble, you just frying it out a little bit.
03:42Have them rotate in the pan.
03:48And then it's time to turn the meat around.
03:54Cook on the other side now.
03:57Turn the meat around.
03:59Yes, indeed, we're flipping the Taylor ham.
04:04There it is.
04:17Flip it again.
04:19Once it's crusted around a little bit, that's when it's done.
04:27And to really make it done, do like a Pac-Man thing.
04:34So it flattens out.
04:39And that ensures that it's cooked all the way through.
04:42All the way through, Taylor ham.
04:45All right, this Taylor ham is done.
04:48So what we need to do is remove it, put our fan on so we don't get any fire alarms.
04:55Remove it from the heat, put it to the side.
04:58Yes, indeed, we're going to put the ham to the side.
05:01Egg rings.
05:03Egg ring one, don't burn your finger.
05:06Egg ring two, don't burn that finger.
05:10Now we're going to take our easy egg cracker and put it in.
05:18Egg one.
05:25Egg two.
05:28And we'll cook up these eggs.
05:32And just for a little bit, we'll put a little accent to the eggs.
05:35Because this recipe is missing accent.
05:42Let's crack this yolk a little bit.
05:46Put a little salt and pepper on these eggs.
05:51Salt and pepper, salt and pepper.
05:53Let's put some salt and pepper on the eggs.
05:57All right.
05:59How are our eggs doing?
06:03Let's remove these egg rings.
06:11Yow, yow, yow, yow, yow.
06:19Now we'll take these eggs off and put these to the side.
06:26Actually, what we should do is flip the egg a little bit just so we cook it really good.
06:35Got some yolk in there.
06:38There we go.
06:41There we go.
06:43Get the egg out of the pan.
06:45Although we'll need to use the same pan again for the griddle.
06:53Now what we're going to do is we're going to use a ladle and ladle out the pancakes.
06:59You know what?
07:07You might need to add a little more cooking spray.
07:13All right.
07:14Use your ladle and make a couple of the griddles.
07:22God damn it.
07:24Why do all my pancakes suck?
07:27Pancakes suck.
07:29Pancakes suck.
07:30Why do all the pancakes suck?
07:33We'll just make one at a time.
07:36All right.
07:37You see how it's starting to bubble?
07:39You see how this is starting to bubble?
07:41That means it's cooking.
07:43That's right.
07:44Once the egg starts to bubble, it is really bubbling fast.
07:49Bubble, bubble.
07:50Trouble, trouble.
07:51It is bubbling, bubbling, bubbling, bubbling, bubbling.
07:55Bubble, bubble, bubble.
07:57Don't let it get troubled.
07:59Put a slice, two slices of pork roll right here.
08:08We're going to put the egg over here.
08:15We're going to also put some cheese on it.
08:22Then we're going to put some cheese here.
08:26Here we go.
08:27We're going to put some cheese.
08:32We might be burning.
08:33We better be turning.
08:35Let's get this on.
08:37Let's put some more pork roll on.
08:40Now we'll put a little more.
08:43Where's my batter?
08:44Where's my batter?
08:45I forgot my batter.
08:46We'll put a little more batter on.
08:50This is going to be batter up for this.
08:53Cover it up really nice.
08:59I think I fucked it up.
09:01I think I fucked it up.
09:07Let's get a fork to help us turn this around.
09:10Flip it around.
09:11Spin it around.
09:17Yeah, I fucked it up.
09:21I can't cook pancakes for the goddamn motherfucking life of me.
09:30This isn't pretty.
09:32All right, let's see how we're looking.
09:36It's not looking good.
09:45Well, I guess it's time to plate the meal.
09:54Time to plate the meal.
09:59Time to plate the goddamn meal.
10:05Time to plate this mess.
10:09It didn't come out anything like it should have.
10:13Time to plate the meal.
10:17Time to plate the meal.
10:21All right, let's see if we can make the best out of this disaster.
10:24Thanks again, Nicholas Libertucci.
10:27If you want to send a recipe, njtank99 at gmail.com.
10:32Let's put a little butter on this massive mess we have here.
10:38This butter does make it better.
10:41Even though I don't know if anything can make this better.
10:44What a mess.
10:46At least the bacon I cooked up in the air fryer came out decently.
10:49Can't fuck that up.
10:50You know, this is why I don't eat Brefix.
10:53I can't fucking cook a good Brefix to save my goddamn motherfucking life.
10:57Here we go.
10:59Spread the butter around.
11:01Put enough butter all around.
11:06This didn't come out good at all.
11:08Can you tell it's going to suck?
11:11It's going to suck.
11:14All right, get a little bit of syrup on here.
11:19Let's see.
11:21Does it taste as bad as it looks?
11:23Does it taste as bad as it looks?
11:25Well, we're going to find out.
11:28We're going to find out.
11:30All right, let's get a nice little piece here.
11:35I see the ham.
11:36I see the egg.
11:37I see the cheese.
11:38All in one bite.
11:39Let's see.
11:46Well, it came out.
11:48It doesn't taste that bad, but I'm sure people can make it better than me.
11:55So, monja, monja, bon appetit.
11:59Let's eat.
12:02It's time before I try pancakes again.